July 2005 3 MIC8114
MIC8114 Micrel
Electrical Characteristics
For typical values, VCC = 3.3V; TA = 25°C, bold values indicate –40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C; unless noted
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
VCC Operating Voltage Range TA = –40°C to 85°C 1 5.5 V
ICC Supply Current 5 15 µA
VTH Reset Voltage Threshold 3.00 3.08 3.15 V
tRST Reset Timeout Period 790 1200 1800 ms
VOH /RESET Output Voltage ISOURCE = 500µA 0.8×VCC V
VOL /RESET Output Voltage, VOL VCC = VTH min, ISINK = 1.2mA 0.3 V
VCC = 1V, ISINK = 50µA, TA = –40°C to +85°C 0.3 V
/MR Minimum Pulse Width 10 µs
/MR to Reset Delay 0.5 µs
/MR Input Threshold, VIH 0.7×VCC V
/MR Input Threshold, VIL 0.25×VCC
/MR Pull-Up Resistance 10 20 30 kΩ
/MR Glitch Immunity 100 ns
Note 1. Exceeding the absolute maximum rating may damage the device.
Note 2. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating rating.
Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions recommended. Human body model, 1.5k in series with 100pF.
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)
Terminal Voltage
(VCC) .........................................................–0.3V to +6.0V
(/MR) ..................................................–0.3V (VCC + 0.3V)
Input Current (VCC, /MR) ............................................ 20mA
Output Current (/RESET) ........................................... 20mA
Rate of Rise (VCC) ..................................................100V/µS
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ...................... 300°C
Storage Temperature (TS) ........................ –65°C to +150°C
ESD Rating .................................................................... 3kV
Operating Ratings(Note 2)
Operating Temperature Range
MIC8114TU ............................................ –40°C to +85°C
Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) .............................. 320mW
Timing Diagram
Reset Timing Diagram