MIAA10WD600TMH Advanced Technical Information Converter - Brake - Inverter Module NPT IGBT Single Phase Rectifier Three Phase Inverter VRRM = 1600 V VCES = 600 V IDAVM25 = IC25 IFSM 35 A = 270 A = 18 A VCE(sat) = 2.1 V Part name (Marking on product) MIAA10WD600TMH P D8 P1 T1 D10 T3 T5 D1 G1 G3 NTC1 L1 G5 U L2 D11 W V T2 D9 D5 D3 T6 T4 D2 NTC2 G4 G2 D6 D4 E 72873 G6 Pin configuration see outlines. N EU EV EW Features: Application: Package: * High level of integration - only one power semiconductor module required for the whole drive * Inverter with NPT IGBTs - low saturation voltage - positive temperature coefficient - fast switching - short tail current * Epitaxial free wheeling diodes with hiperfast soft reverse recovery * Temperature sense included * AC motor drives * Pumps, Fans * Washing machines * Air-conditioning system * Inverter and power supplies * "Mini" package * Assembly height is 17 mm * Insulated base plate * Pins suitable for wave soldering and PCB mounting * Assembly clips available - IXKU 5-505 screw clamp - IXRB 5-506 click clamp * UL registered E72873 IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2007 IXYS All rights reserved 20070404a -7 Advanced Technical Information MIAA10WD600TMH Ouput Inverter T1 - T6 Ratings Symbol Definitions Conditions min. typ. max. Unit VCES collector emitter voltage VGES VGEM max. DC gate voltage max. transient collector gate voltage 600 V 20 30 V V IC25 IC80 collector current TC = 25C TC = 80C 18 13 A A Ptot total power dissipation TC = 25C 70 W VCE(sat) collector emitter saturation voltage IC = 10 A; VGE = 15 V 2.1 2.3 2.6 V V VGE(th) gate emitter threshold voltage IC = 0.35 A; VGE = VCE TVJ = 25C ICES collector emitter leakage current VCE = VCES; VGE = 0 V TVJ = 25C TVJ =125C 5.5 6.5 V 0.6 mA mA IGES gate emitter leakage current VGE = 20 V Cies input capacitance 150 nA VCE = 25 V; VGE = 0 V; f = 1 MHz QG(on) total gate charge VCE = 300 V; VGE = 15 V; IC = 10 A td(on) tr td(off) tf Eon Eoff turn-on delay time current rise time turn-off delay time current fall time turn-on energy per pulse turn-off energy per pulse td(on) tr td(off) tf Eon Eoff turn-on delay time current rise time turn-off delay time current fall time turn-on energy per pulse turn-off energy per pulse inductive load VCE = 300 V; IC = 10 A VGE = 15 V; RG = 82 W RBSOA reverse bias safe operating area VGE = 15 V; RG = 82 W; IC = 20 A TVJ =125C VCEK < VCES-LS*dI /dt V ISC (SCSOA) short circuit safe operating area VCE = 360 V; VGE = 15 V; TVJ = 125C RG = 82 W; tp = 10 s; non-repetitive 40 A RthJC RthCH thermal resistance junction to case thermal resistance case to heatsink (per IGBT) TVJ =150C continuous transient inductive load VCE = 300 V; IC = 10 A VGE = 15 V; RG = 82 W TVJ = 25C TVJ =125C 4.5 0.8 TVJ = 25C TVJ =125C 450 pF 50 nC 32 35 180 110 0.17 0.2 ns ns ns ns mJ mJ 32 35 190 170 0.27 0.42 ns ns ns ns mJ mJ 1.8 K/W K/W max. Unit 0.6 Output Inverter D1 - D6 Ratings Symbol Definitions Conditions min. typ. VRRM max. repetitve reverse voltage TVJ =150C 600 V IF25 IF80 forward current TC = 25C TC = 80C 22 14 A A VF forward voltage IF = 10 A; VGE = 0 V 2.2 V V Qrr IRM trr Erec reverse recovery charge max. reverse recovery current reverse recovery time reverse recovery energy VR = 300 V diF /dt = -300 A/s IF = 10 A; VGE = 0 V RthJC RthCH thermal resistance junction to case thermal resistance case to heatsink TVJ = 25C TVJ =125C 1.7 1.4 TVJ =125C 0.3 8.8 95 22 (per diode) C A ns J 2.5 0.85 K/W K/W TC = 25C unless otherwise stated IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2007 IXYS All rights reserved 20070404a -7 Advanced Technical Information MIAA10WD600TMH Input Rectifier Bridge D8 - D11 Ratings typ. max. Unit TVJ = 25C 1600 V TC = 80C TC = 80C 22 23 A A t = 10 ms; sine 50 Hz TVJ = 25C TVJ =125C 270 tbd A A t = 10 ms; sine 50 Hz TVJ = 25C TVJ =125C 365 tbd A2s A2s Symbol Definitions Conditions min. VRRM max. repetitive reverse voltage IFAV IDAVM average forward current max. average DC output current sine 180 rect.; d = 1/2 IFSM max. forward surge current I2t I2t value for fusing Ptot total power dissipation VF forward voltage IF = 30 A TVJ = 25C TVJ =125C 1.35 1.35 IR reverse current VR = VRRM TVJ = 25C TVJ =125C 0.3 RthJC RthCH thermal resistance junction to case thermal resistance case to heatsink TC = 25C (per diode) (per diode) 50 W 1.6 V V 0.01 mA mA 2.1 K/W K/W 0.7 Temperature Sensor NTC Symbol Definitions R25 B25/50 resistance Conditions min. TC = 25C 4.75 Ratings typ. max. 5.0 3375 5.25 Unit kW K Module Symbol Definitions TVJ TVJM Tstg operating temperature max. virtual junction temperature storage temperature VISOL isolation voltage CTI comparative tracking index FC mounting force dS dA creep distance on surface strike distance through air Conditions min. Ratings typ. max. Unit 125 150 125 C C C 2500 V~ -40 -40 IISOL < 1 mA; 50/60 Hz 40 80 12.7 12 Weight N mm mm 35 g Equivalent Circuits for Simulation I V0 R0 Definitions Conditions V0 R0 rectifier diode D8 - D11 TVJ =125C 0.9 16 V mW V0 R0 IGBT T1 - T6 TVJ =125C 1.0 125 V mW V0 R0 free wheeling diode D1 - D6 TVJ =125C 1.05 35 V mW IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2007 IXYS All rights reserved min. Ratings typ. max. Symbol TC = 25C unless otherwise stated Unit 20070404a -7 MIAA10WD600TMH Advanced Technical Information Circuit Diagram P P1 T1 D10 D8 T3 T5 D1 G1 G3 NTC1 L1 G5 U L2 T6 T4 D2 NTC2 EU G6 EV EW Outline Drawing Dimensions in mm (1 mm = 0.0394") 0,5 48,26 44,45 35,56 31,75 27,94 26,37 2 20,5 0,50 A 8,5 0,35 4 O4 7 0,35 D6 D4 G4 G2 N W V T2 D11 D9 D5 D3 55,9 40,6 45,6 39,6 23 26,6 24,13 20,32 16,51 2,4 25,6 2 G1 U 2,2 ,2 A (2:) 0,635 G6 EV G4 EU G2 NTC1 L2 L1 O 0.4 NTC2 N ,4 ,8 EW P G3 V Pin positions with tolerance 3,6 17,78 10,16 31,75 22,86 19,05 P1 G5 W Product Marking Part number M = Module I = IGBT A = IGBT (NPT) A = Gen 1 / std 10 = Current Rating [A] WD = 6-Pack + 1~ Rectifier Bridge 600 = Reverse Voltage [V] T = NTC MH = MiniPack2 Ordering Part Name Standard MIAA 10 WD 600 TMH Marking on Product Delivering Mode Base Qty Ordering Code MIAA10WD600TMH IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2007 IXYS All rights reserved Box 20 502221 20070404a -7 MIAA10WD600TMH Advanced Technical Information 20 20 18 125 C Vge= 17V Vge= 15V 16 16 14 14 12 12 Ic [A] Ic [A] Vge= 19V 25 C 18 10 Vge= 13V Vge= 11V Vge= 9V 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 0.0 3.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 Typical output characteristics, VGE = 15 V 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Typical output characteristics (125C) 20 20 25 C 25 C 18 18 125 C 16 16 14 14 12 12 If [A] Ic [A] 2.0 Vce [V] Vce [V] 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 125 C 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vge [V] Typical transfer characteristics IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2007 IXYS All rights reserved 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 Vf [V] Typical forward characteristics of freewheeling diode 20070404a -7 MIAA10WD600TMH Advanced Technical Information 1.2 18 Ic = 10A Vce = 300V 17 16 Eoff Erec 1 15 14 Vce = 300V Vge = +/-15V Rg = 82W Tvj = 125C 0.9 13 0.8 12 11 0.7 10 E [mJ] 9 8 0.6 0.5 7 6 0.4 5 0.3 4 0.2 3 2 0.1 1 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 2 4 6 8 Typical turn on gate charge 14 16 10 Erec Ic, If = 10A Vce = 300V Vge = +/-15V Tvj = 125C trr 330W If = 10A Vce = 300V Vge = +/-15V Tvj = 125C 140 82W Irr [A] 7.5 115 150W 6 110 105 330W 5 82W 4.5 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 Rg [W ] Typical switching energy versus gate resistance IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2007 IXYS All rights reserved 130 120 5.5 0 135 125 150W 6.5 0.1 150 9 7 0.2 155 145 8 0.3 22 9.5 8.5 0.4 20 160 Irr 10.5 Eoff 0.7 E [mJ] 18 11 Eon 0.5 12 Typical switching energy versus collector current 0.8 0.6 10 Ic, If [A] Qg [nC] trr [ns] Vge [[V] Eon 1.1 100 95 4 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 90 325 dif/dt [A/s] Typical turn-off characteristics of free wheeling diode 20070404a -7 MIAA10WD600TMH Advanced Technical Information 0.4 60 Vce = 300V Vge = +/-15V Rg = 82W Tvj = 125C 0.35 25 C 55 125 C 50 45 0.3 40 0.25 If [A] Qrr [C] 35 0.2 30 25 0.15 20 0.1 15 10 0.05 5 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Vf [V] If [A] Typical turn-off characteristics of free wheeling diode Typical foward characteristics per rectifier 100000 Rnom [ W ] 10000 1000 100 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 T [C] Typical thermistor resistance versus temperature IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2007 IXYS All rights reserved 20070404a -7