iHP Owner's Manual iHP Owners Manual Contents Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 10 1.1 General Description .............................................................................................................................. 10 1.2 Operational Overview ........................................................................................................................... 10 1.3 Specification Summary .......................................................................................................................... 11 1.3.1 Environmental ................................................................................................................................... 14 1.3.2 Electrical Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 14 1.3.3 Mechanical Outline ........................................................................................................................... 17 1.3.4 Front and Rear Panel ......................................................................................................................... 17 Installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 2.1 Inspection of Packaging and IHP System............................................................................................... 19 2.2 Package Contents .................................................................................................................................. 19 2.3 Installation Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 20 2.3.1 Location Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 20 2.3.2 Lifting Provision ................................................................................................................................. 21 2.3.3 Mounting ........................................................................................................................................... 21 2.4 Inserting Modules ................................................................................................................................. 21 2.5 Input and Output Wiring ....................................................................................................................... 23 2.5.1 AC Input Wiring ................................................................................................................................. 24 2.5.2 DC Output Wiring .............................................................................................................................. 26 2.5.3 Remote Sense Wiring ........................................................................................................................ 27 2.5.4 Parallel Module Connection .............................................................................................................. 27 2.5.5 Current Share Signal Wiring .............................................................................................................. 28 2.5.6 Series Modules Connection............................................................................................................... 28 2.5.7 Output Blocking Diode and Antiparallel Diode Recommendation ................................................... 29 Digital Communication .................................................................................................................................. 32 3.1 iHP Digital Communication Identifier.................................................................................................... 33 3.1.1 iHP Address ....................................................................................................................................... 34 3.1.2 Internal Device Address inside iHP.................................................................................................... 35 3.2 iHP Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 35 iHP Manual 2|Page iHP Owners Manual 3.3 Interval Between User Commands ....................................................................................................... 36 3.4 Ethernet Communication ...................................................................................................................... 36 3.5 RS485 Communication .......................................................................................................................... 40 3.6 CAN Communication ............................................................................................................................. 41 Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 43 4.1 iHP System Power-up ............................................................................................................................ 43 4.1.1 Initial Power-up ................................................................................................................................. 43 4.1.2 iHP Module Default Settings ............................................................................................................. 44 4.1.3 ISOCOMM Default Settings ............................................................................................................... 46 4.2 Module and Rack Hardware Signals ...................................................................................................... 46 4.2.1 Module Interface Signals................................................................................................................... 47 Module's J1 Signal ..................................................................................................................... 47 Analog Voltage Programming ............................................................................................. 48 Analog Current Programming ............................................................................................. 49 SYS_RTN .............................................................................................................................. 50 Isolated Output Inhibit ........................................................................................................ 50 Isolated Output Enable ....................................................................................................... 51 Isolated Fault Signal ............................................................................................................ 52 Module's J2 Signal ..................................................................................................................... 53 V_SNS+ and V_SNS-............................................................................................................. 54 External Current Sense........................................................................................................ 55 Current Monitor (IMON) ..................................................................................................... 56 Voltage Monitor (VMON) .................................................................................................... 57 Current Sharing Signal (ISHARE) .......................................................................................... 57 D_RTN ................................................................................................................................. 57 4.2.2 iHP Rack Communications and Interfaces......................................................................................... 58 USB Port .................................................................................................................................... 59 ETHERNET Port .......................................................................................................................... 59 RS485/CAN Port ........................................................................................................................ 59 CANL and CANH................................................................................................................... 59 RS485_A and RS485_B ........................................................................................................ 59 GND ..................................................................................................................................... 60 iHP Manual 3|Page iHP Owners Manual 5V Housekeeping Bias ......................................................................................................... 60 LAN RESET BUTTON ................................................................................................................... 60 LAN STATUS LED ........................................................................................................................ 60 DSUB9 Port ................................................................................................................................ 60 5V Housekeeping Bias ......................................................................................................... 61 5V Housekeeping Bias Return ............................................................................................. 61 Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1" ........................................................................................... 61 Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" ........................................................................................... 62 ACOK Signal "Power Fail" (Uncommitted Transistor) ......................................................... 63 DCOK Signal "Output Fail" (Uncommitted Transistor) ........................................................ 63 4.3 Module Operating Mode ...................................................................................................................... 64 4.4 Digital Control ....................................................................................................................................... 65 4.4.1 Digital Voltage Source (DVS) ............................................................................................................. 65 DVS Protection Modes .............................................................................................................. 67 DVS Protection Over Current Response .............................................................................. 67 DVS Short Circuit Protection ............................................................................................... 68 DVS Protection Over Voltage Protection (OVP) .................................................................. 68 DVS Protection Under Voltage Protection (UVP) ................................................................ 68 4.4.2 Digital Current Source (DCS) ............................................................................................................. 69 DCS Protection Modes .............................................................................................................. 70 DCS Protection: Constant Voltage Clamp ........................................................................... 70 DCS Protection: Over Current Response and Short Circuit Protection ............................... 70 DCS Protection: Over Voltage Protection (OVP) ................................................................. 71 DCS Protection: Under Voltage Protection (UVP) ............................................................... 71 4.4.3 Module Grouping for Series or Parallel Connection Digital Operation ............................................. 71 DVS Parallel Connection ............................................................................................................ 71 DVS Parallel Connection Protection .................................................................................... 72 DVS Series Connection .............................................................................................................. 72 DVS Series Connection Protection ...................................................................................... 74 DCS Parallel Connection ............................................................................................................ 74 DCS Parallel Connection Protection .................................................................................... 74 4.5 Analog Control....................................................................................................................................... 75 iHP Manual 4|Page iHP Owners Manual 4.5.1 Analog Voltage Source (AVS)............................................................................................................. 75 AVS Protection Modes .............................................................................................................. 77 AVS Protection Over Current Response .............................................................................. 77 AVS Short Circuit Protection ............................................................................................... 78 AVS Protection Over Voltage Protection (OVP) .................................................................. 78 AVS Protection Under Voltage Protection (UVP) ................................................................ 78 4.5.2 Analog Current Source (ACS) ............................................................................................................. 78 ACS Protection Modes............................................................................................................... 80 ACS Protection: Constant Voltage Clamp ........................................................................... 80 ACS Protection: Over Current Protection and Short Circuit Protection.............................. 80 ACS Protection: Over Voltage Protection (OVP) ................................................................. 80 ACS Protection: Under Voltage Protection (UVP) ............................................................... 80 4.5.3 Module Grouping for Series or Parallel Connection Analog Operation ............................................ 80 AVS Parallel Connection ............................................................................................................ 81 AVS Parallel Connection Protection .................................................................................... 81 AVS Series Connection .............................................................................................................. 81 AVS Parallel Connection Protection .................................................................................... 82 ACS Parallel Connection ............................................................................................................ 82 AVS Series Connection Protection ...................................................................................... 83 Configuration ................................................................................................................................................. 84 5.1 ISOCOMM User Configurable Parameters ............................................................................................ 84 5.1.1 Home Section .................................................................................................................................... 87 Home Page ISOCOMM Section ................................................................................................. 88 Home Page Module Section ...................................................................................................... 88 Home Page Racks Section ......................................................................................................... 88 5.1.2 Network Section ................................................................................................................................ 89 DHCP.......................................................................................................................................... 90 Static IP Address ........................................................................................................................ 90 CAN/RS485 Setting .................................................................................................................... 90 5.1.3 Rack Section ...................................................................................................................................... 91 Internal Ambient Temperature OTP ......................................................................................... 91 Power-Up Sequence .................................................................................................................. 92 iHP Manual 5|Page iHP Owners Manual INH0/EN0 TTL and INH1/EN1 TTL Function............................................................................... 92 Disable on 5V_STBY Fault .......................................................................................................... 93 Rack Synchronized Off............................................................................................................... 93 5.1.4 Module Section ................................................................................................................................. 94 Module Synchronized OFF ........................................................................................................ 95 Module Group ........................................................................................................................... 96 5.1.5 Firmware Section .............................................................................................................................. 96 5.1.6 Maintenance Section ...................................................................................................................... 101 5.2 iHP Module User Configurable Parameters ........................................................................................ 102 5.2.1 Module Command 01h: MODULE_OPERATION.............................................................................. 103 5.2.2 Module Command 48h: OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER ................................................................ 103 5.2.3 Module Command 4Bh: UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER ................................................................ 103 5.2.4 Module Command 4Dh: OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER................................................................ 104 5.2.5 Module Command 52h: OC_RESPONSE_TYPE ................................................................................ 104 5.2.6 Module Command B7h: SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC ................................................................. 105 5.2.7 Module Command B1h: VREF ......................................................................................................... 105 Module Group .............................................................................................................................................. 107 6.1 Group Device Address ......................................................................................................................... 107 6.2 Group Initialization at Start up ............................................................................................................ 108 6.3 Module within a Group Read/Write Command .................................................................................. 108 6.4 Group Write Command ....................................................................................................................... 108 6.5 Accepted Group Commands using Group Device Address ................................................................. 109 6.6 Accepted Group Commands using ISOCOMM Device Address .......................................................... 109 6.7 Group Status and Reporting ................................................................................................................ 109 Multi-Rack Operation................................................................................................................................... 112 7.1 During Turn-On.................................................................................................................................... 113 7.2 During Turn-off .................................................................................................................................... 114 7.3 From Module Standby Activated to Module Standby De-activated. .................................................. 114 7.4 From Fault to Fault Clear..................................................................................................................... 114 7.5 Broadcast Command on Multi Rack Operation .................................................................................. 114 Faults and Output Recovery. ....................................................................................................................... 116 8.1 Module Fault ....................................................................................................................................... 116 iHP Manual 6|Page iHP Owners Manual 8.2 Module Clear Fault and output Recovery ........................................................................................... 117 8.3 PFC Fault .............................................................................................................................................. 118 8.4 PFC Clear Fault and Output Recovery ................................................................................................. 120 8.5 ISOCOMM Fault................................................................................................................................... 121 8.6 ISOCOMM Clear Fault and Output Recovery ...................................................................................... 122 Accepted iHP Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 124 9.1 Module Stand-Alone Configuration .................................................................................................... 124 9.2 Parallel Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 125 9.3 Series Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 126 Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................................... 129 Appendix A - LED ................................................................................................................................................ 131 Appendix B -COMMAND .................................................................................................................................... 132 B.1 PFC Command ........................................................................................................................................... 132 B.2 MODULE Command ................................................................................................................................... 136 B.3 ISOCOMM Command ................................................................................................................................ 162 B.4 Data Format: Linear ................................................................................................................................... 172 B.5 Data Format: Direct ................................................................................................................................... 174 Appendix C - MODULE REGISTER MFR_REG (FAE and VAR only) ....................................................................... 176 Appendix D - FAE and VAR Only ......................................................................................................................... 189 iHP Manual 7|Page iHP Owners Manual List of Figures Figure 1-1 External dimensions of iHP system ..................................................................................................... 17 Figure 1-2 Front panel of iHP system .................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 1-3 Rear Panel of iHP system ..................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 2-1 Package contents of typical iHP system .............................................................................................. 19 Figure 2-2 Lifting hole location for the power system .......................................................................................... 21 Figure 2-3 Module insertion into system .............................................................................................................. 22 Figure 2-4 Blank panel covering for rear of system .............................................................................................. 23 Figure 2-5 Rear panel showing AC wiring and ground terminal ........................................................................... 25 Figure 2-6 AC terminals and ferrule diagram ........................................................................................................ 26 Figure 2-7 DC output wiring diagram .................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 2-8 Output modules in parallel with busbars............................................................................................. 28 Figure 2-9 Output modules in series and parallel ................................................................................................. 29 Figure 2-10 Blocking diode for use when connecting modules in parallel ........................................................... 30 Figure 2-11 Antiparallel diode for use when connecting modules in series ......................................................... 31 Figure 3-1 12kW and 24kW ISOCOMM Section .................................................................................................... 32 Figure 3-2 24kW iHP rack internal communication architecture.......................................................................... 33 Figure 3-3 12kW iHP rack internal communication architecture.......................................................................... 34 Figure 3-4 iHP system connected directly to the PC (static IP) ............................................................................. 37 Figure 3-5 IHP system connected using a router or switch .................................................................................. 38 Figure 3-6 Multiple iHP systems connected to PC via a router or switch ............................................................. 39 Figure 3-7 Terminating resistors required for RS485 interface ............................................................................ 40 Figure 3-8 Terminating resistors are required for CAN interface ......................................................................... 41 Figure 4-1 AC Input connections and AC input rating label location .................................................................... 43 Figure 4-2 Front Panel Power LED......................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 4-3 Module J1 and J2 signal connections for controlling the modules ...................................................... 47 Figure 4-4 Isolated output inhibit circuits to externally inhibit the module. ........................................................ 51 Figure 4-5 Isolated Output Enable to externally Enable module. ......................................................................... 52 Figure 4-6 Isolated fault signal to signal a module fault condition ....................................................................... 53 Figure 4-7 Examples of star connections for remote sensing ............................................................................... 55 Figure 4-8 Location of external shunt and external shunt sense lines ................................................................. 56 Figure 4-9 Communication ports on back panel of iHP rack ................................................................................. 58 Figure 4-10 RS485/CAN Port pinout...................................................................................................................... 59 Figure 4-11 Dsub9 Port pinout .............................................................................................................................. 60 Figure 4-12 Possible circuits configuration for ACOK functionality ...................................................................... 63 Figure 4-13 Possible circuits configuration for DCOK functionality ...................................................................... 64 iHP Manual 8|Page iHP Owners Manual List of Tables Table 1-1................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Table 1-2................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Table 1-3................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Table 1-4................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Table 1-5................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Table 1-6................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Table 2-1................................................................................................................................................................ 24 Table 2-2................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Table 2-3................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Table 2-4................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Table 2-5................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Table 3-1................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Table 3-2................................................................................................................................................................ 36 Table 4-1................................................................................................................................................................ 45 Table 4-2................................................................................................................................................................ 46 Table 4-3................................................................................................................................................................ 47 Table 4-4................................................................................................................................................................ 48 Table 4-5................................................................................................................................................................ 49 Table 4-6................................................................................................................................................................ 49 Table 4-7................................................................................................................................................................ 50 Table 4-8................................................................................................................................................................ 53 Table 4-9................................................................................................................................................................ 56 Table 4-10.............................................................................................................................................................. 57 Table 4-11.............................................................................................................................................................. 57 Table 4-12.............................................................................................................................................................. 59 Table 4-13.............................................................................................................................................................. 61 Table 4-14.............................................................................................................................................................. 62 Table 4-15.............................................................................................................................................................. 65 Table 4-16.............................................................................................................................................................. 66 Table 4-17.............................................................................................................................................................. 69 Table 4-18.............................................................................................................................................................. 73 Table 4-19.............................................................................................................................................................. 76 Table 4-20.............................................................................................................................................................. 79 Table 4-21.............................................................................................................................................................. 82 iHP Manual 9|Page iHP Owners Manual Overview 1.1 General Description The Intelligent High Power (iHP) series is an addition to Artesyn's existing breadth of configurable AC to DC power supply products. The iHP series offers the highest power and voltage rating in the configurable family and provides the most flexible and universal solutions for medical and industrial applications. The iHP series provides accuracy, resolution, and stability as either a programmable voltage or current source. The basic modular concept consists of an iHP rack into which iHP modules are inserted. The rack is a Power Factor corrected front-end converting worldwide standard AC input voltages into a regulated high voltage DC (HVDC) output. The pluggable modules provide an extended range of voltage and current combinations converting the HVDC input into programmable 3KW increments of output power. iHP output modules are configured into a power system by plugging the modules into one of two different standard 19" AC-HVDC racks. One rack houses up to four modules (12KW) and the other rack up to eight modules (24KW). Provisions are made for up to six racks to be connected and controlled in parallel. Safety approvals secured by Artesyn eliminate the need for an isolation transformer in medical equipment. The iHP system also has industrial safety approvals, including compliance to the SEMI F47 standard for semiconductor processing equipment. The iHP series offers developers either an analog or digital interface to their system, supporting standard communications protocols, including CANbus, Ethernet, and RS485. Digital control enables the use of Artesyn's high-level PowerPro software graphical user interface (GUI) to control and monitor all functions on one or multiple iHP systems. The PowerPro GUI also incorporates graphical script creation that allows users to write their own process control routines. The iHP series offers efficient power factor correction (PFC) and low total harmonic distortion (THD) over a wide range of loads. It uses a multi-phase continuous mode boost PFC architecture, resulting in ripple current cancellation that offers lower EMI and extends the life of electrolytic capacitors. Users can configure and customize the iHP modules to fit exact applications requirements. A qualified service personnel can configure the iHP rack for single or three phase inputs. The modules can be connected in series or parallel, while achieving accurate voltage and current sharing. Using grouping commands, modules in parallel or series can be controlled as one single output. For specific types of load applications, the iHP system can be programmed to three different compensation configurations including resistive load, capacitive load and LED load. The LED load compensation opens new applications for large horticulture farms that require high voltage for many LED strings tied in series. 1.2 Operational Overview The iHP system is designed to be configurable to meet varied design requirements. The number of configurable parameters is extensive and access to the parameters is via a computer interface instead of the front panel. Before operating the supply, it is important that communication between a computer and the supply be established and the supply operational parameters be configured for the intended application. iHP Manual 10 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual The simplest way to get started is to use the Power Pro Connect Module (PPCM) to establish a link to the supply. The PPCM allows the user to quickly establish a connection with the power supply with a Web based GUI and set up the power supply. The configuration of the supply can be set up to run autonomously when powered on, controlled via rear panel digital and analog input and outputs, or actively controlled via the PPCM. For more advanced users developing their own software control, the PPCM is not required and the supply can be directly interfaced via the users preferred standard communications protocols, including CANbus, Ethernet and RS485. 1.3 Specification Summary Tables 1-1 and Table 1-2 below summarize the 24K and 12K input parameters, followed by Table 1-3 outlining the general Module specifications Table 1-1 iHP24 Electrical Specifications Input Parameter Input range Number of phases Frequency Phase detection Max current/phase Under voltage detection Current inrush Power factor Harmonic distortion Line interruption Input leakage current Power switch Input protection Input overvoltage protection Phase imbalance Rack parallel Efficiency Standby voltage Standby regulation Standby max current iHP Manual 19" Rack 24 KW strapped as 3-phase 19" Rack 24 KW strapped as 3-phase 380/480 Vac Nominal (iHP24H3A/L) 208/240 Vac Nominal (iHP24L3A/L) 342 Vac to 528 Vac 187.5 Vac to 264 Vac (Nominal rating 380/480 Vac) (Nominal rating 208/240 Vac) 3-phase (Wye or Delta) 4 wire total (3-phase and 1 protective earth ground) 47-63 Hz Loss of phase will inhibit unit off. Housekeeping/comms must continue with phase loss. 51 A @ 342 Vac 84 A @ 187.5 Vac 40 A @ 432 Vac Nominal input locked on at turn-on. Under voltage shutdown at 15% below nominal. Turn-on at 12% below nominal. Not to interfere with SEMI F47 specs. 2.5 x Max input current > 0.98 @ full load and nominal line THD < 13%, PWHD < 22% (refer to EN 61000-3-12) Designed to meet SEMI F47-0706, 53, 58, S14 at nominal input voltages < 2.5 mA (Note for fixed condition 3rd edition leakage = 5 mA) Front panel power switch provided Internal fuse (not user serviceable) Up to 115% of nominal input shall not damage unit 5% Up to 6 racks (144 KW) > 90% @ 3P 380 Vac full load > 90% @ 3P 208 Vac full load > 91% @ 3P 480 Vac full load > 91% @ 3P 240 Vac full load 5V 4.75 - 5.25 V 1A 11 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 1-2 iHP12 Electrical Specifications Input Parameter Input range Number of phases Frequency Phase detection Max current/phase Under voltage detection Current inrush Power factor Harmonic distortion Line interruption Input leakage current Power switch Input protection Input overvoltage protection Phase imbalance Rack parallel Efficiency Standby voltage Standby regulation Standby max current iHP Manual 19" Rack 12 KW strapped as 1-phase 200/220/230/240 Vac Nominal (iHP12L1A) 180 Vac to 264 Vac (Nominal rating 200/220/230/240 Vac) 1-phase 3-wire total (2phase and 1 protective earth ground) 19" Rack 12 KW strapped as 3-phase 200/208/240 Vac Nominal (iHP12L3A) 19" Rack 12 KW strapped as 3-phase 380/480 Vac Nominal (iHP12H3A) 180 Vac to 264 Vac (Nominal rating 200/208/240 Vac) 342 Vac to 528 Vac (Nominal rating 380/480 Vac) 3-phase (Wye or Delta) 4-wire total (3-phase and 1 protective earth ground) 47-63 Hz NA Loss of phase will inhibit unit off. Housekeeping/comms must continue with phase loss. 23 A @ 342 Vac 19 A @ 432 Vac Nominal input locked on at turn-on. Under voltage shutdown at 15% below nominal. Turn-on at 12% below nominal. Not to interfere with SEMI F47 specs. 2.5 x Max input current > 0.99 @ full load and > 0.98 @ full load and nominal line nominal line 75 A @ 180 Vac 44 A @ 180 Vac THD < 13%, PWHD < 22% (refer to EN 61000-3-12) Designed to meet SEMI F47-0706, 53, 58, S14 at nominal input voltages < 1.25 mA <2.5 mA Front panel power switch provided Internal fuse (not user serviceable) Up to 115% of nominal input shall not damage unit NA < 5% < 5% Up to 6 racks (72 KW) > 91% @ 1P 240 Vac full load > 90% @ 1P 208 Vac/200 Vac full load > 91% @ 3P 240 Vac full load > 90% @ 3P 208 Vac/200 Vac full load > 90% @ 3P 380 Vac full load > 91% @ 3P 480 Vac full load 5V 4.75 - 5.25 V 1A 12 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 1-3 OUTPUT - General Specifications MODULE CODE # Outputs Nominal O/P (V) Max Power (W) O/P Current Range (A) Power Density (W/cu-in) Efficiency (%) Module Input Voltage Module Operating Temp Series Operation Parallel Operation iHP Manual SL 1 12.0 V 2400 W SQ 1 24.0 V 2880 W SW 1 48.0 V 3000 W 0.0 A - 200 A 0.0 A - 120 A 0.0 A - 62.5 A 32.5 39.0 93.5 93.5 Parameter S8 1 80.0 V 3000 W S1 1 125.0 V 3000 W SA 1 200.0V 3000 W S2 1 250.0 V 3000 W 0.0 A - 37.5 A 0.0 A -24 A 0.0 A -15 A 0.0 A -12 A 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 400 V -0 C to +65 C; Baseplate Temp TBD 12V, 24V & 48V modules can be connected in series up to 300 V for Medical 12V, 24V & 48V modules can be connected in series up to 400 V for ITE 80V, 125V, 200V & 250 V modules can be connected in series up to 800 V for Medical 80V, 125V, 200V & 250 V modules can be connected in series up to 1000 V for ITE Up to 8 modules can be paralleled in 1 rack, with up to 6 racks connected in parallel. Single Wire Parallel connection will be provided as part of configuration 13 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 1.3.1 Environmental Table 1-4 outlines the operating and non-operating environmental requirements. Table 1-4 Environmental Specifications Operating Conditions Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Humidity Operating Altitude Storage Altitude Vibration Shock Shipping and Handling Cooling and Audible Noise Ingress Protection Pollution Degree RoHS Compliance 1.3.2 ALL MODELS (Unless Otherwise Specified) 0 C to +50 C at 100% rated load. -40 C to +85 C. For Liquid Cooled models, liquid must be drained before storage 20% - 90% non-condensing 10% - 95% non-condensing Up to 9,842 feet above sea level (3,000 meters) Up to 30,000 feet above sea level (9,144 meters) Operating Sinusoidal Vibration MIL-STD-810G Method 528 Procedure I (Type 1): NEBS Office Vibration Environment, Alternate Procedure Operating Random Vibration: IPC-9592B Class 1 Non-Operating Vibration (Packaged): IPC-9592B Class 1; MIL-STD-810G, Method 514.6, Procedure 1, Category 7, Table 514.6C-VII General Exposure MIL-STD-810G Method 516.6 Procedures I, II, IV, VI NSTA for <100 lbs.; MIL-STD-2073-1 >100 lbs. <65 dBA with 80% load @ 30 C at nominal input voltage with Smart Fan algorithm to be optimized based on module and rack thermal sensors. When modules are inhibited via software control, the fan speed is reduced to idle and acoustic noise is <46 dBA. With modules off via front panel switch fans are at idle for 1 min, and off for 9 min. Fan Cooled = IP20 2 Yes Electrical Specifications The electrical specification for each module type is dependent on if the module is operating in voltage mode or current mode. Table 1-5 lists the electrical specifications when operating in voltage mode and Table 1-6 lists the specifications when operating in current mode. iHP Manual 14 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 1-5 OUTPUT - Module in Voltage Source Mode Voltage Source MODULE CODE Nominal Output (V) Setting Range (V) Low Frequency RMS Ripple (mV) Line Regulation (mV) Load Regulation (mV) P-P Ripple (mV) Drift (Temp Stability) Temp Coefficient (PPM/C) Pgm Accuracy (mV) Pgm Resolution (mV) Meas Accuracy (mV) Meas Resolution Transient Response Current Sense Method iHP Manual SL SQ SW S8 S1 SA S2 12 24 48 80 125 200 250 0.6 V - 14.4 V 1.2 V - 28.8 V 2.4 V - 57.6 V 4.0 V - 96.0 V 6.25 V - 150.0 V 10.0 V - 240.0 V 12.5 V - 300.0 V 24 48 96 160 250 500 500 12 24 48 80 125 200 250 24 48 96 160 250 400 500 60 120 240 400 625 1250 1250 0.05% of Iout Rated over 8 hours, after 30-minute warm up, constant Line, Load and Temp 200 Digital: 0.1% of Nominal Output Voltage; Analog: 1.0% of Nominal Output Voltage SL=TBD; SQ=1; SW=2; S8=8; S1=6; SA=21; S2=21 0.2% + 0.2% of Nominal Output Voltage SL=TBD; SQ=1; SW=2; S8=8; S1=6; SA=21; S2=21 Max 5.0% deviation from current set point must recover within 1mS for a 50% step load. Internal Shunt; External Shunt can be used for better temperature stability. 15 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 1-6 OUTPUT - Module in Current Source Mode Current Source - Programmable load compensation available for resistive and inductive loads; capacitive load applications; and LED drive applications MODULE CODE Nominal Output (V) Setting Range (A) RMS Ripple (mA) Line Regulation (mA) Load Regulation (mA) P-P Ripple (mA) Drift (Temp Stability) Temp Coefficient (PPM/C) Pgm Accuracy (A) Pgm Resolution (mA) Meas Accuracy Meas Resolution Transient Response Current Sense Method iHP Manual SL SQ SW S8 S1 SA S2 12 24 48 80 125 200 250 0.0 A - 200 A 0.0 A - 120 A 0.0 A - 62.5 A 0.0 A - 37.5 A 0.0 A - 24 A 0.0 A - 15 A 0.0 A - 12 A 200 120 62.5 37.5 24 40 12 200 120 125 93.75 48 50 24 800 480 250 150 96 56 48 N/A 0.05% of I Rated over 8 hours, after 30-minute warm up, constant Line, Load and Temp out SL, SQ = 300 PPM; All other modules are 200 PPM. Temp Co-efficient at rack level is [Temp Co-efficient (module level)] + [4500 PPM of Iout-max] 0.7% digital, 1.3% analog of rated output max 79.2 26.4 13.2 10 5.2 2.6 2.6 5.2 2.6 2.6 0.7% + 0.7% of Rated Output Max 79.2 26.4 13.2 10 0-63% output current change in 7.5 mSec, residual value 1%, settling time 35 mSec Internal Shunt / External Shunt 16 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 1.3.3 Mechanical Outline The external dimensions of the iHP system are shown in Figure 1-1. Figure 1-1 External dimensions of iHP system 1.3.4 Front and Rear Panel Figures 1-2 and 1-3 display the front and rear panels of iHP system. The user interface and connectors are shown. Note: Please Refer to Appendix A for the Front Panel LED response. iHP Manual 17 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 1-2 Front panel of iHP system Figure 1-3 Rear Panel of iHP system iHP Manual 18 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Installation 2.1 Inspection of Packaging and IHP System The iHP system is inspected before packaging and is shipped in containers designed to minimize damage during transport. However, damage may still occur during transportation. Inspect the power supply and packaging upon receipt. If damage is observed that indicates the iHP system was dropped or subject to other damage, immediately notify the responsible shipping company. 2.2 Package Contents Figure 2-1 displays the typical contents of an iHP system. Figure 2-1 Package contents of typical iHP system iHP Manual 19 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual The contents of the package may vary depending on the models ordered and configuration. Carefully unpack the containers and confirm contents as per below: Minimum list of contents: iHP Rack iHP Modules (quantity and model based on configuration ordered) iHP Operating Manual Optional Accessories Filler Plate (for unused Module slots) Module J1 Wire Assemblies Module J2 Wire Assemblies DB9 Cable Kit Output Safety Covers Paralleling or Series Busbars RS485/CAN Bus Terminator 2.3 Installation Requirements 2.3.1 Location Requirements The location should be able to support the full weight of the iHP system. The iHP system is designed for horizontal mounting. Contact customer service if other mounting orientation is desired. iHP air-cooled units should be installed in a protected environment. Exposure to corrosive or conductive material can result to damage. iHP air-cooled units should have sufficient ventilation. The front and rear surfaces of the iHP system are recommended to have a minimum clearance of 2" from any airflow blockage. The airflow is front to back with cool airflow entering the front panel and exhausting the rear panel. There is no airflow through the top and bottom of supply. No clearance is required above or below the supply and multiple supplies can be stacked without clearance requirements above or below the supply. Install in a location that will not exceed 50C operating ambient temperature. For system enclosures, the front panel (air inlet) should receive fresh air. iHP Manual 20 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 2.3.2 Lifting Provision Warning! - 24KW iHP models require a minimum two-man lift. The iHP rack has been provided with lifting holes which can accommodate carabiners. Recommended carabiner size and location of lifting holes are shown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2 Lifting hole location for the power system Caution! - The front panel handles are not designed to carry the whole weight of iHP. 2.3.3 Mounting The iHP rack is designed to fit inside a 19-inch rack. Recommended rack depth is at least 33 inches from front panel to back. The front panel cannot support the weight of the supply. Use appropriate L-brackets or an equipment tray, which can support the weight of the iHP system. The iHP rack also has mounting screw holes on the side panels, which can be used for other mounting configurations. The side panel mounting holes when fully utilized are sufficient to support the weight of the rack and modules. It is designed for metric M5 screws and has 6mm maximum screw penetration. See Section 1.3.3, Figure 1-1 for the location of the mounting holes. 2.4 Inserting Modules Figure 2-3 shows how to insert the iHP modules into an iHP rack. iHP Manual 21 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Caution! - Observe proper orientation of the module during insertion (output busbars at the bottom) to prevent damage to the module and rack connectors. Note: The input AC should be turned off for 5 minutes before inserting or removing modules from the rack. 1. Insert, slide, and push the modules until its back panel is flushed to the back of the rack. 2. Tighten the module locking screws. 3. Attach blank fillers to all empty slots as shown in Figure 2-4 of the rack to ensure proper airflow distribution within the rack. Figure 2-3 Module insertion into system iHP Manual 22 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 2-4 Blank panel covering for rear of system 2.5 Input and Output Wiring Warning! - Disconnect AC power before wiring the iHP system. Due to possible remote operation, it is important to disconnect power at AC breaker before wiring the output connections. Table 2-1 shows the recommended cable ampacities from the National Electrical Code. Local regulations may differ and should be followed when wiring the system. iHP Manual 23 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 2-1 Size Temperature Rating 60C 14 20 20 90C Types TA, TBS, SA, AVB, SIS, FEP, FEPB, RHH, THHN, XHHW 25 12 25 25 30 10 30 35 40 8 40 50 55 6 55 65 75 4 70 85 95 3 85 100 110 2 95 115 130 1 110 130 150 1/0 125 150 170 2/0 145 175 195 3/0 165 200 225 4/0 195 230 260 AWG 2.5.1 Types RUW, T, TW, UF 75C Types FEPW, RHW, RH, RUH, THW, THWN, XHHW, ZW AC Input Wiring The iHP system is designed for permanent connection to the AC power with a readily accessible safety disconnect device. Warning! - A safety ground wire must be connected to the unit through the chassis ground stud show in Section 1.2.4. An appropriate ring terminal for M6 stud and the wire gauge must be used. The input configuration should be confirmed prior to wiring any AC power into iHP system. The figure below shows the location of the label to confirm the AC configuration. iHP Manual 24 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 2-5 Rear panel showing AC wiring and ground terminal Warning! - Applying a mismatched AC input voltage to what is indicated in the AC input rating label can cause damage to the power supply and voids the warranty. The rated input current and AC connection varies among different models. Table 2-2 shows the available models and rated input current. Table 2-2 iHP Rack Model Number Rated Current Wires to Connect 73-959-0001 41A L1, L2, L3 and PE 73-959-0001L 75A L1, L2, L3 and PE 73-958-0001 21A L1, L2, L3 and PE 73-958-0001L 40A L1, L2, L3 and PE 73-958-0001S 68A L1, L2 and PE iHP Manual 25 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual AC power should be wired to L1, L2, and L3 for 3-phase input and L1 & L2 for single phase of the AC Input Terminal show in the Figure 2-5. Follow the torque requirements as per the figure. Wire ferrules as shown in Figure 2-6 can be utilized, but are not required. Recommended input AC wire ferrule: Manufacturer: Panduit, Manufacturer PN: FSD85-16-L Manufacturer: Phoenix Contact, Manufacturer PN: 3200577 Figure 2-6 AC terminals and ferrule diagram 2.5.2 DC Output Wiring Wire output cables to each iHP module using M8 ring lugs, bolts, and nuts as shown in the Figure 2-7. The module output busbars are color coded with RED for positive (+) and BLUE for negative (-). Figure 2-7 DC output wiring diagram The module types and maximum currents are listed in Table 2-3. iHP Manual 26 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 2-3 2.5.3 Model Number Model Code Nominal Voltage Rated Current 73-936-0012 SL 12V 200A 73-936-0024 SQ 24V 120A 73-936-0048 SW 48V 62.5A 73-936-0080 S8 80V 37.5A 73-936-0125 S1 125V 24A 73-936-0200 SA 200V 15A 73-936-0250 S2 250V 12A Remote Sense Wiring The iHP system uses remote sense to regulate the voltage drops in the system. The module has a negative (V_SNS-) and a positive (V_SNS+) remote sense to compensate for line drops. Although not needed for operation, the remote sense wires must be connected to the desire regulated point to be able to meet the specification regulation limits. Refer to Section 4.2.1 for the location of the remote sense signals in the module connector J2. 2.5.4 Parallel Module Connection Same module models can be connected in parallel for higher current applications. A paralleling busbar can be used to parallel the output modules positive (+) and negative (-) terminals as shown in Figure 2-8. M8 bolt and nuts should be used. When ordered as a system, the required busbars will be provided to configure the system as ordered. If reconfiguring a system and a busbar is required for reconfiguration, contact the factory or sales to obtain the needed busbar. iHP Manual 27 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 2-8 Output modules in parallel with busbars 2.5.5 Current Share Signal Wiring For modules in constant voltage operation mode, the current share signals of all modules connected in parallel should be wired together. All ISHARE and D_RTN should be connected. Refer to Section 4.2.1 for the location of the ISHARE and D_RTN signals in the module connector J2. 2.5.6 Series Modules Connection Same model modules can be connected in series to achieve higher output voltage. A series connecting busbar can be used with M8 bolts and nuts as show in the Figure 2-9. When ordered as a system, the required busbars will be provided to configure the system as ordered. If reconfiguring a system and a busbar is required for reconfiguration, contact the factory or sales to obtain the needed busbar. iHP Manual 28 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 2-9 Output modules in series and parallel Please see Table 2-4 as a guide for what modules can be connected in series and combined voltage limitation per safety isolation compliance. Table 2-4 Model Number Model Code Module Nominal Voltage Safety Compliance Maximum Total Voltage Allowed 73-936-0012 SL 48V Medical 2MOPP* 300V 73-936-0024 SQ Medical 2MOOP**, ITE 400V 73-936-0048 SW 73-936-0080 S8 Medical 2MOPP 600V 73-936-0125 S1 Medical 2MOOP 800V 73-936-0200 SA Medical 2MOOP 800V 73-936-0250 S2 ITE 1000V 80V Note: * - 2MOPP or 2 x MOPP (Means of Patient Protection) ** - 2MOOP or 2 x MOOP (Means of Operator Protection) 2.5.7 Output Blocking Diode and Antiparallel Diode Recommendation iHP Manual 29 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual The iHP modules can be used in a redundant parallel system by connecting the outputs together via OR-ing diodes. For good regulation the remote sense connections must be made after the OR-ing diode at the same point on the busbar or load. The remote sense leads should be the same length for each power supply and a twisted pair should be used for best noise immunity. The current share lines between the power supplies should be connected as shown in Figure 2-10. Figure 2-10 Blocking diode for use when connecting modules in parallel An antiparallel diode should be connected across each module's terminal to prevent sinking of current into one module when it is OFF while the others are ON. The diode should be capable of carrying the maximum current and the forward voltage (Vf) drop should be lower than what is in the table below. iHP Manual 30 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 2-5 Model Min Voltage Rating (V) Min Current Rating (A) Maximum Vf Use below recommended device or its equivalent 12V 45 300 0.9V @ 160A (Tj = 125degC) IXYS: DSS 2x160-0045A (45V 2x160A) 24V 45 200 0.9V @ 160A (Tj = 125degC) IXYS: DSS 2x160-0045A (45V 2x160A) 32V 100 120 0.7V @ 80A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STPS160H100TV (100V 2x80A) 48V 100 120 0.7V @ 80A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STPS160H100TV (100V 2x80A) 80V 150 80 1.5V @ 50A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH10002TV1 (200V 2x50A) 125V 200 50 1.5V @ 50A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH10002TV1 (200V 2x50A) 200V 400 30 1.5V @ 60A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH120R04TV1 (400V 2x60A) 250V 400 30 1.5V @ 60A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH120R04TV1 (400V 2x60A) For series connection, the remote sense for each module should be connected to its output busbar instead of the output load. Figure 2-11 Antiparallel diode for use when connecting modules in series iHP Manual 31 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Digital Communication Digital communication is necessary to setup and operate the iHP system. Digital communication will be used to: Read the configuration setting of the iHP Change the configuration setting of the iHP Voltage, current, temperature, and power reporting Status reporting SW updates for module, PFC, and ISOCOMM Available user digital communications interfaces for the iHP are CAN, RS485, and Ethernet. The connection ports are shown in Figure 3-1. Ethernet (UDP protocol), RS485 (custom RS485 protocol), and CAN (custom CAN protocol) protocol specifications are in a separate document. Communication with the iHP system is controlled via the iHP ISOCOMM (ISOlated COMMunication) section of the supply. All commands are sent to and from the iHP ISOCOMM via the digital communication link. Once a command has been sent to the iHP ISOCOMM, ISOCOMM will handle the sending of the information to the internal PFC section and installed modules. The ISOCOMM functions as a bridge between iHP internal communication and iHP external communication. Inside the iHP rack, there is an Internal Communication Bus. The installed modules, PFC (Primary Side), and ISOCOMM are all connected to this Internal Communication Bus, but are electrically isolated from each other per safety requirements. ISOCOMM manages the internal communications and external communication of the iHP. Once ISOCOMM receives a command from the user, ISOCOMM will transmit the command to the module or PFC section of the iHP. If the user needs data from a module or PFC device, the module or PFC device will transmit data to the ISOCOMM and ISOCOMM will be the one to send data to the user. Figure 3-1 12kW and 24kW ISOCOMM Section iHP Manual 32 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 3.1 iHP Digital Communication Identifier To communicate to the iHP, the user needs to know the iHP address and the specific device inside the iHP system in which the user needs to communicate. ISOCOMM, installed modules and PFC devices function independently inside an iHP system and each device has its own device address as shown in Figure 3-2 and 3-3. Figure 3-2 24kW iHP rack internal communication architecture iHP Manual 33 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 3-3 12kW iHP rack internal communication architecture 3.1.1 iHP Address Each iHP system will have a specific address for digital communication. The address will be used to communicate from the PC/Laptop to the iHP system. The iHP address is dependent on the mode of communication. Ethernet Address - depends on the configuration of iHP. IP setting can be Static or DHCP. For Static IP, this will need to be set to an unassigned IP address by the user before integration into a system. For DHCP, the router will assign an open IP address. CAN/RS485 - CAN and RS485 communication shares the same address from 0 to 5. When using multiple iHP systems, the address will need to be set before integrating with other iHP systems to avoid address conflicts. The IP setting and CAN/RS485 address configuration settings are discussed in more detail in Section 5.1.3. iHP Manual 34 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 3.1.2 Internal Device Address inside iHP An iHP system is composed of different independent devices (modules and PFC devices). The internal device address is used to identify the specific device or module group in which user wants to communicate. Please see below table for the Internal Device Address inside the iHP system. Table 3-1 iHP Internal Device Address 0x00 0x01 - 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 - 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 0x18 0x19 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E Device/Group iHP RACK 24kW ISOCOMM Reserved PFC1 PFC2 Reserved Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Device/Group iHP RACK 12kW ISOCOMM Reserved PFC1 Not Applicable Reserved Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Note: Module group configuration is discussed in Section 5.1.5 and module group functionality is discussed in Section 6. 3.2 iHP Commands The iHP command set is patterned from PMBus, but uses a proprietary transaction protocol. All PFC devices have a specific set of commands, all module devices have a specific set of commands, and the ISOCOMM device has a specific set of commands. The PFC command list is in Appendix B.1, the module command list is in Appendix B.2, and the ISOCOMM command list is in Appendix B.3. iHP commands can be classified into four groups: iHP Manual 35 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual User Configurable Commands - Commands that can be configured based on the user operation requirements. The user configurable commands are the commands that can be read or written by the user. Notes for Module User Configurable Command: The user needs to send the save command (Using ISOCOMM command D7h) in order to retain the command on the next power-up. ISOCOMM command is required to change the module's D3h (MODULE_CONFIG), B5h (MODULE_VRISE_TIME), B6h (MODULE_IRISE_TIME). When the user sends these commands, the setting will be AutoSaved to the module and there is no need to send a separate save command. Manufacturer Commands - Commands used by the manufacturer. The user is not allowed to use these commands. Read-Only commands - Commands for iHP system reporting and fixed configuration settings. The user can only read these commands. Voltage, current, power, and temperature reporting Status reporting Fixed configuration settings Special Command - Commands that have special function in the operation of the iHP system. 3.3 Interval Between User Commands To communicate properly there should be a time interval between user commands. Table 3-2 iHP Module Mode in an iHP Rack Time Interval between User Command Ethernet RS485 CAN All iHP modules are configured as Digital Mode 20msec 100msec TBA At least one iHP module is configured as Analog Mode 50msec 100msec TBA 3.4 Ethernet Communication The iHP Ethernet connection can support up to 10/100Mbps link speed. The iHP IP setting can be configured to static IP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). By default, the Ethernet communication is set to DHCP, which requires connection with a router to assign an IP address. If a router is not being used, the iHP will not have an IP address to allow communication, so the user will need to use the LAN RESET button to set the iHP to known state, which is static IP with IP address of iHP Manual 36 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual The iHP rack can be connected to a PC directly using the static IP setting. When using the iHP system with static IP mode, the user computer may need to have a static IP as well to communicate. Details on setting the IP configuration is discussed in Section 5.1.3. Figure 3-4 shows an example of connecting directly to the iHP system using a static IP. If the user has forgotten the Ethernet setting, the user can push the LAN RESET button to reset the Ethernet. The LAN RESET button will reset the Ethernet connection to a known state, which is static IP with the IP address of Figure 3-4 iHP system connected directly to the PC (static IP) iHP Manual 37 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual If the user's PC/Laptop needs to connect to the iHP system and the user's network, the user should use a router (static IP or DHCP) or switch (static IP) as shown in Figure 3-5. Figure 3-5 IHP system connected using a router or switch Up to six iHP systems can be used on the same network at the same time. To communicate using a PC with multiple iHP systems, the user can use a router (static or DHCP IP) or switch (static IP) as shown in Figure 3-6. iHP Manual 38 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 3-6 Multiple iHP systems connected to PC via a router or switch The recommended equipment for communicating with the iHP system via the Ethernet are as follows: 8-pin RJ45 cable Router or Switch iHP Manual 39 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 3.5 RS485 Communication An iHP system can support RS485 communication with below settings: Bits per seconds = 115200 Data bits = 8 Parity = None Stop bits = One Flow control = None RS485/CAN Bus Terminator or 120 terminating resistors are required at both end terminals, PC and iHP rack. For multiple RS485 communication, the terminating resistor should be placed on the iHP rack farthest from the PC/Laptop. Figure 3-7 Terminating resistors required for RS485 interface The recommended equipment for communicating with the iHP system via RS485 are as follows: USB to 2-Wire RS485 Adapter - COMMFRONT USB-485-1 or equivalent 6-pin RJ11 Connector with Cable iHP Manual 40 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual RS485/CAN Bus Terminator - RJ11 with 120 ohms resistor (ARTESYN P/N: TBD) 3.6 CAN Communication iHP systems can support CAN communication with 1Mbps baud rate. RS485/CAN Bus Terminator or 120 terminating resistors are required at both end terminals, PC and iHP rack. For multiple iHP CAN communication, the terminating resistor should be placed on the iHP rack farthest from the PC/Laptop. Figure 3-8 Terminating resistors are required for CAN interface The recommended equipment for communicating with the iHP system via CAN are as follows: USB to CAN adapter - GRIDCONNECT IPEH-002022 or equivalent 6-pin RJ11 Connector with Cable iHP Manual 41 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 9 Way PCB D-sub Connector Socket & D-sub Connector Back shell RS485/CAN Bus Terminator - RJ11 with 120 ohms resistor (ARTESYN P/N: TBD) iHP Manual 42 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Operation 4.1 iHP System Power-up This section explains the initial power up of iHP units. It is assumed in this section that this will be the first time the iHP rack and iHP module will be powered up after iHP rack and module was manufactured by Artesyn. 4.1.1 Initial Power-up Discussed in this section are the iHP rack and iHP module default settings when shipped from Artesyn. Configure the input and output connections to the iHP rack and iHP modules based on user requirements. Please follow Section 2 for the installation requirement. Apply input AC to the iHP rack. Note: Please follow the allowable input AC parameters located on the AC input rating label of the iHP rack. Figure 4-1 AC Input connections and AC input rating label location Upon the application of input AC, the ISOCOMM will undergo boot-up sequence. The fan will momentarily turn on at full speed and will settle down. The power LED, in the front panel, shown in Figure 4-2, will be blinking GREEN color during the boot-up sequence. After boot-up sequence, the power LED will be either steady RED (AC BAD) or steady GREEN (AC OK) depending on the AC power to the iHP rack. For a full list of LED responses, please refer to Appendix A. iHP Manual 43 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 4-2 Front Panel Power LED After about 20secs from the application of input AC, the boot-up sequence should be completed. The iHP rack will have detected the slot with installed modules and ISOCOMM will be functional. From the factory, when initially applying input AC, the iHP module outputs will not power-up by default and the user will need to press the front panel switch. The modules are shipped by Artesyn with Digital Voltage Source (DVS) configuration and the output voltage will be set to the module's nominal voltage. The iHP rack and module software configuration when shipped from Artesyn are listed on the next section. 4.1.2 iHP Module Default Settings Table 4-1 contains iHP module default settings when shipped from Artesyn. The module command definitions are in Appendix B.2 Module Command. iHP Manual 44 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 4-1 12V Module Command Parameter Data 01h 24h 31h 41h 45h 48h 49h 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 4Fh 50h 51h 52h B5h B6h B7h B8h BAh D3h B1h B2h E9h ** ** ** ** ** ** ** MODULE_OPERATION VOUT_MAX POUT_MAX VOUT_OV_FAULT_RESPONSE VOUT_UV_FAULT_RESPONSE OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER OV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER UV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER OT_FAULT1_LIMIT OT_FAULT_RESPONSE OT_WARN1_LIMIT OC_RESPONSE_TYPE SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING SET_CURRENT_RISE_SETTING SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC SET_MODULE_LOAD TYPE ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE MODULE_CONFIG VREF IREF CALIBRATION_DATE OT_FAULT1_RECOV OT_WARN1_RECOV OT_FAULT3_LIMIT OT_FAULT3_RECOV OT_WARN3_LIMIT OT_WARN3_RECOV Brick Wall OVP 80h 023280h 1258h 80h 80h 2EE0h 2904h 2134h 2328h 2904h 2EE0h B8h 2328h 00h 00 00h 00 00h 00 02h 00 02h 03h 00h Process Data ON 14.4V 2400W * * 120% 105% 85% 90% 105% 120oC * 90oC * * * * * * DVS 12V 200A 90oC 90oC 120oC 90oC 100oC 90oC 15.63V 24V Module Data 80h 046500h 12D0h 80h 80h 2EE0h 2904h 2134h 2328h 2904h 2EE0h B8h 2710h 00h 00 00h 00 00h 00 02h 00 02h 03h 00h Process Data ON 28.8V 2880W * * 120% 105% 85% 90% 105% 120oC * 100oC * * * * * * DVS 24V 126A 100oC 80oC 120oC 100oC 100oC 80oC 31.3V Default Configuration when shipped from Artesyn 48V Module 80V Module 125V Module Data 80h 08CA00h 12EEh 80h 80h 2EE0h 2904h 2134h 2328h 2904h 3A98h B8h 30D4h 00h 00 00h 00 00h 00 02h 00 02h 03h 00h Process Data ON 57.6V 3000W * * 120% 105% 85% 90% 105% 150oC * 1250C * * * * * * DVS 48V 65.625A 85oC 85oC 110oC 85oC 100oC 85oC 64.5V Data 80h 0EA600h 12EEh 80h 80h 2EE0h 2904h 2134h 2328h 2904h 30D4h B8h 2710h 00h 00 00h 00 00h 00 02h 00 02h 03h 00h Process Data ON 96V 3000W * * 120% 105% 85% 90% 105% 125oC * 100oC * * * * * * DVS 80V 39.375A Factory Calibration Date 85oC 85oC 95oC 75oC 85oC 70oC 110V Data 80h 16E360h 12EEh 80h 80h 2EE0h 2904h 2134h 2328h 2904h 2CECh B8h 25C1h 00h 00 00h 00 00h 00 02h 00 02h 03h 00h Process Data ON 150V 3000W * * 120% 105% 85% 90% 105% 115oC * 96.65oC * * * * * * DVS 125V 25.2A 85oC 65oC 92oC 75oC 75oC 55oC 162V 200V Module Data 80h 249F00h 12EEh 80h 80h 2EE0h 2904h 2134h 2328h 2904h 2EE0h B8h 251Ch 00h 00 00h 00 00h 00 02h 00 02h 03h 00h Process Data ON 240V 3000W * * 120% 105% 85% 90% 105% 120oC * 95oC * * * * * * DVS 200V 15A 90oC 85oC 120oC 90oC 95oC 85oC 250V 250V Module Data 80h 2DC6C0h 12EEh 80h 80h 2EE0h 2904h 2134h 2328h 2904h 30D4h B8h 251Ch 00h 00 00h 00 00h 00 02h 00 02h 03h 00h Process Data ON 300V 3000W * * 120% 105% 85% 90% 105% 125oC * 95oC * * * * * * DVS 250V 12.6A 85oC 85oC 125oC 85oC 95oC 85oC 315V User Configurable Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Note: * Bitmapped data, please refer to Appendix B.2 Module Command. ** No assigned command. Parameter is hardcoded in the module firmware. iHP Manual 45 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 4.1.3 ISOCOMM Default Settings Table 4.2 contains ISOCOMM default settings of the iHP rack when shipped from Artesyn. The ISOCOMM setting definition is in Section 5.1. Table 4-2 ISOCOMM WebTool Section User Configurable Parameter Default Setting when shipped from Artesyn User Configurable NETWORK DHCP Disable* Yes Static IP Address Yes CAN/RS485 RACK Address 0 Yes Internal Ambient Temperature OTP 62oC Yes INH0/EN0 TTL Function Inhibit Yes INH1/EN1 TTL Function Inhibit Yes Wait for Power Switch Enable Yes Disable on 5V_STBY Fault Disable Yes RACK Synchronized Off Disable Yes Numbers of Racks Connected 1 Yes Module Synchronized Off Enable Yes Module Grouping No Grouping Yes RACK MODULE Note: * - Model revision AZ or later for 73-958-0001, model revision AH or later for 73-958-0001L & 73-9580001S are set by default to DHCP. 4.2 Module and Rack Hardware Signals This section contains a description of module and rack analog and digital hardware signals that the users can use based on their requirements or applications. For module command information, please refer to Appendix B.2 Module Command. iHP Manual 46 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 4.2.1 Module Interface Signals Figure 4-3 shows the location of the J1 and J2 connectors and the pin location of the signals. These signals allow direct interface with the supply to allow direct control and monitoring of the iHP system using analog and digital input and outputs. Figure 4-3 Module J1 and J2 signal connections for controlling the modules Module's J1 Signal Table 4-3 lists the signal information available on connector J1. Warning! - The module's J2 signals and output voltage are isolated from module's J1 signals. D_RTN and SYS_RTN are completely isolated. Table 4-3 J1 Pin No. iHP Manual Signal Name Signal Type Functions 47 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 1 0-10VEXT_VPROG Input Use to control the output voltage by applying 0 to 10V to this pin. This pin will function when the module is configured to Analog Voltage Source. 2 0-5VEXT_VPROG Input Use to control the output voltage by applying 0 to 5V to this pin. This pin will function when the module is configured to Analog Voltage Source. 3 0-10VEXT_IPROG Input Use to control the output current by applying 0 to 10V to this pin. This pin will function when the module is configured to Analog Current Source. Input Use to control the output current by applying 0 to 5V to this pin. This pin will function when the module is configured to Analog Current Source. Input Signal to Inhibit the module 4 0-5VEXT_IPROG 5 Dummy Pin 6 Dummy Pin 7 SYS_M_INHIBIT 8 SYS_RTN 9 SYS_M_ENABLE# Input 10 SYS_M_FAULT# Output Ground reference for J1 signals. Signal to Enable the module Signal to notify user that Fault occurred. Analog Voltage Programming 0-10VEXT_VPROG (J1 Pin1) and 0-5VEXT_VPROG (J1 Pin2) are used to program the output voltage by applying external voltages. Analog voltage programming will work if the module configuration is in analog voltage source. Please note that 0-10VEXT_VPROG and 0-5VEXT_VPROG cannot be used simultaneously: If user will use 0-10VEXT_VPROG, 0-5VEXT_VPROG should be floating. If user will use 0-5VEXT_VPROG, 0-10VEXT_VPROG should be floating. When utilizing signal, 0-10VEXT_VPROG, apply 0V to 10V between J1 pin 1 (0-10VEXT_VPROG) and J1 pin 8 (SYS_RTN). Table 4-4 shows the corresponding output voltage when utilizing this signal. Table 4-4 0-10VEXT_VPROG Corresponding Output Voltage 0V - 0.42V iHP Manual 5% Nominal Output Voltage 48 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 2.5V 30% Nominal Output Voltage 5V 60% Nominal Output Voltage 7.5V 90% Nominal Output Voltage 8.33V 100% Nominal Output Voltage 10V 120% Nominal Output Voltage When utilizing signal, 0-5VEXT_VPROG, apply 0V to 5V between J1 pin 2 (0-10VEXT_VPROG) and J1 pin 8 (SYS_RTN). Table 4-5 shows the corresponding output voltage when utilizing this signal. Table 4-5 0-5VEXT_VPROG Corresponding Output Voltage 0V - 0.21V 5% Nominal Output Voltage 1.25V 30% Nominal Output Voltage 2.5V 60% Nominal Output Voltage 3.75V 90% Nominal Output Voltage 4.166V 100% Nominal Output Voltage 5V 120% Nominal Output Voltage Analog Current Programming 0-10VEXT_IPROG (J1 Pin3) and 0-5VEXT_IPROG (J1 Pin4) are used to program the output current by applying external voltages. Analog current programming will work if the module configuration is in analog current source. Please note that 0-10VEXT_IPROG and 0-5VEXT_IPROG cannot be used simultaneously: If user will use 0-10VEXT_IPROG, 0-5VEXT_IPROG should be floating. If user will use 0-5VEXT_IPROG, 0-10VEXT_IPROG should be floating. When utilizing signal, 0-10VEXT_IPROG, apply 0V to 10V between J1 pin 3 (0-10VEXT_IPROG) and J1 pin 8 (SYS_RTN). Table 4-6 shows the corresponding output current when utilizing this signal. Table 4-6 0-10VEXT_IPROG Corresponding Output Current 0V iHP Manual 0% Nominal Output Current 49 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 2.5V 25% Nominal Output Current 5V 50% Nominal Output Current 7.5V 75% Nominal Output Current 10V Nominal Output Current When utilizing signal, 0-5VEXT_IPROG, apply 0V to 5V between J1 pin 4 (0-10VEXT_IPROG) and J1 pin 8 (SYS_RTN). Table 4-7 shows the corresponding output current when utilizing this signal. Table 4-7 0-5VEXT_IPROG Corresponding Output Current 0V 0% Nominal Output Current 1.25V 25% Nominal Output Current 2.5V 50% Nominal Output Current 3.75V 75% Nominal Output Current 5V Nominal Output Current SYS_RTN SYS_RTN (J1 pin 8) is the common ground for J1 signals. SYS_RTN is isolated from Module Negative Output terminal and Module J2 D_RTN. Isolated Output Inhibit The iHP module provides an input signal to inhibit the output. J1 Pin7 SYS_M_INHIBIT functions as the inhibit signal of the module. This inhibit pin is internally connected to an optocoupler's LED side. An external 1kohms pull-up resistor is required. The pull-up resistor is connected to a 5V supply. The maximum pull-up resistor voltage is 5V and the maximum sink current is 5mA. The logic for this pin is configurable via module command SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC (B7h) and can change the correlation between the output state and the status of the optocoupler's LED. The default pin configuration is Optocoupler LED On = Output is Disabled Optocoupler LED Off = Output is Enabled Figure 4-4 shows recommended external circuits to control the inhibit pin. iHP Manual 50 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 4-4 Isolated output inhibit circuits to externally inhibit the module. Isolated Output Enable The iHP module provides an input signal to enable output. J1 Pin 9 SYS_M_ENABLE# functions as the enable signal of the module. This pin is internally connected to an optocoupler's LED side. An external 1kohms pull up resistor is required. The pull up resistor is connected to a 5V supply. The maximum pull up resistor voltage is 5V and the maximum sink current is 5mA. The logic for this pin is configurable via module command SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC (B7h) and can change the correlation between the output state and the status of the optocoupler's LED. The default pin configuration is Optocoupler LED On = Output is Disabled Optocoupler LED Off = Output is Enabled Figure 4-5 shows recommended external circuits to control the enable pin. iHP Manual 51 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 4-5 Isolated Output Enable to externally Enable module. Isolated Fault Signal During a fault condition, the iHP module provides a fault signal to the system side. J1 Pin 10 SYS_M_FAULT# functions as the fault signal of the module. The signal is internally connected to an open collector output. An external 2kohms pull-up resistor is required. The pull-up resistor should be connected to a 5V supply. The maximum pull-up resistor voltage is 5V and the maximum sink current of 5mA. The logic for this pin is configurable via module command SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC (B7h) and can change the correlation between the output state and the status of the module. The default pin configuration is SYS_M_FAULT# logic Low = Module is at Fault. SYS_M_FAULT# logic High = Module is at normal operating condition. Figure 4-6 shows recommended external circuits to control the enable pin. iHP Manual 52 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 4-6 Isolated fault signal to signal a module fault condition Module's J2 Signal Table 4-8 list the signal information available on connector J2. The module analog connector J2 contains nonisolated signals. The signal's circuitry is internally connected and referenced to the module's output negative terminal. The module's J2 signals are isolated from the module's J1 signals. Table 4-8 J2 Pin No. Signal Name Signal Type Functions 1 2 3 V_SNS+ D_RTN EXT_ISENSE+ Input 4 5 D_RTN IMON Signal use for module positive remote sense Ground reference for IMON or VMON signals Input for external resistor shunt for external current sensing application. Ground reference for ISHARE signal Analog signal to report the output current in scaled value (010V) 6 7 8 9 Dummy Pin D_RTN V_SNSEXT_ISENSE- Input Input 10 11 ISHARE VMON Output Output 12 Dummy Pin iHP Manual Input Output Ground reference for IMON or VMON signals Signal use for module negative remote sense Input for external resistor shunt for external current sensing application Signal for active current sharing Analog signal to report the output voltage in scaled value (010V) 53 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual V_SNS+ and V_SNSThe distance of the load and the module can create a voltage drop on the wires. To compensate for the voltage drops on the wire, remote sense is employed. The module has a positive return, V_SNS+ J2 Pin 1, and a negative return, V_SNS- J2 Pin 8, remotes sense to compensate for ground drops and line drops respectively. Remote sense will be able to regulate out a maximum of 200mV drop on each sense line. It is recommended for user to connect the remote sense either on the load side or to the output terminals of the modules. The connection of the remote sense signal determines the point at which the voltage will regulate. Remote sense is required to meet the regulation specification of the module. Remote sense is required during voltage source configuration. The module will protect itself if the polarity is incorrectly connected between the V_SNS+ and V_SNS- to module's output positive and negative terminal. It is recommended to use twisted and equal length wires for V_SNS+ and V_SNS- for noise immunity. For parallel module output operation, all module V_SNS+ should be star connected and all module V_SNS- should be star connected as shown by examples in Figure 4-7. Star connection is recommended to reduce the introduction of DC offset and noise to the signals. iHP Manual 54 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 4-7 Examples of star connections for remote sensing External Current Sense An external shunt resistor can be connected to the iHP module. The current sensing will be transferred from the iHP module internal shunt to external shunt. The iHP module's EXT_ISENSE+ J2 Pin 3 and EXT_ISENSE- J2 Pin 9 signals are used for external current sense application. The module configuration should be changed to enable external current sense operation via ISOCOMM command module MODULE_CONFIG (D3h). iHP Manual 55 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual When using external current sense, all output current information used by the iHP module will be taken from the differential voltage across the external shunt. The information collected from external sense connections will be used for output reporting, current protection, and constant current operation. Connection of the external shunt should only be on the negative output busbar of the iHP module. The EXT_ISENSE- should be connected to the external shunt's negative output busbar side and the EXT_ISENSE+ should be connected to the external shunt's load side as shown in Figure 4-8. Figure 4-8 Location of external shunt and external shunt sense lines Table 4-9 list the required shunt resistor per iHP module. Table 4-9 iHP Module 12V 24V 48V 80V 125V 200V 250V Module Current Rating (A) 200 200 62.5 37.5 24 15 12 Voltage Drop (mV) Tolerance Max (%) 10 12 7.8125 9.375 12 12 12 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 TCR max (ppm/degC) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Current Monitor (IMON) IMON J2 Pin 5 is an output signal. IMON functions as the current monitor signal of the module. It reports the sensed output current with a scaled voltage between 0 and 10V according to Table 4-10. D_RTN J2 Pin2 is used for twisted pair cabling with IMON. iHP Manual 56 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 4-10 IMON Output Current 0V 0% Nominal Output Current 2.5V 25% Nominal Output Current 5V 50% Nominal Output Current 7.5V 75% Nominal Output Current 10V Nominal Output Current Voltage Monitor (VMON) VMON J2 Pin 11 is an output signal. VMON functions as the voltage monitor signal of the module. It reports the sensed output voltage with a scaled voltage between 0 and 0V. D_RTN J2 Pin 7 is used for twisted pair cabling with VMON. Table 4-11 VMON Output Voltage 0V - 0.42V 5% Nominal Output Voltage 2.5V 30% Nominal Output Voltage 5V 60% Nominal Output Voltage 7.5V 90% Nominal Output Voltage 8.33V 100% Nominal Output Voltage 10V 120% Nominal Output Voltage Current Sharing Signal (ISHARE) ISHARE J2 Pin 10 signal is used for active current sharing. Interconnecting the ISHARE signal of the modules in a star connection activate the active current sharing circuitry. Active current sharing is required when modules are connected in parallel. The module's ISHARE signal and D_RTN J2 Pin 4 should be star connected. This will reduce the introduction of DC offset and noise to the signals. D_RTN D_RTN (J2 Pin2 and Pin7) is used for twisted pair cabling of IMON and VMON signal to reduce noise pick up. D_RTN (J2 Pin2) is used for twisted pair cabling with IMON. D_RTN (J2 Pin7) is used for twisted pair cabling with VMON. D_RTN (J2 Pin4) is used as return ground for the ISHARE signal. iHP Manual 57 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual D_RTN is internally connected to module's negative output and D_RTN is isolated from module's J1 SYS_RTN. 4.2.2 iHP Rack Communications and Interfaces The following section describes the available communication ports and protocols available on the rack to interface the rack to the user's system. Figure 4-9 shows the back panel of the section and location of the ports and Table 4-12 list the available ports. Warning! - iHP rack signal in this section are isolated from module's signal (J1 and J2 connector). Figure 4-9 Communication ports on back panel of iHP rack iHP Manual 58 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 4-12 iHP Rack Port Connector Functions USB Port Standard USB Use for Future Expansion. ETHERNET Port 8Pin RJ45 Use for Ethernet communication. RS485/CAN Port 6Pin RJ11 Use for RS485 and CAN communication. USB Port USB port for future expansion ETHERNET Port LAN Port for Ethernet communication RS485/CAN Port Figure 4-10 RS485/CAN Port pinout To communicate via RS485 or CAN communication user will need a 6pin RJ11 connector. There are two identical port for RS485/CAN as shown in Figure 4-10 and the pinout of RS485/CAN port 1 and RS485/CAN port 2 are the same. All signals with the same signal name of RS485/CAN port 1 and RS485/CAN port 2 are internally connected. The two ports functions to provide user easy iHP rack to iHP rack daisy chaining of the RS485 and CAN communication lines. CANL and CANH The CAN communication lines are for communicating via the CAN protocol. RS485_A and RS485_B The RS485 communication lines are used for communicating using the RS485 protocol. iHP Manual 59 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual GND The GND is used as the common ground for RS485 or CAN communication. The GND signal is internally connected to DSUB9 pin 2 5V Housekeeping Bias Return. 5V Housekeeping Bias Supply Bias for CAN and RS485 communication and is internally connected to DSUB9 pin 1 5V Housekeeping Bias. LAN RESET BUTTON Button to reset the Ethernet setting to STATIC with IP address LAN STATUS LED For future expansion DSUB9 Port Figure 4-11 shows the DSUB9 signals and pin locations and Figure 4-13 lists the signals and their functions. Figure 4-11 Dsub9 Port pinout iHP Manual 60 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 4-13 DSUB9 Signal Name Signal Type 1 5V Housekeeping Bias Output 5V supply to power up system side circuits 2 5V Housekeeping Bias Return Output Ground reference of the 5V Housekeeping Bias 3 Dummy 4 Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1" Input Signal can be configured for either Inhibit logic High or Enable logic High 5 Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" Input Signal can be configured for either Inhibit logic Low or Enable logic Low 6 ACOK- "Emitter" Output Use for ACOK signal 7 ACOK- "Collector" Output Use for ACOK signal 8 Global DCOK- "Emitter" Output Use for DCOK signal 9 Global DCOK"Collector" Output Use for DCOK signal Pin No. Functions 5V Housekeeping Bias The 5V supply, DSUB9 Pin 1 is for user housekeeping circuits and has a maximum supply capability of 1A. The signal is internally connected to the 6 pin RJ11 5V Housekeeping Bias on pin 4 and pin 10. 5V Housekeeping Bias Return Ground for 5V Housekeeping Bias on DSUB9 pin 2 Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1" The Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1" DSUB9 pin 4 signal functions to turn-off or turn-on all modules simultaneously. This signal can be configured to either Global Inhibit1 or Global Enable1 via the ISOCOMM WebTool. When this pin is configured as Inhibit1 (INH1), A 5V input will activate Inhibit function and will shut down all modules A ground connection or no connection will de-activate the inhibit function and all modules will turn-on When this pin is configured as Enable1 (EN1), A 5V input will activate Enable function and all modules will turn-on iHP Manual 61 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual A ground connection or no connection will de-activate Enable function and will shut down all modules Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" The Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" (DSUB9 Pin5) signal functions to turn-off or turn-on all modules simultaneously. This signal can be configured either Global Inhibit 0 or Global Enable 0 via ISOCOMM WebTool. When this pin is configured as Inhibit 0 (INH0), A 5V input or no connection will de-activate Inhibit function and all modules are enabled A ground input will activate Inhibit function and will shut down all modules When this pin is configured as Enable 0 (EN0), A 5V input or no connection will de-activate Enable function and will shut down all modules A ground input will activate Enable function and all modules are enabled Table 4-14 lists the functionality of these Inhibit and Enable signals based on the configuration of the supply. Table 4-14 Configuration iHP Rack DSUB9 Input to Input to Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" INH0 & INH1 INH0 & EN1 EN0 & INH1 EN0 & EN1 iHP Manual Shorted to GND Shorted to GND Floating Floating Shorted to GND Shorted to GND Floating Floating Shorted to GND Shorted to GND Floating Floating Shorted to GND Shorted to GND Floating Floating Module Status Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1" Floating 5V Floating 5V Floating 5V Floating 5V Floating 5V Floating 5V Floating 5V Floating 5V OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF 62 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual ACOK Signal "Power Fail" (Uncommitted Transistor) This signal indicates that the input AC is within operational range of the unit. ACOK- "Emitter" and ACOK+ "Collector" signal functions as an AC OK signal. These signals are connected to an uncommitted transistor. AC is Ok when the transistor is On. AC is not Ok when the transistor is Off. The max sink current is 50mA for ACOK transistor and the bias resistor should be chosen to limit current to a maximum of 50mA. The recommended supply voltage is 5V. Possible circuit configuration for AC OK signal is shown in Figure 4-12. Figure 4-12 Possible circuits configuration for ACOK functionality DCOK Signal "Output Fail" (Uncommitted Transistor) This signal indicates that all modules are on and functioning properly. The signal will be de-asserted when at least one module turns off via fault or inhibited by the system. DCOK- "Emitter" and DCOK+ "Collector" signal functions as DC OK signal. These signals are connected to an uncommitted transistor. When all output of module is Ok, the transistor is On. When all output of module is not Ok, the transistor is Off. The max Sink current is 50mA for DCOK transistor and the bias resistor should be chosen to limit current to a maximum of 50mA. The recommended supply voltage is 5V. Possible circuit configuration for DCOK signal is shown in Figure 4-13. iHP Manual 63 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Figure 4-13 Possible circuits configuration for DCOK functionality At iHP rack start-up, the iHP rack will detect the slots with populated modules. The assertion of hardware DCOK signal will be based on the output status of the modules detected by the iHP rack during start-up. For example: When seven modules inserted to the iHP rack, For the iHP rack DCOK signal to assert, all seven modules should have a power good status. If any module has a power bad status, the iHP rack DCOK signal will be de-asserted. When three modules inserted to iHP rack, For the iHP rack DCOK signal to assert, all three modules should have a power good status. If any module has a power bad status, the iHP rack DCOK signal will be de-asserted. 4.3 Module Operating Mode The iHP modules can be operated in several operating modes. The operating mode is set by the ISOCOMM D3h command and once set remains in the mode chosen until changed by a sending a new configuration via the ISOCOMM D3h command. Digital Voltage Source (DVS) - The module operates as a voltage source. The module output voltage functions can only be controlled by sending a command using a PC or laptop. Digital Current Source (DCS) - The module operates as a current source. The module output current functions can only be controlled by sending a command using a PC or laptop. Analog Voltage Source (AVS) - The module operates as a voltage source. The module output voltage can only be controlled by inputting 0V-10V to module's 0-10VEXT_VPROG signal (module J1 connector pin1) or 0V-5V to module's 0-5VEXT_VPROG signal (module J1 connector pin2). iHP Manual 64 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Analog Current Source (ACS) - The module operates as a current source. The module output current can only be controlled by inputting 0V-10V to module's 0-10VEXT_IPROG signal (module J1 connector pin3) or 0V-5V to module's 0-5VEXT_IPROG signal (module J1 connector pin4). Module operating mode can be change via ISOCOMM Command D3h. Module operating mode can be check via reading Module Command D3h. Table 4-15 lists the module nominal settings and the output range configurability. Table 4-15 Module Series Vnominal Inominal Pnominal 12V 24V 48V 80V 125V 200V 250V 12V 24V 48V 80V 125V 200V 250V 200A 120A 62.5A 37.5A 24A 15A 12A 2400W 2880W 3000W 3000W 3000W 3000W 3000W DVS and AVS Output Voltage Range (5% to 120%) 0.6V to 14.4V 1.2V to 28.8V 2.4V to 57.6V 4V to 96V 6.25V to 150V 10V to 240V 12.5V to 300V DCS and ACS Output Current Range (0% to 100%) 0A to 200A 0A to 120A 0A to 62.5A 0A to 37.5A 0A to 24A 0A to 15A 0A to 12A 4.4 Digital Control The user can control the module's output voltage or current using a PC or laptop when the module is configured in digital control. A wide range of digital commands is supported. Module commands are specific to an individual module at the module level. ISOCOMM commands are higher-level system commands such as when controlling a group of modules. Many of the commands are fixed but several are user configurable. A list of the user configurable commands specific to the modules and example of the command structure is shown in Section 5.2. Definition of all the Module Commands is in Appendix B.2, Module Command. Definition of ISOCOMM Command is in Appendix B.3, ISOCOMM Command. 4.4.1 Digital Voltage Source (DVS) In this operating mode, the user has the capability to control the output voltage using digital means. A PC or laptop will be required to change the output voltage. To change to Digital Voltage Source (DVS) mode, the user needs to send below commands to ISOCOMM. Device Address ISOCOMM Command Data1 Data2 00h D3h <Module slot or Group #> 00h *Before writing to the ISOCOMM, please ensure that the ISOCOMM Command Write Protect (10h) is disabled. Where: Data1 please refer to ISOCOMM Command Table Data2 "00h" signifies Digital Voltage Source After sending ISOCOMM Command D3h, the modules will momentarily shutdown, re-initialize, and then restart. The shutdown, re-initialize, and restart process takes approximately 1.5 seconds. Since the module iHP Manual 65 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual will re-initialize, the Module Operational Command (01h) and Module Write Protect Command (10h) will be set to enable. The module output will be ON and set to nominal V out. Table 4-17 lists the status of the module command and the functionality of the commands when configuring the module to DVS mode. Table 4-16 Functional in DVS Module Command Command Name Upon Change to DVS B1h VREF Yes Set to the module's nominal output voltage. B2h IREF Yes 48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes IREF is the output current level in which the module will enter to Constant Current Source. During 52h set to Constant Current, value will be set based on Module Command 4Dh and nominal output current. During 52h set to Latch Type, although the Latch level can be adjusted, the IREF value will be fixed to 120% of the nominal output current. No change from previous value 49h OV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes No change from previous value 4Bh UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes No change from previous value 4Ch UV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes No change from previous value 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes No change from previous value 52h OC_RESPONSE_TYPE Yes Set to Constant Current Protection B5h SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING Yes No change from previous value B6h SET_CURRENT_RISE_SETTING No No change from previous value B7h SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC Yes No change from previous value B8h SET_MODULE__LOAD_TYPE Yes Default to capacitive load type Data "02h" BAh ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE No No change from previous value *Functional: If Yes, Module Command is operational during the module mode. If No, Module Command is not operational during the module mode To change module output voltage, a B1h (VREF) command to the module. Device Address Module Command Data <Module Slot Address> B1h < Data is the Set Voltage in hexadecimal> *Before writing to the module, please ensure that the Module Command Write Protect (10h) is disabled. *Please refer to Section 5.2 for Module User Configurable Parameters or Appendix B.2 Module Command The user can program the module's output voltage within 5% to 120% of the nominal output voltage rating of the module. For example, a 24V module has a nominal voltage of 24V and can be set to operate between 1.2V and 28.8V. iHP Manual 66 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Setting the VREF outside the valid range: Setting the VREF value beyond the acceptable range, but not to 0V, the module will trigger a Status CML (Communication Memory Logic) fault and will retain the existing value. Setting the VREF value to 0V, the module will enter to standby mode. To re-enable the module, set VREF to an acceptable range. During a module change of output voltage: OVP is temporary disabled until the output voltage level increases to the commanded VREF. UVP is temporary disabled until the output voltage level decreases to the commanded VREF. IREF will automatically readjust if the voltage request is above the nominal output voltage. This will prevent the module from operating above the rated power. DVS Protection Modes When the supply is in DVS mode, the output is protected against over current, short circuit, over voltage, and under voltage faults. The behavior of the supply during an over current fault or short circuit fault is dependent on whether IREF is set to constant current behavior or latch behavior. In constant current mode, the module will attempt to operate at a constant current level while reducing the output voltage and in latch mode, the supply shut off. In the event of over voltage and under voltage faults, the supply will shut down. Please refer to Section 8 on how to clear the fault and power up the module after fault. DVS Protection Over Current Response Over current (OC) response mode will be set by Module Command 52h (OC_RESPONSE_TYPE). The two types of response are Constant Current and Latch. The over current level will be based on Module Command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER setting. Module command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER range is 50% to 105% When 52h is set to Constant Current Response, the module will enter constant current mode when load current reaches the IREF value (B2h). The output voltage will decrease to maintain the load current at the current limit. No fault reporting occurs during this condition. The module will revert to normal operation when load current becomes less than IREF value (B2h). The constant current setting, IREF, is dependent on the Vout setting (VREF). When the: Vo (VREF) is below or equal to the nominal voltage IREF = (Inominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) Vo (VREF) is above the nominal voltage, the IREF, value is automatically reduced to maintain the supply within the maximum peak power of the module IREF = [ (Pnominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)] / VREF iHP Manual 67 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Note that the CC setting level, IREF, will be reflected on IREF (Module Command B2h). When 52h is set to Latch Type, the module will shut down when the output current reaches the Latch Level for 500msec and a fault status will be reported. The Latch Current Level setting is dependent on the Vout setting (VREF). When the: Vo (VREF) is below or equal to the nominal voltage Latch Current Level = (Inominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) Vo (VREF) is above the nominal voltage, Latch Level value is automatically reduced to maintain the supply within the maximum peak power of the module Latch Current Level = [ (Pnominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)] / VREF Note that latch setting level will NOT be reflected to IREF (Module Command B2h). Latch Level can be determined by computation as stated above. DVS Short Circuit Protection When 52h is set to Constant Current Response, the module will shut down when Vo is approximately less than 4% of the nominal for 2 seconds or more. A fault status will be reported. When 52h set to Latch Type Response and an output short circuit occurs, the current level should exceed the latch current level and the module will shut down. A fault status will be reported. DVS Protection Over Voltage Protection (OVP) Over voltage protection will be based on Module Command 48h (OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) and B1h (VREF), OV Level = (48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) x (B1h VREF) The module will shut down when the output voltage reaches the OVP level and a Fault status will be reported. DVS Protection Under Voltage Protection (UVP) Under voltage protection will be based on Module Command 4Bh (UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) and B1h (VREF), UV Level = (4Bh UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) x (B1h VREF) The module will shut down when the output voltage is less than UVP level and a fault status will be reported. Note that output UVP will be disabled when the module enters constant current protection. iHP Manual 68 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 4.4.2 Digital Current Source (DCS) In this operating mode, user has the capability to control the output current using digital means. A PC or laptop will be required to change the output current. To change to Digital Current Source (DCS) mode, the user needs to send below commands to ISOCOMM. Device Address ISOCOMM Command Data1 Data2 00h D3h <Module slot or Group #> 0x08h *Before writing to the ISOCOMM, please ensure that the ISOCOMM Command Write Protect (10h) is disabled. Where: Data1 please refer to ISOCOMM Command Table. Data2 "08h" signifies Digital Current Source. After sending ISOCOMM Command D3h, module will momentarily shutdown, re-initialize and restart. The shutdown, re-initialize, and restart process takes approximately 1.5 seconds. Since the module will reinitialize, the Module Operational Command (01h) and Module Write Protect Command (10h) will be set to enable. IREF will automatically be set to 0A. Table 4-17 list the status of the module command and the functionality of the commands when configuring the module to DCS mode. Table 4-17 Module Comman d B1h B2h 48h Command Name Functional in DCS Upon Change to DCS VREF IREF OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes Yes Yes 49h OV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 52h B5h B6h B7h B8h UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER UV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Set to module's nominal output voltage Set to 0A Tracking OV Enable will be based on the set VREF OVP multiplier no change from previous value. Tracking OV Warning Enable will be based on the set VREF OVP warning multiplier no change from previous value Disable. No change from previous value Disable. No change from previous value Fix to Latch type No change from previous value No change from previous value SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC No change from previous value SET_MODULE__LOAD_TYPE Last setting of B8h during DCS Factory setting of B8h during ACS is Resistive (01h) BAh ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE No No change from previous value *Functional: If Yes, Module Command is operational during the module mode. If No, Module Command is not operational during the module mode iHP Manual OC_RESPONSE_TYPE SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING SET_CURRENT_RISE_SETTING No change from previous value. 69 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual To change module output current, user needs to send below B2h (IREF) command to the module. Device Address Module Command Data <Module Slot Address> B2h < Data is the Set Current> *Before writing to the module, please ensure that the Module Command Write Protect (10h) is disabled. * Please refer to Section 5.2 for Module User Configurable Parameters or Appendix B.2 Module Command The user can program the module's output current within 0% to 100% of the nominal output current. Setting the IREF value beyond the acceptable range, but not to 0A, the module will trigger a Status CML fault and will retain the existing value. Setting the IREF value to 0A will cause the module to enter to standby mode. To enable again the module, set IREF to an acceptable range. DCS Protection Modes When the supply is in DCS mode, the supply limits the current to the IREF value and the voltage is limited by the VREF value. Secondary output protection is provided in rare load conditions by the OC Fault Level and the OV Fault Level. DCS Protection: Constant Voltage Clamp There are conditions that can exist when the output voltage will be greater than the VREF level (B1h) Fixed load resistance and the user increases the IREF setting Fixed IREF setting and load resistance increases. When module output voltage reaches the VREF level, the module will enter constant voltage mode. This will protect the module from continuous increase in output voltage. There will be no fault reporting during this condition. To enter again to DCS, the user needs to decrease the IREF setting or decrease the load resistance. For module software v04.10.00 and above, user can update the Constant Voltage Clamp from nominal voltage down to 5% of the nominal voltage of the module via Module Command B1h. For module software below v04.10.00, constant voltage clamp is fixed to the nominal output voltage. DCS Protection: Over Current Response and Short Circuit Protection During DCS, over current response will be fix to "Latch type" (52h). OC level will be based on Module Command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER setting. Module Command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER range is 50% to 105% The module will shut down when the output current reaches the OC level and a fault status will be reported. With Vo (VREF) below or equal to the nominal voltage, the latch level setting value is Latch Current Level = (Inominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) Note that the latch setting level will NOT be reflected to IREF (Module command B2h). Latch level can be determined by computation as stated above. iHP Manual 70 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual DCS Protection: Over Voltage Protection (OVP) Over voltage protection level during DCS will be based on the OV Fault Limit Multiplier (48h) and VREF (B1h) setting. OV Level = (48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) x (B1h VREF) The module will shut down when the output voltage reaches the OVP level and a fault status will be reported. DCS Protection: Under Voltage Protection (UVP) During DCS operating mode, under voltage protection is not functional. 4.4.3 Module Grouping for Series or Parallel Connection Digital Operation Modules can be operated in Series or Parallel connection during Digital Mode. Below are list of possible series or parallel connections. DVS parallel connection DVS series connection DCS parallel connection To work properly, the modules must be connected in parallel or series. Only modules of the same model can be connected in series or in parallel. When a certain module will be included in the group, there are restrictions in place to protect the user and system. Please refer to Section for Module Grouping configuration and Section 6 for Module Grouping details. DVS Parallel Connection All modules connected in parallel should: be grouped as one using ISOCOMM WebTool. have the same module configuration. have positive terminals connected in parallel. have negative terminals connected in parallel. have "ISHARE" signals (Module's J2 pin 10) star connected. have "D_RTN" signals (Module's J2 pin 4) star connected. have "REMOTE_SENSE_+" star connected and connected to the desired point of regulation. have "REMOTE_SENSE_-" star connected and connected to the desired point of regulation. To change Group Module output voltage, the user needs to send below B1h (VREF) command to the group. Device Address Module Command Data <Group Number> B1h < Data is the Set Voltage> *Before writing to this command, please ensure that the Group Address Write Protect (10h) is disabled. The group output voltage can be programmed within 5% to 120% of the nominal output voltage. Setting the VREF value beyond the acceptable range, but not to 0V, the module will trigger a Status CML fault and will iHP Manual 71 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual retain the existing value. Setting the VREF value to 0V, the module will enter to standby mode. To enable again the module, set VREF to an acceptable range. During group module change of output voltage: All modules in the group will adjust based on the commanded output voltage. OVP is temporarily disabled until the output voltage level reaches the commanded VREF. UVP is temporarily disabled until the output voltage level reaches the commanded VREF. IREF will automatically readjust if the voltage request is above the nominal output voltage. This will prevent module to operate above the rated power. DVS Parallel Connection Protection Each individual module in a group will protect independently. Each individual module in a group will protect as stated on section DVS Series Connection All modules connected in series should: be grouped as one using ISOCOMM WebTool. have the same module configuration. have the terminals connected in series. have each module's "REMOTE_SENSE_+" connected to its own positive output terminal. have each module's "REMOTE_SENSE_-" connected to its own negative output terminal. connect external reverse biased anti-parallel diode to each module output. Table 4-18 list recommend diodes for each module. iHP Manual 72 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 4-18 Model Min Voltage Rating (V) Min Current Rating (A) 12V 45 300 24V 45 200 48V 100 120 80V 150 80 125V 200 50 200V 400 30 250V 400 30 Maximum Vf 0.9V @ 160A (Tj = 125degC) 0.9V @ 160A (Tj = 125degC) 0.7V @ 80A (Tj = 125degC) Use Below Recommended Device or its Equivalent IXYS: DSS 2x160-0045A (45V 2x160A) IXYS: DSS 2x160-0045A (45V 2x160A) STMicroelecronics: STPS160H100TV (100V 2x80A) 1.5V @ 50A (Tj = 125degC) 1.5V @ 50A (Tj = 125degC) 1.5V @ 60A (Tj = 125degC) 1.5V @ 60A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH10002TV1 (200V 2x50A) STMicroelecronics: STTH10002TV1 (200V 2x50A) STMicroelecronics: STTH120R04TV1 (400V 2x60A) STMicroelecronics: STTH120R04TV1 (400V 2x60A) To change Group Module output voltage, the user needs to send below B1h (VREF) command using Group Device address. Device Address <Group Number> Module Command B1h Data < Data is the Set Voltage> *Before writing to this command, please ensure that the Group Address Write Protect (10h) is disabled. The desired output voltage setting should be set to the desired output voltage at the load. Series Operation DVS "Data" = Total Output Voltage of the Series Module connection. For example, when setting four modules in series to obtain an output voltage of 80V, the group command B1h should be set to 80V. Internally ISOCOMM will divide the set voltage by the number of modules and will set each module to an output voltage of 20V. The module's output voltage can be programmed within 5% to 120% of the nominal output voltage. Setting the VREF beyond the acceptable range, but not to 0V, the module will trigger a Status CML fault and will retain the existing value. Setting the VREF value to 0V, the module will enter standby mode. To enable the module again, set VREF to an acceptable range. During group module change of output voltage: All modules in the group will adjust based on the computed output voltage for each module. OVP is temporary disabled until the output voltage level increases to the commanded VREF. UVP is temporary disabled until the output voltage level decreases to the commanded VREF. iHP Manual 73 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual IREF will automatically readjust if the voltage request is above the nominal output voltage. This will prevent module to operate above the rated power. DVS Series Connection Protection Each individual module in a group will protect independently, as stated in Section 4.4.1. DCS Parallel Connection All modules connected in parallel should: be grouped as one using ISOCOMM WebTool have the same module configuration. have output positive terminals connected in parallel. have output negative terminals connected in parallel. The module will clamp into constant voltage source if the requested IREF or load resistance increases enough to cause the output voltage to be greater than the VREF. To operate the group in this condition: All Module REMOTE_SENSE_+ should be star connected and connected to the desired point of regulation. All Module REMOTE_SENSE_- should be star connected and connected to the desired point of regulation. All Module ISHARE signal (Module's J2 pin 10) should be star connected. All Module D_RTN signal (Module's J2 pin 4) should be start connected. To change module output current, send below B2h (IREF) command using Group Device Address. Device Address Module Command Data <Module Slot Address> B2h < Data is the Set Current> *Before writing to this command, please ensure that the Group Address Write Protect (10h) is disabled. The desired output current setting should be set to the desired output current at the load. Parallel Operation DCS "Data" = Total Output Current of the Parallel Module connection. For example, when setting four modules in parallel to obtain an output current of 100A, the group command B1h should be set to 100A. Internally ISOCOMM will divide the set current by the number of module and will set each module output current to 25A. The module's output current can be programmed within 0% to 100% of the nominal output current. Setting the IREF outside the valid range will cause the modules to trigger an INVALID PGM RANGE fault (STAUS_MFR_SPECIFIC) and turn the output of the modules off. Set the command within valid range to recover. DCS Parallel Connection Protection Each individual module in a group will protect independently and will protect as stated in Section 4.4.2. iHP Manual 74 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 4.5 Analog Control The module's output (output voltage or current) can be controlled using an external supply connected to the modules' IPROG (0-10VEXT_IPROG or 0-5VEXT_IPROG) or VPROG (0-10VEXT_VPROG or 0-5VEXT_VPROG) signal. Definition of module is in Appendix B.2 Module Command. Definition of ISOCOMM Command is in Appendix B.3 ISOCOMM Command. 4.5.1 Analog Voltage Source (AVS) In this operating mode, the user has the capability to control the output voltage using analog means. For AVS, user can control the output using the 0-5VEXT_VPROG or 0-10VEXT_VPROG input. To change to Analog Voltage Source (AVS) mode, the user needs to send the below commands to ISOCOMM. Device Address Command Data1 Data2 00h D3h <Module slot or Group #> 02h *Before writing to the ISOCOMM, please ensure that the ISOCOMM Command Write Protect (01h) is disabled. Where: Data1 please refer to ISOCOMM Command Table. Data2 "0x02h" signifies Analog Programmed Voltage Source. After sending ISOCOMM Command D3h, the module will momentarily shutdown, re-initialize and restart. This will happen for 1.5 seconds. Since the module will re-initialize, the Module Operational Command (01h) and Module Write Protect Command (10h) will be set to enable. The module output voltage will be based on the VPROG signal. Table 4-19 lists the status of the module command and the functionality of the commands when configuring the module to DCS mode. iHP Manual 75 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 4-19 Module Command Command Name Functional in AVS B1h B2h VREF IREF No Yes Upon Change to AVS Fix to Module's Nominal Output Voltage During 52h set to Constant Current, value will be set based on Module Command 4Dh and nominal output current. 48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER No During 52h set to Latch Type, value will be fixed to 120% of the nominal output current. No change from previous value 49h 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 52h B5h B6h OV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER UV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER OC_RESPONSE_TYPE SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING SET_CURRENT_RISE_SETTING No No No Yes Yes No No No change from previous value No change from previous value No change from previous value No change from previous value No change from previous value No change from previous value No change from previous value B7h SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC Yes No change from previous value Default to capacitive load type Data "02h" B8h SET_MODULE__LOAD_TYPE Yes BAh ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE Yes No change from previous value *Functional: If Yes, command register is operational during the module mode. If No, command register is not operational during the module mode To change the output voltage using 0-10VEXT_VPROG, apply 0-10V across the connector J1's pin 1 (010VEXT_VPROG) and pin 8 (SYS_RTN) to get a corresponding output voltage from 5% to 120% of the nominal output voltage. Applied voltage 0V - 0.42V yields 5% nominal output voltage. To change the output voltage using 0-5VEXT_VPROG, apply 0-5V across the connector J1's pin 2 (05VEXT_VPROG) and pin 8 (SYS_RTN) to get a corresponding output voltage from 5% to 120% of the nominal output voltage. Applied voltage 0V - 0.21V yields 5% nominal output voltage. Note: IREF will automatically readjust if the voltage request is above the nominal output voltage. Please note that 0-10VEXT_IPROG and 0-5VEXT_IPROG cannot be used simultaneously: If the user will use 0-10VEXT_VPROG, 0-5VEXT_VPROG should be floating. If the user will use 0-5VEXT_VPROG, 0-10VEXT_VPROG should be floating. iHP Manual 76 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual AVS Protection Modes When the supply is in AVS mode, the output is protected against over current, short circuit, over voltage, and under voltage faults. The behavior of the supply during an over current fault or short circuit fault is dependent on whether IREF is set to constant current behavior or latch behavior. In constant current mode, the module will attempt to operate at a constant current level while reducing the output voltage and in latch mode the supply shut off. In the event of an overvoltage and under voltage faults the supply will shut down. Please refer to Section 8 on how to clear the fault and power up the module after fault. AVS Protection Over Current Response Over current response mode will be set by Module Command 52h (OC_RESPONSE_TYPE). The two types of response are Constant Current and Latch. The over current level will be based on Module Command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER setting. Module Command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER range is 50% to 105% When 52h set to Constant Current Response, the module will enter constant current mode when load current reaches the IREF value (B2h). The output voltage will decrease to maintain the load current at the current limit. No fault reporting occurs during this condition. The module will revert to normal operation when load current becomes less than IREF value (B2h). The constant current setting, IREF, is dependent on the Vout setting (VREF). When the: Vo (VREF) is below or equal to the nominal voltage IREF = (Inominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) Vo (VREF) is above the nominal voltage, the IREF, value is automatically reduced to maintain the supply within the maximum peak power of the module IREF = [ (Pnominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)] / VREF Note that the CC setting level, IREF, will be reflected on IREF (Module Command B2h). When 52h set to Latch Type, the module will shut down when the output current reaches the latch level for 500msec and a fault status will be reported. The Latch Current Level setting is dependent on the Vout setting (VREF). When the: Vo (VREF) is below or equal to the nominal voltage Latch Current Level = (Inominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) iHP Manual 77 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Vo (VREF) is above the nominal voltage, Latch Level value is automatically reduced to maintain the supply within the maximum peak power of the module Latch Current Level = [ (Pnominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)] / VREF Note that the latch setting level will NOT be reflected to IREF (Module Command B2h). Latch level can be determined by computation as stated above. AVS Short Circuit Protection When 52h is set to Constant Current Response, the module will shut down when Vo is approximately less than 4% of the nominal for 2 seconds or more. A fault status will be reported. When 52h set to Latch Type and an output short circuit occurs, the current level should exceed the latch current level and the module will shut down. A fault status will be reported. AVS Protection Over Voltage Protection (OVP) Tracking over voltage protection Module Command 48h (OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) is not operational during AVS. A Brick Wall OVP is operational during this mode. In Brick Wall OVP mode the limit is hard coded in module firmware at the factory and cannot be changed. The module will shut down when the output voltage reaches the Brick Wall OVP level. Brick Wall OVP level is specified in Section 4.1.2 and a fault status will be reported. AVS Protection Under Voltage Protection (UVP) During ACS operating mode, under voltage protection is not functional. 4.5.2 Analog Current Source (ACS) In this operating mode, the user has the capability to control the output current using analog means. For ACS, the user can control the output using 0-5VEXT_IPROG or 0-10VEXT_IPROG To change to Analog Current Source (ACS) mode, the user needs to send below commands to ISOCOMM. Device Address Command Data1 Data2 00h 0xD3h <Module slot or Group #> 0x0Ah *Before writing to the ISOCOMM, please ensure that the ISOCOMM Command Write Protect (01h) is disabled. Where: Data1 please refer to ISOCOMM Command Table. Data2 "0x0Ah" signifies Analog Programmed Voltage Source. After sending ISOCOMM Command D3h, the module will momentarily shutdown, re-initialize and restart. The shutdown, re-initialize and restart process takes approximately 1.5 seconds. Since the module will re-initialize, the Module Operational Command (01h) and Module Write Protect Command (10h) will be set to enable. The module output current will be based on the IPROG signal. iHP Manual 78 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Table 4-20 lists the status of the module command and the functionality of the commands when configuring the module to ACS mode. Table 4-20 Module Command Command Name Functiona l in ACS B1h B2h 48h VREF IREF OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes No Yes Upon Change to ACS Fix to nominal Fix to 0A OVP will be based on the set VREF. OVP multiplier no change from previous value. 49h OV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes OV Warning will be based on the set VREF. OVP warning multiplier no change from previous value. 4Bh UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER No No change from previous value 4Ch UV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER No No change from previous value 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Yes No change from previous value 52h OC_RESPONSE_TYPE Yes Fix to Latch type B5h SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING No No change from previous value B6h SET_CURRENT_RISE_SETTING No No change from previous value B7h SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC Yes No change from previous value B8h SET_MODULE__LOAD_TYPE Yes Last user B8h command. Artesyn Factory setting of DCS is Resistive (01h). Bah ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE No No change from previous value *Functional: If Yes, command register is operational during the module mode. If No, command register is not operational during the module mode To change the output current using 0-10VEXT_IPROG, apply 0-10V across connector J1's pin 3 (010VEXT_IPROG) and pin 8 (SYS_RTN) to get a corresponding output current from 0% to 100% of the rated output current. To change the output current using 0-5VEXT_IPROG, apply 0-5V across connector J1's pin 4 (0-5VEXT_IPROG) and pin 8 (SYS_RTN) to get a corresponding output current from 0% to 100% of the rated output current. Please note that 0-10VEXT_IPROG and 0-5VEXT_IPROG cannot be used simultaneously: If the user will use 0-10VEXT_VPROG, 0-5VEXT_VPROG should be floating. If the user will use 0-5VEXT_VPROG, 0-10VEXT_VPROG should be floating. iHP Manual 79 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual ACS Protection Modes When the supply is in ACS mode, the supply limits the current to the IREF value and the voltage is limited by the VREF value. Secondary output protection is provided in rare load conditions by the OC fault level and the OV fault level. Please refer to Section 8 on how to clear the fault and power up the module after fault. ACS Protection: Constant Voltage Clamp There are conditions that can exist when the output voltage will be greater than the VREF level (B1h): Fix load resistance and user increases the IPROG input. Fix IPROG input setting and load resistance increases. When module output voltage reaches the VREF level, the module will enter constant voltage clamp. This will protect the system from continuous increase in output voltage. There will be no fault reporting during this condition. To enter again to ACS, the user needs to decrease the IPROG input or decrease the load resistance. For module software v04.10.00 and above, the user can update the Constant Voltage Clamp from nominal voltage down to 5% of the nominal voltage of the module via Module Command B1h. For module software below v04.10.00, Constant Voltage Clamp cannot be changed and is set to the nominal output voltage. ACS Protection: Over Current Protection and Short Circuit Protection During ACS, over current protection will be fix to "latch type" (52h). OC level will be based on Module Command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER setting. Module Command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER range is 50% to 105% The module will shut down when the output current reaches the OC level and a fault status will be reported. With Vo (VREF) below or equal to the nominal voltage, the latch level setting value is Latch Level = (Inominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) Note that the latch setting level will NOT be reflected to IREF (Module Command B2h). Latch Level can be determined by computation as stated above. ACS Protection: Over Voltage Protection (OVP) Over voltage protection level during ACS will be based on the OV Fault Limit Multiplier (48h) and VREF (B1h) setting. OV Level = (48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) x (B1h VREF) ACS Protection: Under Voltage Protection (UVP) During ACS operating mode, under voltage protection is not functional 4.5.3 Module Grouping for Series or Parallel Connection Analog Operation Modules can be operated in Series or Parallel connection during analog mode. Below are list of possible series or parallel connections: iHP Manual 80 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual AVS parallel connection AVS series connection ACS parallel connection To work properly, user needs to group the modules connected in parallel or series. To work properly, the modules must be connected in parallel or series. Only modules of the same model can be connected in series or in parallel. When a certain module will be included in the group, there are restrictions in place to protect the user and system. Please refer to Section for Module Grouping configuration and Section 6 for Module Grouping details. AVS Parallel Connection All modules connected in parallel should: be grouped as one using ISOCOMM WebTool. have the same module configuration. have positive terminals connected in parallel. have negative terminals connected in parallel. have "ISHARE" signals (Module's J2 pin 10) star connected. have "A_RTN" signals (Module's J2 pin 4) star connected. have "REMOTE_SENSE_+" signals star connected and connected to the desired point of regulation. have "REMOTE_SENSE_-" signals star connected and connected to the desired point of regulation. have "SYS_RTN" signals (Module's J1 pin 8) star connected have "0-10VEXT_VPROG" signals (Module's J1 pin 1) star connected if system will be operating using 010VEXT_VPROG. have "0-5VEXT_VPROG" signal (Module's J1 pin 2) signals star connected if system will be operating using 0-5VEXT_VPROG. Warning! - Module's J2 signals and output voltage are isolated from module's J1 signals. AVS Parallel Connection Protection Each individual module in a group will protect independently and will protect as stated in Section 4.5.1. AVS Series Connection All modules connected in series should: be group as one using ISOCOMM WebTool have the same module configuration. have output terminals connected in series. have each module's "REMOTE_SENSE_+" connected to its own positive output terminal. have each module's "REMOTE_SENSE_-" connected to its own negative output terminal. iHP Manual 81 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual have "0-10VEXT_VPROG" signals (Module's J1 pin 1) star connected If user will operate using 010VEXT_VPROG. have "0-5VEXT_VPROG" signals (Module's J1 pin 2) star connected if user will operate using 05VEXT_VPROG. connect external reverse biased (anti-parallel) diode to each module output. Table 4-21 list recommend diodes for each module. Table 4-21 Model Min Voltage Rating (V) Min Current Rating (A) Maximum Vf Use Below Recommended Device or its Equivalent 12V 45 300 0.9V @ 160A (Tj = 125degC) IXYS: DSS 2x160-0045A (45V 2x160A) 24V 45 200 0.9V @ 160A (Tj = 125degC) IXYS: DSS 2x160-0045A (45V 2x160A) 48V 100 120 0.7V @ 80A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STPS160H100TV (100V 2x80A) 80V 150 80 1.5V @ 50A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH10002TV1 (200V 2x50A) 125V 200 50 1.5V @ 50A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH10002TV1 (200V 2x50A) 200V 400 30 1.5V @ 60A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH120R04TV1 (400V 2x60A) 250V 400 30 1.5V @ 60A (Tj = 125degC) STMicroelecronics: STTH120R04TV1 (400V 2x60A) Warning! - Module's J2 signals and output voltage are isolated from module's J1 signals. AVS Parallel Connection Protection Each individual module in a group will protect independently and will protect as stated in Section 4.5.1. ACS Parallel Connection All Modules connected in parallel should: be grouped as one using ISOCOMM WebTool have the same module configuration. iHP Manual 82 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual have positive terminals connected in parallel. have negative terminals connected in parallel. have "SYS_RTN" signals (Module's J1 Pin8) star connected. have "0-10VEXT_VPROG" signals (Module's J1 Pin1) star connected if system will be operating using 010VEXT_VPROG. have "0-5VEXT_VPROG" signals (Module's J1 Pin2) star connected if system will be operating using 05VEXT_VPROG. The module will clamp into constant voltage if the requested output current or load resistance increases and causes the output voltage to be greater than the VREF. If operating from this condition connect: All Module "REMOTE_SENSE_+" should be star connected and connected to the desired point of regulation. All Module "REMOTE_SENSE_-" should be star connected and connected to the desired point of regulation. All Module "ISHARE" signal (Module's J2 pin 10) should be star connected. All Module "A_RTN" signal (Module's J2 pin 4) should be start connected. Warning! - Module's J2 signals and output voltage are isolated from module's J1 signals. AVS Series Connection Protection Each individual module in a group will protect independently and will protect as stated in Section 4.5.2. iHP Manual 83 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Configuration This section discusses user configurable parameters of iHP rack (ISOCOMM configuration) and iHP module. Configuration settings can be accomplished using a computer to connect to the iHP unit. 5.1 ISOCOMM User Configurable Parameters iHP rack configuration can be updated using Ethernet communication only. iHP racks have a built-in WebTool to edit ISOCOMM configuration. The configuration can be changed using an internet browser. Recommended internet browser is Google Chrome. ISOCOMM WebTool is composed of different section. Each section will be discussed on succeeding pages. Home section contains summary of the iHP rack's network setting and the rack's firmware versions, and the iHP modules connected to the iHP rack with the module's respective firmware version. Network section contains communication and network configuration. Rack section contains iHP rack configuration. Module section contains commands necessary for grouping modules. Firmware section contains information to perform a firmware update. Maintenance section contains information to initiate System Reset. To access the ISOCOMM WebTool, open the web browser and type the iHP rack IP address to access the WebTool. The home page will be displayed. iHP Manual 84 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual User needs to enter USERNAME and PASSWORD when accessing below section (applicable to ISOCOMM SW v03.00.00) Rack section Module section Firmware section Maintenance section iHP Manual 85 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Default setting when shipped from Artesyn: User Name: admin Password: rtsn1234! When the user changes a setting, press "Save" button and perform System Reset. "Save" button is applicable only on the specific WebTool section. Meaning if user changes a parameter in a WebTool section, the "Save" button must be pressed before going to another WebTool section. System Reset is needed for the "Save" changes to take effect. System reset can be done by: Recycling Input AC. Turning Off input AC for 10 seconds then turn-on. Initiating "Reset System". This button is in the Maintenance Section. Please refer to Section 5.1.7. When user needs to perform changes in different WebTool section, user can change configuration then save before going to another section. System Reset will be required to implement all changes in each WebTool section. The "Restore Previous Values" button will revert the change configuration value to the setting during the last system initialization. This button is also applicable only on the specific WebTool section. Please take note that this function restores ISOCOMM configuration only. After pressing "Restore Previous Values" button, the user needs to press "Save" button and perform System Reset to ensure that the restore previous value will take into effect. iHP Manual 86 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 5.1.1 Home Section The Home Section contains a general summary of the iHP unit. WebTool Home section will display the following information ISOCOMM MAC Address IP Address Comms Firmware version PFC1 and PFC2 Firmware version iHP Manual 87 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Home Page ISOCOMM Section Home Page Module Section Each iHP rack slot's module model number Each iHP rack slot's module firmware version Home Page Racks Section Racks connected (applicable to ISOCOMM SW v03.00.00) This section will be active when Rack Synchronize OFF is enabled in WebTool Rack Configuration. This function is needed during multi-rack operation. Multi-rack operation is discussed in Section 7. This field contains: iHP Manual IP address of the racks connected in multi-rack operation Serial Number of the racks connected in multi-rack operation Status of each rack connected in multi-rack operation (Good or Fault/Standby) 88 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual In below screen shot, there are three iHP rack in multi-rack operation. The WebTool will display the IP address of the other two racks connected. 5.1.2 Network Section Network configuration can be done using this section in the WebTool. The Network Section contains the following information: Ethernet Settings MAC Address Current IP Address Broadcast Address DHCP Setting Static IP Address (when DHCP is disable) CAN/RS485 Settings In the Network Section user can configure the following: Enable/Disable DHCP Static IP Address CAN/RS485 Rack Address iHP Manual 89 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual DHCP This will allow user to enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Setting Enable Remarks The router will automatically assign the IP address to the iHP rack. Once the setting is activated, user will need to search for the IP address assigned by the router. Disable IP address will be set to Static IP. User can update IP address in the "Static IP Address" field. Static IP Address This field will be used to enter user static IP address. This is applicable when the DHCP setting is disabled. CAN/RS485 Setting This field will be used to configure CAN / RS485 address. A dropdown list will be available. Possible CAN / RS485 addresses are: Address 0 Address 1 iHP Manual 90 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Address 5 CAN broadcast address is set to address seven. RS485 does not have any broadcast address. 5.1.3 Rack Section Configuration of rack-related parameters can be updated in this WebTool section. Internal Ambient Temperature OTP This configuration allows the user to set for the desired rack's internal ambient temperature in which the rack will trigger the OTP. The user can set the Ambient OTP from 0-70 degrees Celsius. OT warning will be flagged when the temperature reaches Ambient OTP less 4C. iHP Manual 91 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Ambient temperature monitoring is located on the front panel of iHP rack. Once Ambient OTP is triggered, status will be reflected on the ISOCOMM command 7Dh (STATUS_TEMPERATURE). Power-Up Sequence This configuration discusses the output status (on or off) during iHP power-up. Power-up sequence can be configured as: Wait for Power Switch Straight ON Wait for SW Command Wait for Power Switch Power Switch is located on the front panel of the iHP unit. After turning-on the Input AC and ISOCOMM finishes its bootload process, modules will not turn-on. Module will turn-on after pressing the Power Switch. Power Switch will be operational after 20 seconds from the application of input AC. Straight ON After turning-on the Input AC and ISOCOMM finishes its bootload process, modules will turn-on automatically. Wait for SW Command After turning-on the Input AC and ISOCOMM finishes its bootload process, modules will not turn-on. User needs to send turn-on command via SW. Send ISOCOMM Command: 10h Write_Protect Command; Data: 00h Command to disable ISOCOMM write protect. Send ISOCOMM Command: 01h Operational Command; Data: 80h Command to turn on the module. Note: Module turn-on will still be dependent on hardware inhibit or enable signals of iHP rack or iHP module. INH0/EN0 TTL and INH1/EN1 TTL Function This configuration allows the user to configure: INH0/EN0 TTL signal (iHP Rack DSUB9 pin 5) as Inhibit Low or Enable Low function. INH1/EN1 TTL signal (iHP Rack DSUB9 pin 4) as Inhibit High or Enable High function. iHP Manual 92 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Configuration iHP Rack DSUB9 Input to INH0/EN0 Input to INH1/EN1 Pin Pin Shorted to GND Floating Shorted to GND 5V Floating Floating Floating 5V Shorted to GND Floating Shorted to GND 5V Floating Floating Floating 5V Shorted to GND Floating Shorted to GND 5V Floating Floating Floating 5V Shorted to GND Floating Shorted to GND 5V Floating Floating Floating 5V INH0 & INH1 INH0 & EN1 EN0 & INH1 EN0 & EN1 Module Status OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF Disable on 5V_STBY Fault User can configure the iHP rack to disable the modules if 5V_Stby fault occurred. Setting Remarks Enable Once the 5V_Stby fault occurred, modules will be disabled. Disable Once the 5V_Stby fault occurred, modules are still enabled. 5V_Stby Faults Out of regulation Over Current / Short Circuit Rack Synchronized Off This function is needed during multi-rack operation. Multi-rack operation is discussed in Section 7. iHP Manual 93 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual RACK Synchronized Off Setting Remarks Enable Rack synchronize off is activated Disable Rack synchronize off is de-activated Number of racks connected will be activated when the Rack Synchronized OFF is enabled. This parameter will indicate how many racks should be synchronized. Allowable racks to be synchronized is up to six racks. 5.1.4 Module Section In this section, user can configure multiple modules installed in the iHP rack as one. iHP Manual 94 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Module Synchronized OFF This function will shut down all modules installed in an iHP rack when any module is at fault or in standby mode. User can configure this function. Setting Remarks Enable All modules installed in the iHP rack will shut down when any module is at fault or in standby mode. Disable When at least one module is at fault or in standby mode, the remaining modules will still be operational. iHP Manual 95 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual It is required to enable the "Module Synchronized OFF" functionality when module is connected in parallel or series. Module Group Modules need to be group as one during parallel or series connections. This function will treat all modules as one. Once grouped, the system will have the below added functions: Single command for all modules in a group (limited command) Single Register Status reporting for all modules in a group Single Reporting of Vo, Io, and Po for all modules in a group User will need to configure in the ISOCOMM WebTool, the group number, if the modules in the group are connected in parallel or series, and which group the module should be included. Note: Modules will be allowed to be included in one group only. Module grouping function is discussed in Section 6. 5.1.5 Firmware Section This section provides instruction for firmware upgrade of PFC and module devices. Before upgrading the firmware, module outputs should be disconnected to system load. PFC can be bootloaded with or without modules inserted to the iHP rack. Procedure for firmware upgrade (PFC and Module): Power on AC source based on the input configuration of the unit. Unit will be operational after 20 seconds boot-up. Open Google Chrome Browser. Type the IP address of the iHP to proceed with the iHP WebTool page. iHP Manual 96 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 1. Click "FIRMWARE" tab. 2. If asked for username and password, type below: User Name: admin Password: rtsn1234! 3. Upload the desired FW file. Click "Choose File." iHP Manual 97 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 4. Select firmware file then click "Open". Firmware file extension name is ".S" 5. Click "Upload File" iHP Manual 98 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 6. Once uploaded successfully, confirmation will be display as below. 7. Refresh WebTool. 8. The uploaded file should now be visible in the Available Firmware box. 9. Select the preferred device (i.e., PFC or Module 1 or Module 2, ... or Module 8) to upgrade. Module bootloading should be done per module, so you can only select one module at a time. iHP Manual 99 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 10. Select the desired firmware to be bootloaded at the Available Firmware box. It should be highlighted as below. 11. Click "Flash selected firmware" to start the bootloading. Bootloading progress will be displayed. 12. The WebTool will notify the user once the bootloading is completed. 13. To perform FW updates for other modules, a. If FW file is present in the "Available Firmware" box section, repeat instructions 13-16. b. If FW file is not yet present in the "Available Firmware" box section, repeat instructions 716. When user completes the bootload, proceed to instruction 18. 14. Turn-off Input AC for 10 seconds. 15. FW update finished. 16. Power-up Input AC again to check FW version. iHP Manual 100 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 17. Go to WebTool Home page to check the FW version. 18. Turn-off Input AC. Firmware version checking is now complete. Note: ISOCOMM WebTool will prevent module firmware from programming PFC devices. ISOCOMM WebTool will prevent PFC firmware from programming module devices. PFC and module configuration will not change after firmware upgrade. 5.1.6 Maintenance Section This section contains provisions to reset the ISOCOMM. iHP Manual 101 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual All changes in the configuration in the WebTool will take into effect after AC recycles for 10 seconds. Reset via pressing the "Reset System" button in the WebTool Maintenance Section Once user presses the "Reset System" button: All modules will shut down. ISOCOMM will re-boot. ISOCOMM boot time is about 20 seconds. System LED and Output LED will be off. Power LED will be blinking green. After 20 seconds, ISOCOMM is now configured to the new setting and operational. Note: When "Reset System" is initiated, this will only reset the ISOCOMM. 5.2 iHP Module User Configurable Parameters Definition of Module Command is located on Appendix B.2 Module Command. Command Description 01h MODULE_OPERATION 48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER 49h OV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER 4Bh UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER 4Ch UV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER 52h OC_RESPONSE_TYPE B5h SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING B6h SET_CURRENT_RISE_SETTING B7h SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC B8h SET_MODULE_LOAD TYPE BAh ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE B1h VREF B2h IREF D3h MODULE_CONFIG D8h VPROG_LOW_LIMIT iHP Manual 102 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual D9h DAh DBh 5.2.1 IPROG_LOW_LIMIT VREF_MAX_LIMIT IREF_MAX_LIMIT Module Command 01h: MODULE_OPERATION Command to turn-off or turn-on the module. Module Command 01h Data 80 - Module turn-on Module Command 01h Data 00 - Module turn-off 5.2.2 Module Command 48h: OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Command to configure the output over voltage level protection in percentage. Data settable between 120% to 130% of the set VREF. The OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER function is dependent on the module mode. Please refer to Section 4.3 for the function of OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER with respect to module mode. OVP Level = VREF + (Nominal Voltage * (OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER - 1)) Example Module = 48V iHP Module Module Nominal Voltage = 48V Set VREF = 35V OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER = 125% OVP Level = VREF + (Nominal Voltage * (OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER - 1)) OVP Level = 35 + (48 * (1.25 - 1)) OVP Level = 47 5.2.3 Module Command 4Bh: UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Command to configure the output under voltage level protection in percentage. Data settable between 80% to 90% of the set VREF. The UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER function is dependent on the module mode. Please refer to Section 4.3 for the function of UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER with respect to module mode. UVP Level = VREF - (Nominal Voltage * (1- UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)) Ex. Module = 48V iHP Module Module Nominal Voltage = 48V Set VREF = 35V OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER = 85% UVP Level = VREF - (Nominal Voltage * (1- UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)) UVP Level = 35 - (48 * (1 - 0.85)) iHP Manual 103 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual UVP Level = 27.8V 5.2.4 Module Command 4Dh: OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Command to configure the output over current level protection in percentage. Data settable between 50% to 105% of the set IREF. The OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER function is dependent on the module mode. Please refer to Section 4.3 for the function of OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER with respect to module mode. Set Vo (VREF) is below or equal to the nominal voltage OC Level = (Inominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) OC response will be Ex. Module = 48V iHP Module Module Nominal Current = 62.5A VREF = 48V OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER = 75% OC Level = (Inominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) OC Level = (62.5) * (0.75) OC Level = 46.875A Latch or Constant Current over current response will be take into effect when output current reaches 46.875A. Set Vo (VREF) is above the nominal voltage OC level = [ (Pnominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)] / VREF OC response will be Ex. Module = 48V iHP Module Module Nominal Current = 62.5A VREF = 50V (VREF is above the nominal voltage 48V) OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER = 75% OC level = [ (Pnominal) * (OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER)] / VREF OC level = [ (3000) * (0.75)] / 50 OC Level = 45A Latch or Constant Current over current response will take into effect when output current reaches 46.875A. 5.2.5 Module Command 52h: OC_RESPONSE_TYPE Command to configure over current response. iHP Manual 104 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Data 00h - Constant current over current response Data 01h - Latch Type over current response The OC_RESPONSE_TYPE function is dependent on the module mode. Please refer to Section 4.3 for the function of OC_RESPONSE_TYPE with respect to module mode. 5.2.6 Module Command B7h: SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC Command used to set the logic of SYS_M_FAULT#, SYS_M_ENABLE#, and SYS_M_INHIBIT signals. Bit Data Function 7 n/a Reserved 6 n/a Reserved 5 n/a Reserved 4 n/a Reserved 3 n/a Reserved 2 1 SYS_M_FAULT# Logic High means module is at fault. 0 SYS_M_FAULT# Logic Low means module is at fault. 1 Module output will turn-off if SYS_M_INHIBIT is logic high. 0 Module output will turn-off if SYS_M_INHIBIT is logic low. 1 Module output will turn-on if SYS_M_ENABLE# is logic high. 0 Module output will turn-on if SYS_M_ENABLE# is logic low. 1 0 Please refer to Section Module's J1 Signal for the signal description and recommended external circuitry for SYS_M_ENABLE#, SYS_M_FAULT#, and SYS_M_INHIBIT hardware signal. 5.2.7 Module Command B1h: VREF This command has different function with respect to module mode. iHP Manual 105 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Module Mode Module Command B1h Function Digital Voltage Source Output voltage of the module can be change using this command. Digital Current Source Functions as output voltage clamp level during current source operation. Analog Voltage Source Module below SW v04.15: Fix to nominal voltage. Cannot be changed. Module SW v04.15 and above: Scaling Analog Current Source Functions as output voltage clamp level during current source operation. The VREF function is dependent on the module mode. Please refer to Section 4.3 for the function of VREF with respect to module mode. iHP Manual 106 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Module Group Module Group function was designed to treat multiple modules in a rack as one. The main function of module grouping is to provide a: 1. Single command for all modules in a group (limited command). 2. Single status reporting for all modules in a group. 3. Single reporting of Vo, Io, and Po for all modules in a group. Modules are REQUIRED to be grouped as one during parallel or series connections. Using a group address, the modules included in the group will receive the write command simultaneously. Individual write command to a module is not allowed when a module belongs to a group. This is needed during parallel or series operation in which the module should react simultaneously. Ex. Changing VREF to change the output voltage. Changing IREF to change the output current. User will need to configure in the ISOCOMM WebTool. Please refer to Section 5.1.5. Modules will be allowed to be included in one group only. 6.1 Group Device Address ISOCOMM SWv02.08.00 and below have four module groupings. ISOCOMM SW v03.00.00 and onwards have seven module groupings. Instead of using ISOCOMM or module device address to send WRITE or READ command, Group device addresses are available. There are seven groupings available. Each group has a specific, unique device address. iHP Manual Group Device Address Group Number 18h Group 1 19h Group 2 1Ah Group 3 1Bh Group 4 1Ch Group 5 1Dh Group 6 1Eh Group 7 107 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual The group address will be used to send READ or WRITE commands to all modules included in the group. Only one READ or WRITE command sent is needed to simultaneous command all modules in a group. 6.2 Group Initialization at Start up Group initialization will take place after ISOCOMM boot sequence. If the grouping function is activated, ISOCOMM will check the configuration of each module. Each specific configuration should be the same in each module that belongs to a group. If there are discrepancies in the module configurations, all iHP modules in the iHP rack will not be allowed to turn-on. ISOCOMM command 80h (MFR Status) low byte bit 4 will be asserted (Group Mismatch Fault). ISOCOMM will check if below configuration are the same for each module that belongs to a group. Command Command Name 01h MODULE OPERATION 48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER 4Bh UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER 52h OC_RESPONSE_TYPE 9Ah MANUFACTURING MODEL B1h VREF B2h IREF B5h SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING B6h SET_CURRENT_RISE_SETTING B7h SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC B8h SET_MODULE__LOAD_TYPE BAh ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE D3h MODULE CONFIGURATION 6.3 Module within a Group Read/Write Command User is ALLOWED to Read a specific module's register when the module belongs to a group. User is NOT ALLOWED to Write in any registers of a module when the module belongs to a group. If user needs to WRITE to module's register that belongs to a group, the user needs to ungroup that module. 6.4 Group Write Command Please refer to Appendix B.2 for Module Command and Appendix B.3 for ISOCOMM Command. iHP Manual 108 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 6.5 Accepted Group Commands using Group Device Address Command Command Name 01h OPERATION 03h CLEAR_FAULTS 10h 48h 4Bh 4Dh 52h B1h B2h B7h BAh WRITE_PROTECT OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER OC_RESPONSE_TYPE VREF IREF SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE Above commands have the same function as specified in Appendix B.2 Module Command. When users send above WRITE command with Group address, all modules included in that Group will receive the WRITE command at the same time. 6.6 Accepted Group Commands using ISOCOMM Device Address Command Command Name D3h MODULE_CONFIG B5h V Rise time B6h I Rise time B8h SET_MODULE__LOAD_TYPE Above command functions are specified in Appendix B.3 ISOCOMM Command. 6.7 Group Status and Reporting When reading STATUS and Reporting, device address of the group should be used. Command Command Name 0x78h STATUS_BYTE Remarks ISOCOMM will read each module STATUS_BYTE reporting. ISOCOMM will perform OR operation of STATUS_BYTE of all modules belonging to the group. 0x79h STATUS_WORD ISOCOMM will read each module STATUS_WORD reporting. ISOCOMM will perform OR operation of STATUS_WORD of all modules belonging to the group. iHP Manual 109 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Command Name 0x7Ah STATUS_VOUT Remarks ISOCOMM will read each module STATUS_VOUT reporting. ISOCOMM will perform OR operation of STATUS_VOUT of all modules belonging to the group. 0x7Bh STATUS_IOUT ISOCOMM will read each module STATUS_IOUT reporting. ISOCOMM will perform OR operation of STATUS_IOUT of all modules belonging to the group. 0x7Ch STATUS_INPUT ISOCOMM will read each module STATUS_INPUT reporting. ISOCOMM will perform OR operation of STATUS_INPUT of all modules belonging to the group. 0x7Dh STATUS_TEMPERATURE ISOCOMM will read each module STATUS_TEMPERATURE reporting. ISOCOMM will perform OR operation of STATUS_TEMPERATURE of all modules belonging to the group. 0x7Eh STATUS_CML ISOCOMM will read each module STATUS_CML reporting. ISOCOMM will perform OR operation of STATUS_CML of all modules belonging to the group. 0x80h STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC ISOCOMM will read each module STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC reporting. ISOCOMM will perform OR operation of STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC of all modules belonging to the group. 0x8Bh READ_VOUT Group configured connection - Parallel: ISOCOMM will read each module output voltage reporting. ISOCOMM will average the reported output voltage of the modules in the group. Group configured connection - Series: ISOCOMM will read each module output voltage reporting. ISOCOMM will sum up each reported output voltage of the modules in the group. 0x8Bh READ_IOUT Modules connected in Parallel: ISOCOMM will read each module output current reporting. ISOCOMM will sum each reported output current of the modules in the group. Modules connected in Series: iHP Manual 110 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Command Name Remarks ISOCOMM will read each module output current reporting. ISOCOMM will average the reported output current of the modules in the group. 0x8Dh READ_TEMPERATURE_1 ISOCOMM will read each module temperature reporting. ISOCOMM will report the highest temperature reading of the modules in the group. 0x96h READ_POUT ISOCOMM will read each module output power reporting. ISOCOMM will sum up each module reported output power in a group. 0x9Ah iHP Manual MANUFACTURING MODEL ISOCOMM will report the modules Manufacturing Model. 111 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Multi-Rack Operation Multi-rack operation is functional on ISOCOMM SW v03.00.00 Multi-rack operation connection is: When the modules are inserted in different iHP rack and connected in series or parallel. When the modules are inserted in different iHP rack and there is a need to synchronize turn-on or turn-off of the modules. During multi-rack operation, Rack Synchronization Off should be enabled. This function can be configured in the ISOCOMM WebTool Rack section. The number of racks included in the multi-rack operation should be selected. Rack Synchronization OFF is REQUIRED when modules in parallel or series are connected to different iHP racks. The main purpose of Rack Synchronization Off is to ensure that all modules in the multi-rack operation: Turn-on simultaneously Turn-off when there is at least one module at fault. Turn-off when there is at least one module commanded to turn-off via hardware or software. When Rack Synchronization Off Operation is enabled, Module Synchronization Off will be automatically enabled, but requires each rack be connected via Ethernet communication as it uses Ethernet communication to perform this function. All IP addresses of the iHP rack, router and PC should be the same except for the last octet. For example, each IP address will start at 192.168.2.xxx and each iHP rack, router and PC will have a unique value for xxx (except for 0 and 255) The following diagram shows the system configuration for Rack Synchronization OFF Ethernet communication. iHP Manual 112 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Each rack will send status via the communication lines. Rack status during multi-rack operation can be either: GOOD FAULT/STANDBY To have an iHP rack status "GOOD", all of these conditions are met: All modules included in the rack do not have any Latching Fault or Auto-recoverable Fault iHP rack does not have any Latching Fault or Auto-recoverable Fault All modules included in the rack are NOT in standby mode via Using software Operational command. Using module hardware signal (Module Enable or Module Inhibit signal). Using iHP rack hardware signal (Global Enable/Inhibit signal). If any below scenario occurred, the status "FAULT/STANDBY" will be reported by the iHP rack. At least one module included in the rack has a Latching Fault or Auto-recoverable Fault iHP rack has any Latching Fault or Auto-recoverable Fault At least one module included in the rack is in standby mode via Using software Operational command. Using module hardware signal (Module Enable or Module Inhibit signal). Using iHP rack hardware signal (Global Enable/Inhibit signal). Using Power SW button located in the front panel. 7.1 During Turn-On iHP rack with Rack Synchronization OFF enabled will communicate to each other via Ethernet. Each iHP rack will get all the IP addresses (for Ethernet) of all rack with enabled Rack Synchronization OFF. This will be recorded in the ISOCOMM WebTool. Aside from the communication address, the rack serial number will also be recorded and shown in the ISOCOMM WebTool. Ex. iHP rack with IP address: Rack Synchronization OFF is ENABLED Number of racks connected is three. is included in the three iHP rack. The remaining two will be reflected on WebTool Home page. iHP Manual 113 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Each rack with enable Rack Synchronization Off will send its status via Ethernet communication. When the status of all racks are "GOOD", all module outputs will turn-on. 7.2 During Turn-off o iHP rack with fault or standby will send a "FAULT/STANDBY" status via Ethernet. Once the iHP rack receives the "FAULT/STANDBY" status, each iHP rack will shut down all modules. After this, the iHP rack with Fault or Standby status will continue to broadcast the "FAULT/STANDBY" from time to time until the fault is clear or standby mode is deactivated. 7.3 From Module Standby Activated to Module Standby De-activated. When the module standby is de-activated, the iHP rack will send a status "GOOD" via Ethernet. When all iHP racks in the multi-rack system have a status "GOOD", all modules will turn-on. 7.4 From Fault to Fault Clear. When the module recovers from fault condition latch condition, the iHP rack will send a status "GOOD" via Ethernet. When all iHP racks in the multi-rack system have a status "GOOD", all modules will turn-on. 7.5 Broadcast Command on Multi Rack Operation Broadcast command is recommended when modules in each iHP Rack in Multi Rack operation are grouped; see Section 6 on how to group modules. Group address on each Rack should be the same in order to do broadcast command. iHP Manual 114 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Above sample Multi Rack operation is using 2 units of iHP 12KW Rack with two modules each inserted per Rack. The 2 modules, Module 1 & Module 2 are group in Group 1. Broadcast address is set at Using Group 1 address, the modules included in the group will receive the write or read command simultaneously. iHP Manual 115 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Faults and Output Recovery. 8.1 Module Fault Fault Output Voltage Over Voltage Fault. Output Voltage Over Voltage Warning. Output Voltage Under Voltage Fault. Output Voltage Under Voltage Warning Iout Output Current Fault Iout Output Current Warning IIN Overcurrent Fault IIN Overcurrent Warning Module Over Temperature Fault Description This fault will be trigger when module output increases beyond or equal to the set Over Voltage Fault level. Over Voltage Fault level will be based on Module Command 48h. Module will shut down. Please refer to Section 8.2 for Module Clear Fault and Output Recovery. This warning will be trigger when module output increases beyond or equal to the set Over Voltage Warning level. Over Voltage Warning level will be based on Module Command 49h. Module will NOT shutdown. Over Voltage Warning Status will be auto-clear when output voltage is below the Over Voltage Warning level. This fault will be trigger when module output decreases beyond or equal to the set Under Voltage Fault level. Under Voltage Fault level will be based on Module Command 4Bh. Module will shut down. Please refer to Section 8.2 for Module Clear Fault and Output Recovery. This fault will be trigger when module output decreases beyond or equal to the set Under Voltage Warning level. Under Voltage Warning level will be based on Module Command 4Bh. Module will NOT shutdown. Under Voltage Warning Status will be auto-clear when output voltage is above the Under Voltage Warning level. Occurrence of module output short circuit, Latch type over current protection and Primary side over current. Module will shut down. Please refer to Section 8.2 for Module Clear Fault and Output Recovery. Asserted whenever the Iout Output Current Fault is triggered. Warning will be cleared when Iout Output Current Fault is cleared. Occurrence of IIN over current Fault in the module input side. Module will shut down. Please refer to Section 8.2 for Module Clear Fault and Output Recovery. Asserted when IIN Over Current fault is triggered. Warning will be cleared when IIN Output Current Fault is cleared. Occurrence of high temperature in the module. Unit will shut down once the module internal device reaches the over temperature level. Over Temperature Fault will be auto-cleared and module output will recover once the temperature is below the temperature recovery level. iHP Manual 116 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Fault Description Please refer to Section 3.1.2 for iHP Module Configuration Default Settings for the over temperature level and recovery. Module Over Temperature Warning Occurrence of over temperature warning in the module. Unit will NOT shutdown once the module internal device reaches the over temperature warning level. Warning will be cleared once the temperature reaches below the warning level recovery. Invalid or Unsupported Command Received Invalid or Unsupported Data Received Packet Error Check Failed Please refer to Section 3.1.2 for iHP Module Configuration Default Settings for the over temperature warning level and recovery. Module receives invalid or unsupported Command. Module will NOT shutdown. User needs to send Clear Fault command to module in order to remove the fault. Module receives invalid or unsupported data. Module will NOT shutdown. User needs to send Clear Fault command to module in order to remove the fault. Module-ISOCOMM communication data error. Module will NOT shutdown. User needs to send Clear Fault command to module in order to remove the fault. Memory Error occur Invalid module configuration setting. Module will not power-up. Contact Customer Service. DSP supply goes below regulation Module DSP supply is below the regulation level. Module will shut down. Internal COMMs Fault Rail Imbalance Fault Please refer to Section 8.2 for Module Clear Fault and Output Recovery. Module Communication failure to ISOCOMMM. Module will shut down. Fault will be auto-clear and module output will recover once communication between module and ISOCOMMM is established again. Fault occurrence in the module primary side. Protections are dependent on the module mode. Please refer to section 3. 8.2 Module Clear Fault and output Recovery Methods of Module Clear Fault and Output Recovery are as follows: 1. Command 03h "CLEAR_FAULT" iHP Manual 117 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual When this command is received by the module, the module clear all Faults in the Status Register. Take note that this will just clear the fault in the status register. But, module will not power up when the module shuts down due to fault. 2. Module HW signal "SYS_M_INHIBIT" and "SYS_M_ENABLE#" Module Faults will be clear and module will re-start to power up again once user Turn-off then turn-on the Module via Module "SYS_M_INHIBIT" Turn-off then turn-on the Module via Module "SYS_M_ENABLE" 3. Module Operational Command Module Faults will be clear and module will re-start to power up again once user send a Module Command 01h to turn-off module then Module Command 01h to turn-on. 4. iHP Rack Inhibit or Enable Module Faults will be clear and module will re-start to power up again once user Turn-off then turn-on the module via iHP rack "Global Inhibit/Enable Logic 1" signal Turn-off then turn-on the module via iHP rack "Global Inhibit/Enable Logic 0" signal 5. ISOCOMM Operational Command Module Faults will be clear and module will re-start to power up again once user send an ISOCOMM Command 01h to turn-off module then ISOCOMM Command 01h to turn-on command. 8.3 PFC Fault Fault AC UV Fault AC OV Fault PFC Over Temperature Fault PFC Over Temperature Warning Invalid or Unsupported Command Received iHP Manual Description AC is below the operating range of the unit. Unit will not turn-on. Fault will be auto clear and unit will start up properly when the input AC is within the operating range of the unit. AC is above the operating range of the unit. Unit will not turn-on. Fault will be auto clear and unit will start up properly when the input AC is within the operating range of the unit. Occurrence of high temperature in the PFC. Unit will shut down once the PFC internal device reaches the over temperature level (110oC). Over Temperature Fault will be auto-cleared and module output will recover once the temperature is below the temperature recovery level (80oC). Asserted whenever the PFC Over Temperature Fault is triggered. Warning will be cleared when PFC Over Temperature Fault is cleared. PFC receives invalid or unsupported Command. PFC will NOT shutdown. User needs to send Clear Fault command to PFC in order to remove the fault. 118 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Fault Invalid or Unsupported Data Received Packet Error Check Failed PFC Section 3 Fault PFC Section 2Fault PFC Section 1Fault Differential Voltage Protection Vbus OVP Vbus UVP iHP Manual Description PFC receives invalid or unsupported Data. PFC will NOT shutdown. User needs to send Clear Fault command to PFC in order to remove the fault. PFC-ISOCOMM communication data error. PFC will NOT shutdown. User needs to send Clear Fault command to PFC in order to remove the fault. Occurrence of either AC OV, AC UV, Vbus OV, or Vbus UV Fault on PFC Section 3. PFC Section 3 fault will be cleared when AC OV, AC UV, Vbus OV, or Vbus UV Fault on PFC Section 3 are cleared. Occurrence of either AC OV, AC UV, Vbus OV, or Vbus UV Fault on PFC Section 2. PFC Section 2 fault will be cleared when AC OV, AC UV, Vbus OV, or Vbus UV Fault on PFC RAIL2 are cleared. Occurrence of either AC OV, AC UV, Vbus OV, or Vbus UV Fault on PFC Section 1. PFC Section 1 fault will be cleared when AC OV, AC UV, Vbus OV, or Vbus UV Fault on PFC Section 1 are cleared. Occurrence of Voltage Differential between PFC Vbus. Once trigger, the PFC will shut down after 3 seconds the PFC will restart again. When the PFC re-starts and the voltage differential is gone, the Differential Voltage Protection fault flag will be auto clear. PFC has two levels of VBus OVP, 1st level and 2nd level OVP. 1st level OVP is latch mode if Vbus voltage hits the first level OVP for five consecutive times. If the 1st level OVP is hit for not more than four consecutive times, OVP counter will reset and OVP fault will auto-clear. 2ndlevel OVP is a latch-type fault which means PFC will shut down upon hitting the 2nd OVP level. Please refer to Section 8.4 for the clear fault and output recovery. This fault will be trigger when PFC Output Vbus level hits the Vbus UV level. Unit will shut down. Please refer to Section 8.4 for the clear fault and output recovery. 119 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 8.4 PFC Clear Fault and Output Recovery Methods of PFC Clear Fault and Output Recovery are as follows 1. PFC Command 03h "CLEAR_FAULT" When this command is received by the PFC, the PFC will clear all faults in the PFC Command Status. Take note that this will just clear the fault in the PFC status register. PFC will not power unless the cause of fault/s were removed and input AC recycling is done. 2. Recycling of Input AC. Turning off input AC for 10 seconds then turn-on. PFC Fault can be cleared and output will recover after recycling of input AC. iHP Manual 120 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 8.5 ISOCOMM Fault Fault Ambient Over Temperature Fault Description Occurrence of high ambient temperature in the iHP rack. All modules in the iHP rack will shut down once the ambient temperature reaches the over temperature level. Over Temperature Fault will be auto-cleared and module output will recover once the temperature is below the set ambient over temperature less 5oC. Please refer to Section for the ambient over temperature level setting and configuration. Ambient Over Temperature Warning Occurrence of ambient over temperature warning in the iHP rack. Unit will Not shutdown once the ambient over temperature warning level reach. Ambient Over Temperature Warning level is 5C below Ambient Over Temperature Fault level and it is auto-recoverable fault. Invalid or Unsupported Command Received ISOCOMM receives invalid or unsupported Command for the ISOCOMM and Modules. Module/s will NOT shutdown. User needs to send Clear Fault command in order to remove the fault. Invalid or Unsupported Data Received Module receives invalid or unsupported Data for the ISOCOMM. Module/s will NOT shutdown. User needs to send Clear Fault command in order to remove the fault. GROUP mismatched Module Communication Error One or more modules in a group do not have the same configuration. Please refer to Section 6 for the list of module critical configurations that are being checked by ISOCOMMM. ISOCOMM to Module Communication failure. Module/s will NOT shutdown. Please refer to Section 8.6 for the clear fault and output recovery. PFC Communication Error ISOCOMM to PFC Communication failure. Module will shut down. Fault is auto-recoverable. Please refer to Section 8.6 for the clear fault and output recovery. iHP Manual 121 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Fault Module Synchronize Off Description Occurrence of any fault in a module when user configurable parameter "Module Synchronize OFF" is enabled. Module/s will shut down. Please refer to Section 8.6 for the clear fault and output recovery. 5V Standby Error Occurrence of undervoltage & overvoltage on 5V Standby. Module/s will shut down if user configurable parameter "Disable on 5v_STBY Fault" is enabled else modules will continue to power up. Please refer to Section 8.6 for the clear fault and output recovery. Fan 1 Fault Occurrence of Fan1 Failure. Module/s will shutdown Please refer to Section 8.6 for the clear fault and output recovery. Fan 2 Fault Occurrence of Fan2 Failure. Module/s will shutdown Please refer to Section 8.6 for the clear fault and output recovery. Fan 3 Fault Occurrence of Fan3 Failure. Module/s will shutdown Please refer to Section 8.6 for the clear fault and output recovery. Fan 4 Fault Occurrence of Fan4 Failure. Module/s will shutdown Please refer to Section 8.6 for the clear fault and output recovery. 8.6 ISOCOMM Clear Fault and Output Recovery Methods of Module Clear Fault and Output Recovery are as follows: 1. ISOCOMM Command 03h "CLEAR_FAULT" When this command received by the ISOCOMM, the ISOCOMM clears all faults in the ISOCOMM Command Status. The ISOCOMM will re-start to power-up after the fault is clear. 2. ISOCOMM Fault can be cleared and output will recover after initiating System Reset using the ISOCOMM WebTool. (Please refer to Section 5.1.6) iHP Manual 122 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 3. ISOCOMM Fault can be cleared and output will recover after turn-off, then turn-on the iHP unit using Front Panel STBY Switch. iHP Manual 123 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Accepted iHP Configuration iHP power system is a configurable power supply. Modules can be configured in series or in parallel operation. There are safety considerations to observe when modules are configured. Modules can be categorized into Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) or Non-Safety Extra Low Voltage (non-SELV). Module categories based on maximum voltage being offered: Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) 73-936-0012 73-936-0024 73-936-0048 Non -Safety Extra Low Voltage (Non-SELV) 73-936-0080 73-936-0125 73-936-0200 73-936-0250 9.1 Module Stand-Alone Configuration Modules can be used independently in the iHP rack. SELV and Non-SELV modules can be co-located in a single iHP rack to meet Means of Operator Protection (MOOP) medical safety spacing provided that co-located module series connected should have a total output voltage of equal or less than 800V. Module Module Maximum Vo Meets Safety Spacing 73-936-0012 14.4V Medical MOOP 73-936-0024 28.8V Medical MOOP 73-936-0048 57.6V Medical MOOP 73-936-0080 96V Medical MOOP 73-936-0125 150V Medical MOOP 73-936-0200 240V Medical MOOP 73-936-0250 300V Medical MOOP SELV modules cannot be co-located with above 800V output (series connected module). iHP Manual 124 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Stand-alone Operation Safety Accessibility Restrictions Section SELV Modules All Modules in a With Series Modules that as a Single is non-SELV Total Output Voltage of 60V Safe to Access Safe to Access Isolated Secondary Signal Output Secondary Signal Output Safe to Access Secondary Power Output Safe to Access Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure for safety protections Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure for safety protections Non-SELV Modules Safe to Access Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure for safety protections Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure for safety protections 9.2 Parallel Configuration Inter Rack Module parallel operation is acceptable (up to 6 iHP racks) and only same type of modules can be connected in parallel. SELV and Non-SELV modules can be co-located in a single iHP rack to meet Medical MOOP safety spacing provided that co-located module series connected should have a total output voltage of equal or less than 800V. Module iHP Manual Module Maximum Vo Meets Safety Spacing 73-936-0012 14.4V Medical MOOP 73-936-0024 28.8V Medical MOOP 125 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 73-936-0048 57.6V Medical MOOP 73-936-0080 96V Medical MOOP 73-936-0125 150V Medical MOOP 73-936-0200 240V Medical MOOP 73-936-0250 300V Medical MOOP SELV Module cannot be co-located with above 800V output (series connected module). iHP rack setting during Inter Rack Parallel Operation. MODULE SYNCRONIZED Off should be enable Module Grouping should be the same in each rack RACK SYNCRONIZED OFF should be enable Parallel Operation Safety Accessibility Restrictions Section Isolated Secondary Signal Output Secondary Signal Output Secondary Power Output SELV Modules All Modules in a With Series Modules that as a Single is non-SELV Total Output Voltage of 60V Safe to Access Safe to Access Safe to Access Safe to Access Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure for safety protections Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure for safety protections Non-SELV Modules Safe to Access Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure for safety protections Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure for safety protections 9.3 Series Configuration Inter Rack Module series operation is acceptable. SELV modules cannot be co-located from series connected module with greater than 800V output. Same type of modules can be series connected with below restriction. Module Module can be Series up to Meets Safety Spacing SELV Modules 300Vdc (max) Medical MOPP SELV Modules 400Vdc (max) Medical MOOP and ITE Non-SELV Modules 600Vdc (max) Medical MOPP Non-SELV Modules 800Vdc (max) Medical MOOP Non-SELV Modules 1000Vdc (max) ITE iHP rack setting during Inter Rack Series Operation. MODULE SYNCRONIZED Off should be enable iHP Manual 126 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Module Grouping should be the same in each rack RACK SYNCRONIZED OFF should be enable Series Operation Safety Accessibility Restrictions Secondary Signal and Power Output Section Secondary Signal Output Series up to 300Vdc Series up to 400Vdc Series up to 600Vdc Series up to 800Vdc Series up to 1000Vdc (MOPP) (MOOP & ITE) (MOPP) (MOOP) (ITE) Safe to access if the total output voltage is equal or less than 60V Not safe to access if the total output voltage is more than 60V. Secondary Power Output Safe to access if the total output voltage is equal or less than 60V Not safe to access if the total output voltage is more than 60V. iHP Manual Requires Enclosure for safety protections Requires Enclosure for safety protections 127 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Isolated Secondary Signal Output Series Configuration ISOLATED SECONDARY Signal Output Safe to Access Not Safe to Access Requires Enclosure Maximum Vo of Series Connected Module Co-located Module Maximum Vo of Series Connected Module Maximum Vo of Series Connected Module Co-located Module Maximum Vo of Series Connected Module SELV Module 300V Medical MOPP <= 300V <= 300V > 300V > 300V SELV Module 400V Medical MOOP & ITE <= 400V <= 400V > 400V > 400V Non-SELV Module 600V Medical MOPP <= 600V <= 600V > 600V > 600V Non-SELV Module 800V Medical MOOP <= 800V <= 800V > 800V > 800V Non-SELV Module 1000V ITE N/A N/A iHP Manual Not Safe to Access 128 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Troubleshooting Use below table as an aid in troubleshooting iHP system. Symptom Check Action No Output. All front panel LEDs are OFF. Is the input wire defective? Check continuity or measure input voltage on the iHP input terminal block. Replace if necessary. No Output. Front panel POWER LED is Solid Red; two other LEDs are OFF. Is the AC input voltage within range? Refer to iHP datasheet for correct input voltage. Connect to appropriate input voltage. No Output. Front panel POWER LED is Amber; two other LEDs are OFF. Have you press the front panel STBY switch? Press front panel STBY switch. No Output. Modules are grouped. Do all modules have the same configurations (discussed on Section 6)? What is the module operating mode? Adjust the configurations so as all modules in each group have the same settings. Read the Module operating mode by issuing command D3h on modules. Digital current source (08h) operating mode by default has a 0A output. Toggle the INH switch. No Output. All front panel LEDs are GREEN. No Output. Front panel POWER LED is Solid Green; OUTPUT LED is Blinking Green & SYSTEM STATUS LED is OFF. Fail to communicate with the Unit via Ethernet. Fail to change the Module Operating Mode of Module from one mode to another. iHP Manual Is INH0 pulled to ground or INH1 is pulled to 5V? Is the unit set in Static IP Mode? Correct default static address of iHP system is Is your PC used for communicating with iHP system is set to Static? Set your PC to static IP. Is the unit set in DHCP IP Mode? Find the correct IP address of your unit by accessing the Router settings. If you fail to find the DHCP IP address of the unit, you have an option to go back to Static IP default address by pressing the LAN reset. Refer to Section 4.4 and Appendix B.3. ISOCOMM command D3h. Have you send the correct commands to change the Mode of Operation? Have you send command to disable the "Write_Protect" 10h of ISOCOMM? Refer to Section 4.4 and Appendix B.3. ISOCOMM command D3h. 129 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Symptom Check Action Module output out of regulation during DVS mode, no faults reported except Module Power_Good# (79h 0008h reading) Module output voltage stuck at around 5% level during AVS mode, no faults reported Have you check reported current or output loading? Adjust output loading as module may have entered current limit. Have you check if connector on location J1 is properly connected? Measure voltage right at the pin of J1 connector and address connection issue if necessary. Module output current stuck at low level (near 0) during ACS mode, no faults reported Have you check if connector on location J1 is properly connected? iHP Manual Have you check 0-10VEXT_VPROG or 0-5VEXT_VPROG input voltage Have you check 0-10VEXT_IPROG or 0-5VEXT_IPROG input voltage? Measure voltage right at the pin of J1 connector and address connection issue if necessary. 130 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Appendix A - LED iHP Front Panel LED iHP front panel LEDs are composed of Power LED Output LED Status LED Please see below front panel LED response Condition POWER LED OUTPUT LED SYSTEM STATUS LED No AC OFF OFF OFF ISOCOMM Start-Up Boot Load BLINKING GREEN OFF OFF SLEEP Mode (ON/OFF switch) AMBER OFF OFF Global Inhibit SOLID GREEN BLINKING GREEN OFF AC GOOD SOLID GREEN X X AC FAULT (OV, UV) SOLID RED OFF SOLID RED Output GOOD SOLID GREEN SOLID GREEN SOLID GREEN Auto-recoverable Fault (OTP) SOLID GREEN OFF SOLID AMBER Latching Fault (OVP, UVP) or Internal Fault SOLID GREEN OFF SOLID RED FAN FAIL SOLID GREEN OFF BLINKING RED BOOTLOADING X OFF BLINKING AMBER iHP Manual 131 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Appendix B -COMMAND B.1 PFC Command To convert Linear Data Format to "real world value", please refer to Appendix B.4 To convert Direct Data Format to "real world value", please refer to Appendix B.5 PFC Command Definition Command Code 03h Command Name 10h WRITE_PROTECT 78h STATUS_BYTE 79h STATUS_WORD iHP Manual CLEAR_FAULTS Definition Same as standard PMBUS CLEAR_FAULT Register. To remove the warning or fault bits set in the status register, User need to send CLEAR_FAULT command. Same as standard PMBUS_WRITE_PROTECT Register. Command used to Enable or Disable writing to the module registers. This will prevent accidental writing to the module. Data: 80h - Disable all write except to the WRITE_PROTECT command. Data: 00h - Enable writes to all commands. Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_BYTE Register. Returns one byte of information with the summary of the most critical faults. Please see below Listing of STATUS_BYTE supported bits: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 BUSY No 6 OFF Yes 5 VOUT_OV_FAULT Yes 4 IOUT_OC_FAULT No 3 VIN_UV_FAULT Yes 2 TEMPERATURE Yes 1 CML Yes 0 NONE OF THE ABOVE No Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_WORD Register. Returns two bytes of information with the summary of the unit's faults condition. Based on the information, user can get more information by reading the appropriate status registers. The low byte of the STATUS_WORD is the same register as the STATUS_BYTE command. Please see below Listing of STATUS_WORD supported bits: LOW BYTE Please refer to Command Code 0x78h STATUS_BYTE HIGH BYTE 132 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 7Ah STATUS_VOUT 7Ch STATUS_INPUT 7Dh Definition Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 VOUT Yes 6 IOUT/POUT Yes 5 INPUT Yes 4 MFR_SPECIFIC Yes 3 POWER_GOOD# Yes 2 FANS No 1 OTHER No 0 UNKNOWN No Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_VOUT Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 VOUT Overvoltage Fault Yes 6 VOUT Overvoltage Warning Yes 5 VOUT Undervoltage Warning Yes 4 VOUT Undervoltage Fault Yes 3 VOUT Max Warning No 2 TON Max Fault No 1 TON Max Warning No 0 VOUT Tracking Error No Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_INPUT Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 VIN Overvoltage Fault Yes 6 VIN Overvoltage Warning Yes 5 VIN Undervoltage Warning Yes 4 VIN Undervoltage Fault Yes 3 Unit is Off for Insufficient Input Voltage No 2 IIN Overcurrent Fault No 1 IIN Overcurrent Warning No 0 PIN Overpower Warning No STATUS_TEMPERATURE Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_TEMPERATURE Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # 7 6 5 4 iHP Manual Status Bit Name OT_FAULT OT_WARNING UT_WARNING UT_FAULT Supported Yes Yes No No 133 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code 7Eh Command Name STATUS_CML 80h STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC 99h MFR_ID 9Ah MFR_MODEL E0h FW_PRI_VERSION E9h MFR_STATUS_01 iHP Manual Definition 3 Reserved 2 Reserved 1 Reserved 0 Reserved Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_CML Register. No No No No Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 Invalid or Unsupported Command Received Yes 6 Invalid or Unsupported Data Received Yes 5 Packet Error Check Failed Yes 4 Memory Fault Detected Yes 3 Processor Fault Detected No 2 Reserved No 1 A communication fault other than the ones No listed in this table has occurred 0 Other Memory or Logic Fault has occurred. No Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 RAIL3 Fault Yes 6 RAIL2 Fault Yes 5 RAIL1 Fault Yes 4 Reserved No 3 Reserved No 2 Reserved No 1 Reserved No 0 BULK OVP/DVP Yes Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_ID Register. Command to return back the manufacturer's name. Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_MODEL Register. Command to return back the manufacturer's model number Manufacture specific command. Command to return back the SW version of the device. PFC Command for Summary of PFC present status. This PMBUS command has 3 indexes. Each index contains 2 bytes of data. Index 00 "Input Status" Bit Bit Name Bit15 Reserved Bit14 Reserved 134 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name Definition Bit13 Reserved Bit12 Reserved Bit11 Vin3OVP Bit10 Vin2OVP Bit9 Vin1OVP Bit8 Vin3UVP Bit7 Vin2UVP Bit6 Vin1UVP Bit5 AUX Bit4 Relay Bit3 Supply Bit2 PSON Bit1 Address Bit0 BulkOK Index 01 "PFC Status" Bit Bit Name Bit15 Reserved Bit14 Reserved Bit13 Reserved Bit12 Reserved Bit11 Reserved Bit10 Reserved Bit9 Reserved Bit8 OPW Bit7 OCW Bit6 OVW Bit5 Other Bit4 SCKT Bit3 OCP Bit2 UVP Bit1 OVP Bit0 OutOK Index 02 "VBUS Status" Bit Bit Name Bit15 Reserved Bit14 Reserved Bit13 Reserved Bit12 Reserved Bit11 Differential Voltage Protection Rail3 Bit10 Differential Voltage Protection Rail2 Bit9 Differential Voltage Protection Rail1 iHP Manual 135 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name Definition Bit8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Bulk Short Circuit3 Bulk Short Circuit2 Bulk Short Circuit1 Bulk Under Voltage Protection Rail3 Bulk Under Voltage Protection Rail2 Bulk Under Voltage Protection Rail1 Bulk Over Voltage Protection Rail3 Bulk Over Voltage Protection Rail2 Bulk Over Voltage Protection Rail1 PFC Command Data Classifications Command Code 03h 10h Command Name Transaction Type Send Byte Read/Write Byte # of Bytes 0 1 Data Format N/A Bitmapped Write Protection Basic N/A 78h STATUS_BYTE Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A 79h 7Ah STATUS_WORD STATUS_VOUT Read Word Read Byte 2 1 Bitmapped Bitmapped N/A Basic 7Ch 7Dh 7Eh STATUS_INPUT STATUS_TEMPERATURE STATUS_CML Read Byte Read Byte Read Byte 1 1 1 Bitmapped Bitmapped Bitmapped Basic Basic Basic 80h 99h 9Ah E0h E9h STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC MFR_ID MFR_MODEL FW_PRI_VERSION MFR_STATUS_01 Read Byte Block Read Block Read Block Read Block Read 1 7 15 8 2 bytes per index Bitmapped ASCII ASCII ASCII Bitmapped Basic N/A N/A N/A N/A CLEAR_FAULTS WRITE_PROTECT Note: 24kW iHP rack is composed of two boards of 12kW PFC. In PFC PMBUS Commands, IOUT refers to the Output current of the PFC in which the command is addressed. VOUT refers to the Output voltage of the PFC in which the command is addressed. VIN refers to the Input Voltage of the PFC in which the command is addressed. IIN refers to the Input Current of the PFC in which the command is addressed. B.2 MODULE Command iHP Manual 136 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual To convert Linear Data Format to "real world value", please refer to appendix B.4 To convert Direct Data Format to "real world value", please refer to appendix B.5 MODULE Command Definition Command Code Command Name Definition 01h OPERATION Same as standard PMBUS_OPERATION Register. Command used to Turn-off or Turn-on the module. Bit6 = 0 and Bit 7 = 1: Module is ON Bit6 = 0 and Bit 7 = 0: Module is OFF Bit 0 to Bit 5: Don't Care User Configurable. 03h CLEAR_FAULTS Same as standard PMBUS_CLEAR_FAULT Register. To remove the warning or fault bits set in the status register, User need to send CLEAR_FAULT command. This command will only clear the status registers fault. 10h WRITE_PROTECT Same as standard PMBUS_WRITE_PROTECT Register. Command used to Enable or Disable writing to the Module Registers. This will prevent accidental writing to the Module. Data: 80h - Disable all write except to the WRITE_PROTECT command. Data: 40h - Disable all write except to the WRITE_PROTECT and OPERATION command. Data: 00h - Enable writes to all commands. 24h VOUT_MAX Read maximum output voltage of the Module. Automatically Set to 120% of Nominal Rating. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format iHP Manual 137 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 31h POUT_MAX Definition Read Module's rated power Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format 40h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 41h VOUT_OV_FAULT_RESPONSE Same as standard PMBUS_VOUT_OV_FAULT_RESPONSE Register. Read Module Response during over-voltage fault condition Fix Data: 80h - Device Latch. 42h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 43h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 44h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 45h VOUT_UV_FAULT_RESPONSE Same as standard PMBUS_VOUT_UV_FAULT_RESPONSE Register. Read Module Response during under-voltage fault condition Fix Data: 80h - Device Latch 46h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 47h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. iHP Manual 138 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Definition Data is used to compute for the tracking over voltage protection (OVP) of the module Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. During Digital Voltage Source (DVS), Analog Current Source (ACS), and Digital Current Source (DCS). OVP Level = VREF + (Nominal Voltage * (OVP Multiplier-1)) During AVS, this PMBUS Register is not functional. Data Range: 120% to 130% If user commands outside the set range, 0x7Eh STATUS_CML will be asserted with invalid data fault. User Configurable. This parameter will be override by BRICK OVP Level if target TRACKING OVP Level is higher than BRICK OVP Level 49h OV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Data is used to compute for the over voltage warning (OVW) level of the module Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. During Digital Voltage Source (DVS), Analog Current Source (ACS), and Digital Current Source (DCS). OVW Level = VREF + (Nominal Voltage * (OVP Multiplier-1)) During Analog Voltage Source (AVS), Analog Current Source (ACS), and Digital Current Source (DCS), this Register is not functional. Data Range: 105% to 125% If user command outside the set range, 0x7Eh STATUS_CML will be asserted with invalid data fault User Configurable. 4Ah MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. iHP Manual 139 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 4Bh UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Definition Data is used to compute for the under voltage protection (UVP) level of the module Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Under Voltage Protection is functional during Digital Programming Voltage Source (DVS) UVP Level = VREF - (Nominal Voltage * (1-UVP Multiplier)) Data Range: 80% to 90% This function will be disabled when the VREF is set to less than or equal to 10% of the nominal. If user command outside the set range, 0x7Eh STATUS_CML will be asserted with invalid data fault User Configurable. 4Ch UV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Data is used to compute for the under voltage warning (UVW) level of the module Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Under Voltage Warning is functional during Digital Voltage Source (DVS) UVW Level = VREF - (Nominal Voltage *(1- UVP Multiplier)) Data Range: 85% to 95% This function will be disabled when the VREF is set to less than or equal to 10% of the nominal. If user command outside the set range, 0x7Eh STATUS_CML will be asserted with invalid data fault User Configurable. iHP Manual 140 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Definition Data is used to compute for the Over Current Protection (OCP) level of the module Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Digital Voltage Source and Analog Voltage Source Latch type OC level = (Io nominal)*(OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) CC type OC level = (Io nominal)*(OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) Data Range: 50% to 105% Digital Current Source and Analog Current Source OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER is not functional during this operation. 4Eh MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 4Fh OT_FAULT_LIMIT Over Temperature Protection level of the Module for TEMP1. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Fix data varies per module series. 50h OT_FAULT_RESPONSE Same as standard PMBUS_OT_FAULT_RESPONSE Register. Read Module Response during over temperature fault condition Fix Data: B8h - Device Shuts down Unit attempt to restart continuously, when required condition is met, until commanded OFF, bias power is removed, or another fault condition shuts the module down. iHP Manual 141 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name Definition 51h OT_WARN_LIMIT Over Temperature Warning level of the Module for TEMP1. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Fix data varies per module series. 52h OC_RESPONSE_TYPE Command to read/write Over-current Protection Type Applicable only during Voltage Source configuration. Data 00h - CC Type Protection Data 01h - Latch Type Protection User Configurable. 53h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 54h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 5Eh POWER_GOOD_ON Command to read the output voltage level (DVS) where POWER_GOOD signal is asserted. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. During Digital Programming Voltage Source, Vo @ Power Good ON = VREF * POWER_GOOD_ON This PMBUS command is not functional during DCS, AVS and ACS. 5Fh POWER_GOOD_OFF Command to read the output voltage level (DVS) where POWER_GOOD signal is de-asserted. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. During Digital Voltage Source, Vo @ Power Good OFF = VREF * POWER_GOOD_OFF This PMBUS command is not functional during APVS and APCS. iHP Manual 142 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 61h MFR_REG Definition Manufacturer register. Do not access. 62h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 63h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 6Ah MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 78h STATUS_BYTE Standard PMBUS STATUS Register. Returns one byte of information with the summary of the most critical Module faults. Please see below Listing of STATUS_BYTE supported Bits: Bit # iHP Manual Status Bit Name Supported 7 BUSY No 6 OFF Yes 5 VOUT_OV_FAULT Yes 4 IOUT_OC_FAULT Yes 3 VIN_UV_FAULT No 2 TEMPERATURE Yes 1 CML Yes 0 NONE OF THE ABOVE Yes 143 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 79h STATUS_WORD Definition Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_WORD Register. Returns two byte of information with the summary of the Module's faults condition. Based on the information, User can get more information by reading the appropriate status registers. The low byte of the STATUS_WORD is the same register as the STATUS_BYTE command. Please see below Listing of STATUS_WORD supported Bits: LOW BYTE Please refer to Module Command Code 0x78h STATUS_BYTE HIGH BYTE Bit # iHP Manual Status Bit Name Supported 7 VOUT Yes 6 IOUT/POUT Yes 5 INPUT Yes 4 MFR_SPECIFIC Yes 3 POWER_GOOD# Yes 2 FANS No 1 OTHER No 0 UNKNOWN No 144 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 7Ah STATUS_VOUT Definition Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_CML Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: 7Bh STATUS_IOUT Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 VOUT Overvoltage Fault Yes 6 VOUT Overvoltage Warning Yes 5 VOUT Undervoltage Warning Yes 4 VOUT Undervoltage Fault Yes 3 VOUT Max Warning No 2 TON Max Fault No 1 TON Max Warning No 0 VOUT Tracking Error No Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_IOUT Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # iHP Manual Status Bit Name Supported 7 IOUT Overcurrent Fault Yes 6 IOUT Overcurrent and Low Voltage Shutdown Fault No 5 IOUT_OC_WARNING Yes 4 IOUT_UC_FAULT No 3 Current Share Fault No 2 In Power Limiting Mode No 1 POUT_OP_FAULT No 0 POUT_OP_WARNING No 145 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 7Ch STATUS_INPUT Definition Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_INPUT Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 VIN Overvoltage Fault No 6 VIN Overvoltage Warning No 5 VIN Undervoltage Warning No 4 VIN Undervoltage Fault No 3 Unit is Off for Insufficient Input Voltage No 2 IIN Overcurrent Fault Yes 1 IIN Overcurrent Warning Yes 0 PIN Overpower Warning No Bit 1 and 2 will be asserted when Module Primary Over Current fault is triggered. 7Dh STATUS_TEMPERATURE Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_TEMPERATURE Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # iHP Manual Status Bit Name Supported 7 OT_FAULT Yes 6 OT_WARNING Yes 5 UT_WARNING No 4 UT_FAULT No 3 Reserved No 2 Reserved No 1 Reserved No 0 Reserved No 146 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 7Eh STATUS_CML Definition Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_CML Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # iHP Manual Status Bit Name Supported 7 Invalid or Unsupported Command Received Yes 6 Invalid or Unsupported Data Received Yes 5 Packet Error Check Failed Yes 4 Memory Fault Detected Yes 3 Processor Fault Detected No 2 Reserved No 1 A communication fault other than the ones listed in this table has occurred No 0 Other Memory or Logic Fault has occurred. No 147 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 80h STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC Definition Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bitmap: Bit7: MFR Specific Fault Bit6: Reserved Bit5: Asserted when DSP supply goes below regulation Bit4: Reserved Bit3: Asserted when module primary current imbalance occurs Bit2: Asserted when module primary over current occurs Bit1: Reserved Bit0: Asserted when internal CAN communication fault occur. 8Bh READ_VOUT Module Output Voltage reporting Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. 8Ch READ_IOUT Module Output Current reporting Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. 8Dh READ_TEMPERATURE_1 Module power device temperature reporting Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. 8Eh MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. 8Fh READ_TEMPERATURE_3 Module Transformer temperature reporting Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. 96h Read_POUT Module Output Power reporting Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. . iHP Manual 148 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 99h MFR_ID Definition Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_ID Register. Command to indicate the manufacturer's Identification. Fix data: "ARTESYN" 9Ah MFR_MODEL Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_MODEL Register. Command to indicate the manufacturer's model number. Data : Varies per module series 9Bh MFR_REVISION Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_REVISION Register. Command to indicate the module revision number Data : Varies per module series 9Ch MFR_LOCATION Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_LOCATION Register. Command to indicate the manufacturer's location. Fix data: "PHILIPPINES" 9Dh MFR_DATE Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_DATE Register. Command to indicate the Module's Manufacturing Date. Data format: "YYMMDD" 9Eh MFR_SERIAL Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_SERIAL Register. Module's serial number. Command to indicate the A4h MFR_VOUT_MIN Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_VOUT_MIN Register. Minimum Output voltage that can be set in the Module. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. iHP Manual 149 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name A5h MFR_VOUT_MAX Definition Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_VOUT_MAX Register. Maximum Output voltage that can be set in the Module. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. A6h MFR_IOUT_MAX Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_IOUT_MAX Register. Maximum Output current that can be set in the Module. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. A7h MFR_POUT_MAX Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_POUT_MAX Register. Maximum Output Power that can be delivery by the Module the Module. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. B0h iHP Manual FRU_DATA Command to return FRU data of the Module. 150 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name B1h VREF Definition Module voltage reference. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Command have different function in each Module operation (D3h) Digital Voltage Source o User Configurable. User can change output voltage using this command from 5% of nominal Vout to 120% of nominal Vout. o The Module will enter to standby mode when user writes 0V to this register. Analog Voltage Source o Read Only o Automatically set to Module Nominal Output Voltage o Not functional during this operation. Digital/Analog Current Source iHP Manual o User Configurable. User can change output voltage using this command from 5% of nominal Vout to 100% of nominal Vout. o Clamp Voltage during Current Source operation 151 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name B2h IREF Definition Module current reference. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Digital Current Source o User Configurable. User can change output current using this command from 0A to Nominal output current. o The Module will enter to standby mode when user writes 0A to this register. Analog Current Source o Read Only o Automatically set to 0A. o Not functional during this operation. Digital/Analog Voltage Source o Read only. o Latch type Fault: Fix to 120% of nominal output current. Not functional. o CC Type Fault: IREF= (Io nominal)*(OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) PMBUS command 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER B3h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. iHP Manual 152 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name B5h SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING Definition Command used to read the voltage rise time during Module's Digital Voltage Source (DVS) operation. Data Range: 00h - 0Fh Data 0x00h: 10ms (+/- 5msec) Data 0x01h: 20ms (+/- 5msec) Data 0x02h: 50ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x03h: 70ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x04h: 80ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x05h: 90ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x06h: 100ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x07h: 110ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x08h: 120ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x09h: 130ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x0Ah: 140ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x0Bh: 150ms (+/- 5ms) Data 0x0Ch: 175ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x0Dh: 200ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x0Eh: 225ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x0Fh: 250ms (+/- 20ms) Send Command to Module Read only. User Configurable To configure use ISOCOMM PMBUS Command B5h to change Module B5h. iHP Manual 153 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name B6h SET_CURRENT_RISE_ SETTING Definition Command used to read the current rise time during Module's Digital Current Source (DCS) operation. Data Range: 00h - 0Fh Data 0x00h: 7.2ms Data 0x01h: 100ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x02h: 125ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x03h: 150ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x04h: 175ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x05h: 200ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x06h: 225ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x07h: 250ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x08h: 300ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x09h: 350ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x0Ah: 400ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x0Bh: 450ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x0Ch: 500ms (+/- 10ms) Data 0x0Dh: 700ms (+/- 50ms) Data 0x0Eh: 900ms (+/- 50ms) Data 0x0Fh: 1250ms (+/- 50ms) Send Command to Module Read only. User Configurable To configure use ISOCOMM PMBUS Command B6h to change Module B6h. iHP Manual 154 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name B7h SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC Definition Command used to set the logic of SYS_M_FAULT#, SYS_M_ENABLE#, and SYS_M_INHIBIT signals. Bitmap: Bit7: Reserved Bit6: Reserved Bit5: Reserved Bit4: Reserved Bit3: Reserved Bit2: Data: 1 - SYS_M_FAULT# Logic High means Module is at Fault. Data: 0 - SYS_M_FAULT# Logic Low means Module is at Fault. Bit1: Data: 1 - Module will turn-off if SYS_M_INHIBIT is Logic High Data: 0 -Module will turn-off if SYS_M_INHIBIT is Logic Low. Bit0: Data: 1 - Module will turn-on if SYS_M_ENABLE# is Logic High Data: 0 -Module will turn-on if SYS_M_ENABLE# is Logic Low. Please refer to Section Module's J1 Signal for the recommended external circuitry for SYS_M_ENABLE#, SYS_M_FAULT#, and SYS_M_INHIBIT signal User Configurable B8h SET_MODULE_LOAD_TYPE Command to read Module compensation Data: 01h - Resistive load compensation Data: 02h - Capacitive load compensation Data: 04h - LED load compensation User Configurable To configure use ISOCOMM PMBUS Command B8h to change Module B8h. B9h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. iHP Manual 155 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name BAh ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE Definition To enable or disable heavy filtering of IPROG signal during ACS or VPROG signal during AVS. Bit2 to7: Reserved/Unused Bit1: Data "1" ACS Heavy Filter Enabled Data "0" ACS Heavy Filter Disabled Bit0: Data"1" AVS operation and modules in parallel. Sharing enable Data"0" AVS operation and modules stand-alone Waveshape enable. BBh MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. iHP Manual 156 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name D0h SHUTDOWN_CAUSE Definition Status that indicate the cause of Module shutdown Bitmap: Bit 4-6: Reserved/Unused Bit3: Config Inhibit Status : Module inhibit status during Module Configuration change. Bit 2: Module is ON (1), Module is OFF (0) Bit 1: Module Auto Recoverable Fault Assert Bit Due to: 1) OT Fault, 2) COMM Fault, 3) Invalid Programming (PGM) Range and 4) Output Short Circuit Bit 0: Module Latch Type Fault Assert Bit Due to: 1) Over-voltage Fault, 2) Under-voltage Fault, 3) Over-current Fault, 4) Primary Over-current Fault, 5) Rail Imbalance Fault, and 6) Supply_MON Fault iHP Manual 157 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name Definition D3h MODULE_CONFIG Command to Read Module Configuration Mode Bitmap: Bit 7-4: Reserved/Unused Bit 6: Reserved Bit 5: Reserved Bit 4: Reserved/Unused Bit 3: Source Selection Data 1: Current Source Mode Data 0: Voltage Source Mode Bit 2: Reserved/Unused Bit 1: Select Analog or Digital Control Data 1: Analog Control Data 0: Digital Control Bit 0: Current Sensing Data 1: External Shunt Data 0: Internal Shunt Bit 5 data should be data 0 all the time. Send Command to Module Read only. User Configurable To configure use ISOCOMM PMBUS Command D3h to change Module configuration D3h. D4h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. D5h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. D7h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. E1h FW_SEC_VERSION E2h MFR_REG Command to read Module Software version Manufacturer register. Do not access. iHP Manual 158 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name E3h MFR_REG Definition Manufacturer register. Do not access. E4h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. E5h OPTN_TIME_TOTAL Command to read the total time when the Module is turn-on and the output is operational. This will reset when the iHP Rack is turn-off. E6h OPTN_TIME_PRESENT Command to read the total time when the Module is turn-on and the output is operational. This will reset when the module enters to standby mode. E7h HISTORY_DATA Command to read the Module History Data. E8h HISTORY_CLEAR Command to clear History Data E9h CALIBRATION_DATE Command to read the last calibration date. Data representation: YYMMDD YY - Year MM - Month DD - Day EDh MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. F6h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. F7h MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. F9H MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. FAh MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. FBh MFR_REG Manufacturer register. Do not access. iHP Manual 159 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Module Command Data Classifications Command Command Name Transaction Type # of Bytes Data Format Multiplier Data Unit Write Protection 01h OPERATION Read/Write Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A Basic 03h CLEAR_FAULTS Send Byte 0 N/A N/A N/A Basic 10h WRITE_PROTECT Read/Write Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A None 24h VOUT_MAX Read Word 3 DIRECT 10000 V N/A 31h POUT_MAX Read Word 2 Linear N/A W N/A 41h VOUT_OV_FAULT_RESPONSE Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 45h VOUT_UV_FAULT_RESPONSE Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 48h OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Block Read/Write Word 2 DIRECT 100 Block Read/Write Word 2 Block Read/Write Word 2 Block Read/Write Word 2 49h 4Bh 4Ch OV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER UV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER UV_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Basic % DIRECT 100 Basic % DIRECT 100 Basic % DIRECT 100 Basic % 4Dh OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Block Read/Write 2 DIRECT 100 % 4Fh OT_FAULT_LIMIT Read Word 2 Linear N/A 0 50h OT_FAULT_RESPONSE Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A 51h OT_WARN_LIMIT Read Word 2 Linear N/A 52h OC_RESPONSE_TYPE Read/Write Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A 5Eh POWER_GOOD_ON Read Word 3 DIRECT 10000 V N/A 5Fh POWER_GOOD_OFF Read Word 3 DIRECT 10000 V N/A 78h STATUS_BYTE Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A iHP Manual Basic C N/A N/A N/A 0 C N/A Basic 160 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Command Name Transaction Type # of Bytes Data Format Multiplier Data Unit Write Protection 79h STATUS_WORD Read Word 2 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 7Ah STATUS_VOUT Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 7Bh STATUS_IOUT Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 7Ch STATUS_INPUT Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 7Dh STATUS_TEMPERATURE Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 7Eh STATUS_CML Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 80h STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 8Bh READ_VOUT Read Word 3 DIRECT 10000 V N/A 8Ch READ_IOUT Read Word 3 DIRECT 10000 A N/A 8Dh READ_TEMPERATURE_1 Read Word 2 Linear N/A 0 N/A 8Fh READ_TEMPERATURE_3 Read Word 2 Linear N/A 0 C N/A 96h READ_POUT Read Word 2 Linear N/A W N/A 99h MFR_ID Block Read 7 ASCII N/A N/A N/A 9Ah MFR_MODEL Block Read 15 ASCII N/A N/A N/A 9Bh MFR_REVISION Block Read 2 ASCII N/A N/A N/A 9Ch MFR_LOCATION Block Read 6 ASCII N/A N/A N/A 9Dh MFR_DATE Block Read 2 ASCII N/A N/A N/A 9Eh MFR_SERIAL Block Read 13 ASCII N/A N/A N/A A4h MFR_VOUT_MIN Read Word 3 Direct 10000 V N/A A5h MFR_VOUT_MAX Read Word 3 Direct 10000 V N/A A6h MFR_IOUT_MAX Read Word 3 Direct 10000 A N/A A7h MFR_POUT_MAX Read Word 2 Linear N/A W N/A B0h FRU_DATA Block Read Varies ASCII N/A B1h VREF Read/Write Word 3 Direct 10000 V Basic B2h IREF Read/Write Word 3 Direct 10000 A Basic iHP Manual C User Configuration 161 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Command Name Transaction Type # of Bytes Data Format Multiplier Data Unit Write Protection B5h SET_VOLTAGE_RISE_SETTING Block Read Word 2 Direct 1 N/A N/A B6h SET_CURRENT_RISE_SETTING Block Read Word 2 Direct 1 N/A N/A B7h SET_IO_ACTIVE_LEVEL_LOGIC Block Read/Write 2 Bitmapped N/A N/A Basic B8h SET_MODULE_LOAD TYPE Block Read Word 2 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A BAh ANALOG_FILTER_ENABLE Read/Write Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A Basic D0h FAULT_CONFIG Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A D3h MODULE_CONFIG Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A E1h FW_SEC_VERSION Block Read 8 ASCII N/A N/A N/A E5h OPTN_TIME_TOTAL Block Read 4 DIRECT 1 sec N/A E6h OPTN_TIME_PRESENT Block Read 4 DIRECT 1 sec N/A E7h HISTORY_DATA Block Read 4 varies N/A N/A N/A E8h HISTORY_CLEAR Send Byte 0 N/A N/A N/A Factory Configuration E9h CALIBRATION_DATE Block Read 6 ASCII N/A N/A N/A B.3 ISOCOMM Command To convert Linear Data Format to "real world value", please refer to appendix B.4 To convert Direct Data Format to "real world value", please refer to appendix B.5 ISOCOMM Command Definition iHP Manual 162 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code 01h Command Name 03h CLEAR_FAULTS 10h WRITE_PROTECT 3Ah iHP Manual OPERATION FAN_CONFIG_1_2 Definition Command used to Turn-off or Turn-on ALL modules. Bit 7 = 1 : Module is ON Bit 7 = 0 : Module is OFF Bit 0 to Bit 6 : Don't Care User Configurable. Standard PMBUS command To remove the warning or fault bits set in the status register, User need to send CLEAR_FAULT command Same as standard PMBUS_WRITE_PROTECT Register. Command used to Enable or Disable writing to the ISOCOMM Registers. This will prevent accidental writing to the Module. Data: 80h - Disable all write except to the WRITE_PROTECT command. Data: 00h - Enable writes to all commands. Same as standard PMBUS_FAN_CONFIG_1_2 Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Fixed data 7 Data 1: Fan 1 is present. 1 Data 0: Fan 1 is not present. 6 Data 1: Fan 1 commanded in RPM 0 Data 0: Fan 1 commanded Duty Cycle 5 Fan 1 Tachometer pulses per revolution 0 00b - 1 pulse per revolution 01b - 2 pulse per revolution 4 1 10b - 3 pulse per revolution 11b - 4 pulse per revolution 3 Data 1: Fan 2 is present. 1 Data 0: Fan 2 is not present. 2 Data 1: Fan 2 commanded in RPM 0 Data 0: Fan 2 commanded Duty Cycle 1 Fan 2 Tachometer pulses per revolution 0 00b - 1 pulse per revolution 01b - 2 pulse per revolution 0 1 10b - 3 pulse per revolution 11b - 4 pulse per revolution 163 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code 3Dh 78h iHP Manual Command Name FAN_CONFIG_3_4 STATUS_BYTE Definition Same as standard PMBUS_FAN_CONFIG_3_4 Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Fixed data Supported 7 Data 1: Fan 3 is present. 1 No Data 0: Fan 3 is not present. 6 Data 1: Fan 3 commanded in RPM 0 No Data 0: Fan 3 commanded Duty Cycle 5 Fan 3 Tachometer pulses per revolution 0 No 00b - 1 pulse per revolution 01b - 2 pulse per revolution 4 1 No 10b - 3 pulse per revolution 11b - 4 pulse per revolution 3 Data 1: Fan 4 is present. 1 No Data 0: Fan 4 is not present. 2 Data 1: Fan 4 commanded in RPM 0 Yes Data 0: Fan 4 commanded Duty Cycle 1 Fan 4 Tachometer pulses per revolution 0 Yes 00b - 1 pulse per revolution 01b - 2 pulse per revolution 0 1 Yes 10b - 3 pulse per revolution 11b - 4 pulse per revolution Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_BYTE Register. Returns one byte of information with the summary of the most critical ISOCOMM faults. Please see below Listing of STATUS_BYTE supported Bits: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 BUSY No 6 OFF No 5 VOUT_OV_FAULT No 4 IOUT_OC_FAULT No 3 VIN_UV_FAULT No 2 TEMPERATURE Yes 1 CML Yes 0 NONE OF THE ABOVE Yes 164 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code 79h 7Dh iHP Manual Command Name Definition STATUS_WORD Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_WORD Register. Returns two bytes of information with the summary of the ISOCOMM's faults condition. Based on the information, User can get more information by reading the appropriate status registers. The low byte of the STATUS_WORD is the same register as the STATUS_BYTE command. Please see below Listing of STATUS_WORD supported Bits: LOW BYTE Please refer to ISOCOMM Command Code 0x78h STATUS_BYTE HIGH BYTE Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 VOUT No 6 IOUT/POUT No 5 INPUT No 4 MFR_SPECIFIC Yes 3 POWER_GOOD# No 2 FANS Yes 1 OTHER No 0 UNKNOWN No STATUS_TEMPERATURE Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_TEMPERATURE Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 OT_FAULT Yes 6 OT_WARNING Yes 5 UT_WARNING No 4 UT_FAULT No 3 Reserved No 2 Reserved No 1 Reserved No 0 Reserved No ISOCOMM OTP protection is with reference to the ambient temperature of the iHP RACK (Front Panel Ambient Temperature). 165 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code 7Eh STATUS_CML Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_CML Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 Invalid or Unsupported Command Received Yes 6 Invalid or Unsupported Data Received Yes 5 Packet Error Check Failed Yes 4 Memory Fault Detected Yes 3 Processor Fault Detected No 2 Reserved No 1 A communication fault other than the ones No listed in this table has occurred 0 Other Memory or Logic Fault has occurred. No 80h STATUS_MFR Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_MFR Register. Command returns a word data where the high byte is a copy of PFC's STATUS_MFR and the low byte is defined as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 Reserved No 6 Reserved No 5 Rack SYNC Off No 4 GROUP mismatched YES 3 Module Communication Error YES 2 PFC Communication Error YES 1 Module Synchronize Off YES 0 5V Standby Error YES 81h STATUS_FAN_1_2 Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_FAN_1_2 Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 Fan 1 Fault YES 6 Fan 2 Fault YES 5 Fan 1 Warning No 4 Fan 2 Warning No 3 Fan 1 Speed Override No 2 Fan 2 Speed Override No 1 Air Flow Fault No 0 Air Flow Warning No iHP Manual Command Name Definition 166 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code 82h Command Name Definition STATUS_FAN_3_4 Same as standard PMBUS_STATUS_FAN_3_4 Register. Command returns one data byte with contents as follows: Bit # Status Bit Name Supported 7 Fan 3 Fault YES 6 Fan 4 Fault YES 5 Fan 3 Warning No 4 Fan 4 Warning No 3 Fan 3 Speed Override No 2 Fan 4 Speed Override No 1 Reserved No 0 Reserved No 8Dh READ_TEMPERATURE_1 8Fh READ_TEMPERATURE_2 90h READ_FAN1_SPEED 91h READ_FAN2_SPEED 92h READ_FAN3_SPEED 93h READ_FAN4_SPEED 99h MFR_ID 9Ah MFR_MODEL 9Bh MFR_REVISION 9Ch MFR_LOCATION 9Dh MFR_DATE 9Eh MFR_SERIAL B0h FRU_DATA This command returns the highest temperature between PFC1 and PFC2. Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format This command returns the Ambient Temperature of the iHP Rack. Temperature sensor of the Ambient temperature is located on the Front panel. Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format iHP RACK fan speed reporting in RPM for FAN1. Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format iHP RACK fan speed reporting in RPM for FAN2. Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format iHP RACK fan speed reporting in RPM for FAN3. Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format iHP RACK fan speed reporting in RPM for FAN4. Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format Standard PMBUS command Command to indicate the iHP RACK's manufacturer's Identification. Fix data: "ARTESYN" Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_MODEL Register. Command to indicate the iHP RACK's model number. Data : Varies per module series Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_REVISION Register. Command to indicate the iHP RACK's revision number Data : Varies per module series Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_LOCATION Register. Command to indicate the iHP RACK's manufacturer's location. Fix data: "PHILIPPINES" Same as standard PMBUS MFR_DATE Register. Command to indicate the iHP RACK's Manufacturing Date. Data format: "YYMMDD" Same as standard PMBUS_MFR_SERIAL Register. Command to indicate the iHP RACK's serial number. Command to return FRU data of the ISOCOMM iHP Manual 167 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code B5h iHP Manual Command Name MODULE_VRISE_TIME Definition Command used to set the voltage rise time of the module during Module's Digital Programming Voltage Source (DPVS) operation. This command has 3 bytes of data to write <DATA1> <DATA2> <DATA3> Data1 indicates the module slot or Group number in which the setting will be implemented <data1> = "00" = Slot 1 module <data1> = "01" = Slot 2 module <data1> = "02" = Slot 3 module <data1> = "03" = Slot 4 module <data1> = "04" = Slot 5 module <data1> = "05" = Slot 6 module <data1> = "06" = Slot 7 module <data1> = "07" = Slot 8 module <data1> = "08" = GROUP1 module <data1> = "09" = GROUP2 module <data1> = "0A" = GROUP3 module <data1> = "0B" = GROUP4 module <data1> = "0C" = GROUP5 module <data1> = "0D" = GROUP6 module <data1> = "0E" = GROUP7 module Data2 and Data3 indicate the module rise time setting. Data "00 00" : 10ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 01" : 20ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 02" : 50ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 03" : 70ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 04" : 80ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 05" : 90ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 06" : 100ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 07" : 110ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 08" : 120ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 09" : 130ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 0A" : 140ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 0B" : 150ms (+/- 5ms) Data "00 0C" : 175ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 0D" : 200ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 0E" : 225ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 0F" : 250ms (+/- 20ms) After sending this PMBUS command, All modules will shut down and restart again. 168 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code B6h Command Name MODULE_IRISE_TIME CAh READ_VIN1 CBh READ_VIN2 CCh READ_VIN3 iHP Manual Definition Command used to set the current rise time of the module during Module's Digital Programming Current Source (DPCS) operation. This command has 3 bytes of data to write <DATA1> <DATA2> <DATA3> Data1 indicates the module slot or Group number in which the setting will be implemented <data1> = "00" = Slot 1 module <data1> = "01" = Slot 2 module <data1> = "02" = Slot 3 module <data1> = "03" = Slot 4 module <data1> = "04" = Slot 5 module <data1> = "05" = Slot 6 module <data1> = "06" = Slot 7 module <data1> = "07" = Slot 8 module <data1> = "08" = GROUP1 module <data1> = "09" = GROUP2 module <data1> = "0A" = GROUP3 module <data1> = "0B" = GROUP4 module <data1> = "0C" = GROUP5 module <data1> = "0D" = GROUP6 module <data1> = "0E" = GROUP7 module Data2 and Data3 indicate the module rise time setting. Data "00 00" : 7.2ms Data "00 01" : 100ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 02" : 125ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 03" : 150ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 04" : 175ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 05" : 200ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 06" : 225ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 07" : 250ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 08" : 300ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 09" : 350ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 0A" : 400ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 0B" : 450ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 0C" : 500ms (+/- 10ms) Data "00 0D" : 700ms (+/- 50ms) Data "00 0E" : 900ms (+/- 50ms) Data "00 0F" : 1250ms (+/- 50ms) ending this PMBUS command, All modules will shut down and restart again. iHP RACK Input Voltage reporting (Vac) for Line1 Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format iHP RACK Input Voltage reporting (Vac) for Line2 Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format iHP RACK Input Voltage reporting (Vac) for Line3 Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format 169 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code CDh READ_IIN1 CEh READ_IIN2 CFh READ_IIN3 D3h MODULE_CONFIG iHP Manual Command Name Definition iHP RACK Input Current reporting (Vac) for Line1 Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format iHP RACK Input Current reporting (Vac) for Line2 Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format iHP RACK Input Voltage reporting (Vac) for Line3 Refer to ISOCOMM Command data classification for Data Format Command used to set the configuration of the module. This command has 2 bytes of data to write <DATA1> <DATA2> Data1 indicates the module slot or Group number in which the setting will be implemented <data1> = "00" = Slot 1 module <data1> = "01" = Slot 2 module <data1> = "02" = Slot 3 module <data1> = "03" = Slot 4 module <data1> = "04" = Slot 5 module <data1> = "05" = Slot 6 module <data1> = "06" = Slot 7 module <data1> = "07" = Slot 8 module <data1> = "08" = GROUP1 module <data1> = "09" = GROUP2 module <data1> = "0A" = GROUP3 module <data1> = "0B" = GROUP4 module <data1> = "0C" = GROUP5 module <data1> = "0D" = GROUP6 module <data1> = "0E" = GROUP7 module Data2 indicate the module configuration setting. Bitmap: Bit 7-4: Reserved/Unused Bit 6: Reserved/Unused Bit 5: Reserved/Unused Bit 4: Reserved/Unused Bit 3: Source Selection Data 1: Current Source Mode Data 0: Voltage Source Mode Bit 2: Reserved/Unused Bit 1: Select Analog or Digital Control Data 1: Analog Control Data 0: Digital Control Bit 0: Current Sensing Data 1: External Shunt Data 0: Internal Shunt Bit 5 data should be data 0 all the time. After sending this PMBUS command, All modules will shut down and restart again. 170 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code D6h Command Name MODULE_DETECTION D7h MODULE_SAVE E1h FW_VERSION Definition Command to indicate module present in the iHP RACK Data Bit0 : Asserted when module is present in slot1 Data Bit1 : Asserted when module is present in slot2 Data Bit2 : Asserted when module is present in slot3 Data Bit3 : Asserted when module is present in slot4 Data Bit4 : Asserted when module is present in slot5 Data Bit5 : Asserted when module is present in slot6 Data Bit6 : Asserted when module is present in slot7 Data Bit7 : Asserted when module is present in slot8 Command used to Save below Module Configuration. 48h, 49h, 4Bh, 4Ch, 4Dh, 4Eh, 52h, 53h, 54h, B4h B5h, B6h, B7h, B8h, B9h, Bah, D3h, F9h, FAh This command have indicates the module slot or Group number in which the setting will be implemented data = "00" = Slot 1 module data = "01" = Slot 2 module data = "02" = Slot 3 module data = "03" = Slot 4 module data = "04" = Slot 5 module data = "05" = Slot 6 module data = "06" = Slot 7 module data = "07" = Slot 8 module data = "08" = GROUP1 module data = "09" = GROUP2 module data = "0A" = GROUP3 module data = "0B" = GROUP4 module data = "0C" = GROUP5 module data = "0D" = GROUP6 module data = "0E" = GROUP7 module After sending this PMBUS command, All modules will shut down and restart again. Command to indicate the software version of the ISOCOMM ISOCOMM Command Data Classifications Command Command Name 01h OPERATION 03h 10h CLEAR_FAULTS WRITE_PROTECT 3Ah 3Dh 78h FAN_CONFIG_1_2 FAN_CONFIG_3_4 STATUS_BYTE iHP Manual Transaction Type Read/Write Byte Send Byte Read/Write Byte Read Byte Read Byte Read Byte # of Bytes 1 Data Format Bitmapped Multiplie r N/A Data Unit N/A Write Protection Basic 0 1 N/A Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A N/A Basic N/A 1 1 1 Bitmapped Bitmapped Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 171 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Command Name Transaction Type Read Byte Read Byte # of Bytes 2 1 Data Format Bitmapped Bitmapped Multiplie r N/A N/A Data Unit N/A N/A Write Protection N/A N/A 79h 7Dh 90h 91h 92h 93h 99h 9Ah 9Bh 9Ch STATUS_WORD STATUS_TEMPERATUR E STATUS_CML STATUS_MFR STATUS_FAN_1_2 STATUS_FAN_3_4 READ_TEMPERATURE_ 1 READ_TEMPERATURE_ 2 READ_FAN1_SPEED READ_FAN2_SPEED READ_FAN3_SPEED READ_FAN4_SPEED MFR_ID MFR_MODEL MFR_REVISION MFR_LOCATION Read Byte Read Byte Read Byte Read Byte Read Byte 1 2 1 1 2 Bitmapped Bitmapped Bitmapped Bitmapped Linear N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read Byte 2 Linear N/A Read Byte Read Byte Read Byte Read Byte Block Read Block Read Block Read Block Read 2 2 2 2 7 12 2 1 Linear Linear Linear Linear ASCII ASCII ASCII ASCII 9Dh MFR_DATE Block Read 2 9Eh MFR_SERIAL Block Read B0h FRU_DATA B5h B6h CAh CBh CCh CDh CEh CFh D3h D6h D7h E1h MODULE_VRISE_TIME MODULE_IRISE_TIME READ_VIN1 READ_VIN2 READ_VIN3 READ_IIN1 READ_IIN2 READ_IIN3 MODULE_CONFIG MODULE_DETECTION MODULE_SAVE FW_VERSION 7Eh 80h 81h 82h 8Dh 8Fh 0C 0 C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A RPM RPM RPM RPM N/A N/A N/A N/A ASCII N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Factory Config Factory Config 13 ASCII N/A N/A Block Read 256 ASCII N/A N/A Block Write Block Write Read Word Read Word Read Word Read Word Read Word Read Word Write Word Read Byte Write Byte Read Byte 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 8 Bitmapped Bitmapped Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Bitmapped Bitmapped Bitmapped ASCII N/A N/A 10 10 10 100 100 100 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A V V V A A A N/A N/A N/A N/A Factory Config Factory Config Basic Basic N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Basic Basic Basic N/A B.4 Data Format: Linear iHP Manual 172 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Data Format Linear is one of the PMBUS Data Format used in iHP units. Please refer to Appendix B.1, B.2, and B.3 for the PMBUS Commands that uses Linear Data Format. The Linear Data Format is a two byte value with: o An 11bit, two's complement mantissa. o An 5bit, two's complement exponent (scaling factor) The format of the two data bytes is illustrated below The relationship between Y, N, and the "real word" value is: X= Y * 2N Where: X is the "real word" value Y is an 11bit, two's complement integer N is a 5 bit, two's complement integer Example: Module PMBUS Command 8Dh Data return: EAC0h iHP Manual High Byte: EAh = 1110 1010b Low Byte: C0h = 1100 0000b 173 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Interpretation: N = 11101b = -3 Y = 01011000000 = 704 Computation X= Y * 2N X= (704) * 2(-3) X= 88 oC B.5 Data Format: Direct One of the Data Format used in iHP units. Please refer to Appendix B.1, B.2, and B.3 for the Commands that uses Direct Data Format. In order to convert the data in to "real word" value, user needs to determine the # of bytes and the multiplier. The relationship between Y, N, and the "real word" value is: Y=X*N Where: X is the "real word" value Y is the data read from the device in decimal. N is a the multiplier Example 1: Module Command 8Bh (READ_VOUT) # of byte = 3 Byte Multiplier = N = 10000 COMMAND 8Bh returns a data of 0757B0h Convert 0757B0h to decimal = 481200 Y=X*N 481200 = X * 10000 iHP Manual 174 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual X = 48.12 V Example 2 Module Command 8Ch (READ_IOUT) # of byte = 3 Byte Multiplier = N = 10000 COMMAND 8Bh returns a data of 098968h Convert 098968h to decimal = 625000 Y=X*N 625000 = X * 10000 X = 62.5A Example 3 Module Command 48h (OV_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) # of byte = 2 Byte Multiplier = N = 100 COMMAND 48h returns a data of 2EE0h Convert 2EE0h to decimal = 12000 Y=X*N 12000 = X * 100 X = 120% iHP Manual 175 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Appendix C - MODULE REGISTER MFR_REG (FAE and VAR only) MODULE Command Definition for MFR_REG Command Code Command Name Definition 40h VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT Command to Read the Voltage level of the Module OVP. Based on Module Command 48h. 42h VOUT_OV_WARN_LIMIT Command to Read the Voltage level of the Module OVP Warn. Based on Module Command 49h. 43h VOUT_UV_WARN_LIMIT Command to Read the Voltage level of the Module UVP. Based on Module Command 44h. 44h VOUT_UV_FAULT_LIMIT Command to Read the Voltage level of the Module UVP Warn. Based on Module Command 43h. 46h IOUT_OC_FAULT_LIMIT Command to Read the Voltage level of the Module OCP. Based on Module Command 4Dh. This is only applicable when over current protection is set to latch protection (Module command 52h). 47h IOUT_OC_FAULT_RESPONSE Same as standard PMBUS_IOUT_OC_FAULT_RESPONSE Register. Read Module Response during over-current fault condition Fix Data: C0h - Device Shuts down 4Ah IOUT_OC_WARN_LIMIT Command to Read the Voltage level of the Module OCP Warn. Based on Module Command 4Eh. This is only applicable when over current protection is set to latch protection (Module command 52h). iHP Manual 176 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code 4Eh Command Name Definition OC_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Data is used to compute for the Over Current Warning (OCP) level of the module Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Digital Voltage Source and Analog Voltage Source Latch OCW level = (Io nominal)*(OC_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) CC OC level = (Io nominal)*(OC_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER) Data Range: 105% to 120% Digital Programming Current Source and Analog Programming Current Source OC_FAULT_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER is not functional during this operation. 53h iHP Manual VoutLow_Sckt_Level During Voltage Source Mode, when module enters CC mode operation due to current overload, the module latches off when the output voltage level goes less than or equal to VoutLow_SCKT_Level for the validation period of 2s. To read Command 53h o Read Command 53h To change Command 53h o Disable Write Protect via Module command 10h o Send Admin access via Module command E2h o Write to 53h o Data written to 53h will be immediately updated User can implement save command using ISOCOMM Command D6h. 177 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 54h IoutHigh_Sckt_Level Definition During Current Source Mode, when the module's output current goes greater than or equal to IoutHigh_Sckt_Level, the module latches off when the output voltage level goes less than or equal to the VoutLow_SCKT_Level (53h) setting for the validation period (default: 2s). To read Command 54h o Read Command 54h To change Command 54h o Disable Write Protect via Module command 10h o Send Admin access via Module command E2h o Write to 54h o Data written to 53h will be immediately updated User can implement save command using ISOCOMM Command D6h. 61h TON_RISE Maximum allowable Output voltage rise time. Please refer to Command 0xB5h to change the output voltage rise time Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. Fix Value of 250msec. 62h TON_MAX_FAULT_LIMIT Same as standard PMBUS TON_MAX_FAULT_LIMIT Register. Read maximum rise time before fault. Fix Data: 350msecs. 63h TON_MAX_FAULT_RESPONSE Same as standard PMBUS TON_MAX_FAULT_RESPONSE Register. Read response of unit when rise time is greater than TON_MAX_FAULT_LIMIT Fix Data: 00h (Latch) 6Ah POUT_OP_WARN_LIMIT Module Over Power Warning level. Refer to Module Command data classification for Data Format. iHP Manual 178 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name 8Eh READ_TEMPERATURE_2 B3h PCSI Definition Read Module Cool Temp setting used by ISOCOMM Fan Control. Contains the active values for CONTROL LOOP settings. Be cautious in changing values. Can be written but values will not be saved. User can Read the PCSI configuration Read B3h (Offset) User can write the PCSI configuration. Write Procedure -Write Protect Disable via Module Command 10h -Enter Admin Password via Module Command E2h -Write all the required data using command B3h. Write B3h <Offset> <Data> One Offset per B3h command. - Need to have an On to Off transition before the changes will take into effect If unit is already off when the write B3h command is sent, user needs to ON then OFF before the changes will take into effect. -Turn-off the module either Module Operational Command ISOCOMM Operational Command Module HW signal ( SYS_M_INHIBIT and SYS_M_ENABLE#) RACK HW signal (Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" and Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1") To Lock again the B3h after write. -User needs to send Lock command via E2h Write E2h <Lock code> -Enable Module Write Protect via Module Command 10h. B9h iHP Manual SET_WIRE_IMPEDANCE Defines the wire impedance during Droop Operation in mohms. 179 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name BBh DSP_SOFTWARE RESET Definition Command to re-initialize the Module DSP. o o o o o o D4h MODULE_OPERATION Disable Write Protect via Module command 10h Send Admin access via Module command E2h Turn-off the module either Module Operational Command ISOCOMM Operational Command Module HW signal ( SYS_M_INHIBIT and SYS_M_ENABLE#) RACK HW signal (Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" and Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1") Send Module command BBh. After sending BBh, module will re-initialize for less than 1sec. Users can now turn-on the module. Module command to authorize any change of configuration. These include changes in Module PMBUSCommand D3h, F9h, and FAh. Data "00" means disable write to D3h, F9h, and FAh. Data "01" means enable write to D3h, F9h, and FAh. iHP Manual 180 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual D5h PCSI_DATA_CMD Contains the control settings for different load types. The corresponding settings from this register are loaded to B3h PCSI register during DSP initialization. Difference between B3h and D5h. B3h changes will be active during unit is power-on. When the unit shutdown and restart again the setting will revert back to the original. D5h changes will be save to DSP and will retain the save values every power-up. User can Read the PCSI configuration Read D5h (Offset) User can write the PCSI configuration. Write Procedure -Turn-off the module either o o o o Module Operational Command ISOCOMM Operational Command Module HW signal ( SYS_M_INHIBIT and SYS_M_ENABLE#) RACK HW signal (Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" and Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1") -Write Protect Disable via Module 10h -Enter Admin Password via Module E2h -Send Unlock register via Module Command E3h data "01" -Write all the required data using command D5h. Write D5h <Offset> <Data> One Offset per D5h command. -Send queue save command via Module Command E3h data "05" - Send save command via Module Command E3h data "00" -Module will automatically save the new settings -Module command D5h and 10h will automatically lock. -Module command E2h will be reset. -Module can now be turn-on. D7h iHP Manual MEMORY_ERROR Asserted Bits means that there is an invalid checksum 181 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name Definition Bit 15- 5: Reserved/ Unused Bit 4: Memory Error Fault Auto Bit Bit4 Assertion due to User Settings Applied. Updated only in Initialization Bit 4 Deassertion: Writing in 0xF9 and 0xFA Command Bit 3: Memory Error Fault Bit Bit3 Assertion/De-assertion due Bitwise OR from Bit0 to Bit2 Bit 2: Reference Memory Page Error Bit. Bit 1: Config Memory Page Error Bit. Bit 0: User Calibration Memory Page Error Bit. E2h CONFIG_UNLOCK_CODE Command for entering password o o o Lock: 20h 20h 20h 20h User access password: 55h 73h 65h 72h Admin access password: 43h 6Fh 6Eh 66h User Access o Module command F9h, and FAh. Admin Access o E3h CONFIG_CTRL Module command E4h, F7h, B0h, B3h, B4h, and D5h. Command for modifying and saving sensitive registers. o Used for registers B0h, D5h, E4h, F7h Write data is as follows: 00h = Save & Lock Registers 01h = Unlock Registers 02h = Queue E4h Saving 03h = Queue F7h Saving 05h = Queue D5h Saving 06h = Queue B0h Saving iHP Manual 182 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name E4h CONFIG_DATA Definition Contains the Module Housekeeping Configuration. User can Read the Module Housekeeping Configuration Read E4h (Offset) User can write the Housekeeping Configuration. Write Procedure -Turn-off the module either o o o o Module Operational Command ISOCOMM Operational Command Module HW signal ( SYS_M_INHIBIT and SYS_M_ENABLE#) RACK HW signal (Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "0" and Global Inhibit/Enable Logic "1") -Write Protect Disable via Module command10h -Enter Admin Password via Module command E2h -Send Unlock register via Module Command E3h data "01" -Write all the required data using command E4h. Write E4h <Offset> <Data> One Offset per E4h command. -Send queue save command via Module Command E3h data "02" - Send save command via Module Command E3h data "00" -Module will automatically save the new settings -Module command D5h and 10h will automatically lock. -Module command E2h will be reset. -Module can now be turn-on. EDh READ_VOR F6h CAL_RAW_READ Command used to read VOR reported value Command to read the raw data of various parameters used for Module Calibration (Vout, Vor, Internal Shunt, External Shunt, IMON, TEMP3 and TEMP1). Used by Calibration GUI iHP Manual 183 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Code Command Name Definition F7h CAL_COEF_DATA Register used to Read/Write Module Calibration Parameters o o o o VPROG, IPROG IMON, TEMP1, and TEMP2 coefficient. Voltage and Current programming reporting Factory default coefficient Calibrated nominal setting VREF and IREF factory default setting. Factory calibration date. Used by Calibration GUI F9h USER_SETTINGS Register used to Read/Write Module Calibration Parameters o o Voltage and Current programming reporting active coefficient User calibration date. Used by Calibration GUI FAh RESTORE_FACTORY_CAL Command which restores the Factory Calibration Settings for digital programming & reporting parameters Procedure: User can restore factory cal for digital programming and reporting parameters. Write Procedure -Write Protect Disable via Module command 10h -Enter USER Password via Module command E2h - Write Command D4h data "01h" -Send byte to FAh -Write Command D4h data "01h" -User can implement save command using ISOCOMM Command D6h. FBh READCONVREF_FILT Command to read the raw data of various parameters used for Module Calibration (VPROG and IPROG). Used by Calibration GUI Module Command Data Classifications for MFR_REG iHP Manual 184 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Command Name Transaction Type # of Bytes Data Format Multiplier Data Unit Write Prtotection 40h VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT Read Word 3 Direct 10000 V N/A 42h VOUT_OV_WARN_LIMIT Read Word 3 Direct 10000 V N/A 43h VOUT_UV_WARN_LIMIT Read Word 3 Direct 10000 V N/A 44h VOUT_UV_FAULT_LIMIT Read Word 3 Direct 10000 V N/A 46h IOUT_OC_FAULT_LIMIT Read Word 3 Direct 10000 A N/A 47h IOUT_OC_FAULT_RESPONSE Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 4Ah IOUT_OC_WARN_LIMIT Read Word 3 Direct 10000 A N/A 4Eh OC_WARN_LIMIT_MULTIPLIER Block Read / Write Word 2 Direct 100 % Basic 53h VoutLow_Sckt_Level Read/Write Word 3 Direct 10000 V Basic 54h IoutHigh_Sckt_Level Read/Write Word 3 Direct 10000 A Basic 61h TON_RISE Read Word 2 Linear N/A ms N/A 62h TON_MAX_FAULT_LIMIT Read Word 2 Linear N/A ms N/A 63h TON_MAX_FAULT_RESPONSE Read Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A 6Ah POUT_OP_WARN_LIMIT Read Word 2 Linear N/A W N/A 8Eh READ_TEMPERATURE_2 Read Word 2 Linear N/A 0 C N/A B3h PCSI Block Read/Write Varies Direct N/A N/A Factory Config* B9h SET_WIRE_IMPEDANCE Block Read/Write 2 DIRECT 1 Mohm Basic BBh DSP_SOFTWARE RESET Send Byte 0 N/A N/A N/A Factory Config* D4h MODULE_OPERATION Read/Write Byte 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A Basic D5h PCSI_DATA_CMD Block Read/Write Varies Direct N/A N/A Factory Config* D7h MEMORY_ERROR Read Word 1 Bitmapped N/A N/A N/A iHP Manual 185 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Command Command Name Transaction Type # of Bytes Data Format Multiplier Data Unit Write Prtotection E2h CONFIG_UNLOCK_CODE Read/Write Byte 4 N/A N/A N/A Basic E3h CONFIG_CTRL WRITE Byte 1 MFR N/A N/A Basic E4h CONFIG_DATA Block Read/Write 4 Direct N/A N/A Factory Config* EDh READ_VOR Block Read 3 Direct 10000 V N/A F6h CAL_RAW_READ Block Read 4 Direct N/A N/A N/A F7h CAL_COEF_DATA Block Read/Write 4 Direct N/A N/A Factory Config* F9h USER_SETTINGS Block Read/Write 4 Direct N/A N/A User Config** FAh RESTORE_FACTORY_CAL Write Byte 1 N/A N/A N/A User Config** FBh READCONVREF_FILT Block Read 8 Direct N/A N/A N/A Note: * - Factory Config requires Factory Password ** - User Config requires User Password iHP Manual 186 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual For ISOCOMM B8h B8h iHP Manual SET_MODULE_LOAD_TYPE Command to read Module compensation data: 01h - Resistive load compensation Data: 02h - Capacitive load compensation Data: 04h - LED load compensation Module will not accept any data aside from the above listing. If set outside the accepted data, o Module will revert to the previous setting. o STATUS_CML will be asserted. o Module is still operational. Voltage Source: o Every change to Voltage Source, B8h will automatically be set to data 02h o In order for Module to work properly, B8h should be set to data 02h during Voltage Source. Current Source, o B8h can be configured to 01h, 02h, or 03h. Depending on user application. o When changing to Current Source, last setting of B8h during Current Source operation will be set to the Module. 187 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Here are the settings of each module based on latest config (ini) file: 24V 48V 80V 125V 250V VOR Clamp 1.087V 2.174V 3.6233V 6.0388V 11.4421V Brick Wall OVP 31.3V 64.5V 110V 162V 315V VOR clamp level based on actual module read back Brick Wall OVP calculated based on DSP pin voltage Values may vary between units due to effects of calibration since both settings are based on DSP pin voltages iHP Manual 188 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Appendix D - FAE and VAR Only Input Config Change iHP Rack can operate on 3P Low Line (3P 187.5Vac to 264Vac) and 3P High Line (3P 342Vac to 528Vac). At any instance, the iHP RACK can operate only in one input line either 3P Low Line or 3P High Line. The Input line operation of an iHP RACK can be change from 3P High Line to 3P Low Line or vice-versa. The input configuration is dependent on the Input Config Board. This board is internal to the iHP RACK. There are two types of Input Configuration board. These are the 3P Low Line Config Board and 3P High Line Config Board. Warning! - Unit will be DAMAGE: if a high line input voltage is applied to a iHP RACK unit with 3P Low Line config. The Value Added Resellers (VARs) are authorized to change the Input Config board. Users are not allowed to do the hardware change. Each type of Input Configuration Board has a label printed on the board. 3P High Line Board label is "3P HIGH LINE CONFIG BOARD" in white color. 3P Low Line Board label is "3P LOW LINE CONFIG BOARD" in Black color. 3P High Line Config Board iHP Manual 189 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 3P Low Line Config Board 1P Config Board iHP Manual 190 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Required Tools for the Input Configuration Board Change. - Torx screwdriver #15 - Torx screwdriver #20 Input Configuration Board Screw Input Configuration Board screw is an M4 screw with 8mm length. Recommended screw for the Input Configuration Board iHP Manual 191 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number BOSSARD 6166428 NISSHI METAL SCREW G-A01-B1589 Input Configuration Board Number of M4 Screw 3P Low Line Configuration 12pcs 3P High Line Configuration 9pcs Procedure to change the Input Configuration Board. Notes: - Be sure that the unit is not connected to the input AC. In this procedure, the Input Config Board was change from 3P High Line to 3P Low Line. Below procedure is also applicable in changing 3P Low Line to 3P High Line Input Config Board. 1. Remove Top Cover screws. Tool: Torx screwdriver #15 24KW RACK iHP Manual 192 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 12KW RACK iHP Manual 193 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 2. Remove Side Cover Screws Tool: Torx screwdriver #15 24KW RACK 12KW RACK 3. Push the Side cover upward then remove from the iHP RACK 24KW RACK iHP Manual 194 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 12KW RACK 4. Remove screw of the Config Label. Tool: Torx screwdriver #15 iHP Manual 195 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 5. Push the Top cover near the Config Label upward. This will remove the Config Label. 6. Remove the screws in the Config Board. This will detach the config board from the iHP RACK. Tool: Torx screwdriver #20 Note: Number of screws for 3P Low Line Config Board and 3P High Line Config Board are not the same. 7. Prepare the Config Board to be installed in the iHP RACK iHP Manual 196 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 8. Install the Config Board in the AC Interconnect Board using screw. Tool: Torx screwdriver #20 Note: Number of screws for 3P Low Line Config Board and 3P High Line Config Board are not the same 9. Push the Top cover near the Config Label upward. Then, insert the Config Label. iHP Manual 197 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 10. Fix the Config Label via screw. Tool: Torx screwdriver #15 11. Config Label cabling harnessing. iHP Manual 198 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 12. Install the Side cover to the iHP RACK using screw. Tool: Torx screwdriver #15 Please take note the Alignment pin of the Side Panel to the iHP RACK. 24KW RACK iHP Manual 199 | P a g e iHP Owners Manual 12KW RACK 13. Config Board Change Done. iHP Manual 200 | P a g e