File Number 1237 BUY69A, BUY69B, BUY69C HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR SBE D MM 4302271 OONOFS? 257? MBHAS 7233- High Voltage Silicon N-P-N 33-/3 Power Transistors TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS & For Horizontal-Deflection Circuits and (FLANGE) Other High-Voltage Switching Applications Features: @ Fast Switching Speed eeos-278t6 & High Voltage Ratings: Vcex = 500-1000V . Appiications: JEDEC TO-204AA Off-Line Power Supplies 8 High-Voltage Inverters Switching Regulators A The RCA-BUY69 series of silicon n-p-n power transistors feature high-voltage capability, fast switching speeds, together with high safe-operating-area (SOA) ratings. POWER TRANSISTORS They are intended for horizontal-deflection circuit applica- tion in black and white television, CRT's, off-line power supplies and a wide range of inverter or converter circutts and putse-width-modulated regulators. The RCA-BUY69 series transistors are supplied in steel JEDEC TO-204AA hermetic packages. MAXIMUM RATINGS, Absolute-Maximum Values: BUY69A BUY698 BUY6SsCc Vego ccc ccc e ec c eee eer ence cree eens een e teeta eee neeeneee 1000 800 500 Vv VoEO cece cect erect eee nee e eee e cece eset en tneeetetee 400 325 200 Vv Voex Vee = n-2V cece eee cece cece ee cere eet e cece eee ee enaene 1000 800 500 v Veep wee e cece cece eee ee eeenes 8 v VG ccc eee cece cere cece ence ene etn e eee b ene e eens eee eeeee 10 A Iou(tp = 500 ps) 16 A Vp cet ecw e ence c eee ee cee neta eee beeen ee eren erences 3 A Py ea. ok 100 w Ty cece cece cece etc e eect ete ene e nee eeeeeeeeenesees . 200 C Taig cece cee c cece ence eter cree tence nce n ee neeeeeee tenes _____ -65 to 200 C Th At distance = 1/16 in. (1.58 mm) from seating plane for 10s max. ........... cc ccc e eens 235 C 2-335BUY69A, BUY69B, BUY69C 5bE D WM 4302271 O0O80758 193 MBHAS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, at Case Temperature (Tc) = 25C Unless Otherwise Specified T-33-13 TEST CONDITIONS LIMITS CHARAC- VOLTAGE | CURRENT TERISTIC Vide Ade BUY69A BUY69B BUY69C | UNITS Vee | Vee! ic Ip | Min.| Max.| Min. | Max.| Min. | Max. 1000 | 2 ] o17 - -{|- IcEx 800 | 2 = - ;o17 - mA 00 | 2- -|- {-] [| 04 lEBO 0 - 1 ~~ 1 - 1 VcEo(eus) 0.28; 0 | 400/ | 325/ ~ | 200] v RFE 10 2. 6] | 6/y ey Vee(sat) ea; 25! ] 22/ | 22] | 22 Voe(sat) ey 25; | 33]; | 33] | 33 V ViBRICBO 0.1 1000} |; 800; | 500 | VBRIEBO _ _ _ IE=10mA 8 8 8 ISfo t= 1s 25 4 _ 4 a 4 _ A fT {=10 MHz 10 0.5 6 (typ.) 6 (typ.) 6 (typ.) MHz tf voc= g jase} }] 1}/|1]/|4 ys Reuc {| 1475/ | 175] | 1.75] *cw Pulsed: pulse duration = 300 ys, duty factor < 2%. Cla, = IBe D CAUTION: The sustalning voltage VcoEo(sus) and Vcex MUST NOT be measured on a curve tracer. HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR COLLECTOA-TO- EMITTER VOLTAGE (og#3 AT SPECIFIED - z a x > oO a = & o i o 3 Z E 25 so 100 12s 150 75 200 out 2 466 I 10 100 CASE TEMPERATURE {%)*C , , secs-2eese COLLECTOR CURRENT (Zc I-A Fig. 1 Dissipation derating curve for all Fig. 2 Typical de beta characteristics for all types. types. 2-336D WB 4302271] 0040759 OeT MBHAS 1-33-13 OC OPERATION 1 SSIPATION- LIMITE! ATURE (Tc, (CURVES MUST 8E DERATED LINEARLY WITH INCREASE IN TEMPERATURE) COLLECTOR CURRENT (Ic )A Veep (MAX. = 200V( BUYE9C) Vogo (MAX.)=325 v(BUY69B) VcEo (MAX )=400v [BUYE9A} BUY69A, BUY69B, BUY69C to 2 COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (Voe) wo 100 S2CM- 32588 Fig. 3 Maximum operating areas for all types (T. =25 C). [pg (sand V al COLLECTOR CURRENT(Ig)-& secs-s2008 Fig. Typical base-to-emitter saturation volt- age as a function of collector current for all types. COLLECTOR CURRENT (I}-a szce-azosy Fig. 6 Typical base-to-emitter voltage as a function of collector current for all types. HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 2-337 i to COLLECTOR CURRENT (I )A O2C9-32046 Fig. 4 Typical collectar-to-emitter saturation voltage as a function of collector cur- rent for ail types. FREQUENCY (f}= COLLECTOR-TO-BASE VOLTAGE (VeqiV Of EMITTER-TO-BASE VOLTAGE VERIV 9203-32054 Fig. 7 Typical common-base input or output capacitance characteristics as a func- tion of collector-to-base voltage or emitter-to-base voltage for all types. SbE POWER TRANSISTORSBUY69A, BUY69B, BUY69C = che) mm 4302271 0040760 841 MMHAS CASE TEMPERATURE (Tr }= 25C SUPPLY VOLTAGE, Vog "40 V wT} te/Te'8 T-33~-13 COLLECTOR a e2cg-32587 Fig. 8 Typical switching-time characteristics as a function of collector current. HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 2-338