Publication Release Date: December 13, 2014
Preliminary - Revision C
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Table of Contents
1.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................................. 6
2.FEATURES ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.PACKAGE TYPES AND PIN CONFIGURATIONS ........................................................................... 7
3.1Pad Configuration WSON 8x6-mm ...................................................................................... 7
3.2Pad Description WSON 8x6-mm .......................................................................................... 7
3.3Ball Configuration TFBGA 8x6-mm (5x5 or 6x4 Ball Array) ................................................. 8
3.4Ball Description TFBGA 8x6-mm ......................................................................................... 8
4.PIN DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 9
4.1Chip Select (/CS) .................................................................................................................. 9
4.2Serial Data Input, Output and IOs (DI, DO and IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3) ..................................... 9
4.3Write Protect (/WP) .............................................................................................................. 9
4.4HOLD (/HOLD) ..................................................................................................................... 9
4.5Serial Clock (CLK) ................................................................................................................ 9
5.BLOCK DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................... 10
6.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................................... 11
6.1Device Operation Flow ....................................................................................................... 11
6.1.1Standard SPI Instructions ..................................................................................................... 11
6.1.2Dual SPI Instructions ............................................................................................................ 11
6.1.3Quad SPI Instructions ........................................................................................................... 12
6.1.4Hold Function ....................................................................................................................... 12
6.2Write Protection .................................................................................................................. 13
7.PROTECTION, CONFIGURATION AND STATUS REGISTERS .................................................. 14
7.1Protection Register / Status Register-1 (Volatile Writable, OTP lockable) ......................... 14
7.1.1Block Protect Bits (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0, TB) – Volatile Writable, OTP lockable ................. 14
7.1.2Write Protection Enable Bit (WP-E) – Volatile Writable, OTP lockable ................................ 15
7.1.3Status Register Protect Bits (SRP1, SRP0) – Volatile Writable, OTP lockable .................... 15
7.2Configuration Register / Status Register-2 (Volatile Writable) ........................................... 16
7.2.1One Time Program Lock Bit (OTP-L) – OTP lockable .......................................................... 16
7.2.2Enter OTP Access Mode Bit (OTP-E) – Volatile Writable ..................................................... 16
7.2.3Status Register-1 Lock Bit (SR1-L) – OTP lockable ............................................................. 16
7.2.4ECC Enable Bit (ECC-E) – Volatile Writable ........................................................................ 17
7.2.5Buffer Read / Continuous Read Mode Bit (BUF) – Volatile Writable .................................... 17
7.3Status Register-3 (Status Only) .......................................................................................... 18
7.3.1Look-Up Table Full (LUT-F) – Status Only ........................................................................... 18
7.3.2Cumulative ECC Status (ECC-1 , ECC-0) – Status Only....................................................... 18
7.3.3Program/Erase Failure (P-FAIL, E-FAIL) – Status Only ....................................................... 19
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7.3.4Write Enable Latch (WEL) – Status Only ............................................................................. 19
7.3.5Erase/Program In Progress (BUSY) – Status Only .............................................................. 19
7.3.6Reserved Bits – Non Functional ........................................................................................... 19
7.4W25N01GV Status Register Memory Protection ............................................................... 20
8.INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 21
8.1Device ID and Instruction Set Tables ................................................................................. 21
8.1.1Manufacturer and Device Identification ................................................................................ 21
8.1.2Instruction Set Table 1 (Continuous Read Mode, BUF = 0) ................................................. 22
8.1.3Instruction Set Table 2 (Buffer Read Mode, BUF = 1, Default Mode after Power Up) .......... 23
8.2Instruction Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 25
8.2.1Device Reset (FFh) .............................................................................................................. 25
8.2.2Read JEDEC ID (9Fh) .......................................................................................................... 26
8.2.3Read Status Register (0Fh / 05h) ......................................................................................... 27
8.2.4Write Status Register (1Fh / 01h) ......................................................................................... 28
8.2.5Write Enable (06h) ............................................................................................................... 29
8.2.6Write Disable (04h) ............................................................................................................... 29
8.2.7Bad Block Management (A1h) .............................................................................................. 30
8.2.8Read BBM Look Up Table (A5h) .......................................................................................... 31
8.2.9Last ECC Failure Page Address (A9h) ................................................................................. 32
8.2.10128KB Block Erase (D8h) ................................................................................................... 33
8.2.11Load Program Data (02h) / Random Load Program Data (84h) ......................................... 34
8.2.12Quad Load Program Data (32h) / Quad Random Load Program Data (34h) ..................... 35
8.2.13Program Execute (10h)....................................................................................................... 36
8.2.14Page Data Read (13h) ........................................................................................................ 37
8.2.15Read Data (03h) ................................................................................................................. 38
8.2.16Fast Read (0Bh) ................................................................................................................. 39
8.2.17Fast Read with 4-Byte Address (0Ch) ................................................................................ 40
8.2.18Fast Read Dual Output (3Bh) ............................................................................................. 41
8.2.19Fast Read Dual Output with 4-Byte Address (3Ch) ............................................................ 42
8.2.20Fast Read Quad Output (6Bh) ............................................................................................ 43
8.2.21Fast Read Quad Output with 4-Byte Address (6Ch) ........................................................... 44
8.2.22Fast Read Dual I/O (BBh) ................................................................................................... 45
8.2.23Fast Read Dual I/O with 4-Byte Address (BCh) .................................................................. 46
8.2.24Fast Read Quad I/O (EBh) ................................................................................................. 47
8.2.25Fast Read Quad I/O with 4-Byte Address (ECh) ................................................................ 49
8.2.26Accessing Unique ID / Parameter / OTP Pages (OTP-E=1) ............................................... 51
8.2.27Parameter Page Data Definitions ....................................................................................... 52
9.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................... 53
9.1Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................ 53
9.2Operating Ranges............................................................................................................... 53
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9.3Power-up Power-down Timing Requirements .................................................................... 54
9.4DC Electrical Characteristics .............................................................................................. 55
9.5AC Measurement Conditions .............................................................................................. 56
9.6AC Electrical Characteristics .............................................................................................. 57
9.7Serial Output Timing ........................................................................................................... 59
9.8Serial Input Timing .............................................................................................................. 59
9.9/HOLD Timing ..................................................................................................................... 59
9.10/WP Timing ......................................................................................................................... 59
10.PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................ 60
10.18-Pad WSON 8x6-mm (Package Code ZE) ....................................................................... 60
10.224-Ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code TB, 5x5-1 Ball Array) ......................................... 61
10.324-Ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code TC, 6x4 Ball Array) ............................................ 62
11.ORDERING INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 63
11.1Valid Part Numbers and Top Side Marking ........................................................................ 64
12.REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................................................... 65
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Table of Figures
Figure 1a. W25N01GV Pad Assignments, 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm (Package Code ZE) .............................. 7
Figure 1b. W25N01GV Ball Assignments, 24-ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code TB & TC) ................... 8
Figure 2. W25N01GV Flash Memory Architecture and Addressing ............................................................ 10
Figure 3. W25N01GV Flash Memory Operation Diagram .......................................................................... 11
Figure 4a. Protection Register / Status Register-1 (Address Axh) .............................................................. 14
Figure 4b. Configuration Register / Status Register-2 (Address Bxh) ......................................................... 16
Figure 4c. Status Register-3 (Address Cxh) ............................................................................................... 18
Figure 5. Device Reset Instruction .............................................................................................................. 25
Figure 6. Read JEDEC ID Instruction.......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 7. Read Status Register Instruction ................................................................................................. 27
Figure 8. Write Status Register-1/2/3 Instruction ........................................................................................ 28
Figure 9. Write Enable Instruction ............................................................................................................... 29
Figure 10. Write Disable Instruction ............................................................................................................ 29
Figure 11. Bad Block Management Instruction ........................................................................................... 30
Figure 12. Read BBM Look Up Table Instruction ........................................................................................ 31
Figure 13. Last ECC Failure Page Address Instruction .............................................................................. 32
Figure 14. 128KB Block Erase Instruction .................................................................................................. 33
Figure 15. Load / Random Load Program Data Instruction ........................................................................ 34
Figure 16. Quad Load / Quad Random Load Program Data Instruction ..................................................... 35
Figure 17. Program Execute Instruction ...................................................................................................... 36
Figure 18. Page Data Read Instruction ....................................................................................................... 37
Figure 19a. Read Data Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ................................................................ 38
Figure 19b. Read Data Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) ........................................................ 38
Figure 20a. Fast Read Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ................................................................. 39
Figure 20b. Fast Read Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) ........................................................ 39
Figure 21a. Fast Read with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ................................ 40
Figure 21b. Fast Read with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) ....................... 40
Figure 22a. Fast Read Dual Output Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ............................................. 41
Figure 22b. Fast Read Dual Output Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) .................................... 41
Figure 23a. Fast Read Dual Output with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ............ 42
Figure 23b. Fast Read Dual Output with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) ... 42
Figure 24a. Fast Read Quad Output Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ........................................... 43
Figure 24b. Fast Read Quad Output Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) ................................... 43
Figure 25a. Fast Read Quad Output with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) .......... 44
Figure 25b. Fast Read Quad Output with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) .. 44
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Figure 26a. Fast Read Dual I/O Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ................................................... 45
Figure 26b. Fast Read Dual I/O Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) .......................................... 45
Figure 27a. Fast Read Dual I/O with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) .................. 46
Figure 27b. Fast Read Dual I/O with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) ......... 46
Figure 28a. Fast Read Quad I/O Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ................................................. 47
Figure 28b. Fast Read Quad I/O Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) ......................................... 48
Figure 29a. Fast Read Quad I/O with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1) ................ 49
Figure 29b. Fast Read Quad I/O with 4-Byte Address Instruction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0) ........ 50
Figure 30a. Power-up Timing and Voltage Levels ...................................................................................... 54
Figure 30b. Power-up, Power-Down Requirement ...................................................................................... 54
Figure 31. AC Measurement I/O Waveform................................................................................................ 56
Publication Release Date: December 13, 2014
- 6 - Preliminary - Revision C
The W25N01GV (1G-bit) Serial SLC NAND Flash Memory provides a storage solution for systems with
limited s pace, pins and power. The W25N SpiFlash f amily incorporates the popular SPI interface and the
traditional large NAND non-volatile m em ory space. They are ideal for c ode shadowing to RAM, executing
code direct ly f rom Dual/Quad SPI (XIP) and stor ing voice, text and data. T he device operates on a single
2.7V to 3.6V power supply with current consumption as low as 25mA active and 10µA for standby. All
W 25N SpiF lash fam ily devices are off ered in space- saving pack ages which were im possible to use in the
past for the typical NAND flash memory.
The W25N01GV 1G-bit mem ory array is organized into 65,536 program m able pages of 2,048-bytes each.
The entire page can be programmed at one time us ing the data f r om the 2,048-Byte internal buff er. Pages
can be erased in groups of 64 (128KB block erase). The W25N01GV has 1,024 erasable blocks.
The W25N01GV supports the standar d Serial Peripheral Interf ace ( SPI), Dual/Quad I/O SPI: Serial Clock ,
Chip Select, Serial Data I/O0 (DI), I/O1 (DO), I/O2 (/W P), and I/O3 (/HOLD). SPI clock f requencies of up
to 104MHz are supported allowing equivalent clock rates of 208MHz (104MHz x 2) for Dual I/O and
416MHz (104MHz x 4) for Quad I/O when using the Fast Read Dual/Quad I/O instructions.
The W25N01GV provides a new Continuous Read Mode that allows for efficient access to the entire
memory array with a single Read command. This feature is ideal for code shadowing applications.
A Hold pin, Write Protect pin and programmable write protection, provide further control flexibility.
Additionally, the device suppor ts JEDEC s tandard m anufactur er and device ID, one 2,048-Byte Unique ID
page, one 2,048-Byte parameter page and ten 2,048-Byte OTP pages. To provide better NAND flash
memory manageability, user configurable internal ECC, bad block management are also available in
New W25N Family of SpiFlash Memories
W25N01GV: 1G-bit / 128M-byte
– Standard SPI: CLK, /CS, DI, DO, /WP, /Hold
– Dual SPI: CLK, /CS, IO0, IO1, /WP, /Hold
– Quad SPI: CLK, /CS, IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3
Compatible SPI serial flash commands
Highest Performance Serial NAND Flash
– 104MHz Standard/Dual/Quad SPI clocks
– 208/416MHz equivalent Dual/Quad SPI
– 50MB/S continuous data transfer rate
– Fast Program/Erase performance
More than 100,000 erase/program cycles
More than 10-year data retention
Efficient “Continuous Read Mode”(1)
– Alternative method to the Buffer Read Mode
– No need to issue “Page Data Read” between
Read commands
– Allows direct read access to the entire array
Low Power, Wide Temperature Range
– Single 2.7 to 3.6V supply
– 25mA active, 10µA standby current
– -40°C to +85°C operating range
Flexible Architecture with 128KB blocks
– Uniform 128K-Byte Block Erase
– Flexible page data load methods
Advanced Features
– On chip 1-Bit ECC for memory array
– ECC status bits indicate ECC results
– bad block management and LUT(2) access
– Software and Hardware Write-Protect
– Power Supply Lock-Down and OTP protection
– 2KB Unique ID and 2KB parameter pages
– Ten 2KB OTP pages(3)
Space Efficient Packaging
– 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm
– 24-ball TFBGA 8x6-mm
– Contact Winbond for other package options
1. Only the Read com mand st ructures are different between
the “Continuous Read Mode” and the “Buf fer Read Mode”,
all other c omm ands are identical.
2. LUT stands f or Look-Up Table.
3. OTP pages c an onl y be programm ed.
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W 25N01GV is offered in an 8-pad W SON 8x6-m m (package code ZE), and two 24-ball 8x6-m m T FBGA
(package code TB & TC) packages as shown in Figure 1a-b respectively. Package diagrams and
dimensions are illustrated at the end of this datasheet.
3.1 Pad Configuration WSON 8x6-mm
Top Vie w
Figure 1a. W25N01GV P ad Assignments , 8-pad WSON 8x6-mm (Package Code ZE)
3.2 Pad Description WSON 8x6-mm
1 /CS I Chip Select Input
2 DO (IO1) I/O Data Output (Data Input Output 1)(1)
3 /WP (IO2) I/O Write Protect Input ( Data Input Output 2)(2)
4 GND Ground
5 DI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0)(1)
6 CLK I Serial Clock Input
7 /HOLD (IO3) I/O Hold Input (Data Input Output 3)(2)
8 VCC Power Supply
1. IO0 and I O1 are used for St andard and Dual S PI instructions
2. IO0 – I O3 are used for Quad SP I instructions , /WP & /HOLD func tions are only avai l abl e f or Standard/Dual SPI.
Publication Release Date: December 13, 2014
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3.3 Ball Configuration TFBGA 8x6-mm (5x5 or 6x4 Ball Array)
Figure 1b. W25N01GV Ball Assignments, 24-ball TFB GA 8x6-mm (P ackage Code TB & TC)
3.4 Ball Description TFBGA 8x6-mm
B2 CLK I Serial Clock Input
B3 GND Ground
B4 VCC Power Supply
C2 /CS I Chip Select Input
C4 /WP (IO2) I/O Write Protect Input (Data Input Output 2)(2)
D2 DO (IO1) I/O Data Output (Data Input Output 1)(1)
D3 DI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0)(1)
D4 /HOLD (IO3) I/O Hold Input (Data Input Output 3)(2)
Multiple NC No Connect
1. IO0 and I O1 are used for St andard and Dual S PI instructions
2. IO0 – I O3 are used for Quad SP I instructions , /WP & /HOLD func tions are only avai l abl e f or Standard/Dual SPI.
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4.1 Chip Select (/CS)
The SPI Chip Select (/CS) pin enables and disables device operation. When /CS is high the device is
deselected and the Serial Data Output (DO, or IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3) pins are at high impedance. When
deselected, the devic es power consum ption will be at standby levels unless an internal erase, program or
write status register cycle is in progress. When /CS is brought low the device will be selected, power
consumption will increase to active levels and instructions can be written to and data read from the device.
After power-up, /CS must transition from high to low before a new instruction will be accepted. The /CS
input must track the VCC supply level at power-up and power-down (see “Write Protection” and Figure
30b). If needed, a pull-up resistor on the /CS pin can be used to accomplish this.
4.2 Serial Data Input, Output and IOs (DI, DO and IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3)
The W25N01GV supports standard SPI, Dual SPI and Quad SPI operation. Standard SPI instruc tions use
the unidirectional DI (input) pin to serially write instructions, addresses or data to the device on the rising
edge of the Serial Clock (CLK) input pin. Standard SPI also uses the unidirectional DO (output) to read
data or status from the device on the falling edge of CLK.
Dual and Quad SPI instructions use the bidirectional IO pins to serially write instructions, addresses or
data to the device on the rising edge of CLK and r ead data or s tatus f r om the devic e on the f alling edge of
4.3 Write Protect (/WP)
The Write Protect (/WP) pin can be used to prevent the Status Register from being written. Used in
conjunction with the Status Register’s Block Protect bits BP[3:0] and Status Register Protect SRP bits
SRP[1:0], a portion as small as 256K-Byte (2x128KB blocks) or up to the entire memory array can be
hardware protected. The WP-E bit in the Protection Register (SR-1) controls the functions of the /WP pin.
W hen W P- E=0, the device is in the Software Protection m ode that only SR-1 can be protected. The /WP
pin functions as a data I/O pin f or the Q uad SPI operations , as well as an active low input pin for the Write
Protection function for SR-1. Refer to section 7.1.3 for detail information.
W hen W P-E=1, the device is in the Hardware Protection m ode that /W P becom es a dedicated active low
input pin for the Write Protection of the entire device. If /WP is tied to GND, all “Write/Program/Erase”
functions are disabled. The entire device (including all registers, mem ory array, OTP pages) will become
read-only. Quad SPI read operations are also disabled when WP-E is set to 1.
4.4 HOLD (/HOLD)
During Standard and Dual SPI operations, the /HOLD pin allows the device to be paused while it is actively
selected. When /HOLD is br ought low, while /CS is low, the DO pin will be at high impedance and signals
on the DI and CLK pins will be ignored (don’t care). W hen /HOLD is brought high, device operation can
resume. The /HOLD func tion can be useful when m ultiple devices are sharing the same SPI signals. The
/HOLD pin is active low.
When a Quad SPI Read/Buffer Load command is issued, /HOLD pin will become a data I/O pin for the
Quad operations and no HOLD function is available until the current Quad operation finishes.
4.5 Serial Clock (CLK)
The SPI Serial Cloc k Input (C LK) pin provides the tim ing for serial input and output operations . ("See SPI
Publication Release Date: December 13, 2014
- 10 - Preliminary - Revision C
Figure 2. W25N01GV Fl as h Memory Architecture and A ddres sing
1,024 Blocks
(65,536 Pages)
AddressBits 313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210
SpiFlash(upto128MBit) XXXXXXXX
SerialNAND(1GBit) XXXX Ext
128KBBlockAddr(1024Blocks) PageAddr(64Pages) ByteAddress(02047Byte )
64KBBlockAddr(256Blocks) PageAddress(256Pages) ByteAddress(0255Byte)
64KBBlockAddress PageAddress(256Pages) ByteAddress(0255Byte)
Sector 0
512-Byte Sect o r 1
512-Byte Sect o r 2
512-Byte Sect o r 3
512-Byte Spare 0
16-Byte Spare 1
16-Byte Spare 2
16-Byte Spare 3
000h -- 1FFh 200h - - 3FFh 400h - - 5FF h 600h - - 7FF h 800h -- 80Fh810h - - 81F h820h -- 82Fh830h -- 83F h
Definition Bad Block
Marker User D ata
II User Data
IECC for
Sect or 0 ECC for
M ain Memory Arra y (2 ,048-Byte)
ECC Protected Spare Area (64-Byte)
Protection ECC
Protected ECC for
Byte 4 to Byte D
- 11 -
6.1 Device Operation Flow
Power Up
(default BUF=1, ECC-E=1)
Initializ ation &
Default Page Load (00) ~500us
Load Page xx
tRD ~50us
Start “Buffer Read” with column address
(Page 00 or Page x x )
page 0 0 ?
Set BUF=0
Load Page yy
tRD ~50us
Start “Continuous Read” from column 0
(Page yy)
Figure 3. W25N01GV Fl ash Memory Operation Di agram
6.1.1 Standard SPI Instructions
The W25N01GV is accessed through an SPI compatible bus consisting of four signals: Serial Clock
(CLK), Chip Select (/CS), Serial Data Input (DI) and Serial Data Output (DO). Standard SPI instructions
use the DI input pin to serially write instructions, addresses or data to the device on the rising edge of
CLK. The DO output pin is used to read data or status from the device on the falling edge of CLK.
SPI bus operation Mode 0 (0,0) and 3 (1,1) are supported. The primary difference between Mode 0 and
Mode 3 concerns the normal state of the CLK signal when the SPI bus master is in standby and data is
not being transferred to the Serial Flash. For Mode 0, the CLK signal is normally low on the falling and
rising edges of /CS. For Mode 3, the CLK signal is normally high on the falling and rising edges of /CS.
6.1.2 Dual SPI Instructions
The W25N01GV supports Dual SPI operation when using instructions such as “Fast Read Dual Output
(3Bh)” and “Fast Read Dual I/O (BBh)”. These instructions allow data to be transferred to or from the
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device at two to three tim es the rate of ordinar y Serial Flash devices . The Dual SPI Read instruc tions are
ideal for quic kly downloading code to RAM upon power-up (code-shadowing) or for executing non-s peed-
critical code directly from the SPI bus (XIP). When using Dual SPI instructions, the DI and DO pins
become bidirectional I/O pins: IO0 and IO1.
6.1.3 Quad SPI Instructions
The W 25N01GV supports Quad SPI operation when using instructions such as “Fast Read Quad Output
(6Bh)”, “Fast Read Quad I/O (EBh)” and “Quad Program Data Load (32h/34h)”. These instructions allow
data to be transferred to or from the device four to six times the rate of ordinary Serial Flash. The Quad
Read instructions offer a significant im provement in c ontinuous and r andom acc es s trans f er rates allowing
fast code-shadowing to RAM or execution directly from the SPI bus (XIP). When using Quad SPI
instruct ions the DI and DO pins becom e bidirec tional IO0 and IO1, and the /WP and /HOLD pins bec ome
IO2 and IO3 respectively.
6.1.4 Hold Function
For Standard SPI and Dual SPI operations, the /HOLD signal allows the W25N01GV operation to be
paused while it is actively selected (when /CS is low). The /HOLD f unction may be useful in cases where
the SPI data and clock signals are shared with other devices. For example, consider if the page buffer
was only partially written when a priority interrupt requires use of the SPI bus. In this case the /HOLD
function can save the state of the instruction and the data in the buffer so programming can resume where
it left off once the bus is available again. The /HOLD function is only available for standard SPI and Dual
SPI operation, not during Quad SPI. When a Quad SPI command is issued, /HOLD pin will act as a
dedicated IO pin (IO3).
To initiate a /HOLD condition, the device must be selected with /CS low. A /HOLD condition will activate on
the falling edge of the /HOLD signal if the CLK signal is already low. If the CLK is not already low the
/HOLD condition will activate af ter the next f alling edge of CLK. T he /HOLD c ondition will terminate on the
rising edge of the /HOLD signal if the CLK signal is already low. If the CLK is not already low the /HOLD
condition will terminate after the next falling edge of CLK. During a /HOLD condition, the Serial Data
Output (DO) is high impedance, and Serial Data Input (DI) and Serial Clock (CLK) are ignored. T he Chip
Select (/CS) signal should be kept active (low) for the full duration of the /HOLD operation to avoid
resetting the internal logic state of the device.
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6.2 Write Protection
Applications that use non-volatile memory must take into consideration the possibility of noise and other
adverse system conditions that may comprom ise data integrity. T o address this conc ern, the W 25N01GV
provides several means to protect the data from inadvertent writes.
Device resets when VCC is below threshold
Write enable/disable instructions and automatic write disable after erase or program
Software and Hardware (/WP pin) write protection using Protection Register (SR-1)
Lock Down write protection for Protection Register (SR-1) until the next power-up
One Time Program (OTP) write protection for memory array using Protection Register (SR-1)
Hardware write protection using /WP pin when WP-E is set to 1
Upon power-up or at power-down, the W 25N01GV will m aintain a reset condition while VCC is below the
threshold value of VWI, (See Power-up Timing and Voltage Levels and Figure 30a). While reset, all
operations are disabled and no instructions are recognized. During power-up and after the VCC voltage
exceeds VWI, all program and erase related instructions are further disabled f or a tim e delay of tPUW. T his
includes the Write Enable, Program Execute, Block Erase and the Write Status Register instructions. Note
that the chip select pin (/CS) must track the VCC supply level at power-up until the VCC-min level and tVSL
time delay is reached, and it must also track the VCC supply level at power-down to prevent adverse
command sequence. If needed a pull-up resister on /CS can be used to accomplish this.
After power-up the device is automatically placed in a write-disabled state with the Status Register W rite
Enable Latch (W EL) set to a 0. A W rite Enable instruction must be issued before a Program Execute or
Block Erase instruct ion will be accepted. After c om pleting a program or erase ins truc tion the Write Enable
Latch (WEL) is automatically cleared to a write-disabled state of 0.
Software contr olled write pr otection is f ac ilitated us ing the Write Status Regis ter ins tr uc tion and setting the
Status Register Pr otec t (SRP0, SRP1) and Block Protec t (TB, BP[3:0]) bits . T hes e s ettings allow a por tion
or the entire mem ory array to be c onf igur ed as read only. Used in conjunc tion with the Write Protect (/WP)
pin, changes to the Status Register can be enabled or disabled under hardware control. See Protection
Register section for further information.
The WP-E bit in Protection Register (SR-1) is us ed to enable the hardware protection. When W P-E is set
to 1, bringing /WP low in the system will block any Wr ite/Progr am/Eras e command to the W25N01GV, the
device will become read-only. The Quad SPI operations are also disabled when WP-E is set to 1.
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Three Status Registers are provided for W 25N01GV: Protection Register (SR-1), Configuration Register
(SR-2) & Status Register (SR-3). Each register is accessed by Read Status Register and Write Status
Register commands combined with 1-Byte Register Address respectively.
The Read Status Register instruction (05h / 0Fh) can be used to provide status on the availability of the
flash memory array, whether the device is write enabled or disabled, the state of write protection, Read
modes, Protection Register/OTP area lock status, Erase/Program results, ECC usage/status. The Write
Status Register instruct ion can be us ed to configure the device write protec tion features, Sof tware/Hardware
write protection, Read m odes, enable/disable ECC, Protection Register/OTP area lock. W rite access to the
Status Register is controlled by the state of the non-vola tile Status Register Protect bits (SRP0, SRP1) , the
Write Enable instruction, and when WP-E is set to 1, the /WP pin.
7.1 Protection Register / Status Register-1 (Volatile Writable, OTP lockable)
Figure 4a. Prot ection Regis ter / St at us Regist er-1 (A ddress Axh)
7.1.1 Block Protect Bits (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0, TB) – Volatile Writable, OTP lockable
The Block Protect bits (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0 & TB) are volatile read/write bits in the status regis ter-1 (S6,
S5, S4, S3 & S2) that provide W rite Protection c ontrol and status. Block Protect bits can be s et using the
Write Status Register Instruction. All, none or a portion of the memory array can be protected from
Program and Eras e instruc tions (s ee Status Regis ter Mem ory Protection table). T he default values for the
Block Protection bits are 1 after power up to protect the entire array. If the SR1-L bit in the Configuration
Register (SR-2) is set to 1, the default values will the values that are OTP locked.
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7.1.2 Write Protection Enable Bit (WP-E) – Volatile Writable, OTP lockable
The Write Protec tion Enable bit ( WP-E) is a volatile read/write bits in the s tatus regis ter -1 (S1). The WP-E
bit, in conjunction with SRP1 & SRP0, controls the method of write protection: software protection,
hardware protection, power supply lock-down or one time programmable (OTP) protection, /WP pin
functionality, and Quad SPI operation enable/disable. When WP-E = 0 (default value), the device is in
Software Protection mode, /WP & /HOLD pins are multiplexed as IO pins, and Quad program/read
functions are enabled all the tim e. W hen WP-E is s et to 1, the device is in Har dware Protection mode, all
Quad functions are disabled and /WP & /HOLD pins become dedicated control input pins.
7.1.3 Status Register Protect Bits (SRP1, SRP0) – Volatile Writable, OTP lockable
The Status Register Protect bits (SRP1 and SRP0) are volatile read/write bits in the status register (S0
and S7). The SRP bits control the method of write protection: software protection, hardware protection,
power supply lock-down or one time programmable (OTP) protection.
Software Protection (Driven by Controller, Quad Program/Read is enabled)
SRP1 SRP0 WP-E /WP / IO2 Descriptions
0 0 0 X No /WP functionality
/WP pin will always function as IO2
0 1 0 0 SR-1 cannot be changed (/WP = 0 during Write Status)
/WP pin will function as IO2 for Quad operations
0 1 0 1 SR-1 can be changed (/WP = 1 during Write Status)
/WP pin will function as IO2 for Quad operations
1 0 0 X Power Lock Down(1) SR-1
/WP pin will always function as IO2
1 1 0 X Enter OTP mode to protect SR-1 (allow SR1-L=1)
/WP pin will always function as IO2
Hardware Protection (System Circuit / PCB layout, Quad Program/Read is disabled)
SRP1 SRP0 WP-E /WP only Descriptions
0 X 1 VCC SR-1 can be changed
1 0 1 VCC Power Lock-Down(1) SR-1
1 1 1 VCC Enter OTP mode to protect SR-1 (allow SR1-L=1)
X X 1 GND All "Write/Program/Erase" commands are blocked
Entire device (SRs, Array, OTP area) is read-only
1. When SRP1, SRP0 = (1, 0), a power-down, power-up cycle will change SRP1, SRP0 to (0, 0) state.
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7.2 Configuration Register / Status Register-2 (Volatile Writable)
Figure 4b. Configuration Regist er / Stat us Register-2 (Address B xh)
7.2.1 One Time Program Lock Bit (OTP-L)OTP lockable
In addition to the main memory array, W25N01GV also provides an OTP area for the system to store
critical data that cannot be changed once it’s locked. The OTP area consists of 10 pages of 2,112-Byte
each. The default data in the OT P area are FF h. Only Program com m and can be issued to the O TP area
to change the data fr om “1” to “0 ”, and data is not revers ible (“ 0” to “1” ) by the Eras e c om m and. O nce the
correc t data is programmed in and verif ied, the system developer c an s et OTP-L bit to 1, s o that the entire
OTP area will be locked to prevent further alteration to the data.
7.2.2 Enter OTP Access Mode Bit (OTP-E) – Volatile Writable
The OT P- E bit must be set to 1 in order to use the standard Pr ogram/Read c omm ands to ac ces s the OTP
area as well as to read the Unique ID / Par ameter Page inf or mation. The default value af ter power up or a
RESET command is 0.
7.2.3 Status Register-1 Lock Bit (SR1-L) – OTP lockable
The SR1-L lock bit is used to OTP lock the values in the Protection Register (SR-1). Depending on the
settings in the SR-1, the devic e c an be c onf igured to have a por tion of or up to the entire ar ray to be write-
protected, and the setting can be OTP locked by setting SR1-L bit to 1. SR1-L bit can only be set to 1
perm anently when SRP1 & SRP0 are set to (1,1), and OTP Ac cess Mode m ust be entered (OT P-E=1) to
execute the programming. Please refer to 8.2.26 for detailed information.
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7.2.4 ECC Enable Bit (ECC-E)Volatile Writable
W25N01GV has a built-in ECC algorithm that can be used to preserve the data integrity. Internal ECC
calculation is done during page programming, and the result is stored in the extra 64-Byte area for each
page. During the data read operation, ECC engine will verify the data values according to the previously
stored ECC information and to make necessary corrections if needed. The verification and correction
status is indicated by the ECC Status Bits. ECC f unction is enabled by default when power on (ECC-E=1),
and it will not be reset to 0 by the Device Reset command.
7.2.5 Buffer Read / Continuous Read Mode Bit (BUF) – Volatile Writable
W25N01GV provides two different modes for read operations, Buffer Read Mode (BUF=1) and
Continuous Read Mode (BUF=0). Prior to any Read operation, a Page Data Read com mand is needed to
initiate the data transfer from a specified page in the memory array to the Data Buffer. By default, after
power up, the data in page 0 will be automatically loaded into the Data Buffer and the device is ready to
accept any read commands.
The Buff er Read Mode (BUF=1) requires a Column Address to start outputting the ex isting data inside the
Data Buffer, and onc e it reaches the end of the data buffer (Byte 2,111), DO (I O1) pin will becom e high-Z
The Continuous Read Mode (BUF=0) does n’t requir e the s tarting Colum n Addres s. T he device will always
start output the data f rom the f irst colum n (Byte 0) of the Data buff er, and once the end of the data buf fer
(Byte 2,048) is reached, the data output will continue through the next memory page. With Continuous
Read Mode, it is possible to read out the entire m emor y array using a single read com m and. Please refer
to respective command descriptions for the dummy cycle requirements for each read commands under
different read modes.
The default value of BUF bit after power up is 1. BUF bit can be written to 0 in the Status Register-2 to
perform the Continuous Read operation.
BUF ECC-E Read Mode
(Starting from Buffer) ECC Status Data Output Structure
1 0 Buffer Read N/A 2,048 + 64
1 1 Buffer Read Page based 2,048 + 64
0 0 Continuous Read N/A 2,048
0 1 Continuous Read Operation based 2,048
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7.3 Status Register-3 (Status Only)
Figure 4c. S tatus Register-3 (Addres s Cxh)
7.3.1 Look-Up Table Full (LUT-F) – Status Only
To fac ilitate the NAND flash memory bad block management, the W25N01GV is equipped with an internal
Bad Block Management Look-Up-Table (BBM LUT). Up to 20 bad memory blocks may be replaced by a
good memor y block respec tively. The addresses of the bloc ks are stor ed in the internal Look -Up T able as
Logical Block Address (LBA, the bad bloc k) & Physical Block Address (PBA, the good block). The LUT -F
bit indicates whether the 20 m em ory block links have been fully utilized or not. T he default value of LUT -F
is 0, once all 20 links are used, LUT-F will become 1, and no more memory block links may be established.
7.3.2 Cumulative ECC Status (ECC-1, ECC-0) – Status Only
ECC function is us ed in NAND f lash memory to correct limited memory errors during r ead operations . The
ECC Status Bits (ECC-1, ECC-0) should be c hec k ed af ter the c ompletion of a Read oper ation to ver ify the
data integrity. The ECC Status bits values are don’t care if ECC-E=0. These bits will be cleared to 0 after a
power cycle or a RESET command.
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ECC Status Descriptions
0 0 Entire data output is successful, without any ECC correction.
0 1
Entire data output is successful, with 1~4 bit/page ECC corrections in either a
single page or multiple pages.
1 0
Entire data output contains more than 4 bits errors only in a single page
which cannot be repaired by ECC.
In the Continuous Read Mode, an additional command can be used to read out
the Page Address (PA) which had the errors.
1 1
Entire data output contains more than 4 bits errors/page in multiple pages.
In the Continuous Read Mode, the additional command can only provide the
last Page Address (PA) that had failures, the user cannot obtain the PAs for
other failure pages. Data is not suitable to use.
1. ECC-1,ECC-0 = (1,1) is only applicable during Continuous Read operation (BUF=0).
7.3.3 Program/Erase Failure (P-FAIL, E-FAIL) – Status Only
The Program/Erase Failure Bits are used to indicate whether the internally-controlled Program/Erase
operation was executed successfully or not. These bits will also be set respectively when the Program or
Erase com m and is issued to a lock ed or protected m em or y array or OT P area. Both bits will be clear ed at
the beginning of the Program Execute or Block Erase instructions as well as the device RESET
7.3.4 Write Enable Latch (WEL) – Status Only
Write Enable Latch (WEL) is a read only bit in the status register (S1) that is set to 1 after executing a
Write Enable Instruction. The WEL status bit is cleared to 0 when the device is write disabled. A write
disable state occurs upon power-up or after any of the following instructions: Write Disable, Program
Execute, Block Erase, Page Data Read and Program Execute for OTP pages.
7.3.5 Erase/Program In Progress (BUSY) – Status Only
BUSY is a read only bit in the s tatus regis ter (S0) that is s et to a 1 s tate when the device is powering up or
executing a Page Data Read, BBM Management, Program Execute, Block Erase, Program Execute for
OTP area, OTP Locking or after a Continuous Read instruction. During this time the device will ignore
further instructions except for the Read Status Register and Read JEDEC ID instructions. When the
program , erase or write s tatus regis ter inst ruction has com pleted, the BUSY bit will be cleared to a 0 state
indicating the device is ready for further instructions.
7.3.6 Reserved Bits – Non Functional
There are a few reserved Status Register bits that may be read out as a “0” or “1”. It is recommended to
ignore the values of those bits. During a “Write Status Register” instruction, the Reserved Bits can be
written as “0”, but there will not be any effects.
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7.4 W25N01GV Status Register Memory Protection
0 0 0 0 1 1022 & 1023 FF80h - FFFFh 256K B Upper 1/512
0 0 0 1 0 1020 thru 1023 FF00h - FFFFh 512K B Upper 1/256
0 0 0 1 1 1016 thru 1023 FE00h - FFFFh 1MB Upper 1/128
0 0 1 0 0 1008 thru 1023 FC00h - FFFFh 2MB Upper 1/64
0 0 1 0 1 992 thru 1023 F800h - FFFFh 4MB Upper 1/32
0 0 1 1 0 960 thru 1023 F000h - FFFFh 8MB Upper 1/16
0 0 1 1 1 896 thru 1023 E000h - FFFFh 16MB Upper 1/8
0 1 0 0 0 768 thru 1023 C000h - FFFFh 32MB Upper 1/4
0 1 0 0 1 512 thru 1023 8000h - FFFFh 64MB Upper 1/2
1 0 0 0 1 0 & 1 0000h – 007Fh 256KB Lower 1/512
1 0 0 1 0 0 thru 3 0000h - 00FFh 512KB Lower 1/256
1 0 0 1 1 0 thru 7 0000h - 01FFh 1MB Lower 1/128
1 0 1 0 0 0 thru 15 0000h - 03FFh 2MB Lower 1/64
1 0 1 0 1 0 thru 31 0000h - 07FFh 4MB Lower 1/32
1 0 1 1 0 0 thru 63 0000h - 0FFFh 8MB Lower 1/16
1 0 1 1 1 0 thru 127 0000h - 1FFFh 16MB Lower 1/8
1 1 0 0 0 0 thru 255 0000h - 3FFFh 32MB Lower 1/4
1 1 0 0 1 0 thru 511 0000h - 7FFFh 64MB Lower 1/2
X 1 0 1 X 0 thru 1023 0000h - FFFFh 128MB ALL
X 1 1 X X 0 thru 1023 0000h - FFFFh 128MB ALL
1. X = don’t care
2. If any Erase or Program command specifies a memory region that contains protected data portion, this command will be
- 21 -
The Standard/Dual/Quad SPI instruction set of the W 25N01GV consists of 27 basic instructions that are
fully controlled through the SPI bus (s ee Ins tr uction Set Table1, 2). Ins tr uctions ar e initiated with the f alling
edge of Chip Select (/CS). The first byte of data clocked into the DI input provides the instruction code.
Data on the DI input is sampled on the rising edge of clock with most significant bit (MSB) first.
Instruc tions vary in length from a single byte to several bytes and may be followed by address bytes, data
bytes, dummy bytes (don’t care), and in some cases, a combination. Instructions are completed with the
rising edge of edge /CS. Clock relative timing diagrams for each instruction are included in Figures 5
through 29. All read instructions can be completed after any clocked bit. However, all instructions that
W rite, Program or Erase must c omplete on a byte boundary (/CS dr iven high after a full 8-bits have been
clock ed) otherwise the ins truct ion will be ignored. This feature f urther protects the devic e f rom inadvertent
writes. Additionally, while the device is perform ing Program or Erase operation, BBM managem ent, Page
Data Read or OTP locking operations, BUSY bit will be high, and all instructions except for Read Status
Register or Read JEDEC ID will be ignored until the current operation cycle has completed.
8.1 Device ID and Instruction Set Tables
8.1.1 Manufacturer and Device Identification
Winbond Serial Flash EFh
Device ID (ID15 - ID0)
W25N01GV AA21h
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8.1.2 Instruction Set Table 1 (Continuous Read Mode, BUF = 0)(11)
Commands OpCode Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8 Byte9
Device RESET FFh
JEDEC ID 9Fh Dummy EFh AAh 21h
Read Status Register 0Fh / 05h SR Addr S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0
Write Status Register 1Fh / 01h SR Addr S7-0
Write Enable 06h
Write Disable 04h
BB Management
(Swap Blocks) A1h LBA LBA PBA PBA
Last ECC failure
Page Address A9h Dummy PA15-8 PA7-0
Block Erase D8h Dummy PA15-8 PA7-0
Program Data Load
(Reset Buffer) 02h CA15-8 CA7-0
Data-0 Data-1 Data-2 Data-3 Data-4 Data-5
Random Program
Data Load 84h CA15-8 CA7-0
Data-0 Data-1 Data-2 Data-3 Data-4 Data-5
Quad Program
Data Load (Reset Buffer) 32h CA15-8 CA7-0
Data-0 / 4 Data-1 / 4 Data-2 / 4 Data-3 / 4 Data-4 / 4 Data-5 / 4
Random Quad Program
Data Load 34h CA15-8 CA7-0
Data-0 / 4 Data-1 / 4 Data-2 / 4 Data-3 / 4 Data-4 / 4 Data-5 / 4
Program Execute 10h Dummy PA15-8 PA7-0
Page Data Read 13h Dummy PA15-8 PA7-0
Read 03h Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 D7-0 D7-0 D7-0 D7-0
Fast Read 0Bh Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 D7-0 D7-0 D7-0
Fast Read
with 4-Byte Address 0Ch Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 D7-0 D7-0
Fast Read Dual Output 3Bh Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2
Fast Read Dual Output
with 4-Byte Address 3Ch Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2
Fast Read Quad Output 6Bh Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4
Fast Read Quad Output
with 4-Byte Address 6Ch Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4
Fast Read Dual I/O BBh Dummy / 2 Dummy / 2 Dummy / 2 Dummy / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2
Fast Read Dual I/O
with 4-Byte Address BCh Dummy / 2 Dummy / 2 Dummy / 2 Dummy / 2 Dummy / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2
Fast Read Quad I/O EBh Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4
Fast Read Quad I/O
with 4-Byte Address ECh Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 D7-0 / 4
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8.1.3 Instruction Set Table 2 (Buffer Read Mode, BUF = 1, Default Mode after Power Up)(12)
Commands OpCode Byte2 Byte3 By te4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8 Byte9
Device RESET FFh
JEDEC ID 9Fh Dummy EFh AAh 21h
Read Status Register 0Fh / 05h SR Addr S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0 S7-0
Write Status Register 1Fh / 01h SR Addr S7-0
Write Enable 06h
Write Disable 04h
BB Management
(Swap Blocks) A1h LBA LBA PBA PBA
Last ECC failure
Page Address A9h Dummy PA15-8 PA7-0
Block Erase D8h Dummy PA15-8 PA7-0
Program Data Load
(Reset Buffer) 02h CA15-8 CA7-0
Data-0 Data-1 Data-2 Data-3 Data-4 Data-5
Random Program
Data Load 84h CA15-8 CA7-0
Data-0 Data-1 Data-2 Data-3 Data-4 Data-5
Quad Program
Data Load (Reset Buffer) 32h CA15-8 CA7-0
Data-0 / 4 Data-1 / 4 Data-2 / 4 Data-3 / 4 Data-4 / 4 Data-5 / 4
Random Quad Program
Data Load 34h CA15-8 CA7-0
Data-0 / 4 Data-1 / 4 Data-2 / 4 Data-3 / 4 Data-4 / 4 Data-5 / 4
Program Execute 10h Dummy PA15-8 PA7-0
Page Data Read 13h Dummy PA15-8 PA7-0
Read 03h CA15-8 CA7-0
Dummy D7-0 D7-0 D7-0 D7-0 D7-0
Fast Read 0Bh CA15-8 CA7-0
Dummy D7-0 D7-0 D7-0 D7-0 D7-0
Fast Read
with 4-Byte Address 0Ch CA15-8 CA7-0
Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 D7-0 D7-0
Fast Read Dual Output 3Bh CA15-8 CA7-0
Dummy D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2
Fast Read Dual Output
with 4-Byte Address 3Ch CA15-8 CA7-0
Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2
Fast Read Quad Output 6Bh CA15-8 CA7-0
Dummy D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4
Fast Read Quad Output
with 4-Byte Address 6Ch CA15-8 CA7-0
Dummy Dummy Dummy D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4
Fast Read Dual I/O BBh CA15-8 / 2 CA7-0 / 2 Dummy / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2
Fast Read Dual I/O
with 4-Byte Address BCh CA15-8 / 2 CA7-0 / 2 Dummy / 2 Dummy / 2 Du mmy / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2 D7-0 / 2
Fast Read Quad I/O EBh CA15-8 / 4 CA7-0 / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4 D7-0 / 4
Fast Read Quad I/O
with 4-Byte Address ECh CA15-8 / 4 CA7-0 / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 Dummy / 4 D7-0 / 4
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1. Output designates data output from the device.
2. Column Address (CA) only requires CA[11:0], CA[15:12] are considered as dummy bits.
3. Page Address (PA) requires 16 bits. PA[15:6] is the address for 128KB blocks (total 1,024 blocks), PA[5:0]
is the address for 2KB pages (total 64 pages for each block).
4. Logical and Physical Block Address (LBA & PBA) each consists of 16 bits. LBA[9:0] & PBA[9:0] are
effective Block Addresses. LBA[15:14] is used for additional information.
5. Status Register Addresses:
Status Register 1 / Protection Register: Addr = Axh
Status Register 2 / Configuration Register: Addr = Bxh
Status Register 3 / Status Register: Addr = Cxh
6. Dual SPI Address Input (CA15-8 / 2 and CA7-0 / 2) format:
IO0 = x, x, CA10, CA8, CA6, CA4, CA2, CA0
IO1 = x, x, CA11, CA9, CA7, CA5, CA3, CA1
7. Dual SPI Data Output (D7-0 / 2) format:
IO0 = D6, D4, D2, D0,
IO1 = D7, D5, D3, D1,
8. Quad SPI Address Input (CA15-8 / 4 and CA7-0 / 4) format:
IO0 = x, CA8, CA4, CA0
IO1 = x, CA9, CA5, CA1
IO2 = x, CA10, CA6, CA2
IO3 = x, CA11, CA7, CA3
9. Quad SPI Data Input/Output (D7-0 / 4) format:
IO0 = D4, D0,
IO1 = D5, D1,
IO2 = D6, D2,
IO3 = D7, D3,
10. All Quad Program/Read commands are disabled when WP-E bit is set to 1 in the Protection Register.
11. For all Read operations in the Continuous Read Mode, once the /CS signal is brought to high to terminate
the read operation, the device will still remain busy for ~5us (BUSY=1), and all the data inside the Data
buffer will be lost and un-reliable to use. A new Page Data Read instruction must be issued to reload the
correct page data into the Data Buffer.
12. For all Read operations in the Buffer Read Mode, as soon as /CS signal is brought to high to terminate the
read operation, the device will be ready to accept new instructions and all the data inside the Data Buffer
will remain unchanged from the previous Page Data Read instruction.
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8.2 Instruction Descriptions
8.2.1 Device Reset (FFh)
Because of the small package and the limitation on the number of pins, the W25N01GV provide a
software Res et instruc tion instead of a dedicated RESET pin. Onc e the Res et instr uction is accepted, any
on-going internal operations will be term inated and the device will return to its default power-on state and
lose all the current volatile settings, such as Volatile Status Register bits. Once the Reset command is
accepted by the device, the device will take approximately tRST to reset, depending on the current
operation the device is performing, tRST can be 5us~500us. During this period, no command will be
Data corruption may happen if there is an on-going internal Erase or Program operation when Reset
command sequence is accepted by the device. It is recommended to check the BUSY bit in Status
Register before issuing the Reset command.
The Devic e Reset (FFh) com mand c an also be used to set the BUF bit after the device is powered up. If
an FFh com m and is issued as the very first com m and (not including 9F h/0Fh/05h), the BUF bit will be s et
as 1 and the device will be in the Buffer Read Mode. This FFh command will not reset the device, so
there’s no need to wait tRST time.
Mode 0
Mode 3 12045367
Mode 0
Mode 3
High Impedance
Instruction (FFh)
Figure 5. Devic e Reset Ins truction
Register Address Bits Shipment
Default Power Up after
LUT is full
Power Up after
OTP area
Power Up after
SR-1 lo ck ed After Reset cmd (FFh)
(not Power-Up Reset)
Register Axh BP[3:0], T B 1111 1 1111 1 1111 1 xxxx x (loc ked ) No Chang e
SRP[1:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (locked) No Change
WP-E 0 0 0 x (locked) No Change
Register Bxh
OTP-L 0 0 1 0 No Change
OTP-E 0 0 0 0 0
SR1-L 0 0 0 1 Clear to 0 before OTP set
ECC-E 1 1 1 1 No Change
BUF 1 1 1 1 No Change
Register Cxh
LUT-F 0 1 0 0 No Change
ECC-1 0 0 0 0 0
ECC-0 0 0 0 0 0
P-FAIL0000 0
E-FAIL0000 0
WEL 0 0 0 0 0
BUSY 1 during tRST => 0 1 during tRST => 0 1 during tRST => 0 1 during tRST => 0 1 during tRST => 0
Default val ues of the S t atus Regis ters aft er power up and Device Reset
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8.2.2 Read JEDEC ID (9Fh)
The Read JEDEC ID instruction is compatible with the JEDEC standard for SPI compatible serial
mem ories that was adopted in 2003. T he instr uction is initiated by driving the /CS pin low and shif ting the
instruction code “9Fh” followed by 8 dummy clocks. The JEDEC assigned Manufacturer ID byte for
Winbond (EFh) and two Device ID bytes are then shifted out on the falling edge of CLK with most
significant bit (MSB) first as shown in Figure 6. For memory type and capacity values refer to
Manufacturer and Device Identification table.
Figure 6. Read JE DEC ID Ins t ruction
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8.2.3 Read Status Register (0Fh / 05h)
The Read Status Register instructions allow the 8-bit Status Registers to be read. The instruction is
entered by driving /CS low and shifting the ins truction code “0 Fh or 05h” into the DI pin on the rising edge
of CLK followed by an 8-bit Status Register Address. The status register bits are then shifted out on the
DO pin at the falling edge of CLK with most significant bit (MSB) first as shown in Figure 7. Refer to
section 7.1-3 for Status Register descriptions.
The Read Status Register instru ction ma y be us ed at any tim e, even while a Program or Erase cycle is in
progress. This allows the BUSY status bit to be checked to determine when the cycle is complete and if
the device can accept another instruction. The Status Register can be read continuously. The instruction
is completed by driving /CS high.
Figure 7. Read St atus Register Inst ruction
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8.2.4 Write Status Register (1Fh / 01h)
The Write Status Register instruction allows the Status Registers to be written. The writable Status
Register bits include: SRP[1:0], TB, BP[3:0] and WP-E bit in Status Register-1; OTP-L, OTP-E, SR1-L,
ECC-E and BUF bit in Status Register-2. All other Status Register bit locations are read-only and will not
be affected by the Write Status Register instruction.
To write the Status Regis ter bits , the instr uc tion is enter ed by driving /CS low, sending the instruct ion code
“1Fh or 01h”, followed by an 8-bit Status Register Address, and then writing the status register data byte
as illustrated in Figure 8.
Refer to section 7.1-3 for Status Register descriptions. After power up, factory default for BP[3:0], TB,
ECC-E bits are 1, while other bits are 0.
Figure 8. Write Status Register-1/2/3 Ins truction
- 29 -
8.2.5 Write Enable (06h)
The Write Enable instr uction (Figure 9) s ets the W rite Enable Latch (W EL) bit in the Status Register to a
1. The WEL bit must be set prior to every Page Program, Quad Page Program and Block Erase
instruction. The W rite Enable instruction is entered by driving /CS low, shifting the instruction code “06h”
into the Data Input (DI) pin on the rising edge of CLK, and then driving /CS high.
Mode 0
Mode 3 12045367
Mode 0
Mode 3
High Impedance
Instruction (06h)
Figure 9. Writ e Enable Instruction
8.2.6 Write Disable (04h)
The Write Disable instruction (Figure 10) resets the Write Enable Latch ( WEL) bit in the Status Regis ter to
a 0. The Write Disable instr uction is entered by driving /CS low, shifting the instr uction code “04h” into the
DI pin and then driving /CS high. Note that the WEL bit is automatically reset after Power-up and upon
completion of the Page Program, Quad Page Program, Block Erase and Reset instructions.
Mode 0
Mode 3 12045367
Mode 0
Mode 3
High Impedance
Instruction (04h)
Figure 10. Write Disable I nstruct i on
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- 30 - Preliminary - Revision C
8.2.7 Bad Block Management (A1h)
Due to large NAND memory density size and the technology limitation, NAND memory devices are
allowed to be shipped to the end customers with certain amount of “Bad Blocks” found in the factory
testing. Up to 2% of the memory blocks can be marked as “Bad Blocks” upon shipment, which is a
maximum of 20 blocks for W 25N01GV. In order to identify these bad blocks, it is recomm ended to scan
the entire mem ory array f or bad block m arkers set in the fac tory. A “Bad Block Mark er” is a non- FFh data
byte stored at Byte 0 of Page 0 for each bad block. An additional m ark er is also stored in the first byte of
the 64-Byte spare area.
W 25N01G V offers a convenient m ethod to manage the bad bloc ks typically found in NAND flash m emor y
after extensive use. The “Bad Block Management” command is initiated by shifting the instruction code
“A1h” into the DI pin and followed by the 16-bit “Logical Block Address” and 16-bit “Physical Block
Address” as illustrated in Figure 11. The logical block address is the address for the “bad” block that will
be replaced by the “good” block indicated by the physical block address.
Once a Bad Block Management command is successfully executed, the specified LBA-PBA link will be
added to the inter nal Look Up Table (LUT ). Up to 20 link s c an be establis hed in the non-volatile LUT . If all
20 links have been written, the LUT-F bit in the Status Register will becom e a 1, and no more LBA-PBA
links can be established. Ther efore, prior to iss uing the Bad Block Managem ent comm and, the LUT -F bit
value can be check ed or a “Read BBM Look Up Table” command can be issued to confirm if spare links
are still available in the LUT.
Figure 11. Bad B lock Management Inst ruction
- 31 -
8.2.8 Read BBM Look Up Table (A5h)
The internal Look Up Table (LUT ) cons is ts of 20 Logical- Physical m emor y block links (from LBA0/PBA0 to
LBA19/PBA19). The “Read BBM Look Up Table” command can be used to check the existing address
links stored inside the LUT.
The “R ead BBM Look Up T able” com m and is initiated by shifting the ins truction c ode “A5h” into the DI pin
and followed by 8-bit dumm y clock s, at the f alling edge of the 16th clock s, the devic e will star t to output the
16-bit “Logical Bloc k Addres s” and the 16- bit “Physical Bloc k Address ” as illus trated in Figure 12. All bloc k
address link s will be output sequentially starting from the first link (LBA0 & PBA0) in the LUT. If there are
available links that are unused, the output will contain all “00h” data.
The MSB bits LBA[15:14] of each link are used to indicate the status of the link.
(Invalid) Descriptions
0 0 This link is available to use.
1 0 This link is enabled and it is a valid link.
1 1 This link was enabled, but it is not valid any more.
0 1 Not applicable.
Figure 12. Read BB M Look Up Tabl e Instruc t i on
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- 32 - Preliminary - Revision C
8.2.9 Last ECC Failure Page Address (A9h)
To better manage the data integrity, W25N01GV implements internal ECC correction for the entire
memory array. When the ECC-E bit in the Status/Configuration Register is set to 1 (also power up
default), the internal ECC algorithm is enabled for all Program and Read operations. During a “Program
Execute” command for a specific page, the ECC algorithm will calculate the ECC information based on the
data inside the 2K-Byte data buffer and write the ECC data into the extra 64-Byte ECC area in the same
physical memory page.
During the Read operations, ECC information will be used to verify the data read out from the physical
memory array and possible corrections can be made to limited amount of data bits that contain errors. The
ECC Status Bits (ECC-1 & ECC-0) will also be set indicating the result of ECC calculation.
For the “Continuous Read Mode (BUF=0)” operation, multiple pages of main array data can be read out
continuously by issuing a single read command. Upon finishing the read operation, the ECC status bits
should be check to verify if there’s any ECC correction or un-correctable errors existed in the read out
data. If ECC-1 & ECC-0 equal to (1, 0) or (1, 1), the previous read out data contain one or more pages
that contain ECC un-correctable errors. The f ailure page address (or the last page address if it’s m ultiple
pages) can be obtained by issuing the “Last ECC failur e Page Address” com mand as illustrated in Figure
13. The 16-bit Page Address that contains un-correctable ECC errors will be presented on the DO pin
following the instruction code “A9h” and 8-bit dummy clocks on the DI pin.
Figure 13. Last ECC Failure Page Address Ins truction
- 33 -
8.2.10 128KB Block Erase (D8h)
The 128KB Block Erase instruction sets all memory within a specified block (64-Pages, 128K-By tes) to the
erased st ate of all 1s (F Fh) . A Write Enable inst ruc tion mus t be ex ecuted before the devic e will ac cept the
Block Erase Instruction (Status Register bit W EL must equal 1). The instruction is initiated by driving the
/CS pin low and shifting the instruction code “D8h” followed by 8-bit dummy clocks and the 16-bit page
address. The Block Erase instruction sequence is shown in Figure 14.
The /CS pin must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last byte has been latched. If this is not done the
Block Erase instruction will not be executed. After /CS is driven high, the self-timed Block Erase instruction
will commence for a time duration of tBE (See AC Characteristics). While the Block Erase cycle is in
progress , the Read Status Register instruction m ay s till be accessed f or checking the s tatus of the BUSY
bit. The BUSY bit is a 1 during the Block Er ase cycle and becomes a 0 when the cyc le is finished and the
device is ready to accept other instructions again. After the Block Erase cycle has finished the Write
Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the Status Register is cleared to 0. The Block Erase instruction will not be
executed if the addressed block is protected by the Block Protect (TB, BP2, BP1, and BP0) bits.
Figure 14. 128KB Block Erase Ins t ruction
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8.2.11 Load Program Data (02h) / Random Load Program Data (84h)
The Program operation allows from one byte to 2,112 bytes (a page) of data to be programmed at
previously erased (FFh) m em ory locations. A Program operation involves two steps: 1. Load the program
data into the Data Buffer. 2. Issue “Program Execute” command to transfer the data from Data Buffer to
the specified memory page.
A Write Enable instruction must be executed before the device will accept the Load Program Data
Instructions (Status Register bit WEL= 1). The “Load Program Data” or “Random Load Program Data”
instruction is initiated by driving the /CS pin low then shif ting the ins tru ction c ode “ 02h” or 84h” f ollowed by
a 16-bit colum n addres s (only CA[11:0] is eff ective) and 8- bit dum m y clocks, and at leas t one byte of data
into the DI pin. The /CS pin mus t be held low for the entir e length of the ins truc tion while data is being s ent
to the device. If the number of data bytes sent to the devic e ex c eeds the number of data bytes in the Data
Buffer, the extra data will be ignored by the device. The Load Program Data instruction sequence is shown
in Figure 15.
Both “Load Program Data” and “Random Load Program Data” instructions share the same command
sequence. The difference is that “Load Program Data” instruction will reset the unused the data bytes in
the Data Buffer to FFh value, while “Random Load Program Data” instruction will only update the data
bytes that are specified by the command input sequence, the rest of the Data Buffer will remain
If internal ECC algorithm is enabled, all 2,112 bytes of data will be accepted, but the bytes designated for
ECC parity bits in the extra 64 bytes section will be overwritten by the ECC calc ulation. If the ECC-E bit is
set to a 0 to disable the internal ECC, the ex tra 64 bytes section c an be used f or external ECC pur pose or
other usage.
Mode 0
Mode 3 0 7
High Impedanc e
8 9 21 22 23
15 14 13
02h / 84h 210
Column Address[15:0]
1 07 6 1 07 6 7
Data-0 Data-1
30 31 32 38 3924
0 1 07 6
High Impedance
Mode 0
Mode 3
Figure 15. Load / Random Load Program Data Ins truction
- 35 -
8.2.12 Quad Load Program Data (32h) / Quad Random Load Program Data (34h)
The “Quad Load Program Data” and “Q uad Random Load Program Data” instruc tions are identical to the
“Load Program Data” and “Random Load Program Data” in ter ms of oper ation s equence and functionality.
The only difference is that “Quad Load” instructions will input the data bytes from all four IO pins instead of
the single DI pin. This method will significantly shorten the data input time when a large amount of data
needs to be loaded into the Data Buffer. The instruction sequence is illustrated in Figure 16.
Both “Quad Load Program Data” and “Quad Random Load Program Data” instructions share the same
command sequence. The difference is that “Quad Load Program Data” instruction will reset the unused
the data bytes in the Data Buffer to FFh value, while “Quad Random Load Program Data” instruction will
only update the data bytes that are specified by the com mand input sequenc e, the res t of the Data Buf fer
will remain unchanged.
When WP-E bit in the Status Register is set to a 1, all Quad SPI instructions are disabled.
Mode 0
Mode 3 0 7
High Impedance
823 24 25
32h / 34h 0
26 27
5 1
IO2High Impedance 6 2
IO3High Impedance 7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
Mode 0
Mode 3
Figure 16. Quad Load / Quad Random Load Program Data Ins t ruction
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8.2.13 Program Execute (10h)
The Progr am Execute ins truc tion is the sec ond step of the Program oper ation. After the program data ar e
loaded into the 2,112-Byte Data Buffer (or 2,048 bytes when ECC is enabled), the Program Execute
instruction will program the Data Buffer content into the physical memory page that is specified in the
instruction. The instruction is initiated by driving the /CS pin low then shifting the instruction code “10h”
followed by 8-bit dummy clocks and the 16-bit Page Address into the DI pin as shown in Figure 17.
After /CS is driven high to complete the instruction cycle, the self-timed Program Execute instruction will
commence for a time duration of tpp (See AC Characteristics). While the Program Execute cycle is in
progress, the Read Status Register instruction may still be used for checking the status of the BUSY bit.
The BUSY bit is a 1 during the Program Execute cycle and becomes a 0 when the cycle is finished and
the device is ready to accept other instructions again. After the Program Execute cycle has finished, the
W rite Enable Latch (W EL) bit in the Status Register is cleared to 0. The Program Execute instruction will
not be executed if the addressed page is protected by the Block Protect (TB, BP2, BP1, and BP0) bits.
Figure 17. Program Execute Instruct i on
- 37 -
8.2.14 Page Data Read (13h)
The Page Data Read instruction will transfer the data of the specified memory page into the 2,112-Byte
Data Buffer. The instruction is initiated by driving the /CS pin low then shifting the instruction code “13h”
followed by 8-bit dummy clocks and the 16-bit Page Address into the DI pin as shown in Figure 18.
After /CS is driven high to complete the instruction cycle, the self-timed Read Page Data instruction will
commence for a time duration of tRD (See AC Characteristics). While the Read Page Data cycle is in
progress, the Read Status Register instruction may still be used for checking the status of the BUSY bit.
The BUSY bit is a 1 during the Read Page Data c ycle and becomes a 0 when the cycle is finished and the
device is ready to accept other instructions again.
After the 2,112 bytes of page data are loaded into the Data Buffer, several Read instructions can be
issued to access the Data Buffer and read out the data. Depending on the BUF bit setting in the Status
Register, either “Buffer Read Mode” or “Continuous Read Mode” may be used to accomplish the read
Figure 18. Page Dat a Read I nstruct i on
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- 38 - Preliminary - Revision C
8.2.15 Read Data (03h)
The Read Data instruction allows one or more data bytes to be sequentially read from the Data Buffer
after executing the Read Page Data instruction. The Read Data instruction is initiated by driving the /CS
pin low and then shifting the instruction code “03h” followed by the 16-bit Column Address and 8-bit
dummy clock s or a 24-bit dum m y clock s into the DI pin. Af ter the addres s is re ceived, the data byte of the
addressed Data Buffer location will be shifted out on the DO pin at the falling edge of CLK with most
significant bit (MSB) firs t. The address is autom atically inc remented to the next higher addr ess after eac h
byte of data is shif ted out allowing for a continuous stream of data. T he instruc tion is c om pleted by driving
/CS high.
The Read Data instruction sequence is shown in Figure 19a & 19b. When BUF=1, the device is in the
Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequence will star t from the Data Buffer location specif ied by the 16-
bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output, the
output pin will become Hi-Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
Figure 19a. Read Data I nstruct i on (B uffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Figure 19b. Read Data I nstruct i on (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
- 39 -
8.2.16 Fast Read (0Bh)
The Fast Read instruction allows one or more data bytes to be sequentially read from the Data Buffer after
executing the Read Page Data instruc tion. The F ast Read instr uction is initiated by driving the /CS pin low
and then shifting the instruction code “0Bh” followed by the 16-bit Column Address and 8-bit dummy
clocks or a 32-bit dummy clocks into the DI pin. After the address is received, the data byte of the
addressed Data Buffer location will be shifted out on the DO pin at the falling edge of CLK with most
significant bit (MSB) firs t. The address is autom atically inc remented to the next higher addr ess after eac h
byte of data is shif ted out allowing for a continuous stream of data. T he instruc tion is c om pleted by driving
/CS high.
The Fast Read instruction sequence is shown in Figure 20a & 20b. When BUF=1, the device is in the
Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequence will star t from the Data Buffer location specif ied by the 16-
bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output, the
output pin will become Hi-Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
Figure 20a. Fast Read Instruc tion (Buff er Read Mode, BUF=1)
Figure 20b. Fast Read Instruc tion (Continuous Read Mode, B UF=0)
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8.2.17 Fast Read with 4-Byte Address (0Ch)
The Fast Read instruction allows one or more data bytes to be sequentially read from the Data Buffer after
executing the Read Page Data instruc tion. The F ast Read instr uction is initiated by driving the /CS pin low
and then shifting the instruction code “0Ch” followed by the 16-bit Column Address and 24-bit dummy
clocks (when BUF=1) or a 40-bit dummy clocks (when BUF=0) into the DI pin. After the address is
received, the data byte of the addressed Data Buffer loc ation will be shif ted out on the DO pin at the f alling
edge of CLK with most significant bit (MSB) first. The address is automatically incremented to the next
higher address after each byte of data is shifted out allowing for a continuous stream of data. The
instruction is completed by driving /CS high.
The Fast Read instruction sequence is shown in Figure 21a & 21b. When BUF=1, the device is in the
Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequence will star t from the Data Buffer location specif ied by the 16-
bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output, the
output pin will become Hi-Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
*= MSB
Mode 0
Mode 3 0 7
High Impedance
8 9 21 22 23
15 14 13
1 0
0Ch 210
Column Address[ 15:0] 24 Dummy
7 6 1 07 6 7
Data Out 1 Data Out 2
54 55 56 62 6347 48
Figure 21a. Fast Read with 4-B yt e Address I nstruct i on (B uffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
*= MSB
Mode 0
Mode 3 0 7
High Impedance
8 9 21 22 23
39 38 37
1 0
0Ch 26 25 24
40 Dummy Clocks
7 6 1 07 6 7
Data Out 1 Data Ou t 2
54 55 56 62 6347 48
Figure 21b. Fast Read with 4-B yt e Address I nstruct i on (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
- 41 -
8.2.18 Fast Read Dual Output (3Bh)
The Fas t Read Dual Output ( 3Bh) instr uction is s im ilar to the standar d Fast Read (0Bh) instr uction except
that data is output on two pins; IO0 and IO1. This allows data to be trans f er red at twice the r ate of s tandard
SPI devices.
The Fas t Read Dual Output ins truction s equence is s hown in Figure 22a & 22b. When BUF=1, the device
is in the Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequenc e will start from the Data Buff er location spec ified by
the 16-bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output,
the output pin will become Hi- Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
Figure 22a. Fast Read Dual Output Ins t ruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Figure 22b. Fast Read Dual Output Ins truction (Cont i nuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
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- 42 - Preliminary - Revision C
8.2.19 Fast Read Dual Output with 4-Byte Address (3Ch)
The Fast Read Dual Output (3Ch) instruc tion is s imilar to the standard F ast Read (0Bh) instruc tion exc ept
that data is output on two pins; IO0 and IO1. This allows data to be trans f er red at twice the r ate of s tandard
SPI devices.
The Fas t Read Dual Output ins truction s equence is s hown in Figure 23a & 23b. When BUF=1, the device
is in the Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequenc e will start from the Data Buff er location spec ified by
the 16-bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output,
the output pin will become Hi- Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
Figure 23a. Fast Read Dual Output with 4-Byte A ddress Ins truction (B uffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Figure 23b. Fast Read Dual Output with 4-Byte A ddress Ins truction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
- 43 -
8.2.20 Fast Read Quad Output (6Bh)
The Fast Read Quad Output (6Bh) instruction is similar to the Fast Read Dual Output (3Bh) instruction
except that data is output on four pins, IO0, IO1, IO2, and IO3. The Fast Read Quad Output Instruction
allows data to be transferred at four times the rate of standard SPI devices.
The Fast Read Quad Output instruction sequence is shown in Figure 24a & 24b. When BUF=1, the device
is in the Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequenc e will start from the Data Buff er location spec ified by
the 16-bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output,
the output pin will become Hi- Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
When WP-E bit in the Status Register is set to a 1, this instruction is disabled.
Mode 0
Mode 3 0 7
High Impedance
8 9 21 22 23
15 14 13
6Bh 2 1 0
Column Address[ 15:0] 8 Dummy
Out 1
31 32
35 36 3837 39 40
IO2High Im pedance 66 2
IO3High Im pedance 77 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
Out 2 *Data
Out 3 *Da ta
Out 4 *Da ta
Out 5
Figure 24a. Fast Read Quad Output Ins t ruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Mode 0
Mode 3 0 7
High Impedance
8 9 21 22 23
31 30 29
6Bh 18 17 16
Out 1
4 0
5 1
IO2High Impedance 66 2
IO3High Impedance 77 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
Out 2 *Data
Out 3 *Data
Out 4 *Data
Out 5
32 Dummy Clocks
39 40 4241 43 44 4645 47
Figure 24b. Fast Read Quad Output Ins t ruction (Conti nuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
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- 44 - Preliminary - Revision C
8.2.21 Fast Read Quad Output with 4-Byte Address (6Ch)
The Fast Read Quad Output (6Ch) instruction is similar to the Fast Read Dual Output (3Bh) instruction
except that data is output on four pins, IO0, IO1, IO2, and IO3. The Fast Read Quad Output Instruction
allows data to be transferred at four times the rate of standard SPI devices.
The Fast Read Quad Output instruction sequence is shown in Figure 25a & 25b. When BUF=1, the device
is in the Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequenc e will start from the Data Buff er location spec ified by
the 16-bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output,
the output pin will become Hi- Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
When WP-E bit in the Status Register is set to a 1, this instruction is disabled.
Figure 25a. Fast Read Quad Output with 4-Byte A ddres s Inst ruction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Figure 25b. Fast Read Quad Output with 4-Byte A ddres s Inst ruction (Conti nuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
- 45 -
8.2.22 Fast Read Dual I/O (BBh)
The Fast Read Dual I/O (BBh) instruction allows for improved random access while maintaining two IO
pins, IO0 and IO1. It is similar to the Fast Read Dual Output (3Bh) ins truction but with the capability to input
the Column Addr ess or the dum m y clocks two bits per c lock . T his reduced instruction overhead m ay allow
for code execution (XIP) directly from the Dual SPI in some applications.
The Fast Read Quad Output instruction sequence is shown in Figure 26a & 26b. When BUF=1, the device
is in the Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequenc e will start from the Data Buff er location spec ified by
the 16-bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output,
the output pin will become Hi- Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
Figure 26a. Fast Read Dual I/O Ins truction (Buffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Figure 26b. Fast Read Dual I/O Ins truction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
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- 46 - Preliminary - Revision C
8.2.23 Fast Read Dual I/O with 4-Byte Address (BCh)
The Fast Read Dual I/O (BCh) instruction allows for improved random access while maintaining two IO
pins, IO0 and IO1. It is similar to the Fast Read Dual Output (3Bh) ins truction but with the capability to input
the Column Addr ess or the dum m y clocks two bits per c lock . T his reduced instruction overhead m ay allow
for code execution (XIP) directly from the Dual SPI in some applications.
The Fast Read Quad Output instruction sequence is shown in Figure 27a & 27b. When BUF=1, the device
is in the Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequenc e will start from the Data Buff er location spec ified by
the 16-bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output,
the output pin will become Hi- Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
Figure 27a. Fast Read Dual I/O with 4-Byte Address Instruct i on (B uffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Figure 27b. Fast Read Dual I/O with 4-Byte A ddress Ins truction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
- 47 -
8.2.24 Fast Read Quad I/O (EBh)
The Fast Read Quad I/O (EBh) instruction is similar to the Fast Read Dual I/O (BBh) instruction except
that address and data bits are input and output through four pins IO0, IO1, IO2 and IO3 prior to the data
output. The Quad I/O dramatically reduces instruction overhead allowing faster random access for code
execution (XIP) directly from the Quad SPI.
The Fast Read Quad Output instruction sequence is shown in Figure 28a & 28b. When BUF=1, the device
is in the Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequenc e will start from the Data Buff er location spec ified by
the 16-bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output,
the output pin will become Hi- Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
When WP-E bit in the Status Register is set to a 1, this instruction is disabled.
Figure 28a. Fast Read Quad I/O Ins truction (B uffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Mode 0
Mode 3 0 7
High Impedance
8 9
Out 1
13 14 1615
17 18 2019 21 22
IO2High Im pedance 6
IO3High Im pedance 7
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
Out 2 *Data
Out 3 *Data
Out 4
12 8
13 9
14 10
15 11
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
10 11 12
4 Dummy
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- 48 - Preliminary - Revision C
Figure 28b. Fast Read Quad I/O Ins truction (Continuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
- 49 -
8.2.25 Fast Read Quad I/O with 4-Byte Address (ECh)
The Fast Read Quad I/O (ECh) instruction is similar to the Fast Read Dual I/O (BBh) instruction except
that address and data bits are input and output through four pins IO0, IO1, IO2 and IO3 prior to the data
output. The Quad I/O dramatically reduces instruction overhead allowing faster random access for code
execution (XIP) directly from the Quad SPI.
The Fast Read Quad Output instruction sequence is shown in Figure 29a & 29b. When BUF=1, the device
is in the Buff er Read Mode. The data output sequenc e will start from the Data Buff er location spec ified by
the 16-bit Column Address and continue to the end of the Data Buffer. Once the last byte of data is output,
the output pin will become Hi- Z state. When BUF=0, the device is in the Continuous Read Mode, the data
output sequence will start f rom the f irst byte of the Data Buf fer and increm ent to the next higher address .
When the end of the Data Buffer is reached, the data of the first byte of next memory page will be
following and continues through the entire memory array. This allows using a single Read instruction to
read out the entire memory array and is also compatible to Winbond’s SpiFlash NOR flash memory
command sequence.
When WP-E bit in the Status Register is set to a 1, this instruction is disabled.
Figure 29a. Fast Read Quad I/O with 4-Byte A ddress Ins truction (B uffer Read Mode, BUF=1)
Mode 0
Mode 3 0 7
High Impedance
8 9
Out 1
23 24 2525 27 28
IO2High Impedance 6
IO3High Impedance 7
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
Out 2 *Data
Out 3 *Data
Out 4
12 8
13 9
14 10
15 11
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
10 11 12
10 Dummy
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- 50 - Preliminary - Revision C
Figure 29b. Fast Read Quad I/O with 4-Byte Address Instruct i on (Cont i nuous Read Mode, BUF=0)
- 51 -
8.2.26 Accessing Unique ID / Parameter / OTP Pages (OTP-E=1)
In addition to the main memory array, the W25N01GV is also equipped with one Unique ID Page, one
Parameter Page, and ten OTP Pages.
Page Address Page Name Descriptions Data Length
00h Unique ID Page Factory programmed, Read Only 32-Byte x 16
01h Parameter Page Factory programmed, Read Only 256-Byte x 3
02h OTP Page [0] Program Only, OTP lockable 2,112-Byte
OTP Pages [1:8] Program Only, OTP lockable 2,112-Byte
0Bh OTP Page [9] Program Only, OTP lockable 2,112-Byte
To access these additional data pages, the OTP-E bit in Status Register-2 m ust be set to “1” f irst. Then,
Read operations can be performed on Unique ID and Parameter Pages, Read and Program operations
can be performed on the OTP pages if it’s not already locked. To return to the main memory array
operation, OTP-E bit needs to be to set to 0.
Read Operations
A “Page Data Read” command must be issued followed by a specific page address shown in the table
above to load the page data into the main Data Buffer. After the device finishes the data loading
(BUSY=0), all Read commands may be used to read the Data Buffer starting from any specified Column
Address. Please note all Read commands must now follow the “Buffer Read Mode” command structure
(CA[15:0], number of dummy clocks) regardless the previous BUF bit setting. ECC can also be enabled
for the OTP page read operations to ensure the data integrity.
Program and OTP Lock Operations
OT P pages pr ovide the additional s pace ( 2K- Byte x 10) to store important data or s ecur ity information that
can be lock ed to prevent further m odification in the field. These OTP pages are in an erased state set in
the factor y, and can only be program med (c hange data from “ 1” to “0”) until being lock ed by O TP-L bit in
the Configuration/Status Register-2. OTP-E must be first set to “1” to enable the access to these OTP
pages, then the program data must be loaded into the m ain Data Buffer using any “Program Data Load”
commands. The “Program Execute” command followed by a specific OTP Page Address is used to initiate
the data transfer from the Data Buffer to the OTP page. W hen ECC is enabled, ECC calculation will be
performed during “Program Execute”, and the ECC information will be stored into the 64-Byte spare area.
Once the OT P pages are c orrectly program med, OT P-L bit can be us ed to permanently lock these pages
so that no fur ther modif ication is pos s ible. While still in the “O T P Ac c es s Mode” ( OTP-E=1), user needs to
set OTP-L bit in the Configuration/Status Register-2 to “1”, and issue a “Program Execute” command
without any Page Address. After the device finishes the OTP lock setting (BUSY=0), the user can set
OTP-E to “0” to return to the main memory array operation.
SR1-L OTP Lock Operation
The Protection/Status Register-1 contains protection bits that can be set to protect either a portion or the
entire m em ory array from being Pr ogram m ed/Eras ed or set the devic e to either Sof tware Write Protec tion
(WP-E=0) or Hardware Write Protection (WP-E=1). Once the BP[3:0], TB, WP-E bits are set correctly,
SRP1 and SRP0 should also be s et to “1”s as well to allow SR1-L bit being s et to “ 1” to per manently lock
the protection settings in the Status Register-1 (SR1). Similar to the OTP-L setting procedure above, in
order to set SR1-L lock bit, the device m ust enter the “OT P Acces s Mode” (OT P-E=1) fir st, and SR1-L bit
should be set to “1” prior to the “Program Execute” comm and without any Page Address. Once SR1-L is
set to “1” (BUSY=0), the user can set OTP-E to “0” to return to the main memory array operation.
Publication Release Date: December 13, 2014
- 52 - Preliminary - Revision C
8.2.27 Parameter Page Data Definitions
The Param eter Page contains 3 identical copies of the 256-Byte Parameter Data. T he table below lists all
the key data byte locations. All other unspecified byte locations have 00h data as default.
Number Descriptions Values
0~3 Parameter page signature 4Fh, 4Eh, 46h, 49h
4~5 Revision number 00h, 00h
6~7 Feature supported 00h, 00h
8~9 Optional c omm and supported 02h, 00h
10~31 Reserved All 00h
32~43 Device manufact urer 57h, 49h, 4Eh, 42h, 4Fh, 4Eh, 44h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h
44~63 Device model 57h, 32h, 35h, 4Eh, 30h, 31h, 47h, 56h, 20h, 20h,
20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h
64 JEDEC manufacturer ID EFh
65~66 Date code 00h, 00h
67~79 Reserved All 00h
80~83 Number of dat a bytes per page 00h, 08h, 00h, 00h
84~85 Number of spare bytes per page 40h, 00h
86~91 Reserved All 00h
92~95 Number of pages per block 40h, 00h, 00h, 00h
96~99 Number of blocks per logical unit 00h, 04h, 00h, 00h
100 Num ber of logical uni ts 01h
101 Number of address bytes 00h
102 Num ber of bits per cell 01h
103~104 Bad blocks maximum per unit 14h, 00h
105~106 Block endurance 01h, 06h
107 Guaranteed valid blocks at beginning of target 01h
108~109 Block endurance for guarant eed val i d bl ocks 00h, 00h
110 Number of program s per page 04h
111 Reserved 00h
112 Number of ECC bit s 00h
113 Num ber of plane address bi ts 00h
114 Multi-pl ane operat i on attributes 00h
115~127 Reserved All 00h
128 I/ O pi n capacit ance, m aximum 08h
129~132 Reserved All 00h
133~134 Maximum page program time (us) BCh, 02h
135~136 Maximum block erase t i me (us) 10h, 27h
137~138 Maximum page read t i me (us) 32h, 00h
139~163 Reserved All 00h
164~165 Vendor spec i f i c revision number 00h, 00h
166~253 Vendor speci fic All 00h
254~255 Integrity CRC Set at test
256~511 Value of byt es 0~255
512~767 Value of byt es 0~255
768+ Reserved
- 53 -
9.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (2)
Supply Voltage VCC –0.6 to +4.6 V
Voltage Applied to Any Pin VIO Relative to Ground –0.6 to +4.6 V
Transient Voltage on any Pin VIOT <20nS Transient
Relative to Ground –2.0V to VCC+2.0V V
Short Circuit Output Crrent, IOs 5 mA
Storage Temperature TSTG –65 to +150 °C
Lead Temperature TLEAD See Note
(3) °C
Electrostatic Discharge Voltage VESD Human Body Model(4) –2000 to +2000 V
1. Specification for W25N01GV is preliminary. See preliminary designation at the end of this document.
2. This device has been designed and test ed for the spec ified operation ranges . Proper operation outside
of these levels is not guaranteed. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings may affect device reliability.
Exposure beyond absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage.
3. Compliant with JEDEC Standard J-STD-20C for small body Sn-Pb or Pb-free (Green) assembly and the
European directive on restrictions on hazardous substances (RoHS) 2002/95/EU.
4. JEDEC Std JESD22-A114A (C1=100pF, R1=1500 ohms, R2=500 ohms).
9.2 Operating Ranges
Supply Voltage VCC 2.7 3.6 V
Ambient Temperature,
Operating TA Industrial –40 +85 °C
Publication Release Date: December 13, 2014
- 54 - Preliminary - Revision C
9.3 Power-up Power-down Timing Requirements
VCC (min) to /CS Low tVSL(1) 50 500 µs
Time Delay Before Write Instruction tPUW(1) 5 ms
Write Inhibit Threshold Voltage VWI(1) 1.0 2.0 V
1. These parameters are characterized only.
Reset State
/CS must track V CC
0Fh/05h/9Fh/FFh are
the onl y commands al l ow e d.
Device is fully accessible
(Page 0 with ECC i s r eady in Buff er )
Figure 30a. Power-up Timi ng and Voltage Levels
/CS must track VCC
during VCC Ramp Up/Down
Figure 30b. Power-up, Power-Down Requirement
- 55 -
9.4 DC Electrical Characteristics
Input Capacitance CIN(1) VIN = 0V(1) 6 pF
Output Capacitance Cout(1) VOUT = 0V(1) 8 pF
Input Leakage ILI ±2 µA
I/O Leakage ILO ±2 µA
Standby Curr ent ICC1 /CS = VCC,
VIN = GND or VCC 10 50 µA
Read Current ICC2 C = 0.1 VCC / 0.9 VCC
DO = Open 25 35 mA
Current Page Program ICC3 /C S = VCC 25 35 mA
Current Block Erase ICC4 /CS = VCC 25 35 mA
Input Low Vol tage VIL VCC x 0.3 V
Input Hi gh Voltage VIH VCC x 0.7 V
Output Low Vol tage VOL IOL = 2.1mA 0.4 V
Output Hi gh Voltage VOH IOH = –400 µA 2.4 V
1. Tested on sampl e basis and specified t hrough design and charac terization dat a. TA = 25° C, VCC = 3.0V.
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- 56 - Preliminary - Revision C
9.5 AC Measurement Conditions
Load Capacitance CL 30 pF
Input Rise and Fall Times TR, TF 5 ns
Input Pulse Voltages VIN 0.1 VCC to 0.9 VCC V
Input Timing Reference Voltages IN 0.3 VCC to 0.7 VCC V
Output Timing Reference Voltages OUT 0.5 VCC V
Input and Outp ut
Timing Reference Lev els
Input Levels
0.9 VCC
0.1 VCC
0.5 VCC
Figure 31. AC Measurement I/O Waveform
- 57 -
9.6 AC Electrical Characteristics(3)
Clock frequency for all instructions FR f
C1 D.C. 104 MHz
Clock High, Low Time
for all instructions tCLH,
tCLL(1) 4 ns
Clock Rise Time peak to peak tCLCH(2) 0.1 V/ns
Clock Fall Time peak to peak tCHCL(2) 0.1 V/ns
/CS Active Setup Time relative to CLK tSLCH tCSS 5 ns
/CS Not Active Hold Time relative to CLK tCHSL 5 ns
Data In Setup Time tDVCH tDSU 2 ns
Data In Hold Time tCHDX tDH 3 ns
/CS Active Hold Time relative to CLK tCHSH 3 ns
/CS Not Active Setup Time relative to CLK tSHCH 3 ns
/CS Deselect Time (for Array Read Æ Array Read) tSHSL1 tCSH 10 ns
/CS Deselect Time (for Erase, Program or Read
Status Registers Æ Read Status Registers) tSHSL2 tCSH 50 ns
Output Disable Time tSHQZ(2) tDIS 7 ns
Clock Low to Output Valid tCLQV tV 7 ns
Output Hold Time tCLQX tHO 2 ns
/HOLD Active Setup Time relative to CLK tHLCH 5 ns
/HOLD Active Hold Time relative to CLK tCHHH 5 ns
Continued – next page
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- 58 - Preliminary - Revision C
AC Electrical Characteristics (cont’d)
/HOLD Not Active Setup Time relative to CLK tHHCH 5 ns
/HOLD Not Active Hold Time relative to CLK tCHHL 5 ns
/HOLD to Output Low-Z tHHQX(2) tLZ 7 ns
/HOLD to Output High-Z tHLQZ(2) tHZ 12 ns
Write Protect Setup Time Before /CS Low tWHSL 20 ns
Write Protect Hold Time After /CS High tSHWL 100 ns
Status Register Write Time tW 50 ns
/CS High to next Instruction after Reset during
Page Data Read / Program Execute / Block Erase tRST(2) 5/10/500 µs
Read Page Data Time (ECC disabled) tRD1 25 µs
Read Page Data Time (ECC enabled) tRD2 50 µs
Page Program, OTP Lock, BBM Management Time tPP 250 700 us
Block Erase Time tBE 2 10 ms
Number of partial page programs NoP 4 times
1. Clock hi gh + Cl ock low must be less than or equal t o 1/ fC.
2. Value guaranteed by design and/or characterizati on, not 100% t ested in produc t i on.
3. Tested on s ample basi s and speci f i ed through design and c haracterizati on dat a. TA = 25° C, VCC = 3.0V.
- 59 -
9.7 Serial Output Timing
9.8 Serial Input Timing
9.9 /HOLD Timing
9.10 /WP Timing
Write Status Register is allowed Wr it e St at us Regis te r i s no t allowed
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- 60 - Preliminary - Revision C
10.1 8-Pad WSON 8x6-mm (Package Code ZE)
- 61 -
10.2 24-Ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code TB, 5x5-1 Ball Array)
Symbol Millimeters Inches
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
A --- --- 1.20 --- --- 0.047
A1 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.010 0.012 0.014
A2 --- 0.85 --- --- 0.033 ---
b 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.014 0.016 0.018
D 7.90 8.00 8.10 0.311 0.315 0.319
D1 4.00 BSC 0.157 BSC
E 5.90 6.00 6.10 0.232 0.236 0.240
E1 4.00 BSC 0.157 BSC
SE 1.00 TYP 0.039 TYP
SD 1.00 TYP 0.039 TYP
e 1.00 BSC 0.039 BSC
Ball land: 0.45mm. Ball Opening: 0.35mm
PCB ball land suggested <= 0. 35mm
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- 62 - Preliminary - Revision C
10.3 24-Ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (Package Code TC, 6x4 Ball Array)
Symbol Millimeters Inches
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
A --- --- 1.20 --- --- 0.047
A1 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.010 0.012 0.014
b 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.014 0.016 0.018
D 7.95 8.00 8.05 0.313 0.315 0.317
D1 5.00 BSC 0.197 BSC
E 5.95 6.00 6.05 0.234 0.236 0.238
E1 3.00 BSC 0.118 BSC
e 1.00 BSC 0.039 BSC
Ball land: 0.45mm. Ball Opening: 0.35mm
PCB ball land suggested <= 0. 35mm
- 63 -
1. The “W ” prefix and the Temperature designator “I” is not included on the part marking.
2. Standard bulk shipments are in Tube (shape E). Please specify alternate packing method, such as Tape and
Reel (shape T) or Tray (shape S), when placing orders.
3. For shipments with special order options, please specify when placing orders.
W(1) 25N 01G V xx I(1)
W = Winbond
25N = Serial SLC NAND Memory
01G = 1G-bit
V = 2.7V to 3.6V
ZE = 8-pad WSON 8x6mm
TB = 24-ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (5x5 ball array) TC = 24-ball TFBGA 8x6-mm (6x4 ball array)
I = Industrial (-40°C to +85°C)
G = Green Package (Lead-free, RoHS Compliant, Halogen-free (TBBA), Antimony-Oxide-free Sb2O3)
Publication Release Date: December 13, 2014
- 64 - Preliminary - Revision C
11.1 Valid Part Numbers and Top Side Marking
The f ollowing table provides the valid part num bers fo r the W 25N01G V SpiFlash Mem ory. Please c ontact
W inbond f or specif ic availability by density and package type. Winbond SpiFlash m emories use a 12-digit
Product Num ber for ordering. However, due to lim ited space, the Top Side Mark ing on all packages uses
an abbreviated 9-digit number.
Industrial Temperature:
WSON-8 8x6mm 1G-bit W25N01GVZEIG 25N01GVEG
TFBGA-24 8x6mm
(5x5-1 Ball Array) 1G-bit W25N01GVTBIG 25N01GVBG
TFBGA-24 8x6mm
(6x4 Ball Array) 1G-bit W25N01GVTCIG 25N01GVCG
- 65 -
A 06/13/2013 New Create Preliminary
B 11/26/2013 Overall updates
C 12/13/2014
63, 65, 66
17, 26
Removed SOIC-16 package, updated order information
Updated Figure.3 for device operation
Changed BUF bit default value to 1 after power up
Preliminary Designation
The “ Preliminary” designation on a Winbond datasheet indic ates that the produc t is not f ully charac terized.
The specifications are subject to change and are not guaranteed. Winbond or an authorized sales
representative should be consulted for current information before using this product.
Winbond and SpiFlash are trademarks of Winbond Electronics Corporation.
All other marks are the property of their respective owner.
Important Notice
Winbond products ar e not designed, intended, authorized or warranted f or use as com ponents in s ystems
or equipm ent intended for surgic al implantation, atom ic energy control ins truments , airplane or s paceship
instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, or for
other applications intended to s upport or sus tain life. Further more, Winbond products are not intended f or
applications wherein failure of Winbond products could res ult or lead to a situation wherein pers onal inj ury,
death or severe property or environmental damage could occur. Winbond cust omers using or s elling these
products fo r use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for any
damages resulting from such improper use or sales.
Information in this document is provided solely in connection with Winbond products. Winbond
reserves the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements to this document
and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice.