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ELM327DSC Elm Electronics – Circuits for the Hobbyist
noise immunity), while R11 limits the current flow, and
R12 keeps Q4 off when the input is left open-circuited.
Resistor R36 has been added to the circuit of
Figure 9, to help turn transistor Q4 off more rapidly in
certain circumstances. The resistor is generally not
required, but it may be helpful if you are connected to
a very high capacitance J1850 VPW system then force
the ELM327 to operate in the J1850 PWM mode, and
experience some false BUS ERRORs. We show the
resistor as an option and leave the choice whether to
install it up to you.
The voltage monitoring circuitry for the AT RV
command is shown in this schematic connected to pin
2 of the ELM327. The two resistors simply divide the
battery voltage to a safe level for the ELM327, and the
capacitor filters out noise. As shipped, the ELM327
expects a resistor divider ratio as shown, and sets
nominal calibration constants assuming that. If your
application needs a different range of values, simply
choose the resistor values to maintain the input within
the specified 0-5V limit, and then perform an AT CV to
calibrate the ELM327 to your new divider ratio. The
maximum voltage that the ELM327 can show is 99.9V.
A very basic RS232 interface is shown connected
to pins 17 and 18 of the ELM327. This circuit ‘steals’
power from the host computer in order to provide a full
swing of the RS232 voltages without the need for a
negative supply. The RS232 pin connections shown
are for a standard 9 pin connector. If you are using a
25 pin one, you will need to compensate for the
differences. The polarity of the ELM327’s RS232 pins
is such that they are compatible with standard
interface ICs (MAX232, etc.), so if you should prefer
such an interface, you can remove all of the discrete
components shown and use one of those.
The four LEDs shown (on pins 25 to 28) have
been provided as a visual means of confirming circuit
activity. They are not essential, but it is nice to see the
visual feedback when experimenting.
Finally, the crystal shown connected between pins
9 and 10 is a standard 4.000MHz microprocessor type
crystal. The 27pF crystal loading capacitors shown are
typical only, and you may have to select other values
depending on what is specified for the crystal you
obtain. The crystal frequency is critical to circuit
operation and must not be altered.
We often receive requests for parts lists to
accompany our Example Applications circuits. Since
this circuit is more complex than most, we have
named/numbered all of the components and provided
a summary parts list (see Figure 10). Note that these
are only suggestions for parts. If you prefer another
LED colour, or have a different general purpose
transistor on hand, etc., by all means make the
change. A quick tip for those having trouble finding a
0.3” wide socket for the ELM327: many of the standard
14 pin sockets can be placed end-to-end to form one
0.3” wide 28 pin socket.
What if you only want to use one of the protocols?
What if you want to use a USB interface? These are
common questions that we receive, and both are
addressed in Figure 11.
There are a few single IC products on the market
that allow you to connect an RS232 system directly to
USB. We have shown the CP2102 by Silicon
Laboratories (http://www.silabs.com) in Figure 11, but
there are others available as well – Future Technology
Devices (http://www.ftdichip.com), for example,
produces several. These ICs provide a very simple
and relatively inexpensive way to ‘bridge’ between
RS232 and USB, and as you can see, require very few
components to support them.
If using the CP2102, we do caution that it is very
small and difficult to solder by hand, so be prepared
for that. Also, if you provide protection on the data
lines with transient voltage suppressors (TVS’s), be
careful of which ones you choose, as some exhibit a
very large capacitance and will affect the transmission
of the USB data. Note also that the circuit as
presented will operate at a 38400 bits per second rate.
If you want to take full advantage of the speed of the
USB interface, you will need to change PP 0C.
Considering the OBD protocol portions of the
circuits in Figures 9 and 11, the differences should be
very apparent. The unused protocols in Figure 11 have
simply had their outputs ignored (left open circuit), and
their inputs wired to a convenient logic level (as CMOS
inputs must never be left floating).
The circuit maintains the status LEDs, and the
J1850 Bus+ circuitry, but the majority of the rest has
been eliminated. The voltage switching circuitry has
been reduced to a single 8V regulator as well, since
there will be no need to switch to 5V. Note that pin 3
has been intentionally left open-circuited as it is not
required by the voltage regulator.
The first time that this circuit is used, it will likely be
set to protocol 0, the default ‘automatic search’ mode
of operation (as shipped from the factory). When you
connect it to the J1850 VPW vehicle, it will first try a
J1850 PWM (protocol 1) connection, fail, and then
Example Applications (Cont’d)