T4-LDS-0246-2, Rev. 1 (120180) ©2012 Microsemi Corporation Page 1 of 5
SMBJ5333B thr u SMBJ5388B
Available Surface Mo unt Silicon 5 Watt
Zener Diodes
The S MB J5 33 3B - SMBJ53 88B s eries of s ur fac e m ou n t 5.0 watt Zen ers provides a selec tion
from 3 . 3 to 20 0 volt s wit h d iff eren t t oler an c es as i den t ified b y su ffi x let ter on t h e part n um b er.
It is equivalent to the JEDEC registered 1N5333
thru 1N5388B with identical electrical
characteristics and testing. These parts are available with either Sn/Pb plating or a RoHS
compliant matte-tin finis h. This J-bend des ign ( SMBJ) in the DO-214AA allows fo r great er PC
board mounting density. These plasti c en capsu lated Zeners have a mois tu r e class ification of
“Level 1” wit h no d ry p ack requ ired . Micr osem i al so offer s n um erou s ot h er Zen er p rod u ct s to
meet higher and lower power applicati ons .
J-Bend Package
NOTE: All SMB series are
equi valent to prior SMS package
Also available in:
DO-215AA Package
(Gull-wing s urface mo unt )
SMBG5333 – SMBG5388
T-18 Package
1N5333 – 1N5388
Important: For the latest informati on, visi t our website http://www.microsemi.com.
• Sur face mount equiv alent to JEDE C registered 1N5333 thru 1N5388 series.
• Ideal for high-density and lo w-profile mounting.
• Zener voltage available 3.3 V to 200 V.
• Plus/minus 10%, 5% and 2% voltage tolerances are available.
(See part nomenclature block.)
• RoHS compliant versions available.
• Regulates voltage over broad operating current and temperature ranges.
• Wide selection from 3.3 to 200 V.
• Non-sensitive to ESD per MIL-STD-750 method 1020.
• Wi th stands high surge st re sses.
• Minimal changes of voltage versus current.
• High specified maximum current (IZM) with adequate heat sinking.
• Moisture classifi cation is “Level 1” per IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020B with no dry pack required.
MSC – Lawrence
6 Lake Street,
Lawrence, MA 01841
Tel: 1-800-446-1158 or
(978) 620-2600
Fax: (978) 689-0803
MSC – Ireland
Gort Road Business Park,
Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044
Fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298
Parameters/Test Conditions
Junction and Storage Temperature
Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Lead
Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient (1)
Off-State Power Dissipation @ 25 oC (2)
Solder Temperature @ 10 s
Notes: 1. When mounted on FR4 PC board (1oz Cu) w ith recommended footprin t (see pad layout).
2. 5 watts at TL < 25 oC, or 1.38 watts at TA = 25 ºC when m ounted on FR4 PC board wi t h reco mm e nde d
footpr int (also see Figure 1).