Sine-wave filter and output reactor Output filters for frequency converters T Introduction 1 Product line 2 Product combination 3 Functions 4 Application planning 5 Installation 6 Connection 7 Commissioning 8 Maintenance and servicing 9 T System Manual T T Technical specifications 10 Circuit diagrams 11 List of abbreviations Edition 06/2007 T HBF 06-001-02-1A T T T A Safety Guidelines This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into account. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards. Prescribed Usage Note the following: WARNING This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage, positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Automation and Drives Postfach 48 48 90327 NURNBERG GERMANY Ordernumber: HBF 06-001-02-1A 09/2007 Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2007. Technical data subject to change Table of contents 1 2 3 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 Structure and content of the manual..............................................................................................5 1.2 Laws and directives .......................................................................................................................6 Product line................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.1 Components...................................................................................................................................7 2.2 Device description..........................................................................................................................9 Product combination ................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 4 Functions ................................................................................................................................................. 13 4.1 5 6 7 8 5.1 Configuration................................................................................................................................15 5.2 EMC-compliant configuration of drive systems............................................................................16 Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 Assembly......................................................................................................................................23 6.2 Installation instructions.................................................................................................................29 Connection .............................................................................................................................................. 31 7.1 Prerequisites and definitions........................................................................................................31 7.2 Connection options ......................................................................................................................32 Commissioning ........................................................................................................................................ 37 11 Service/Maintenance ...................................................................................................................39 Technical specifications........................................................................................................................... 41 10.1 Rating data...................................................................................................................................41 10.2 Deviation in the rated values at installation altitudes > 1000 m...................................................43 Circuit diagrams....................................................................................................................................... 45 11.1 A Operation .....................................................................................................................................37 Maintenance and servicing ...................................................................................................................... 39 9.1 10 Method of operation .....................................................................................................................13 Application planning................................................................................................................................. 15 8.1 9 Functional optimization ................................................................................................................11 Circuit diagrams ...........................................................................................................................45 List of abbreviations................................................................................................................................. 47 A.1 List of abbreviations .....................................................................................................................47 Index........................................................................................................................................................ 49 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 3 Table of contents Figures Figure 5-1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 5-2 Mounting on mounting plate........................................................................................................ 16 Figure 5-3 Shield connection of motor cables inside control cabinet ........................................................... 17 Figure 6-1 Mounting position - output reactors............................................................................................. 24 Figure 7-1 Protective conductor connection via terminal studs (output reactor).......................................... 32 Figure 7-2 Protective conductor connection via terminal studs (sine-wave filter) ........................................ 32 Figure 7-3 Protective conductor connection via clip on the angle bracket (output reactor) ......................... 33 Figure 7-4 Protective conductor connection via clip on the angle bracket (sine-wave filter) ....................... 33 Figure 7-5 Connection - terminal output reactor........................................................................................... 34 Figure 7-6 Connection terminal - sine-wave filter......................................................................................... 35 Figure 7-7 Flat connection............................................................................................................................ 36 Figure 8-1 Connection - sine-wave filter....................................................................................................... 38 4 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Introduction T 1.1 1 T Structure and content of the manual T T Purpose of the manual This manual contains all the information required for connecting and using sine-wave filters and output reactors. Sine-wave filters and output reactors are components for converters. This manual describes EMC-compatible connection and the functions of sine-wave filters and output reactors. Target group This manual is intended for any user involved in: Commissioning Servicing and maintaining Planning and configuring systems Required basic knowledge A general knowledge of the field of electrical engineering is required to understand this manual. Standards and approvals The standard applied for sine-wave filters and output reactors is EN 61558. Correction sheet The Appendix contains a correction sheet. Please use it to record your suggestions for improvements, additions and corrections, and return the sheet to us. This will help us to improve the next edition of the manual. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 5 TTIntroductionTT 1.2 TTLaws and directivesTT 1.2 Laws and directives T T Disclaimer of liability It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that a system or machine is functioning properly as a whole. SIEMENS AG, its regional offices, and associated companies (hereinafter referred to as "SIEMENS") cannot guarantee all the properties of a whole plant system or machine that has not been designed by SIEMENS. Nor can SIEMENS assume liability for recommendations that appear or are implied in the following description. No new guarantee, warranty, or liability claims beyond the scope of the SIEMENS general terms of supply are to be derived or inferred from the following description. 6 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Product line T 2.1 2 T Components T T Reactors and filters SIDAC reactors and filters are drive components. SIDAC reactors and filter components are used with AC and DC drives. M ~3 AC Three-phase AC drive (1) AC drive 3-ph. supply (2) Line reactor (3) RFI suppression filter (4) Output reactor (5) Sine-wave filter (6) DC drive 3-ph. supply (7) Commutating reactor (8) Smoothing reactor Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A M = DC DC drive 7 TTProduct lineTT 2.1 TTComponentsTT SIDAC line reactors/commutating reactors SIDAC line reactors and commutating reactors have the following properties: SIDAC line reactors/commutating reactors are installed upstream of the DC drive or three-phase AC drive. Line reactors/commutating reactors reduce the proportion of low-frequency harmonics on the line, thereby improving the power factor. Line reactors/commutating reactors avoid mutual interference caused by low-frequency noise and protect the converter input. The capacitive DC link of frequency converters is protected. SIDAC RFI suppression filters SIDAC RFI suppression filters have the following properties: SIDAC RFI suppression filters are installed upstream of the DC drive or three-phase AC drive. SIDAC RFI suppression filters damp and limit conducted high-frequency (> 150 kHz to 30 MHz) interference voltages. RFI suppression filters avoid mutual interference caused by high-frequency interference currents. SIDAC output reactors and sine-wave filters SIDAC output reactors and sine-wave filters have the following properties: SIDAC output reactors and SIDAC sine-wave filters are installed downstream of the three-phase AC drive (frequency converter). SIDAC output reactors and SIDAC sine-wave filters increase the service life of the motor and improve system reliability. SIDAC smoothing reactors SIDAC smoothing reactors have the following properties: SIDAC smoothing reactors are used in the load circuit of DC drives. SIDAC smoothing reactors reduce the harmonic content for the DC motor as well as the rate of current rise, thereby enabling use of DC high-speed circuit breakers. 8 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTProduct lineTT 2.2 TTDevice descriptionTT 2.2 Device description T T Device versions The output filters are offered in three-phase design in degree of protection IP00. All sinewave filters are equipped with safe-to-touch terminals, for the output reactors the 4EP types are equipped with safe-to-touch terminals, and the 4EU types are equipped with flange connections. Application Sine-wave filters and output reactors are used on the load side of frequency converters and the motor currents flow through these components. They enable use of shielded motor cables 200 m in length and non-shielded motor cables that are 300 meters in length. Sine-wave filters filter the frequency converter output variables and thus simulate line-like conditions for the motor. They ensure that the motor is supplied with nearly sinussoidal currents and voltages. This reduces motor losses and magnetic motor noise levels. Output reactors compensate capacitative switching currents and limit the voltage rate of rise on the motor terminals. See section 8.1 Operation, for general use conditions. EMC regulations Compliance with EMC regulations must be ensured in individual cases by means of an application-specific measurement. The converter's rating data must be taken into account when selecting a filter. Discharging the capacitors (for sine-wave filters) Ensure that the energy stored in the capacitors of the sine-wave filters can be quickly reduced, so that the voltage at the terminals drops to within permissible levels. WARNING It must be verified that the disconnected sine-wave filter is free of voltage! Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 9 TTProduct lineTT 2.2 TTDevice descriptionTT 10 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Product combination T 3.1 3 T Functional optimization T T Through the combination of reactor and filter components around the converter, abatement of harmonics can be improved. SIDAC RFI suppression filters SIDAC RFI suppression filters have the following properties: SIDAC RFI suppression filters are installed upstream of the DC drive or three-phase AC drive. They dampen and limit the conducted, high frequency (> 150 kHz to 30 MHz) interference voltages. RFI suppression filters avoid mutual interference caused by high-frequency interference currents. Under some conditions, use of a sine-wave filter increases the maximum permissible motor cable length, which can be limited by the use of the RFI suppression filter. Line reactors To benefit from an additional reduction in phase effects on the system, combine an RFI suppression filter with a SIDAC line reactor/commutating reactor. Application-specific measurement is required Ensure compliance with EMC regulations in individual cases by means of an applicationspecific measurement. This measurement must be requested and ordered separately. The converter's rating data must be taken into account when selecting a filter. For more detailed advice, please send an e-mail to: Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 11 TTProduct combinationTT 3.1 TTFunctional optimizationTT 12 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Functions T 4.1 4 T Method of operation T T Output reactor functions The output reactors function in the following manner: Output reactors are used on the load side of frequency converters. They compensate capacitative switching currents and limit the voltage rate of rise on the motor terminals if long motor cables are used. This means that longer motor cables can be used. The converters can be better utilized as the load with harmonic currents is reduced. Sine-wave filter functions Sine-wave filters function in the following manner: Sine-wave filters are used on the load side of frequency converters. Sine-wave filters filter the frequency converter output variables and thus simulate line-like conditions for the motor. In addition to limiting the voltage rate of rise at the motor terminals in accordance with DIN VDE 0530 or EC 60 034-17, the possibility of longer motor cables is provided. The generation of noise on the motor is significantly reduced. The service life of the motor is extended by the reduced applied voltage to the insulating system. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 13 TTFunctionsTT 4.1 TTMethod of operationTT 14 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Application planning T 5.1 Configuration T 5 T T Use the flow chart below to configure the use of sine-wave filters or output reactors 8VLQJWKH GULYHLQWKH ([ G DUHD <HV 6LQHZDYHILOWHU() 1R 8VLQJ WKHGULYHLQKRXVHKROG RIILFHFKHPLFDO DSSOLFDWLRQV <HV <HV 0RWRU &RQYHUWHUFDSDEOH 1R <HV 3RZHUFDEOH !PVKLHOGHG !PXQ VKLHOGHG 1R 1RLURQRXWSXWUHDFWRU RUVLQHZDYHILOWHULVQHFHVVDU\ *B3'B'(B <HV ,URQRXWSXWUHDFWRU (8(3 Figure 5-1 Configuration 1) If a sine-wave filter is on the converter downstream of the Ex(d) motor then the rated conditions must be clarified on a case-by-case basis. 2) Household, office: Low-noise motor operation, chemical applications: dv/dt 500 V/s, distortion factor < 10% 3) Siemens 1LA motors are converter-capable. If no information is provided about the insulation properties of the motor, a sine-wave filter should be used. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 15 TTApplication planningTT 5.2 TTEMC-compliant configuration of drive systemsTT 5.2 EMC-compliant configuration of drive systems T T The basic rules of EMC The following 20 rules must be adhered to for the configuration of EMC-compliant drive systems. Rules 1 to 13 apply on a general level. Rules 14 to 20 are particularly important for limiting emitted interference. General rules Rule 1 Ensure that all metal parts of the control cabinet are surface-connected with good conductivity (not paint on paint). If necessary, use contact washers or serrated lock washers. When connecting the control cabinet door to the control cabinet, use bonding strips that are as short as possible (also see Rule 20). Suitable line/commutating reactors are recommended as a means of counteracting lowfrequency phase effects on the system and protecting the converter. You must install these between the line connection and the RFI suppression filter inside a metal cabinet. Ensure that the control cabinet configuration, system configuration and wiring are carried out in compliance with the rules of EMC-compliant configuration. On the line side, route the grounding to the motor via the reactor, filter and converter. TN L1 L1' L2 L2' L3 L3' M 3~ Figure 5-2 16 Mounting on mounting plate 1 TN system 6 Shielded motor cable 2 Line reactor 7 Metal mounting plate 3 Supply system 8 Sine-wave filter or output reactor 4 Load 9 RFI suppression filter 5 Frequency converter Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTApplication planningTT 5.2 TTEMC-compliant configuration of drive systemsTT Grounding systems/machines and grounding drives The grounding of systems/machines is a protective measure. In the case of drives, grounding affects emitted interference and interference immunity. System grounding can be carried out point-to-point or two-dimensionally. For drives, select two-dimensional grounding, i.e., all the parts of the system that need to be grounded are connected two-dimensionally or as a mesh. - The motor must be connected using a shielded cable. - Unshielded motor cables must only be used in conjunction with a sine-wave filter. - The shield must be applied to the surface of the motor and converter. Figure 5-3 Shield connection of motor cables inside control cabinet 1 Connect to cabinet enclosure on both sides ensuring good conductivity and maximum contact area 2 Shielding bus 3 Cable propping bar Rule 2 When laying the signal cables and power cables, ensure that sufficient space is left between them (minimum distance: 20 cm). Avoid data links Provide separating plates between power cables and signal cables. Ensure multiple grounding of separating plates. Rule 3 Connect contactors, relays, solenoid valves, electromechanical operating hours counters, etc., inside control cabinet using interference suppression combination, e. g., RC elements, diodes, varistors. Install the protective circuit directly on the relevant coil. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 17 TTApplication planningTT 5.2 TTEMC-compliant configuration of drive systemsTT Rule 4 Twist unshielded cables from the same electric circuit (go and return conductors) or ensure that the surface area between the go and return conductors is as small as possible to avoid unnecessary frame antennae. Rule 5 Avoid unnecessarily long cables Thus coupling capacitances and coupling inductances are kept small. Rule 6 Ground spare cores at both ends. This achieves an additional shielding effect. Rule 7 Lay cables close to grounded plates to reduce interference coupling. You should not, therefore, route wiring and spare cables randomly within the cabinet; instead, keep them close to the cabinet enclosure/mounting plates. Rule 8 Use a shielded cable to connect tachometers, encoders and resolvers. Connect the shield to the tachometer, encoder or resolver and to the converter, ensuring maximum contact area. The shield must not be broken at any point, e. g., by intermediate terminals. Rule 9 Ground the shields of digital signal cables on both sides (sender and receiver), ensuring maximum contact area and good conductivity. In the event of poor equipotential bonding between the shield connections, run an additional equalizing conductor with a cross-section of at least 10 mm parallel to the shield for the purpose of reducing the shield current. Multiple grounding of the shields (= connection to cabinet enclosure) is possible. Multiple grounding of the shields is even possible outside the control cabinet. Foil shields are at least 5 times less effective than braided shields. Rule 10 Ground the shields of analog signal cables with good equipotential bonding on both sides. Good equipotential bonding is achieved if Rule 1 is followed. If low-frequency interference occurs on the analog lines, e. g.: Speed/measured value fluctuations as a result of equalizing currents (hum) then connect the analog signal shield to the signal sink on one side, e. g. analog input of the converter. Ground the other side of the shield via a capacitor (e. g., 10 nF/100 V type MKT). The use of the capacitor means that the shield is connected for high frequencies on both sides. 18 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTApplication planningTT 5.2 TTEMC-compliant configuration of drive systemsTT Shield connection of signal cables 1 Shield clip 2 Cable tie Cable tie Rule 11 Only route signal cables into the cabinet from one side Rule 12 If converters are to be operated by means of an external 24 V power supply, this supply must not be connected to a number of loads that have been installed separately inside different control cabinets (hum!). Ensure that there is a separate power supply for each converter. Rule 13 Avoid interference coupling via the line connection. Connect the converter and PLCs/control electronics to different line supplies. If only one common line supply is available, isolate the PLCs/control electronics from the line supply by means of an isolating transformer. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 19 TTApplication planningTT 5.2 TTEMC-compliant configuration of drive systemsTT Rules for limiting emitted interference Rule 14 An RFI suppression filter must be used to ensure compliance with limit class A or B (EN 55011) even in cases where sine-wave filters or dv/dt filters have been installed between the motor and the converter. The issue of whether an additional filter is required for further loads depends on the controller used and how the rest of the control cabinet is wired. Rule 15 Ensure that the RFI suppression filter is located in the vicinity of the source. Ensure that the filter is surface-connected to the control cabinet enclosure, mounting plate, etc. A bare, metallic mounting plate is preferable (e. g. stainless steel, galvanized steel), since the entire contact surface establishes the electrical contact. If a painted mounting plate is used, the screw positions for mounting the frequency converter and and RFI suppression filter must be paint-free to ensure electrical contact with the mounting plate. Physically separate the input and output cables of the RFI suppression filter. Rule 16 Use shielded cables to connect all variable-speed motors in order to limit emitted interference. Connect both sides of the shields to the relevant enclosures in a manner that ensures low inductance (short and maximum possible contact area). Shield the motor cables inside the control cabinet or shield them by means of grounded separating plates. Suitable motor cables are, for example, Siemens PROTOFLEX-EMVCY (4 x 1.5 mm to 4 x 120 mm) with Cu shield. Cables with steel shields are not suitable. Use a suitable screwed joint with shield contact on the motor for the shield connection. Make sure that there is a low-impedance connection between the motor terminal box and motor housing. If necessary, use an additional flexible grounding stranded wire. The motor terminal box must not be made of plastic. 20 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTApplication planningTT 5.2 TTEMC-compliant configuration of drive systemsTT 1 Motor terminal box 2 Metric/heavy-gauge threaded joint Shield connection on motor Rule 17 Install a line reactor between the RFI suppression filter and the line supply. Rule 18 Physically separate the power supply cable and motor cables, e. g., by using grounded separating plates. Rule 19 The shield between the motor and converter must not be broken at any point as a result of integrating components such as output reactors, sinusoidal filters, dv/dt filters, fuses and contactors. Assemble the components on a mounting plate, which will simultaneously serve as the shield connection for the incoming and outgoing motor cables. It may be necessary to use grounded separating plates for the purpose of shielding the components. Rule 20 To limit interference radiation (particularly in the case of limit class B), all cables connected to the control cabinet from the outside must be shielded in addition to the power supply cable. When mounting inside a cabinet, install the RFI suppression filter (and if necessary a reactor) in the direct vicinity of the converter. When laying cables, keep them as short as possible. When connecting the power supply cable to the RFI suppression filter (or reactor), ensure that it is kept separate from other cables so that no interference can be injected into the interference-suppressed power supply cable that would partially cancel out the effects of the RFI suppression filter. Connect the housing of the converter and RFI suppression filter with low resistance for high-frequency interference currents. This can be achieved by placing the converter and RFI suppression filter on the same mounting plate. Ensure that the converter and RFI suppression filter are surface-connected to this mounting plate. The best solution here is Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 21 TTApplication planningTT 5.2 TTEMC-compliant configuration of drive systemsTT to use a bare metal mounting plate (e. g., made of stainless steel or galvanized sheetsteel), since the total contact surface establishes the electrical contact. If a painted mounting plate is used, the screw positions for the converter and RFI suppression filter must be paint-free to ensure electrical contact with the mounting plate. 22 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Installation T 6.1 6 T Assembly T T Installation Install the sine-wave filter or the output reactor on a bare metal plate. Mount the sine-wave filter or the output reactor in a cabinet as follows: Install the sine-wave filter or the output reactor as close to the converter as possible. When laying cables, keep them as short as possible. Lay out the motor cables separate from the other cables, such as power supply cable so that interference cannot be coupled. The output reactor / sine-wave filter are each fastened with 4 screws via the fastening bores provided in the base plate. The bore dimensions and the strength class of the screws used are specified in the following dimension drawings. Mounting position The mounting position of the sine-wave filter or the output reactor must be selected in such a manner that the cooling channels - if present - are arranged vertically. In addition, ensure that the cooling air flow (natural convection) is not impacted by neighboring components, connecting lines, etc. The capacitors of the sine-wave filter should not be impacted by the waste heat of the reactor. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 23 TTInstallationTT 6.1 TTAssemblyTT Figure 6-1 (1) $ % & Mounting position - output reactors Cooling air flow Permissible mounting positions - output reactors __ A B C 4EP __ 4EU __ __ (1) 24 $ % & Cooling air flow Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTInstallationTT 6.1 TTAssemblyTT Permissible mounting positions sine-wave filter __ A B C 4EF1105-0GB... __ __ __ 4EF1105-3GB 4EF1105-4GB... 4EF1105-8GB 4EF1105-0GB Dimension sheet / bore dimensions 4EP DA93-5017 Rated AC ILN 40 A l1 DA93-5020 n1 h e d1 d2 d3 n2 n1 n4 l2 n3 b1 n2 Type b1 d1 d2 d3 e h l1 l2 n1 n2 n3 n4 4EP36 78 4,8 9 M4 62,0 139 120 148 49 90 58 136 4EP37 73 5,8 11 M5 60,0 159 150 178 49 113 53 166 4EP38 88 5,8 11 M5 67,0 159 150 178 64 113 68 166 4EP39 99 7,0 13 M6 62,0 181 182 219 56 136 69 201 4EP40 119 7,0 13 M6 72,0 181 182 219 76 136 89 201 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 25 TTInstallationTT 6.1 TTAssemblyTT Dimension sheet / bore dimensions 4EU24 to 4EU36 (For 4EU24 to 4EU36 with flat connections, for arrangement of the reactors on horizontal surfaces) O HPD[ HPD[ HPD[ O Q KPD[ 3'BD O G Q G G O E Type b1 d1 d2 d3 e1max e2max e3max hmax l1 l2 L4 L5 n1 n2 Grounding 4EU24 91 7 12 M6 90,5 56,5 48,5 210 225 190 - 76 70 176 M6 4EU25 115 7 12 M6 102,5 68,5 60,5 210 225 190 - 76 94 176 M6 4EU27 133 10 18 M8 120,5 79,5 67,5 248 260 220 270 88 101 200 M6 4EU30 (Cu) 148 10 18 M8 137,0 89,0 73,0 269 295 250 300 100 118 224 M6 4EU30 148 10 18 M8 144,0 98,0 86,0 269 295 250 300 100 118 224 M6 4EU36 (Cu) 169 10 18 M8 142,0 94,0 78,0 321 357 300 350 120 138 264 M8 4EU36 169 10 18 M8 161,0 111,0 91,0 321 357 300 350 120 138 264 M8 26 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTInstallationTT 6.1 TTAssemblyTT Dimension sheet / bore dimensions 4 EF11 (for drives in the range from 7.5 kW to 1.5 kW) E 3( Q Q K G Q Q 3'B E O E For filters with lmax to bmax b1 b2max d hmax l2 n3 n4 Grounding 6A 133 73 98 M5 157 178 53 166 M6 10 A 148 88 105 M5 157 178 68 166 M6 17.5 A 175 119 112 M6 182 219 89 201 M6 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 27 TTInstallationTT 6.1 TTAssemblyTT Dimension sheet / bore dimensions 4 EF11 (For drives in the range of 11 kW to 75 kW, for arrangement of the filter on horizontal surfaces) E Q K Q G 3'B Q O Q E O E For filters with lmax to bmax b1 b2 d hmax l2 L4max n1 n2 Grounding 26 A 145 91 100 M6 253 189 225 70 176 M6 38 A 169 115 112 M6 253 189 225 94 176 M6 48 A 168 118 112 M8 300 220 260 86 200 M6 63 A 183 133 120 M8 300 220 260 101 200 M6 90 A 208 148 134 M8 362 249 295 118 224 M6 105 A 224 168 136 M8 418 299 357 138 264 M8 28 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTInstallationTT 6.2 TTInstallation instructionsTT 6.2 Installation instructions T T EMC-compliant configuration To ensure trouble-free operation of the sine-wave filter / output reactor, the configuration of the drive system must be EMC-compliant. The basic rules for the EMC-compliant configuration of drive systems are outlined in section 5. Install the converter and the sine-wave filter / output reactor on a common bare metal mounting plate (stainless steel or galvanized sheet-steel). The total contact surface establishes the electrical contact. If a painted mounting plate is used, ensure that the screw positions for the converter and sine-wave filter / output reactor are paint-free to ensure electrical contact with the mounting plate. If the motor is connected via a shielded cable, place the shield on the motor and on the sine-wave filter / output reactor so that it is surface connected. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 29 TTInstallationTT 6.2 TTInstallation instructionsTT 30 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 7 Connection T 7.1 T Prerequisites and definitions T T Materials to be used The following materials must be used for the connection: Busbar material: Copper, aluminum Bolt: Strength class 8.8 or higher in accordance with ISO 898 Part 1, tZn (hot-galvanized) anti-corrosion protection Nut: Strength class 8 or higher in accordance with ISO 898 Part 2, tZn (hot-galvanized) anti-corrosion protection Spring element on bolt and nut side: Clamping washer to DIN 6796 Part 2, with anti-corrosion protection Spring lock washer to DIN 128 Lubricant: MoS2-based Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 31 TTConnectionTT 7.2 TTConnection optionsTT 7.2 Connection options T T Protective conductor connection via terminal studs The following tightening torque applies for protective conductor connections on the sinewave filter / output reactor that are contacted via threaded pins: 6 Nm The following graphics show the protective conductor connection via terminal studs. 0 1P 0 1P Figure 7-1 Protective conductor connection via terminal studs (output reactor) 1P Figure 7-2 32 Protective conductor connection via terminal studs (sine-wave filter) (1) Bolt (2) Spring washer (3) Conical spring washer (4) Contact washer (5) Cable lug: The cable lug of the protective conductor must be arranged between the two washers. (6) Nut (output reactor) / capacitor holding plate (sine-wave filter) (7) Protective conductor clip (10) Caliper (output reactor) Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTConnectionTT 7.2 TTConnection optionsTT Protective conductor connection via clip on the angle bracket The following tightening torque applies for protective conductor connections on the sinewave filter / output reactor that are contacted via clip on the angle bracket: 10 Nm The following graphics show the protective conductor connection via clip on the angle bracket. 1P Figure 7-3 Protective conductor connection via clip on the angle bracket (output reactor) 1P Figure 7-4 (1) Protective conductor connection via clip on the angle bracket (sine-wave filter) Bolt (2) Spring washer (3) Conical spring washer (4) Contact washer (5) Cable lug: The cable lug of the protective conductor must be arranged between the two washers. (6) Nut (output reactor) / capacitor holding plate (sine-wave filter) (7) Protective conductor clip Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 33 TTConnectionTT 7.2 TTConnection optionsTT Connection via terminals The cables should be stripped until the stripped part of the cable can be completely introduced into the contact part of the terminals without canting. The insulation of the cable should be placed on the contact part of the terminal in such a manner that the conductor is not crushed when unscrewed. The information provided in the tables below applies for connection of the sine-wave filter / output reactor via terminals: D Figure 7-5 34 Connection - terminal output reactor Connecting terminal Stripped length (a) Tightening torque Type mm Nm (c) Double terminal 13...14 2,5 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTConnectionTT 7.2 TTConnection optionsTT Figure 7-6 Connection terminal - sine-wave filter Connection grounding Conductor cross-section Tightening torque Type mm Nm (c) 16 0,9 ... 1,3 (c) 35 2,5 ... 3,0 Connection Conductor cross-section Tightening torque Type mm Nm (d) 16 2,0 ... 2,5 (c) 16 0,9 ... 1,3 (c) 35 2,5 ... 3,0 (c) 70 6,0 ... 10,0 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 35 TTConnectionTT 7.2 TTConnection optionsTT Flat connectors The customer-provided connection is executed as shown in the illustration, via cable lugs or external busbars using the parts listed in the table. The level contact surfaces of the flat connections must be bare metal with a light coating of grease. Do not align the cable shoes after tightening the screw connection (danger of loosening). E Figure 7-7 Flat connection Item no. Description Rated current Ithmax [A] < 80 < 200 (1) Bolt M8 M10 (2) Nut M8 M10 (3) Washer 8.4 x 16 10.5 x 20 (4) Spring washer 8.2 x 14.4 10.5 x 17.4 (5) 36 Flat connection b = 3.0 mm b = 5.0 mm Tightening torque [Nm] 13,0 25,0 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Commissioning T 8.1 Operation T T 8 T Operation The following must be observed when operating the sine-wave filter / output reactor: CAUTION The following general parameters always apply for operation and they should not be exceeded: Motor cable length - maximum 200 m, shielded cable Motor cable length - maximum 300 m, unshielded line Maximum motor cable length cross-sections for power classes: - > to 2.2 kW 1.5 mm - > 2.2 kW to 7.5 kW 2.5 mm - > 7.5 kW to 11 kW 4 mm - > 11 kW to 22 kW 10 mm - > 22 kW to 30 kW 16 mm - > 30 kW to 37 kW 25 mm - > 37 kW to 50 kW 35 mm - > 50 kW to 75 kW 70 mm Maximum clock frequency 8 kHz Maximum motor frequency - output reactor 200 Hz Maximum motor frequency sine-wave filter 100 Hz UN 3 AC 500 V + 5 % (+ 10 % sine wave filter) For more extensive requirements customer-specific solutions are available on request: email: Use in Ex(d) area If a sine-wave filter is on the converter upstream of the Ex(d) motor then the implementation conditions must be clarified for each request. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 37 TTCommissioningTT 8.1 TTOperationTT Compliance with the rated data on the rating plate is prerequisite for proper use of the sine-wave filter / output reactor. CAUTION The inputs and outputs of the sine-wave filter should not be swapped because this can damage the frequency converter. )& 8 8 9 9 : : Figure 8-1 0 SK Connection - sine-wave filter CAUTION Do not operate the sine-wave filter without load because the converter and filter could be damaged. If you notice any deviations from normal operation (increased power consumption, temperature or levels of vibration, unusual noises or odors, monitoring devices tripping, etc.), the device is probably no longer functioning correctly. In such an event, you must notify the responsible service personnel immediately to prevent faults that could result in personal injury or material damage. If in doubt, shut down the equipment concerned immediately. 38 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Maintenance and servicing T 9.1 Service/Maintenance T T 9 T You must comply with the following safety regulations before commencing work on electrical installations: 1. Isolate from the supply 2. Secure against accidental restart 3. Check safe isolation from supply 4. Grounding and short-circuiting 5. Cover all nearby live parts Checking safe isolation from supply WARNING Dangerous high voltage Danger of death or serious injury. Before commencing work on the sine-wave filter / output reactor, you must check that it is safely isolated from the supply (e. g. using a meter). Service The following service operations should be carried out regularly (preferably on an annual basis): General visual check Remove excessively large dust deposits using compressed air (max. 2.5 bar) and a suitable vacuum cleaner. Tighten up connection elements in accordance with the specified torques. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 39 TTMaintenance and servicingTT 9.1 TTService/MaintenanceTT 40 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Technical specifications T 10.1 Rating data T 10 T T Technical specifications - output reactor Recommended supply voltage VN Rated AC ILN See rating plate or catalog LV60 Reactors and Filters, table "Selection and ordering data" Inductance per strand LN Total power loss PV Total weight m Frequency Converter output frequency maximum 200 Hz Clock frequency of the converter to 8 kHz Degree of protection IP00 in accordance with DIN VDE 0470-1/EN 60529 Connection 4EP terminal, 4EU flat connection, see "Engineering information", terminal cover for protection against unintentional contact of the flat connections, see "Accessories" Measurement of creepage distances and clearances Degree of pollution 2 in accordance with DIN VDE 0110 Rated voltage for insulation Version with terminals: 690 V AC (for installation altitudes to 2000 m above sea level) Version with flat connectors: 1000 V AC Permissible ambient temperature during operation 0 C to +40 C Temperature classes Type 4EP ta 40 C/F Type 4EU ta 40 C/H Installation altitude 1000 m above sea level Standards / approvals The reactors satisfy EN 61558-2-20 UL508: for types 4EP UL1561: For types 4EU Storage temperature -25 C to +55 C Transport temperature range -25 C to +70 C Permissible humidity rating Moisture 5 % to 95 %, occasional condensation is permissible Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 41 TTTechnical specificationsTT 10.1 TTRating dataTT Technical specifications - sine-wave filter Recommended supply voltage VN Rated AC ILN See rating plate or catalog LV60 Reactors and Filters, table "Selection and ordering data" Total power loss Pv Total weight m Test voltage 3.6 kV DC active parts against housing Power range of the drive 1.5 kW to 75 kW, greater power ranges on request Frequency fmax = 100 Hz Clock frequency 4 kHz 8 kHz Degree of protection IP00 in accordance with DIN VDE 0470-1/EN 60529 Connection Safe-to-touch terminals Measurement of creepage distances and clearances Degree of pollution 2 in accordance with DIN VDE 0110 Rated voltage for insulation 500 V AC (for installation altitudes to 1000 m above sea level) Permissible ambient temperature during operation 0 C to +40 C Temperature classes ta 40 C/F or ta 40 C/H depending on the rated power Installation altitude 1000 m above sea level Standards / approvals The reactors satisfy EN 61558-2-20 UL508: Device assembly 42 Storage temperature -25 C to +55 C Transport temperature range -25 C to +70 C Permissible humidity rating Moisture 5 % to 95 %, occasional condensation is permissible Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A TTTechnical specificationsTT 10.2 TTDeviation in the rated values at installation altitudes > 1000 mTT 10.2 Deviation in the rated values at installation altitudes > 1000 m T T The following diagrams show the reduction in rated voltage, the rated current, depending on the installation altitude and coolant temperature 5RZ(8 0D[SHUPLVVLEOHFXUUHQW 5RZ(3 &RRODQWWHPSHUDWXUH Deviation in the permissible direct current of the rated equalizing current Idn, or permissible alternating current of the rated AC In (at coolant temperatures 40 C) Characteristic curve 74 applies for reactors 4EU, 4ET, 4PK Characteristic curve 72 applies for reactors 4EP, 4EM, 4EF11 0D[SHUPLVVLEOHFXUUHQW ,QVWDOODWLRQDOWLWXGH Deviation in the permissible direct current of rated equalizing current Idn, or permissible alternating current of the rated AC In (at installation altitudes > 1000 m above sea level) 0D[SHUPLVVLEOHUDWHG FXUUHQW ,QVWDOODWLRQDOWLWXGH Reduction of the rated voltage for insulation (at installation altitudes > 2000 m above sea level) Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 43 TTTechnical specificationsTT 10.2 TTDeviation in the rated values at installation altitudes > 1000 mTT 44 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Circuit diagrams T 11.1 11 T Circuit diagrams T T Sine-wave filter circuit diagram )& 8 8 9 9 : : 0 SK Output reactor circuit diagram )& 8 8 9 9 : : Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 0 SK 45 TTCircuit diagramsTT 11.1 TTCircuit diagramsTT 46 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A List of abbreviations T A.1 A T List of abbreviations T T AC Alternating Current DC Direct Current Ex(d) area Necessary flameproof enclosure against potentially explosive atmospheres LF harmonics Low frequency harmonics TN system A point in the system (star point, external conductor) is directly grounded. The conductive parts of the electrical equipment are connected to the grounded system point via protective conductors. Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A 47 TTList of abbreviationsTT A.1 TTList of abbreviationsTT 48 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A Index C O Commutating reactor, 7, 8, 11, 16 Cooling air flow, 23 Output reactor, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37 Circuit diagram, 43 Technical specifications, 39 E EMC regulations, 9, 11, 16, 28 G Grounding, 16 I Interference coupling, 16, 18, 19, 23 L Line reactor, 7, 8, 11, 16, 20 M Motor cable length, 11, 13, 35 Mounting position, 20, 23, 25 Output filters for frequency converters System Manual, Edition 06/2007, HBF 06-001-02-1A P Protective conductor, 29, 30, 45 R RFI suppression filter, 7, 8, 11, 16, 19, 20, 21 S Safety rules, 37 Shield, 9, 17, 18, 20, 21, 28, 35 Sine-wave filter, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37 Circuit diagram, 43 Technical specifications, 40 Smoothing reactor, 7, 8 Standards, 5, 13, 19, 29 49