1 = clipped sine
2❏◆ = HCMOS
3❏= 0dBm sine
4❏= +3dBm sine
5❏= +7dBm sine
6❏▼ = +10dBm sine
Supply V
A❏= +3.3V
B▼= +5V
C = +10V
D = +12V
E = +15V
F = +18V
1 = 0 to 50°C
2 = 0 to 70°C
3 = -10 to 60°C
4 = -20 to 70°C
5 = -30 to 70°C
6 = -30 to 75°C
7● = -40 to 85°C
Typical Performance
Frequency Stability vs. Supply V (±5%) ±0.4ppm
Frequency Stability vs. Load (±5%) ±0.4ppm
Aging ±1ppm/year
Power Consumption 30mW (clipped sine)
Phase Noise 1Hz -55dBc
@ 1 Hz BW 10Hz -85dBc
100Hz -115dBc
1KHz -130dBc
10KHz -140dBc
100KHz -140dBc
Tuning Slope Positive
Mechanical Tuning ±3ppm
Electrical Tuning ±3ppm
1♦= .720 x .465 x .220
2 = .720 x .465 x .365
3♦0= .449 x .449 x .154
40= .815 x .515 x .394
10= mech. tuning
2 = elec. tuning
Thermal Stability
A = ±10ppm
B = ±5.0ppm
C = ±3.5ppm
D = ±2.5ppm
E●= ±1.5ppm
F●= ±1.0ppm
The following guide can be used to determine your requirements.
Phase Noise Thermal Stability
400 Series TCXO
If your system requires uncompromising phase
noise performance, MTI’s 400 Series temperature
compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO) deliver. The
400 Series phase noise performance rivals many AT cut
OCXOs at a fraction of the cost. MTI offers a large
number of choices for specifying thermal stability,
temperature range, supply voltage, and output.
Frequency Range
• 64 KHz to 60 MHz
• Mobile Radios
• PCS Systems
• Home Meter Reading
1. A unique model number will be assigned upon
order placement.
2. Options with the same marker may not be combined
with each other.
3. Recommended tuning tool: Voltronics P/N TT200
4. Combination mech. and elec. tuning available upon
Two New Pasture Road •Newburyport MA 01950 • USA
Tel: 978.465.6064 •Fax: 978.465.6637 •www.mti-milliren.com
440 Series: 10MHz AT Cut 440 Series: 10MHz AT Cut
Thermal Stability: -40o
C to +85o
C in 10o
C Steps
Time in Minutes
Fractional Frequency