MIL SPECS Ic fjccooies OO1599? 4 i The documentation and process TINCH-POUNDT conversion measures necessary to | I comply with this revision shall be | MIL-S-19500/308B completed by 7 January 1990 _|! 7 April 1989 - SUPERSEDING = = MIL-~S-19500/308A 9 June 1970 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, POWER RECTIFIER, FAST-RECOVERY TYPES 1N3909, 1N3910, 1N3911, 1N3912, 1N3913, R AND A VERSIONS JAN, JANTX, AND JANTXV This specification is approved for use by al? Depart- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for silicon, semiconductor fast recovery, power rectifier diodes. Three levels of product assurance are provided for each device type as specified in MIL-S-19500, 1.2 Physical dimensions. See figure 1 (DO-5). 1.3 Maximum ratings. { | im 1 i { | | Types [Vp {LY i Io 1 lig (surge) { trr | p Rp RO ab 20s | | | | | | Te = 100C [Tc = lo0c | | I { | | | | | [ l { | { I | | V de v(pk) | A de | a dc ! ns | 1N3809, R | 50 | 50 | 30 { 300 1 200 | { IN3909A, AR | 50 | 50 | 50 | 400 i 150 | 1N3910, R_ [| 100 | 100 | 30 | 300 {| 200 | 1N3910A, AR | 100 | 100 | 50 | 400 i; 150 | { 1N3911, R | 200 {| 200 I 30 | 300 | 200 | | 1N3911A, AR | 200 | 200 | 50 | 400 i 160 | | 1N3912, R | 300 | 300 | 30 { 300 | 200 | | 1N3912A, AR | 300 | 300 i 50 | 400 } 150 | | 1N3913, R | 400 | 400 | 30 i 300 {| 200 | | 1N3913A, AR {| 400 | 400 i 50 { 400 | 0 | poe eee cdo tks eel Jes eee eee: fp eee / Derate linearly, 2 percent of Ig per C for Tc > 100C. Storage temperature: Tc = -65C to +175C, Operating temperature: Tc = -65.C to +150.C, Barometric pressure reduced (altitude operation): 8 mmiig, 1.4 Primary electrical characteristics. Rgjc = .8C/W maximum. TBenefictal conments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may| [be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: U.S. Army Laboratory Command, | {ATTN: SLCET-R-S, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5302 by using the self-addressed Standardization | {Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by ! lletter. AMSC N/A FSC 5961 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.MIL SPECS I Goooo1es 00159594 & i MiL-S-19500/ 308B 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS: 2.1 Government documents, 2.1.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2) SPECIFICATION MILITARY MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for. STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-STD-H28 - Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services. MILITARY MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the Naval Publications and Forms Center, (ATTN: NPODS), 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099. ) . 2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein (except for related assocfated detail specifications, specification sheets, or MS standards), the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 3, REQUIREMENTS 3,1 Detail specification. The individual item requirements shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specifled herein. Lot accumulation period shall be three months in lieu of six weeks. 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions, Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein shall be as specified in MIL-S-1I9500. 3.3 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. The design, construction, and physical dimensions shall be as specified in MIL-S-I9500, and figure 1 herein. 3.4 Marking. Marking shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, except at the option of the manufacturer, the following marking may be omitted from the body of the device: a. Country of origin. b. Manufacturer's identification. 3.5 Polarity. The polarity shall be indicated by a graphic symbol with the arrow pointing toward the negative end for forward bias. The reversed units shal? also be marked with an R following the last digit in the type number.MIL SPECS IC Boooo1es O015999 a MIL-S-19500/308B >| beM piel cel lee SEE NOTE 4 > - e ft [oi .250 (6.35mm) 28 UNF-ZA (at 7 THO NF OPTIONAL CAN) fat | ae DL y Tv h_| S | , of 7. rLat | 1c ke-0 + 5 > ~+# A 1 SEE NOTE 6 ! Dimensions | | T T | Notes Dimensions | {Din Inches [NiT1imeters | | | T | p Motes fT im ! Inches IMiTTimeters iain Max Min ! Max | | { TT [ rn ! iin Max | Min Max | F 1.260 | 0375 6.35 ! 953 | 6 | | r I T I TT I [ | A 1.750 [1.000 [19.05 [25.40 | 1G [--- | .667 | --- [16.94 [| | | | | ft of | | 1 T i { t f 1 ] | B |--- 450 | --- [11.43 [x 1.669 | .688 [16.99 [17.48 | | TO J { | | 1C |.115 | .200 | 2.92 | 5.08 [d |.156 | --- | 3.96 [| --- ! r I { | [ | | | D 1.422 | .453 {10.72 11.51 K [140 175 | 3.56 4,45 | { l | | | | | | 1 | | | i ! E 1060 --- | 1.52 ! --- ! 6 | L |.030 -080 .76 | 2.03 | { M | | | | NOTES: po (1080 7? j~~7| 1. Dimenstons are in inches. 7 . ~ 2... Metric equivalents are. given. for general information only. : 3. Units must not be damaged by torque of 30 inch-pounds applied to .250-28 UNF-28 nut assembled on thread. 4. Diameter of unthreaded portion .249 (6.32 mm) max and .220 (5.59 mm) minimum. 5. Complete threads to extend to within 2-1/2 threads of seating plane. 6. Angular orientation for this terminal is underlined, however the major surfaces over dimension F shall be flat and the minimum distance from the hole to any point on the periphery shall be .030 inches (0.76 mm) outside dimenston J. : 7. Max pitch diameter of plated threads shall be basic pitch diameter .2268 (5.76 mn) reference FED-STD-H28 (screw thread standards for federal, services). . 8. A chamfer cr undercut on one or both ends of the hex portion is optional; minimum base diameter at seating plane .600 inch (15.24 mn). 9. Reversed (anode to stud) units shall be marked with an R following the last digit in the type number. . FIGURE 1. Physical dimensons. 3MIL SPECS I goooo12s oo1wooos MIL-S-19500/308B 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 4.2 Qualification inspection, Qualification inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. Tests in either polarity shall be sufficient to obtain qualification approval of both polarities. 4.3 Screening (JANTX and JANTXV levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500 (tabTe II), and as specified herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be acceptable. | | T j { Measurement | | Screen (see table II | | | of MIL~S-19500) JANTX and JANTXY levels | | l/ Surge, see 4,3,1 | { Thermal response, see 4.3.2 ! ] 4 Not applicable ! 9 Veo and Ip, 2/ 10 MIL-STD-750, method 1038 test condition A, t = 48 hours 7 li 3/ Subgroup 2 of table I herein Veg and Ipy; aVeo = 40.1 v(pk); Alpy = #5 pA de or 100% from the initial value, whichever is greater. 12 Not applicable 13. Not applicable a 1/ Surge shall precede thermal response. These tests shall be performed anytime after screen 3 and before screen 9. 2/ IR} measurement shall not be indicative of an open condition. 3 of screen 13 shall apply to screen 11. 4.3.1 Surge current. Surge current, see MIL-~STD-750, method 4066. Iq,= 0; Vpw(w) = 0; Non-A version, Tesm = 400 A; A version, leony = 500 A; six surges; Th = 2a C; t, = 8.3 ms p 4.3.2 Thermal response (aVp measurements). The delta Vp measurements shall be performed _in accordance W ~sID-70, method JIOLT. The delta Ve conditions and maximum Ve imit shail be derived by each vendor. The chosen aV- measurement and conditions for each device in the qualification Tot shall be submitted in the qualification report and a thermal response curve shall be plotted. The chosen Vp value shall be considered final after the manufacturer has had the opportunity to test five consecutive lots. Parameter tp = 250 ms. Heating current (Ty) > rated Ig.MIL SPECS Ic ocoo1es OolLoOo1 o a MIL-S-19500/308B tot Quality conformance. inspection. Quality_conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIC-S-19500, and as speciffed herein. i 4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and table I herein. (End-point electrical measurements shal? be in accordance with the applicable steps of table V herein.) 4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in table IVb (JANTX and JANTXV) of MIL-S-19500, and table II herein. Electrical measurements (end points) and delta requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table V herein. 4.4.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in table V of MIL-S-19500, and table III herein. Electrical measurements (end points) and delta requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table V herein. 4.4.4 Group E inspection. Group E inspection shal? be in accordance with table IV herein. 4.5 Methods of inspection. Methods of inspection shall be as specified in the appropriate tables and as follows: 4.5.1 DC intermittent operation life. A cycle shall consist of an on" period, when power is applied suddenly, not gradually, to the device for the time necessary to achieve a delta case temperature of 85-C +15C, -5 C followed by an off" period, when the power is suddenly removed, for cooling. Auxiliary (forced) cooling is permitted during the "off" period only. The heating time is such that 30s < theating < 60s. P = Vp x Ip or P = VE(px) x Tay if using sine wave current. OC full Wave currnt (or equivatent half sine wave current) shall be used for the power required during the on" period and equivalent half sine wave is permissable. Within the time interval of 50 cycles before to 500 cycles after the termination of the test, the sample units shall be removed from the specified test conditions and allowed to reach room ambient conditions. Specified end-point measurements for qualification and quality conformance inspections shall be completed within 96 hours after removal of sample units from the specified test conditions. Additional readings may be taken at the discretion of the manufacturer. 4.5.2 Reverse recovery time. The reverse recovery time shall be measured in the circuit of figure 2 or equivalent. Care should be exercised to minimize stray inductances in the test circuit and to ensure the total resistance of the reverse current loop can be adjusted sufficiently low so that more than 2 amperes will flow if not blocked by the diode being tested. Switch SW shal] be activated and the regulated voltage source adjusted to achieve the following characteristics of the waveform. .{1) The di/dt shall be the.specified value between the forward Q.5 ampere point and the . reverse 0.2 ampere point. (2) The ip(rec) shall be the maximum value obtainable, except when it exceeds 2 amperes. The reverse-recovery time shall then be determined from the current waveform as shown on figure 3.I TC @0000125 Oo1noga 2 MIL-S-19500/308B MIL SPECS Group A inspection. TABLE I. | LTPD 1/ Conditions MIL -STD-750 [Method | 1 | Inspection ~ vo = w 9 3 o 3 a=] n nay ci. > > < < b an med = E pe core aeree ener in o ~ rs ~~ i ~ + Oo 2S 192 : . : So iw nN aa . wo N jet 1 \F1 Vr2 I I mon _ ~~ oO W ae fad ayn ak 6 Ure ~e oe ~ oa comet ON * Oe > =~ en un n a VULON = ERs ~~ o uy on o = << Ude. vo >it vn & noe - OPM oQ ornm < 3 KO : Ye =o w so oun Be OD PP Set = Pee ao O see vo vo wv Ode wou viet Ewe tt Eue rio * wo aye o aa oo man wor 2Oe ww oO HP PUrF ODN Ee aQ>~e ae Ur OY z = ig e s a Oo Oo ao oO o wX + s+ + <s J ne a a nc A ee ce EE ace CE oe UE re tl s = Oo _ aad o - < N -m s Cs] S > a a} a; wo wv = a; & wo al S 3 oO 3 Dp Dn c 3 3 s 3 wv o o oD o oS oO o o er = fo] > s| eBc S| way i St wes x wl Oo vin D o e - a ao sec o oy 6 = o| Ur 2 =a a vo A o gv to Ss cv S > > o s ar wo s Se > oo MW Er yn n Pow a = ~~ aw Gs / wv < - a s S > s o n Oo oun oS oS S v > i = > 3 = = gv =za 0 vo S f4 ae L > no az > = fo] aw = wy > uw (oe a =. ox 1 | | | | | I i | | | | | i | i | { | | | | i | | | | | | | | { | | | see MIL-S-19500. 1/- For LTPD numbers.MIL XPECS =O coco1es Oo1L003 4 | MIL-S-19500/308B TABLE II, Group B inspection for JANTX and JANTXV, { |... MIL-STD-750 [Qualification and [Small Tot quality | | inspection a llarge lot quality |conformance | | [Method | Conditions |conformance linspection n/c | | | | Jinspection LTPD 1/ | 1/ | | l { { | | | | | I 1 T | Subgroup 1 2/ | | | |Solderabitity 2026 ! | | | [Resistance to solvents | 1022 | | | ome | | ! | | Thermal shock | 1051 | | | | {| (temperature cycling) | | ! | | | {Surge current | 4066 [Tr = 100C; | | | | Vp = Vpy(see 1.3); | | | six surges; | | | 1 surge/minute max | ty = 8.3 ms ! | Non-A version devices ig (surge) = 300 A dc | Ig = 30 A de | A version devices ig (surge) = 400 Adc | [ | Ig = 50 A de | {Hermetic seal 1071 Fine leak I Gross leak [Electrical measurements See table V, steps 1 | ! and 2 Subgroup 3 2/ DC intermittent 1037 .25 rated Ig < 1 operation life applied < rated Ip (see 4.5.1) | 2000 cycles Electrical measurements | See table V, steps 1, | ~ T | |2, and 3 | ! Steady-state dc blocking] 1038 or|Conditfion A, 340 hours 1049 Electrical measurements See table V, steps 1 | | and 2 j | Subgroups 4 ! {Decap internal visual 2075 | | (design verification) | | Subgroup 5 | | | | | | [Not applicable | See footnotes at end of table.MIL SPECS Ic gocootes OOLO04 b a MIL-S -19500/ 3088 TABLE II. Group B inspection for JANTX and JANTXV - Continued. Electrical measurements See table V, steps 1 a nd 2 | MIL-STD-750 Tqualification and [Small lot quality | | Inspection { I |large lot quality |conformance { i iMethod | Conditions [conformance linspection n/c | | | inspection LTPD 1/ | VY | I | | | | Subgroup 6 | | |High- temperature | 1032 {Taq = 175C | | | (nonoperating) i i | | | { | { | | | | { | { | | { i | \ | | | | { | | | | 1/ For LTPD numbers, see MIL-S~19500. 2/ A separate sample may be pulled for each test. TABLE III. Group C inspection. T | MIL-STD-750 [Qualification and [Smal? Tot quatityl | Inspection | I (large lot quality {conformance | { |Method | Conditions {conformance linspection n/c | | i { linspection LTPD 1/ | l/ i | | | | I | I | | I I I ! Subgroup 1 ! {Physical dimensions ! 2066 [See figure 1 | | Subgroup 2 | | | | | | thermal shock { 1056 | | | | | (glass strain) | | | Terminal strength | 2036 | | | Bending stress | lTest condition F | | | | | |method B; weight = 15 Ibs.| | | | | jt = 15s | { { | ~ oo. { | - Ls L a JL | Seal torque | [Test condition D1; | | i | | [Torque = 3 1b-in, { | { | | jt = 15s | | I | | | | | | | Stud torque { {Test condition D2; { | { | | {Torque - 30 1b-in; | { | | | It = 15s | | | | | | | { | [Hermetic seal | 1071 | | Fine leak | | | | | | Gross leak | | | | | | | | | | | { 1 | I See footnote at end of table.MlL SPECS MIL-S-19500/308B Ic govuuies OO16005 & a Jinspection LTPD 1/ TABLE ITI. Group C inspection ~ Continued. ae eT LeSTO- 750 [Qualification and {Small lot quality Inspection lVarge lot quality [conformance ethod Conditions {conformance inspection n/c 1/ Subgroup 2 (cont'd) Moisture resistance Electrical measurement Subgroup 3 Shock Vibration, variable frequency Constant acceleration Electrical measurements Subgroup 4 Salt atmosphere (corrosion) Subgroup 5 Not applicable Subgroup 6 DC intermittent operation life Electrical measurements Subgroup / Not applicable 3 1021 2016 2056 2006 1041 1037 See table V, steps 1, 2, and 3 See table V, steps 1 and 2 | | .25 rated Ig < I applied < rated % {(see 4.5.1) | 6000 cycles See table V, steps 1, 3, and. 4 4 12/0 -_ / For LTPD numbers, see MIL-S-19500.MIL SPECS Ic gooco1es OOLLOOb T i MIL-S-19500/308B TABLE IV, Group E inspection (all quality levels) for qualification only. | | MIC=STD-750 [Qualification and [Small lot quality] | Inspection | I ilarge lot quality Iconformance | [Method | Conditions { conformance linspection n/c | | ! | linspection LTPD | | | | i | I \ ] | I | | | | Subgroup 1 |! | ! 10 8/0 ! Thermal shock | 1056 J0C to 100C, 100 cycles | | | | (glass strain) | | | | | | { I { | | Hermetic seal | 1071 ! | [Electrical measurements |See table V, steps 1, 2, | I | | Jand 3 | I | | | { | i | Subgroup 2 ! 5 ! 12/0 ! [Steady-state dc blocking! 1038 [Condition A; 1000 hrs I | I 1 life - L { | | | | | | | | JElectrical measurements | {See table V, steps 1 | | { {and 4 ! Subgroup 3 [Photos of cross sections | 3/0 | 1/0 | | {shall be submitted in the | | | {DPA | Iqualification report. I | i | | \YVendor shall retain | | | Iduplicate photos. ! ! Subgroup 4 10 6/0 ! Thermal resistance 3101 [Rego =.0.8:C/W maximum =| { | [Ty = 50 mA, { | | IIy = 50 A, | | | [ty = 400 ms, | | ee | | | Subgroup 5 10 6/0 |! |Barometric pressure { 1001 | | i | (reduced) | I | | | | | Pressure.._.__...Vol tage l.. | | | {em of Hg) during test ! | ! 1 | 1N3912 | I 8 300 V dc | | | | 1N3913 ! 8 400 V de | | | [Ip measurements on each | | 1 | Idevice type shall not | | | aoa group A limits. | ! 10MIL SPECS IC Gooco1es 0016007 1 i MIL-S-19500/ 308B TABLE . Groups A, B, and C-electrical end-point measurements. | I I MIL-STD-750 | | j { |} Step | Inspection | T | Symbol { Limits | Unitl | | {Method | Conditions | TT | | | | | | | Min [| Max | ~ 4 | r, | | { | 1 | Forward voltage | 4011 [ig = 50 A(pk) (pulse); | Veo | --- | 1.40] V(pk) | | | {pulse width = 8.3 ms; | | |duty cycle = 2% maximum | ! [ 2, | Reverse current | 4016 |DC method i Ip { --- ]15 [pA de | | | IVp = Rated Vp | { ; ene Pt d | 3, | Thermal response {| 3101 {See 4.3.2 ! AVE ! inv de | | 4, | Reverse current | 4016 [DC method | Ip3 | --- }20 [yA de | | | Vp = rated Vp | | | { | _ | (se ee 1.4) | l { 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging requirements. The requirements for packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-S- 19500 6. NOTES (This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.) 6.1 Notes. The notes specified in MIL-S-19500 are applicable to this specification. 6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents must specify the following: a. Title, number, and date of this specification. b. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required, the specific issue of individual documents referenced (see 2.1.1). c. The lead finish may be specified. ilMIL SPECS Ic Poooo1es Oo1booa 3 q MIL-S-19500/308B 3001 NON -INOUCTIVE ~ eee RESISTOR L SEE NOTE 2 SW OUTPUT FOR MONITORING OSEILLOSCOPE | pu. - REGULATED , ; 30-VOLT VOLTAGE 1 , _L | REGULATED T + POWER SUPPLY I, pf LO ; SEE NOTE 5 300V NON-iNDUCTIVE SAF / - SHUNT + NOTES: - * 1. Monitoring oscilloscope requirements: ty, < 14 ns, Rin > 9 Ma, Cin < 12 pF, Y (series) < 0.5 pH. 2. SW characteris fics: Merclry-wetted make-before-break relay switched at a 60 Hz rate. The relay should conduct for approximately 640 ps and be open for approximately 7.7 ms. (C.P. Clare HGP 1004 or equivalent). 3. Voltage source characteristics: Output impedance < 0.52 from 0 to 2 kHz. FIGURE 2. Reverse recovery test circuit. *Adjust L and R in accordance with paragraph 4.5.2 to achieve T = .028 us (L = 1.2 uH). Then di = -0.7 = -25A/us. dt 028 FIGURE 3. Reverse recovery current waveform through device under test. 12 YMil SPECS Ic Boooo1es QO14009 5 i MIL-S-19500/ 3088 6.3. Substitution information. Devices covered by this specification are substitutable for the manufacturers and users Part or Identifying Numbers (PIN). This information in no way implies that manufacturers' PIN's are suitable as a substitute for the military PIN. Manufacturer's and user's PIN Manufacturer's CAGE code Military PIN I { | | I | | | i | { | I { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | | 6.4 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes. CONCLUDING: MATERTAL* Custodians: Preparing activity: Army - ER Army - ER Navy - EC Air Force - 17 Agent: DLA - ES Review activities: (Project 5961-1067) Army - AR, MI Air Force - 11, 85 DLA - ES NASA - NA User activities: Army - SM Navy - AS, CG, MC, 0S Air Force - 19 13 WU.S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1989 - 604-033/13030