1 Overview
As leader of the mobileGTä alliance, Motorola is pleased to announce the first Standard
Development Platform (SDP) for mobileGT. This complete development system includes a robust
target hardware system designed around the highly integrated, automotive-qualified MPC823e
PowerPC processor. It also includes a complete software development tool set for Microsoft
Windowsä-hosted development of Java and QNX C/C++ applications, using the popular
CodeWarrior Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Motorola, as part of their Driver Information Systems (DIS) business, has formed an alliance of
best-of-breed companies to create the mobileGT architecture. This architecture is targeted for
development of in-vehicle client systems in the automotive market. The expertise of the combined
companies has led to an optimum balance of cost, quality, and time-to-market for both
development efforts and production solutions. As the software investment grows, the new
PowerPC processors and mobileGT platforms extend the automotive product developments.
QNX Software Systems Ltd. provides the software foundation for the system. The QNX RTOS
(Real Time Operating System) combines a fault-tolerant architecture with a small memory
footprint. Designed for dynamically upgradable mobile systems, the QNX RTOS allows new
applications and drivers to be downloaded and started on the fly, no reboot or user-intervention
required. This allows OEMs to maintain or upgrade systems’ services long after the vehicle has
been sold with minimal or no impact to the customer.
IBM's implementation of Java technology is supported with the IBM VisualAge Micro Edition tools,
providing everything needed by embedded Java developers. The J9 Virtual Machine from Object
Technologies International has real-time Java2 technology and supports multiple Java class
libraries, including certain Java-compatible configurations. J9 is optimized to work with QNX at the
thread level, delivering excellent performance for embedded applications. J9 also supports OSGi
bundle management for dynamic downloads and runtime code replacement.
Metrowerks provides the popular CodeWarrior IDE, which speeds development time by creating,
compiling, linking, assembling, and debugging within an integrated development environment. The
project manager and build system enable the creation of solid code and shorten the
compile/edit/debug cycles. The tightly integrated CodeWarrior development environment with its
intuitive GUI (Graphical User Interface) for embedded development enhances software
Embedded Planet designs and builds the target system hardware. The flexible hardware allows
developers to configure the solutions to the optimum set of available Input/Output (I/O). The
integrated TFT LCD display with touch screen is helpful for product developments requiring a
graphics Human Machine Interface (HMI.) The RPX bus interface provides for custom hardware
solutions to be quickly added to the standard Micro Processing Unit (MPU) board, which reduces
cost and cycle time for prototyping custom solutions.
The MPC823e PowerPC processor provides an automotive-qualified, high-performance 32-bit
MPU with highly integrated I/O. The dual MPU core architecture allows the main processor to be
free from management of the integrated I/O. The integrated I/O allows for lower system
production costs and flexibility in product designs using a common platform approach. The
integrated LCD/Video controller is cost efficient for products requiring a display.
Motorola, in partnership with Metrowerks, provides complete technical support for development.
From startup to custom engineering, embedded development experts are available for questions.
A variety of training programs are available. Customized training, custom design, software
development, and consulting services can also be provided.