4 _j : ** ' I ", "1 .,& i" , :.,i %,~,,>V<,,L `! r I ,1 . . \ 1 i :: > a>"_ `-\ Xl I *k .. ,.,*t *.; :, ;: a; y <.~E ~,*`:, T <' `;i`<":$ a* I Ri<; `,,' ._"_ I' Characteristic-All Reverse Bre*down Reverse Voltage Voltage Le~age IR = 10 pAdc Current Bn VR = 55 Vdc, TA VR = 55 Vdc, TA Series Symbol Test Conditions Types hductmce = 25C IR = 150C f = 250 MHz, L x 1/16~) Case Capacitance LS f = 1 MHz, L % 1/16') Diode Capacitance Coefficient Min Typ Max Unit 60 70 -- Vdc pAdc -- -- 0.02 -- -- 20 -- 5 -- -- cc ~*2;.+ -- 0.25 w' f:,&: ,:i> ,,*,. `$.,~.. `),;,l+..!, s. ~!:~J\~ .?:,{ Temperature VR=4VdC, f=l MHz -- TCC ~w$:b,p": ~ 200 ,:~::~,,:4. .+y,<;' v,... <, ..(, PP4c .: II Cr, Diode Capacitance VR=4Vdc, f=l MHz Q, Figure of Merit VR = 4 Vdc, pF f = 50 MHz VR = 4 Vd; f = 1 w~e.. .\, .yJ/>,&, :,.`"~-~.>... `.!.Ji>, :.,,, ~. Device Min 1N5139 1N5139A 1N5140 1N5140A Typ 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 1N5141 1N5141A 1N5142 1N5142A 10.8 11.4 13.5 14.3 12.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 13.2 12.6 16.5 15.7 1N5143 1N5143A 1N5144 1N5144A 16.2 17.1 19.8 20.9 18.0 18.0 22.0 22.0 19.8 18.9 24.2 23.1 2.8 2.8 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 300 .. `~;~$ 0.38 0.38 300 .&$;,, 25Q:,.,,,. `h<.: 0.38 .zf~ `$ 0.38 .'<1.,, :.*,,\N~ ..,,,.:,,:, \~ 0.38 $~+\..,>.. ,$ 0.38 ,,)$ 200 0.43 .~~. . 200 0.43 .,,,:>l.,;$, 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.8 0.41 0.41 0.45 0.45 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.2 3.0 3.0 3.4 3.4 1N5145 1N5145A 1N5146 1N5146A 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 1N5147 1N5147A 1N5148 1N5148A 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 * - 1. 1s,SERIES lNDUCTA~'~ package at 250 MHz using an Radio Model 250A RX Meter). ~:.. .1+ . ~,,:''~;:;,,} (Boonton 2. Cc, CA$Fi\~&fTANCE on an open package at 1 MHz using a cacc i~,~~s$ted pa@#t'~~~&''bridge (Boonton Electronics Model 75A or .RqtiJ$5Y&nt). :;~?~.....:*J ...,\,i>,,..,, 3. &;tiODE CAPACITANCE (C, = CC + CJ). C, is measured at 1 MHz using a capacitance bridge (Boon ton Electronics Model 75A or equivalent). 4. TR, TUNING RATIO TR is the ratio of C, measured ured at 60 Vdc. at 4 Vdc divided by CT meas- 5. Q, FIGURE OF MERIT Q is calculated MOTOROLA bridge at the specified frequency the following equations: 2rfc Q=T tance `" LS is measured on'k,"~tied impedance bri ~.$~,oonton L = lead Ienst $ i;. "'$ by taking the G and C readings of an admit- Semiconductor Products Electronics and substituting in Model 33AS8). 6. a, DIODE CAPACITANCE REVERSE VOLTAGE SLOPE The diode capacitance, CT (as measured at VR = 4 Vdc, f = 1 MHz) is compared to CT (as measured at V, = 60 Vdc, f = 1 MHz) by the following equation which defines a. log C,(4) - log CT(60) a= 10~ 60 - 10~ 4 Note that a C, versus vR-law is a;sumed as shown in the following equation where CC is included. 7. TCC, DIODE CAPACITANCE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT TCC is guaranteed by comparing CT at V, = 4 Vdc, f = 1 MHz, T. = -65 C with CT at VR = 4 Vdc, f = 1 MHz, T. = +85C in the following equation which defines TCC: 106 C,(+85C) - C,(-65" C) 1. TCC = C,(25 C) 85 + 65 Inc. @ 00000000 00000000 )00000000 FIGURE 1 - DIODE CAPACITANCE versus REVERSE VOLTAGE FIGURE 2 - FIGURE OF MERITversus REVERSE VOLTAGE 100 70 10000 50 5000 1 1 7000 3000 I 1 1 I [ I 1 I [1 I TA = 25C f =50 MHz I ~ 2 k ~ 1000 ~ 700 m u- 500 I , 1 1 1 [ 300 1 100 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 30 5060 VR,REVERSEVOLTAGE(VOLTS) FIGURE 3- NORMALIZED DIODE CAPACITANCE versus JUNCTION TEMPERATURE *WE 4- NORMALIZED FIGURE OF MERIT ,,.:,y:w':~isus JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 1,020 140 1.010 ?= 50 MHz 70 -65 -50 0.960 -- I -25 I o +25 1 +75 +85 +50 T,,JUNCTIONTEMPERATURE(C) FIGURE 6 - FIGURE OF MERITversus FREQUENCY 40 2000 32 1000 700 500 300 a - 10 o 100 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 10 VR,REVERSEVOLTAGE(VOLTS) 00000000 @ 50 70 f,FREQUENCY(MHz) M070ROLA 30 Semiconductor Products Inc. 100 EPICAP VOLTAGE VARIABLE CAPACITANCE DIODE DEVICE CONSIDERATIONS A. EPICAP NETWORK PRESENTATION FIGURE 7 The equivalent circuit in Figure 7 shows the voltage capacitance and parasitic elements of an EPICAP diode. For design purposes at all but very high and very low frequencies, Ls, RJ, and CC can be neglected. The simplified equivalent circuit of Figure 8 represents the diode under these conditions. Cc)l d )1 CJ {:.? 71 R, Definitions: CJ -- Voltage Variable Junction Capacitance RS -- Series Resistance (semiconductor bulk, contact, and lead resistance) Cc -- Case Capacitance LS -- Series Inductance RJ -- Voltage Variable Junction Resistance (negligible above 100 kHz) ~,1~ ,,$, FIGURE 8 c, o VI ~,:.\ ..?,.:.K:. CT= CC+CJ B. EPICAP CAPACITANCE VS REVERSE BIAS VOLTAGE J* The most important design characteristic of an EPICAP diode is the C, versus VR variation as shown in equations 1 and 2. Since the designer is primarily interested in the slope of CT versus VR, the CC, CO, o, and Y characteristics have been encompassed by the simplified equation 3. Min/max limits on a (as defined in Note 6) can be guaranteed over a specified V~ range. C. EPICAP CAPACITANCE VS FREQUENCY Variations in EPICAP effective capacitance, as a function of operating frequency, can be derived from a simplified equivalent circuit similar to that of Figure 7, but neglecting RS and R,. The admittance expression for such a circuit is given in equation 4. Examination of equation 4 yields the following information: C,= C, at VR = O @= Contact c,= (1) "'* .. :.,:\:. ~ `{[,~",{ ` (2) $$$:$'" `*,`:,.. . ,."$?. Potent~*~W*.y o'~6 vOlt ~>$,; ''"" C.= V, = ~= Reverse CJ Bias slope, ~ z (3) sv&$4, .,? " \~,\.t ,i,;:\;2: 1.Jt'.,. ,,* *J;:.. .$/:, ,?i~~ e.),,, ,~\*\. .%*,,.,!),l., \. JJ: -1>, \ ,.~, ..,, `$\: \\$:\,i.;:.:.l, ,!:> J,.r,, ,$\i,y,*?$,\,t,* ;,. `,:$., ~1.?, ,,+$ At low frequencies, C,. = CJ; at very high freque~~~es . . .,i, m) C.q - cc. As frequency is increased from 1 MHz, C., incre~&2$@n%~ it is maximum at W2 = 1 / LsCJ: and as WZ is incraa&~%6m 1 / LsC, toward infinity, C.; increases from a ve~:~~~~e capacitance (inductance) toward C., = Cc, a positi%.c~,@~tan ce. Very simple calculations for C., at highe~$~.$~~%mcles indicate the problems encountered when cap%~~-surements are made above 1 MHz. As u approach esi.w. %.{~~~ <LsC,, small variations in Ls cause extreme variat~~%~~:,~easured diode ,.. ~~\ capacitance. %< .,~t., ~,.iy ,+:~,+:,:,, ..;:.... y = j.C.q = Jwc. +1 T~LsCJ (4) Q=% FREQUENCY (f..) (5) Rsa~ The efficiency of EPIC& re%se to an input frequency is related to the Figure of ,~~@t of the device as defined in equation 5. For very low f&@~FR@ies, equation 6 applies whereas at high frequencie~~~fi,e~d" Rj can be neglected, equation 5 may be rewritten i~$dw familiar form of equation 7. Another usefd~<~&&meter for EPICAP devices is the cutoff frequency (f.:~:~lk is merely that frequency at which Q is equal to l..~~u~~on 8 gives this relationship. ,:,$> *J ..... ,,..,,..., :\., ~?,.>,:.t ! :, E. H~~%$lW ,<:\*s\ ,+l.,,,,.: -::, gf@9~flt c" (1 + (f= 0. EPICAP FIGURE OF MERIT (~h@WtiTOFF CC+ :xd>y,b Q,, = UCJRJ2 (6) RJ + Rs(l + W2CJ2RJ2) Q,, = ~ (7) wRs C.* f.. = GENERATION USING EPICAPS p ,~,,) ~ Qf.., M(BV, I" harmonic generation is possible with Motorola EPl@PS because of their high cutoff frequency and breakdown voltage. Since EPICAP junction capacitance varies inversely with the square root of the breakdown voltage, harmonic generator performance can be accurately predicted from various idealized models. Equation 9 gives the level of maximum input power for the EPICAP and equation 10 gives the relationshi~s governing EPICAP circuit efficiency. In these equations, adequate heat =inking has been assumed. = + o)z Rs M(x2) = 0.0285 Eff=l- N(x2) (9) = 0.0241; M(x4) = 0.196 (lo) co N(x3) M and f,. E ;M(x3) N~ = 20.8; (8) ~ 2RRSCBYR = 34.8; N(x4) = 62.5 N are Constants @ WOTOROLAINC.,1972 MOTOROLA Semiconductor OOX 20S12 @ ,,0"-1,,1,,,. ,, ,,, 7-s5 Im,k,A, ,,,,,0 c,,,,, PHOENIX, 1,000 ARIZONA 85036 Products A SUBSIDIARY OF MOTOROLA Inc. INC. 0s,5,, 0.5