Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 n General Description The AME8500 family allows the user to customize the CPU reset function without any external components. The user has a large choice of reset voltage thresholds, reset time intervals, and output driver configurations, all of which are preset at the factory. Each wafer is trimmed to the customer's specifications. These circuits monitor the power supply voltage of P based systems. When the power supply voltage drops below the voltage threshold a reset is asserted immediately (within an interval TD1). The reset remains asserted after the supply voltage rises above the voltage threshold for a time interval, TD2 . The reset output may be either active high (RESET) or active low (RESETB). The reset output may be configured as either push/pull or open drain. The state of the reset output is guaranteed to be correct for supply voltages greater than 1V. The AME8501 includes all the above functionality plus an overtemperature shutdown function. When the ambient temperature exceeds 800C a reset is asserted and remains asserted until the temperature falls below 600C. n Features l Small packages: SOT-23, SOT-89 l 11 voltage threshold options l Tight voltage threshold tolerance ---1.50% l 4 reset interval options l 4 output configuration options l Wide temperature range -------- -40oC to 85oC l Low temperature coefficient --- 100ppm/oC (max) l Low quiescent current < 3.0A l Thermal shutdown option (AME8501) n Applications l l l l Space saving SOT23 packages and micropower quiescent current (<3.0A) make this family a natural for portable battery powered equipment. l l Portable electronics Power supplies Computer peripherals Data acquisition systems Applications using CPUs Consumer electronics 1 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 n Pin Configuration AME8500AEET AME8501AEET AME8500BEET AME8501BEET 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 1: GND 2: Reset/ResetB 3: VDD 1: Reset/ResetB 2: GND 3: VDD 1: Reset/ResetB 2: VDD 3: GND AME8500AEFT AME8501AEFT AME8500BEFT AME8501BEFT AME8500CEFT AME8501CEFT 1 2 3 1: GND 2: VDD 3: Reset/ResetB 2 AME8500CEET AME8501CEET 1 2 3 1: Reset/ResetB 2: VDD 3: GND 1 2 3 1: VDD 2: GND 3: Reset/ResetB Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 n Ordering Information AME8500xEET AME8501xEET AME8500xEFT AME8501xEFT X X X X X X X X XX XX XX XX ( SOT-23) ( SOT-23) ( SOT-89) ( SOT-89) VDD Threshold Voltage (VTH ) 21: V TH=2.1V 24: V TH=2.4V 26: V TH=2.63V 27: V TH=2.7V 28: V TH=2.8V 29: V TH=2.93V 31: V TH=3.08V 40: V TH=4.0V 42: V TH=4.20V 44: V TH=4.38V 46: V TH=4.63V note: Please contact AME sales dept. for other voltage options. Reset Time (TD2NOM) A: TD=1.5mS D: TD=30mS E: TD=150mS F: TD=210mS Output Driver Option characteristic of RESET or RESETB pin Polarity * A: RESETB PP Output is RESETB, push pull B: RESETB OD * Output Driver Chart Explanation: Reset time is 210mS C: RESET PP PP = Push pull output V DD threshold voltage is 2.7V D: RESET OD OD = Open drain output --For example-AME8500AEETAF27 means: No temperature shutdow n Polarity RESET = Active high Note: AME8500 without over-temperature thermal shutdown function. AME8501 with over-temperature thermal shutdown function. 3 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 n Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Maximum Unit Supply Voltage 7 V ESD Classification B Input Current, V DD 20 mA Output Current, RESET, ResetB 20 mA 100 V/s Rate of Rise, V DD n Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Supply Voltage Rating 1.6 - 5 V o Ambient Temperature Range -40 to +85 C Junction Temperature -40 to +125 C Storage Temperature -65 to 150 C o O n Thermal Information Parameter Maximum Unit Thermal Resistance (SOT-23) 325 Thermal Resistance (SOT-89) 180 Power Dissipation (SOT-23) 350 Power Dissipation (SOT-89) 650 Maximum Junction Temperature 150 o Maximum Lead Temperature ( 10 Sec) 300 o o C /W mW C C Caution: Stress above the listed absolute rating may cause permanent damage to the device 4 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 n Electrical Specifications T A = 25 o C unless otherwise noted PARAMETER SYMBOL VDD Range* VRANGE TEST CONDITIONS Reset Threshold IDD 1 5.5 1 5.5 3.0 VDD=3.0V, TA=-40~85OC 5.0 VTHNOM-1.5% VTHNOM+1.5% VTHNOM-2.0% VTHNOM+2.0% VTH VHYST VRelease - VTH, note1 VDD<Vth min RESETB Output Voltage Low VOL VDD>Vth max RESET Output Voltage Low VDD>Vth max RESETB Output Voltage High VOH VDD<Vth min RESET Output Voltage High Reset Timeout Period* TD1 TD2 UNITS A mV RESET Threshold Tempco VDD to Reset Delay MAX VDD=3.0V TA=-40~85OC Hysteresis Range TYP V TA=-40~85OC Supply Current MIN 20 mV 30 ppm ISINK=1.2mA, 0.5 TA= -40~85OC ISOURCE=0.5mA, TA= -40~85OC 0.8VDD VDD= VTH - 100mV, TA= -40 ~ 85OC V V 40 200 S Version A 0.5 1.5 5 mS Version D 15 30 50 mS Version E 80 150 230 mS Version F 140 210 500 mS TA= -40 ~ 85OC Temperature Shutdown TOFF AME8501 only 80 o Temperature Shutdown Hysteresis THYS AME8501 only 20 o C C Note1: The data based on VTH=2.7V part type. 5 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 n AME8500/01 pin description Name GND Description Ground This pin can be ordered as RESET or RESETB/ RESETB. RESET is active high. RESETB RESET is active low. It is also available with an open drain or pushpull output. Positive power supply. A reset is asserted after this voltage drops below a predetermined level. After VDD rises above VDD that level the reset output remains asserted until the end of the reset timeout period. 6 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 n Timing Diagram VTH VTH V DD T D2 50% T D1 50% RESET T D2 50% T D1 50% RESETB n Applications information Supply Transients These devices have a certain immunity to fast negative going transients. In the following pages the graph titled "Glitch Rejection" indicates the maximum allowable glitch amplitude and duration to avoid triggering an unintended reset. As shown in the graph shorter transients can have larger amplitudes without triggering resets. Glitch Rejection 140 S) Glitch Duration ( 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.01 0.1 1 Glitch Amplitude (V) 7 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 Reset Time vs. Temperature I D D vs. Temperatrue 220 Supply Current @ 5V (uA) 2.35 Reset Time (mS) 215 AME8500AEETAF26 210 205 200 195 2.30 2.25 2.20 AME8500AEETAF26 2.15 2.10 190 -45 -5 25 55 85 115 -45 Te m pe ra ture (0C) -5 25 55 85 115 Temperature (0C) I D D vs. V D D Reset Vth vs. Temperature 2 2.650 2.648 1.6 85 O C AME8500AEETAF26 2.644 2.642 IDD ( A) Reset Vth (V) 2.646 2.640 2.638 -40 O C 1.2 0OC 0.8 2.636 0.4 2.634 2.632 2.630 -45 0 -5 25 55 85 0 115 1 2 Temperature (0C) 43 5 0.5 Hysteresis (% of VTH) 42 S) TD2 Delay ( 4 Threshold Hysteresis vs. Temperature TD1 Delay vs. Temperature 41 40 39 0.4 0.3 0.2 38 0.1 37 0 -40 8 3 V D D (V) -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature ( O C) 80 100 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (O C) 80 100 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 Reset VOL vs. Temperature Reset VOL @ 0.8mA (V) 0.265 0.260 0.255 0.250 0.245 0.240 0.235 AME8500AEETAF26 0.230 0.225 0.220 -45 -5 25 55 85 115 0 Temperature ( C) 9 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower P Reset Family AME8500 / 8501 n Package Dimension SOT-23 SYMBOLS MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN MAX MIN MAX A 1.00 1.40 0.0394 0.0551 A1 0.00 0.15 0.0000 0.0059 A2 0.70 1.25 0.0276 0.0492 b 0.35 0.50 0.0138 0.0197 C 0.09 0.25 0.0035 0.0098 D 2.70 3.10 0.1063 0.1220 E 1.40 1.80 0.0551 0.0709 1.90 BSC e 0.0748 BSC H 2.60 3.00 0.1024 0.1181 L 0.35 0.55 0.0138 0.0197 1 o o o 9o 0 9 0 SOT-89 SYMBOLS A 10 MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN MAX MIN MAX 1.40 1.60 0.0551 0.0630 A1 0.89 - 0.0350 - b 0.36 0.52 0.0142 0.0205 b1 0.41 0.56 0.0161 0.0220 C 0.35 0.44 0.0138 0.0173 D 4.40 4.60 0.1732 0.1811 D1 1.35 1.83 0.0531 0.0720 HE - 4.25 - 0.1673 E 2.29 2.60 0.0902 0.1024 e 2.90 3.10 0.1142 0.1220 H 0.35 0.70 0.0138 0.0276 S1 1.40 1.60 0.0551 0.0630 E-Mail: Life Support Policy: These products of Analog Microelectronics, Inc. are not authorized for use as critical components in lifesupport devices or systems, without the express written approval of the president of Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Analog Microelectronics, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in the circuitry and specifications of its devices and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information. Analog Microelectronics, Inc. , December 2001 Document: 2007-DS8500/8501-F Corporate Headquarters Asia Pacific Headquarters Analog Microelectronics, Inc. AME, Inc. 3100 De La Cruz Blvd. Suite 201 Santa Clara, CA. 95054-2046 2F, No. 187 Kang-Chien Road, Nei-Hu District Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel : (408) 988-2388 Fax: (408) 988-2489 Tel : 886 2 2627-8687 Fax : 886 2 2659-2989