CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC in SMD leadless package Description The CHA4250-QDG is a three stages monolithic GaAs medium power amplifier circuit. It is designed for commercial communication systems. The circuit is manufactured with a pHEMT process, 0.5m gate length. Gain & RLoss Main Features 30 Broadband performances: 5.5-11GHz 26dB Linear Gain 23.5dBm output power @1dB comp. 31dBm output TOI 25% PAE@ 1dB compression DC bias: Vd=7Volt@Id=125mA 24L-QFN4x4 S11 25 S21 Gain & Return Losses (dB) 20 S22 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 2 7 12 17 22 Frequency (GHz) Main Electrical Characteristics Tamb.= +25C Symbol Parameter Freq Frequency range Gain Linear Gain OTOI Output TOI Pout Output Power @1dB comp. Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 Min 5.5 Typ Max 11.0 26.0 31.0 23.5 1/14 Unit GHz dB dBm dBm Specifications subject to change without notice United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S. Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Electrical Characteristics Tamb.= +25C, Vd1=Vd2=Vd3 =+7.0V Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Freq Frequency range 5.5 11 GHz Gain Linear Gain 26 dB RL_in Input Return Loss -12 dB RL_out Output Return Loss -10 dB OP1dB Output power @1dB compression 23.5 dBm Psat Saturated output power 25 dBm OIP3 Output IP3 31 dBm PAE Power Added Efficiency @ 1dB compression 25 % NF Noise figure 7 dB Idq Quiescent Drain current 125 mA Vg Gate voltage -0.45 V These values are representative of onboard measurements as defined on the drawing in paragraph "Evaluation mother board". Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) Tamb.= +25C Symbol Parameter Values Unit Vd1,2,3 Drain bias voltage 7.5V V Idq Drain bias quiescent current 0.25 A Vg Gate bias voltage -2 to +0 V Pin Input continuous power 4 dBm Tj Junction temperature 175 C Ta Operating temperature range -40 to +85 C Tstg Storage temperature range -55 to +150 C (1) Operation of this device above anyone of these parameters may cause permanent damage. Typical Bias Conditions Tamb.= +25C Symbol Pad No Vd1 12 Vd2 9 Vd3 7 Vg 22 Parameter DC Drain voltage 1st stage DC Drain voltage 2nd stage DC Drain voltage 3rd stage DC Gate voltage tuned for Idq= 125mA Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 2/14 Values 7 7 7 -0.45 Unit V V V V Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Device thermal performances All the figures given in this section are obtained assuming that the QFN device is cooled down only by conduction through the package thermal pad (no convection mode considered). The temperature is monitored at the package back-side interface (Tcase) as shown below. The system maximum temperature must be adjusted in order to guarantee that Tcase remains below the maximum value specified in the next table. So, the system PCB must be designed to comply with this requirement. A derating must be applied on the dissipated power if the Tcase temperature cannot be maintained below the maximum temperature specified (see the curve Pdiss. Max) in order to guarantee the nominal device life time (MTTF). DEVICE THERMAL SPECIFICATION : CHA4250-QDG Recommended max. junction temperature (Tj max) : 154 Junction temperature absolute maximum rating : 175 Max. continuous dissipated power (Pdiss. Max.) : 0.9 => Pdiss. Max. derating above Tcase(1)= 85 C : 13 Junction-Case thermal resistance (Rth J-C)(2) : <79 Minimum Tcase operating temperature(3) : -40 Maximum Tcase operating temperature(3) : 85 Minimum storage temperature : -55 Maximum storage temperature : 150 C C W mW/C C/W C C C C (1) Derating at junctio n temperature co nstant = Tj max. (2) Rth J-C is calculated fo r a wo rst case co nsidering the ho t t e s t junc t io n o f the M M IC and all the devices biased. (3) Tcase=P ackage back side temperature measured under the die-attach-pad (see the drawing belo w). 1 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Pdiss. Max. @Tj <Tj max (W) 0.1 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Tcase Pdiss. Max. @Tj <Tj max (W) 0.9 Example: QFN 16L 3x3 Location of temperature reference point (Tcase) on package's bottom side Tcase (C) 6.4 Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 3/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Typical Package Sij parameters Tamb.=+25C, Vd1=Vd2=Vd3=+7.0V, Idq=125mA Freq S11 PhS11 S21 PhS21 S12 PhS12 S22 (GHz) (dB) () (dB) () (dB) () (dB) 2 -6.7 -156.4 -42.1 -119.3 -73.2 131.1 -0.3 2.5 -8.7 177.5 -20.4 171.5 -81.5 158.8 -0.6 3 -10.7 152.9 -6.0 126.1 -76.4 100.3 -1.1 3.5 -13.3 128.6 7.2 72.9 -72.7 68.9 -2.3 4 -16.7 102.9 19.3 -2.5 -73.7 81.1 -5.7 4.5 -21.5 70.4 26.6 -101.7 -70.1 74.3 -18.6 5 -26.2 8.9 28.6 166.6 -72.6 58.3 -23.2 5.5 -22.7 -58.6 28.1 93.3 -69.7 64.2 -20.6 6 -18.0 -95.2 27.1 35.3 -69.5 60.4 -18.0 6.5 -15.0 -119.7 26.5 -13.5 -70.6 48.5 -14.6 7 -13.2 -141.6 26.2 -57.9 -66.5 47.1 -12.2 7.5 -12.1 -161.7 26.2 -99.9 -67.0 29.0 -10.9 8 -11.6 -175.1 26.5 -141.2 -65.6 25.4 -10.3 8.5 -12.3 162.0 26.9 176.6 -64.7 15.0 -9.9 9 -14.8 133.0 27.1 133.5 -64.6 1.2 -10.0 9.5 -20.5 80.5 27.5 89.8 -61.9 -29.4 -10.6 10 -16.6 -34.2 27.8 42.8 -60.5 -64.4 -11.6 10.5 -9.1 -85.9 27.7 -7.3 -59.7 -108.3 -12.0 11 -5.2 -123.6 26.7 -59.8 -57.1 -139.4 -12.0 11.5 -3.4 -155.2 24.7 -110.4 -56.6 177.0 -12.4 12 -2.8 -179.8 22.1 -156.0 -56.1 146.5 -13.6 12.5 -2.7 160.9 19.4 162.1 -55.9 123.8 -14.8 13 -2.7 145.6 16.6 123.1 -55.3 109.4 -15.3 13.5 -2.6 132.1 13.7 85.9 -55.4 92.0 -14.2 14 -2.5 119.8 10.8 50.5 -55.6 69.7 -12.4 14.5 -2.3 107.8 7.9 16.7 -59.1 60.6 -10.7 15 -2.1 96.1 4.8 -15.4 -56.5 89.9 -9.1 15.5 -1.9 84.5 1.8 -45.9 -54.1 72.4 -7.8 16 -1.7 73.0 -1.3 -74.8 -52.7 61.5 -6.8 16.5 -1.5 61.5 -4.3 -102.4 -51.4 45.9 -6.0 17 -1.3 50.2 -7.4 -128.3 -49.6 13.2 -5.3 17.5 -1.2 39.2 -10.3 -152.7 -52.9 -30.7 -4.7 18 -1.1 28.6 -13.1 -176.3 -61.1 -55.6 -4.2 18.5 -1.0 18.1 -15.8 161.0 -65.1 -129.0 -3.8 19 -0.9 7.7 -18.4 138.8 -61.4 120.7 -3.6 19.5 -0.8 -2.3 -20.9 116.9 -53.5 74.4 -3.3 20 -0.8 -12.1 -23.4 95.5 -55.1 45.5 -3.2 The Sij measurement calibration planes are defined in the paragraph "Definition reference planes". Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 4/14 PhS22 () -71.5 -93.4 -119.2 -152.8 156.8 85.3 -80.2 -93.3 -83.8 -87.6 -100.4 -115.2 -136.1 -152.0 -168.1 179.4 169.5 160.1 146.9 126.4 99.9 67.5 28.8 -7.4 -35.4 -56.3 -72.5 -86.2 -98.3 -109.1 -118.9 -128.2 -137.1 -146.0 -154.8 -163.5 -172.6 of the Sij Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Typical Board Measurements Tamb.=+25C, Vd1=Vd2=Vd3=+7.0V, Idq=125mA Measurement in the QFN planes as defined in paragraph "Definition of the Sij reference planes" Linear Gain & Return Loss 30 25 Gain & Return Losses (dB) 20 15 S11 10 S21 5 S22 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Frequency (GHz) Linear Gain versus Drain voltage and Frequency 30 29 28 27 Gain (dB) 26 25 24 23 22 21 7V 6V 20 19 18 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Frequency (GHz) Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 5/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Typical Board Measurements Tamb.=+25C, Vd1=Vd2=Vd3=+7.0V, Idq=125mA Measurement in the plan of the connectors, using the proposed land pattern & board, as defined in paragraph "Evaluation mother board" Linear Gain & Return Loss 30 S11 25 S21 Gain & Return Losses (dB) 20 S22 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 2 7 12 17 22 Frequency (GHz) Linear Gain versus Temperature and Frequency 40 36 32 Gain (dB) 28 24 20 16 85C 25C -40C 12 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Frequency (GHz) Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 6/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Typical Board Measurements Vd1=Vd2=Vd3=+7.0V, Idq=125mA Output power at 1 dB Compression versus Temperature and Frequency 28 27 26 Output P1dB (dBm) 25 24 23 22 21 20 85C 25C -40C 19 18 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Frequency (GHz) Output TOI (dBm) at Pout DCL=7dBm versus Temperature and Frequency 40 38 36 OIP3 (dBm) 34 32 30 28 26 24 25C +85C 22 -40C 20 6 7 8 9 Frequency (GHz) Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 7/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Typical Board Measurements Tamb.=+25C, Vd1=Vd2=Vd3=+7.0V, Idq=125mA Output IMD3 versus Pout DCL 60 55 50 45 IMD3 (dBc) 40 35 30 25 20 15 6GHz 10 7GHz 8GHz 5 9GHz 0 6 8 10 Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 12 14 16 18 Output power DCL (dBm) 8/14 20 22 24 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Package outline (1) Matt tin, Lead Free Units : From the standard : (Green) mm JEDEC MO-220 (VGGD) 25- GND 12345678- Gnd(2) Gnd(2) Gnd(2) RF out Gnd(2) Gnd(2) Vd3 Nc 910111213141516- Vd2 Nc Nc Vd1 Gnd(2) Gnd(2) RF in Gnd(2) 1718192021222324- Gnd(2) Gnd(2) Nc Nc Nc Vg Nc Nc (1) The package outline drawing included to this data-sheet is given for indication. Refer to the application note AN0017 ( for exact package dimensions. (2) It is strongly recommended to ground all pins marked "Gnd" through the PCB board. Ensure that the PCB board is designed to provide the best possible ground to the package. Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 9/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Definition of the Sij reference planes The reference planes used for Sij measurements given above are symmetrical from the symmetrical axis of the package (see drawing beside). The input and output reference planes are located at 3.18mm offset (input wise and output wise respectively) from this axis. Then, the given Sij parameters incorporate the land pattern of the evaluation motherboard recommended in paragraph "Evaluation mother board". 3.18 Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 10/14 3.18 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Evaluation mother board Compatible with the proposed footprint. Based on typically Ro4003 / 8mils or equivalent. Using a micro-strip to coplanar transition to access the package. Recommended for the implementation of this product on a module board. First decoupling network is done with 100pF capacitors, second decoupling network is done with 10nF capacitors. See application note AN0017 for details. Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 11/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Notes 12 Vd1 VD1 9 Vd2 VD2 7 Vd3 VD3 RF IN RF OUT 4 15 Vg VG 22 The DC connections do not include any decoupling capacitor in package, therefore it is mandatory to provide a good external DC decoupling (100pF & 10nF) on the PC board, as close as possible to the package. Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 12/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier DC Schematic 7V, 125mA VD2 Vd2 VD1 Vd1 45 mA 20 mA VD3 Vd3 20 25 60 mA RF out RF in 3 5 Vg#-0.5V VG # -0.5 V 112 Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 50 13/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34 CHA4250-QDG 5.5-11GHz Medium Power Amplifier Recommended package footprint Refer to the application note AN0017 available at for package foot print recommendations. SMD mounting procedure For the mounting process standard techniques involving solder paste and a suitable reflow process can be used. For further details, see application note AN0017. Recommended environmental management UMS products are compliant with the regulation in particular with the directives RoHS N2011/65 and REACh N1907/2006. More environmental data are available in the application note AN0019 also available at Recommended ESD management Refer to the application note AN0020 available at for ESD sensitivity and handling recommendations for the UMS package products. Ordering Information QFN 4x4 RoHS compliant package: CHA4250-QDG/XY Stick: XY = 20 Tape & reel: XY = 21 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S. assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S. products are not authorised for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval from United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S. Ref. : DSCHA4250-QDG3021 - 21 Jan 13 14/14 Specifications subject to change without notice Bat. Charmille - Parc SILIC - 10, Avenue du Quebec - 91140 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE - France Tel.: +33 (0) 1 69 86 32 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 86 34 34