139 977. <i) ~:CMHEERR 151 tHRu HER157 my 1.5 AMPS. HIGH EFFICIENCY RECTIFIERS FEATURES . * Low forward voltage drop : * High current capability 140 (2.6) +* High reliability .104 (2.6) 1.0 (25.4) op Dia, MIN, * High surge current capability . Ly le MECHANICAL DATA | * Case: Molded plastic * Epoxy: UL 94V-0 rate flame retardant .230 (5.8) * Lead: Axial leads, solderable per MIL-STD-202, f method 208 guaranteed * Polarity: Color band denotes cathode end . 2 5.4) * High temperature soldering guaranteed: .034 (.9) + . 250C/10 seconds/.375", (9.5mm) lead lengths om at 5 Ibs., (2.3kg) tension OA, . | * Weight: 0.40 grams joo ly Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Rating at 25C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. . Fat. capacitive load, derate current by 20% TYPE NUMBER ~ : HER1S1; HER152 | HER1S3/ HER1S4 | HER155 | HERI56 HER157/ UNITS Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage 50 100 200 300 400 600 800 i" Maximum RMS Voltage , 35 70 140 210 280 420 560 Vv Maximum DC Blocking Voltage : 50 100 200 300 400 600 800 Vv Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current , . -375 (9.5mm) lead length @ Taa55"C 15 A Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3 ms single half sine-wave .. , superimposed on rated load (JEDEC method) 50 A Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage @ 1.54 - 100 1.3 an v Maximum D.C Reverse Current == @ Tan25C- 5.0 uA at Rated D.C Blocking Voltage 7 @ Tawt00C --- - . 100 pA Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (Note 1). . 80 : 78 | as Typical Junction Capacitance (Note 2) ie. ane - _ $9 30 - pF Operating and Storage Temperature Range T,, Tst ~65 to +125 -65 to +150 *c NOTES: 1. Reverse Recovery Test Conditions: p=0.5A, In#1.0A, lnq=0.25A 2. Measured at 1 MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V0.C. multicomp > = SSS ee a cee (BR ; 2 ol, a : sf "RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (HER151 THRU HER157) ws ee 3g rate en crate Sb : Mit 3 7 a oo ee =f FIG. 1-REVERSE RECOVERY TIME CHARACTERISTIC AND TEST CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FIG.2~ MAXIMUM AVERAGE | - . ie >| FORWARD CURRENT RATING *.. . zt sca oe 1 wee ie . , 4 NOMNOUCTIVE wOMMNOUCTIVE < Wave = | wae & 20 Pemeiwe cor - aS pur , 1 a 5 0.375 9.sewe =: it PULSE a Lewd Longe ie} = Wve GENERATOR ag T teeerent (NOTE 2) = 10 ad (-h 10 OSCILLOSCOPE o won (wOTE 1) o" o : WOQUCTIVE g 0 oY - - >: = 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 : NOTES | Ree Tune 7o0 snow noes Wpedonce at oe ase 108 : AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (CT - 2 ne Tang? tOnq man Sowce igedence= +207 JOne/ om am FIG.3-TYPICAL REVERSE CHARACTERISTICS FIG.4-FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS ' 10 2 = 7, = 100C w 3 10 / = 10 5 < r 3 s .. 5 w _s 3 . a . 3 to = 1 z . 4. 3 2 3 nm 5 1.0 = om 2 = wa a z = ai .0001 er ar a en ee) 2 & 8 10 12 14 - Z _ % of PIv, FORWARD VOLTAGE. (V} ce. ee FIG.5-MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE FORWARD FIG.6~TYPICAL JUNCTION CAPACITANCE . . SURGE CURRENT : = > 0 _ 5 8.3me Singte Hat 8 0 Sine-Vlave uo bad UEDEC Method 2 ~ 5 3 IN 3 3 3 3 * 2 z A 2 3 20 2 nl 5 3 = a %0 a J 0 pag ~~ t7" 2 _ 10 20 50 100 a S$ 1 2 . S 10 20 80 -- 100200 S00 800 --- NUMEER OF CYCLES AT 60 Mz , REVERSE VOLTAGE - VOLTS coe