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© 2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
1. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 1.8 mW/°C.
2. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 2.5 mW/°C.
3. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 0.6 mA/°C.
4. Derate linearly above 70°C free-air temperature at a rate of 1.9 mW/°C.
5. Logic low output level at pin 6 occurs when VIN≥VTH+ and when VIN>VTH- once VIN exceeds VTH+. Logic high output level at pin
6 occurs when VIN≤VTH- and when VIN<VTH+ once VIN decreases below VTH-.
6. TPHL propagation delay is measured from the 2.5 V level of the leading edge of a 5.0 V input pulse (1 µs rise time) to the 1.5 V
level on the leading edge of the output pulse. TPLH propagation delay is measured on the trailing edges of the input and output
pulse. (Refer to Fig. 9)
7. Common mode transient immunity in logic high level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVcm/dt on the leading edge of the
common mode pulse signal VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a logic high state (i.e., VO>2.0 V). Common mode
transient immunity in logic low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVcm/dt on the trailing edge of the common mode
pulse signal, VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a logic low state (i.e., VO<0.8 V). (Refer to Fig.10)
8. In applications where dVcm/dt may exceed 50,000 V/µs (Such as static discharge), a series resistor, RCC, should be included to
protect the detector chip from destructive surge currents. The recommended value for RCC is 240 V per volt of allowable drop
in VCC (between pin 8 and VCC) with a minimum value of 240 Ω.
9. Device is considered a two terminal device: Pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 are shorted together and Pins 5, 6, 7 and 8 are shorted together.
10. The 2500 VRMS/1 min. capability is validated by a 3.0 kVRMS/1 sec. dielectric voltage withstand test.
11. AC voltage is instantaneous voltage for VTH+ & VTH-.
12. All typicals at TA = 25°C, VCC = 5 V unless otherwise specified.