Militar y Qualified Product Listing MIL-F-15160
Fuses – Instruments, Power, and Telephone
Form No. MIL-F-15160
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BIF Doc #2089
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/01
⁄Ω¢∑ ≈ 1∑ Fuses
F01A250V⁄Ω¡ººA F01A125V1flΩ¡ºA* F01A32V7A
F01A250V⁄Ω™A F01A125V2A F01A32V8A
F01A125VflΩ¡ºA* F01A125V2⁄Ω™A F01A32V10A
F01A125V‹Ω¢A F01A125V3A F01A32V15A
F01A125V°Ω¡ºA F01A125V3¤Ω¡ºA F01A32V20A
F01A125V1A F01A125V4A F01A32V25A
F01A125V1⁄Ω¢A F01A125V5A F01A32V30A
F01A125V1⁄Ω™A F01A32V6A
Commercial version is AGX series. See BIF document 2041 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/02
⁄Ω¢∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω¢∑ Fuses
F02A250V⁄Ω¡ººA* F02A250V‹Ω•A F02A250V3A
F02A250V⁄Ω¡§A F02A250V⁄Ω™A F02A250V4A
F02A250V⁄Ω¡ºA* F02A250VflΩ¡ºAS** F02A250V5A
F02A250V⁄Ω•A F02A250V‹Ω¢A F02A250V6A
F02A250V⁄fiΩ¡ººA* F02A250V1A F02A125V8A
F02A250V⁄‡fiΩ¡ºººA F02A250V1⁄Ω¢A F02A125V10A
F02A250V‹Ω¡§AS** F02A250V1⁄Ω™A F02A32V15A
F02A250V¤Ω¡ºA F02A250V1flΩ¡ºA F02A32V20A
F02A250V⁄Ω¢A F02A250V2A F02A32V25A
F02A250V‹Ω¡ºA F02A250V2⁄Ω™A F02A32V30A
Commercial version is AGC series. See BIF document 2001 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/02
⁄Ω¢∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω¢∑ Fuses
F02B250V⁄Ω¡ººA F02B250V‹Ω•A F02B250V1flΩ¡ºA
F02B250V⁄Ω£™A F02B250V›Ω¡ºA* F02B250V2A
F02B250V⁄Ω¡§A F02B250V⁄Ω™A F02B250V2⁄Ω™A
F02B250V⁄Ω¡ºA F02B250VflΩ¡ºA F02B250V2°Ω¡ºS**
F02B250V⁄Ω•A F02B250V‡Ω¡ºA F02B250V3A
F02B250V⁄fiΩ¡ººA F02B250V‹Ω¢A F02B250V3¤Ω¡ºA*
F02B250V‹Ω¡§A F02B250V°Ω¡ºA F02B125V4A
F02B250V¤Ω¡ºA F02B250V1A F02B125V5A
F02B250V⁄Ω¢A F02B250V1⁄Ω¢A F02B125V6⁄Ω¢A
F02B250V‹Ω¡ºA F02B250V1⁄Ω™A F02B125V7A
Commercial version is MDL series. See BIF document 2004 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/03
⁄Ω¢∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω¢∑ Fuses
F03A250V⁄Ω¢A F03A250V3A F03A250V12A
F03A250V⁄Ω™A F03A250V4A F03A250V15A
F03A250V1A F03A250V5A F03A125V20A
F03A250V1⁄Ω¢A F03A250V6A F03A125V25A
F03A250V1⁄Ω™A F03A250V8A F03A125V30A
F03A250V2A F03A250V10A
Commercial version is ABC series. See BIF document 2000 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/03
⁄Ω¢∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω¢∑ Fuses
F03B250V⁄Ω¡ºA F03B250V1A F03B125V5A
F03B250V⁄Ω•A F03B250V1⁄Ω¢A F03B125V6⁄Ω¢A
F03B250V⁄fiΩ¡ººA F03B250V1⁄Ω™A F03B125V7A
F03B250V‹Ω¡§A F03B250V1flΩ¡ºA F03B125V8A
F03B250V⁄Ω¢A F03B250V2A F03B125V10A
F03B250V‹Ω¡ºA* F03B250V2⁄Ω™A* F03B125V12A
F03B250V‹Ω•A F03B250V2°Ω¡ºA* F03B125V15A
F03B250V⁄Ω™A F03B250V3A F03B125V20A
F03B250V‹Ω¢A F03B250V3¤Ω¡ºA F03B125V25A
F03B250V°Ω¡ºA* F03B125V4A F03B125V30A
Commercial version is MDA series. See BIF document 2002 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/05
F05A and F05B series cancelled without replacement on
January 1976.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/06
F06A and F06B series are inactive for new design after
January 1970. Non-military equivalent is ABS series.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/07
F07A and F07B series are inactive for new design after
January 1970. Non-military equivalent is AGU series.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/09
⁄‹Ω£™∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω™∑ Fuses
F09A250V1A F09A250V5A F09A250V15A
F09A250V1flꭧA* F09A250V6A F09A250V20A
F09A250V2A F09A250V6⁄Ω¢AS** F09A250V25A
F09A250V3A F09A250V7A F09A250V30A
F09A250V3⁄Ω™A F09A250V8A
F09A250V4AS** F09A250V10A
Commercial version is BAN series. See BIF document 2046 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/09
⁄‹Ω£™∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω™∑ Fuses
F09B250V⁄Ω¡ºA** F09B250V1⁄Ω¢A F09B250V6⁄Ω¢A
F09B250V⁄fiΩ¡ººA F09B250V1flΩ¡ºA F09B250V8A
F09B250V¤Ω¡ºA F09B250V2A F09B250V10A
F09B250V‹Ω¡ºA F09B250V2⁄Ω™A F09B125V12A*
F09B250V›Ω¡ºA* F09B250V2°Ω¡ºS** F09B125V15A
F09B250V⁄Ω™A* F09B250V3¤Ω¡ºA F09B32V20A*
F09B250VflΩ¡ºA F09B250V3⁄Ω™AS** F09B32V25A
F09B250V°Ω¡ºA F09B250V4A F09B32V30A
F09B250V1A F09B250V5A
Commercial version is FNM series. See BIF document 2028 for more
Note: When silver-plated fuse caps are required, simply suffix the letter “S” to the Type Designation Number; i.e. “F02A250V⁄Ω™AS.”
*Indicates a product not available with silver-plated caps.
**Indicates a product available
with silver-plated caps.
4-4-01 SB01087
Militar y Qualified Product Listing MIL-F-15160
Fuses – Instruments, Power, and Telephone
Form No. MIL-F-15160
Page 2 of 3
BIF Doc #2089
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/10
⁄‹Ω£™∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω™∑ Fuses
F10A250V1A F10A250V5A F10A250V15A
F10A250V2A F10A250V6AS** F10A125V20AS**
F10A250V3A F10A250V8AS** F10A125V30A*
F10A250V4AS** F10A250V10A
Commercial version is MIN series. See BIF document 2047 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/15
·Ω¡§∑ ≈ 2∑ Fuses
F15A250V1A F15A250V6A F15A250V20A
F15A250V2AS** F15A250V8AS** F15A250V25A
F15A250V3A F15A250V10A F15A250V30A
F15A250V5A F15A250V15A
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/15
·Ω¡§∑ ≈ 2∑ Fuses
F15BR250V1A F15BR250V6.25A* F15BR250V20A
F15BR250V2A F15BR250V8A F15BR250V25A
F15BR250V3.2AS** F15BR250V10A F15BR250V30A
F15BR250V4AS** F15BR250V12A
F15BR250V5A F15BR250V15A
F15BR replaced F15B in October 1990.
Commercial version is FRN-R series. See BIF document 1019 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/16
⁄‹Ω¡§∑ ≈ 3∑ Fuses
F16A250V35A F16A250V45A* F16A250V60A
F16A250V40A F16A250V50A
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/16
⁄‹Ω¡§∑ ≈ 3∑ Fuses
F16BR250V35A F16BR250V45A F16BR250V60A
F16BR250V40A F16BR250V50A
F16BR replaced F16B in October 1990.
Commercial version is FRN-R series. See BIF document 1019 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/19
1∑ ≈ 5‡Ω•∑ Fuses
F19BR250V70A F19BR250V90A
F19BR250V80A F19BR250V100A
F19BR replaced F19B in October 1990.
Commercial version is FRN-R series. See BIF document 1020 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/20
1⁄Ω™∑ ≈ 7⁄Ω•∑ Fuses
F20BR250V110A F20BR250V150A F20BR250V200A
F20BR250V125A F20BR250V175A
F20BR replaced F20B in October 1990.
Commercial version is FRN-R series. See BIF document 1020 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/27
F27A series is inactive for new design after December 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/28
F28A series is inactive for new design after December 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/29
F29A series is inactive for new design after December 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/30
F30A series is inactive for new design after December 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/36
F36A and F36B series are inactive for new design after
December 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/37
F37A and F37B series are inactive for new design after
December 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/38
F38A and F38B series are inactive for new design after
December 1990.
Note: When silver-plated fuse caps are required, simply suffix the letter “S” to the Type Designation Number; i.e. “F19BR250V70AS.”
*Indicates a product not available with silver-plated caps.
**Indicates a product available
with silver-plated caps.
4-4-01 SB01087
Militar y Qualified Product Listing MIL-F-15160
Fuses – Instruments, Power, and Telephone
Form No. MIL-F-15160
Page 3 of 3
BIF Doc #2089
4-4-01 SB01087
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/39
F39A and F39B series are inactive for new design after
December 1990.
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/40
F40A and F40B series are inactive for new design after
December 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/50
⁄‹Ω£™∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω™∑ Fuses
F50A90V⁄Ω™A* F50A90V1⁄Ω£A* F50A90V2A*
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/52
F52A series was cancelled without replacement on
January 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/60
⁄‹Ω£™∑ ≈ 1⁄Ω™∑ Fuses
F60C500V⁄Ω•A F60C500V2A F60C500V10A
F60C500V⁄Ω¢A F60C500V3A F60C500V12AS**
F60C500V‹Ω•A F60C500V4A F60C500V15A
F60C500V⁄Ω™A F60C500V5A F60C500V20A
F60C500V‹Ω¢A F60C500V6A F60C500V25A
F60C500V1A F60C500V7AS** F60C500V30A
F60C500V1⁄Ω™AS** F60C500V8A
Commercial version is KLM series. See BIF document 2020 for more
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/61
·Ω¡§∑ ≈ 2∑ Fuses
F61C500V1A F61C500V5A F61C500V15A
F61C500V2A F61C500V6A F61C500V20A
F61C500V3A F61C500V8A F61C500V25A
F61C500V4AS** F61C500V10A F61C500V30A
Commercial version is KLC series.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/62
⁄‹Ω¡§∑ ≈ 3∑ Fuses
F62C500V35A F62C500V45A F62C500V60A
F62C500V40A F62C500V50A
Commercial version is KLC series.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/63
1∑ ≈ 5‡Ω•∑ Fuses
F63C500V70A F63C500V90A
F63C500V80A F63C500V100A
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/64
1⁄Ω™∑ ≈ 7⁄Ω•∑ Fuses
F64C500V110A F64C500V150A F64C500V200A
F64C500V125A F64C500V175A
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/65
2∑ ≈ 8fiΩ•∑ Fuses
F65C500V225A F65C500V300A F65C500V400A
F65C500V250A F65C500V350A
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/66
2⁄Ω™∑ ≈ 11fiΩ•∑ Fuses
F66C500V450A F66C500V500A F66C500V600A
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/67
F67A series was cancelled without replacement on
October 1986.
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/70
F70A series was cancelled without replacement on
October 1990.
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/71
F71A series was cancelled without replacement on
October 1990.
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/72
F72A series was cancelled without replacement on
January 1990.
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/73
F73A series was cancelled without replacement on
January 1990.
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/74
F74A series was cancelled without replacement on
January 1990.
Militar y Standard MIL-F-15160/76
F76A series was cancelled without replacement on
January 1990.
Military Standard MIL-F-15160/77
1∑ ≈ 5‡Ω•∑ Fuses
F77A125V1A F77A125V5A F77A125V12A*
F77A125V2A F77A125V8A F77A125V15A
F77A125V3A F77A125V10A
Note: When silver-plated fuse caps are required, simply suffix the letter “S” to the Type Designation Number; i.e. “F60C500V⁄Ω•AS.”
*Indicates a product not available with silver-plated caps.
**Indicates a product available
with silver-plated caps.
The only controlled copy of this BIF document is the electronic read-only version located on the Bussmann Network Drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is
intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Bussmann reserves the right, without notice, to change
design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information con-
tained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.