( VS MC3446 Receiver CJ [=] Yee 0 to 70C Output A . uteu R P SuffixCase 648 1 Recewar awa (o] 7] ; 5 Ourpur Quad Low-Power Transceiver Al j Oriwer = MOS Compatible Input A Lo R2 [=] Bus Enabie [] . | Oriver ABC (I (nput O Driver > : input @ | 3] Enabre o : Ld 1 T] Dewer Bus 8 ( R J input c 2 Ar Recewer - ~ Output B CI R? 12] Bus c Gnd El Y Receiver 2) Gutourc R1=24k R2 6.0k Receiver Drive tPHL Input Output Voltage Bus (Driver or Device Hysteresis IOL = 48 mA | Divider Voltage Receiver} Number mV Min. Volts Max. Volts ns Max. MC3440 400 0.4 2.6 to 3.75 30 MC3441 400 0.4 2.6 to 3.75 30 MC3443 400 0.4 - 25(D) 22(R} MC3446 400 0.4 2.5 to 3.7 50(D) 40(R) Output Strobe COMMUNICATION INTERFACE Low cost solid-state crosspoint switches offer important advantages in modern telephone exchanges. MC3416 Area 0 to 70C comooe Pa] L Suffix Case 623 Rom Sacra | 4 x 4 two-wire monolithic cemoas (| Crosspoint Switch for PABX Coiumn applications. Select inputs are Coremn both CMOS and TTL compatible. Commn Select C Column Select Cemoas 2 $ Flow Satect [10 | Cathoae ve Anode oo Li? roft Ton BVAK VAK @ Vax 6 10V IAK = 20 mA BVKA @ IAK = 20 mA M Ohms Volts Volts Min. Max. Min. Max. 100 10 25 V1 COMPUTER AND TERMINAL INTERFACE Important interfaces are present in computers and computer terminals. DRIVERS AND RECEIVERS MC1488 vee FI #) vee 0 to 70C tnour a (= [3] nut 01 L Suffix Case 632 Quad RS-232C Driver with Output ouour a [E] |S] Inout 02 Current Limiting Input 81 Gl [=] Output D Input 82 aU [] input cr Output 8 GI Ole Inout 62 ona [~ [=] Ourpur< VOH VOL los {PHL Vec/VEE =#9.0V | @ VoC/VEE = 29.0 V mA @ CL = 15 pF Volts Min. Volts Max. Range. ns Max. 6.0 -6.0 +6.0 to 12 175 -r1s J] mC1489 input a [= z]v 0 to 70C " [El vee i Suffix Case 632 Retponse (2 [=] Input O + 5 Control A Quad RS-232C Receiver with 0.25 V output a [oI a] Response of Input Hysteresis input B= z]ournuro = MC1489A G EI) 0 to 70C Comrola L2 fe]iverc L Suffix Case 632 rpure [> p =} Reorss = Quad RS-232C Receiver with 1.1 V of owwsr [2h Conve ~jnput Hysteresis Grd GG [=] Outpur Input VIHL Input VIHL tPHL Device Volts Volts # RL = 3902 Number Range Range ns Max. MC1489 1.01015 0.75 to 1.25 50 MC1489A 1.76 to 2.25 0.75 to 1.25 50 MC55107 MC75107 2s [ }- ons 55 to 125C 0 to 70C ay L Suffix Case 632 L Suffix Case 632 P Suffix Case 646 Dual Differential Input Receivers with Active Pull- up TTL Outputs MC55108 MC75108 55 to 125C 0 to 70C L Suffix Case 632 1 Suffix Case 632 P Suffix Case 646 Dual Differential Input Receivers with Open- Collector Outputs Input VTH WH Ne tPLH mV VIp=05V Vip =-2.0 Vv ns Max. uA Max. uA Max. Max. +25 75 10 25 Janibit Outputs meet outputs Vee 2 12 Vee 22 2 MC75109 MC75110 0 to 70C 0 to 70C L Suffix Case 632 L Suffix Case 632 P Suffix Case 646 P Suffix Case 646 Dual Current-Mode Drivers with Inhibit Inputs Sink Current Sink Current = 6.0 mA = 12mA vA 18 1G 26 FAB Gna inputs Impure Inputs lon (ON} IQ (OFF! tPHL Device mA uA ns Number Max. Max. Max. MC75109 3.5 100 15 MG75110 6.5 100 15 v a MC3450 MC3452 inputs A] OS pe Yee 0 to 70C 0 to 70C hl L Suffix Case 620 _L Sutfix Case 620 output A - | asl fa P Suffix Case 648 P Suffix Case 648 re Ie Quad Differential-Input Receivers Common Three- Open Collector : Oe ooeoure State Enable Outputs won: (LO L <E o inputs Gea [a 35 1 Input VTH NH Ne tPLH mV VIp=O05V eVIiL=-2.0V ns Max. BA Max. uA Max. Max. 25 75 10 25