7-AirBorn THE CONNECTOR COMPANY | - ROW Strip Connectors Board to Cable .050" MA-1 1 thru 60 Contacts MA-1D1-004-325-A0300 MA-141-004-261-A03WS .080 TYP l. 295 EPOXY FILLED EPOXY FILLED CAVITY (2 PLCS) 040 MAX EPOXY So 125 MAX EPOXY CAVITY (2 PLCS) _ WICKING WICKING q A* TYP 4S C4 qe L cS 4 =!) q _t .035 TYP 4 POSITION #1 \ TYP POSITION #1 .0504.001 TYP | 400 MAX > .085 MAX TYP "TYP .250 MAX .075 MAX TYP _| L TYP TERMINATION TERMINATION view Bs view PLUG RECEPTACLE | 125 bE 045 7 _ | _ |_| |__| __.o75 Tye | = a = SP CAVITY NN 044 DIA Q / EPOXY FIED i) Cc _H Cay a @ PN POSITION #1 positions -/ [7 TERMINATION TERMINATION VIEW VIEW PLUG RECEPTACLE OPTIONAL MOUNTING HOLES DIMENSIONS To determine connector length (Dim "A"): Multiply the number of cavities in one row by .050" _ Add fixed end lengths (constant, .010" x 2) _.......000000....- __0.02" Add .150" for each mounting hole _..........0.......... eee a Total Length: 20.0.2... ccc cececceecceeeceetecteceenseeneteesee . * Notes: Length over 2" may require support to insure alignment. When using one lockscrew, use centermost available hole. * = Maximum length is 3.020". Maximum number of contacts must be reduced to accommodate hardware and mounting holes. M" Seri AirBorn 4321 AirBorn Drive Addison, TX 75001-0519 eries Connectors REVB M-13 Ph: (972)931-3200 Fax: (972)931-9305 E-mail: info@airborn.com CTM013(-AirBorn THE CONNECTOR COMPANY | - ROW Strip Connectors with Latches .050" MA-1 3 thru 60 Contacts PLUG RECEPTACLE LATCH BOX LATCH SPRING (MATING FACE VIEW) (MATING FACE VIEW) FILLED CAVITIES (2 PLCS) FILLED CAVITI (2 PLCS) @00000Q6|_| POSITION #1 {_ |]e0000008e POSITION #1 = -A50XX -AB1XX EXAMPLE: MA-131-006-161-ASOWN EXAMPLE: MA-141-006-261-AS1WN FILLED CAVITY FILLED CAVITY 08000000 POSITION #1 POSITION #1 POSITION 01-60 POSITION 01-60 EXAMPLE: MA-131-006-161-A02WN EXAMPLE: MA-141-006-261-AQ2WN IES MA Strip Guidelines For "A" designator in hardware portion of part number ON> Any cavity that has a contact is considered an electrical position (including dummy contact). All hardware locations, holes and/or epoxy filled cavities are considered mechanical positions. Omit holes on board layout for mechanical positions and renumber board layout accordingly, except connectors with mechanical positon(s) in end cavity(ies). See board layout examples, pages M-16 thru M-22. 4. These guidelines apply for all hardware options, including guide holes (mechanical locations). 5. Do not skip wire colors on stranded wire assemblies. To determine hardware location number: 1. Divide the total number of cavities by two (including hardware cavity). 2. Round to the next whole number if result is a fraction. "M" Series Connectors M-15 Ph 123456 FILLED CAVITY HARDWARE LOCATION NUMBERS PLUG 5 POSITION, 1 ROW (MATING FACE VIEW) The connector above has 6 cavities with 5 live contacts. (5 electrical positions & 1 mechanical positions) To determine the hardware location number: 6 cavities+2 = 3 Hardware would be placed in location #3. AirBorn 4321 AirBorn Drive Addison, TX 75001-0519 : (972)931-3200 Fax: (972)931-9305 E-mail: info@airborn.com REVA CTMO0S6LEAD CONFIGURATION OPTIONS _t j\-AirBorn [| 0.00 THE CONNECTOR COMPANY of 109 0R -020+.001 DIA - a 3 5 0n8 108 OR .020+.001 DIA : : 100 -140 100 * TYP STRAIGHT RIGHT ANGLE 020.001 DIA 020.001 DIA -100" OFFSET IN LINE 050+.001 -100+.001 VERTICAL MOUNT 400 . . -100 tf RIGHT ANGLE RIGHT ANGLE TT .050" OFFSET -100" OFFSET _ 0202p PLUG: MA1D1004325A0300 aor RECEPTACLE: MA141004261AO3WS PLUG STRAIGHT RECEPTACLE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | SERIES | MA_ .050" Microminiature Strip Connector | MA_ .050" Microminiature Strip Connector | BODY | 1 1-Row | 4 1-Row BODY STYLE: (Material: Polyphenylene sulfide) 11 Plug, straight, with mounting holes 31 Plug, straight, without mounting holes 51 Plug, right angle, .050 offset, with mounting holes 71 Plug, right angle, .100 offset, with mounting holes 91 Plug, right angle, .050" offset, without mounting holes Bi Plug, right angle, .100 offset, without mounting holes C1 Receptacle, right angle, .100" offset, without mounting holes D1 Plug, right angle, in line, with mounting holes E1 Receptacle, right angle, in line, with mounting holes F1 Plug, right angle, in line, without mounting holes G1 Receptacle, right angle, in line, without mounting holes H1 Plug, straight, .100 offset, without mounting holes J1 Receptacle, straight, .100" offset, without mounting holes BODY STYLE: (Material: Polyphenylene sulfide) 21 Receptacle, straight, with mounting holes 41 Receptacle, straight, without mounting holes 61 Receptacle, right angle, .050" offset, with mounting holes 81 Receptacle, right angle, .100" offset, with mounting holes Receptacle, right angle, .050" offset, without mounting holes | SIZE | XXX Number of contacts (003 - 060) | XXX Number of contacts (003 - 060) Note: Maximum number of contacts is reduced when using hardware or mounting holes. See dimension chart on M-13. | CONTACTS TYPE CONTACTS/TERMINATIONS: 11 Pin, straight, solder cup 12 Pin, straight, dip solder, .109" 13 Pin, straight, dip solder, .140" 14 Pin, straight, .500" pigtails (.018 dia) Pin, straight, 1.000" pigtails (.018 dia) 16 Pin, straight, crimped wire Pin, right angle, dip solder, .109" Pin, right angle, dip solder, .140" TYPE CONTACTS/TERMINATIONS: 21 Socket, straight, solder cup Socket, straight, dip solder, .109" Socket, straight, dip solder, .140" Socket, straight, .500" pigtails (.018 dia) Socket, straight, 1.000" pigtails (.018 dia) Socket, straight, crimped wire Socket, right angle, dip solder, .109" Socket, right angle, dip solder, .140" PLATING OPTIONS: 1 0u" Au contacts (crimp wire) 3 50" Au contacts: 10 u" Au terminations (solder cup, pigtail) 5 50" Au contacts; 100 u" Sn alloy terminations (dip solder, pigtail) PLATING OPTIONS: 50 u" Au contacts (crimp wire) 50 yu" Au contacts: 10 u" Au terminations (solder cup, pigtail) 5 50" Au contacts; 100 u" Sn alloy terminations (dip solder, pigtail) on | HARDWARE STYLE OF HARDWARE: STYLE OF HARDWARE: A0O None A00 None A01-A49 Latch box, side mounted (cavity number location) | AO1-A49 Latch spring, side mounted (cavity number location) A50 Latch boxes (two end cavities).** A51 Latch springs (two end cavities).** A64 One guide hole (centered)* A61 One guide pin (centered)* A65 One guide hole (first cavity) A62 One guide pin (first cavity) AG6 One guide hole (last cavity) A63 One guide pin (last cavity) A68 Two guide holes (two end cavities) A67 Two guide pins (two end cavities) A69 One threaded hole (centered)* A72 One lockscrew (centered)* AHX One guide hole (cavity #2 - #9) APX One guide pin (cavity #2 - #9) ATX One threaded hole (cavity #2 - #9) ALX One lockscrew (cavity #2 - #9) POLARIZATION / WIRING: POLARIZATION / WIRING 00 None 00 None WX_ For wiring codes, see pages MA-3 & MA-4 WX_ For wiring codes, see pages MA-3 & MA-4 * = To determine location, divide the total number of cavities by two and round to the next whole number, if result is a fraction. See page M-15. ** = Not available with mounting holes. See MA strip guidelines, page M-15, for location examples & visual clarification. REV C CTM014 AirBorn 4321 AirBorn Drive Addison, TX 75001-0519 Ph: (972)931-3200 Fax: (972)931-9305 E-mail: info@airborn.com "M" Series Connectors M-14(\-AirBorn THE CONNECTOR COMPANY MIL-PRF-83513 Wire Codes Wire Code Mil-Spec Description V1 M22759/11-26-( )= 18" long, color per MIL-PRF-83513 V2 M22759/11-26-( )= 36" long, color per MIL-PRF-83513 Ww1 M22759/11-26-9 = 18" long W2 M22759/11-26-9 = 36" long W3 M22759/11-26-(_ ) = 18" long W4 M22759/11-26-( ) = 36" long Y1 M22759/33-26-9 = 18" long Y2 M22759/33-26-9 = 36" long Y3 M22759/33-26-( ) = 18" long, color per MIL-PRF-83513 Y4 M22759/33-26-( ) = 36" long, color per MIL-PRF-83513 Y5 M22759/11-26-9 = 72" long Y6 M22759/11-26-( )= 72" long, color per MIL-PRF-83513 Y7 M22759/33-26-9 = 72" long Y8 M22759/33-26-( ) = 72" long, color per MIL-PRF-83513 X1 M22759/11-26-9 = 6" long X2 M22759/11-26-9 =12" long X3 M22759/11-26-( ) = 6" long x4 M22759/11-26-( ) =12" long "M Series Connectors MA-3 AirBorn 4321 AirBorn Drive Addison, TX 75001-0519 Ph: (972)931-3200 Fax: (972)931-9305 E-mail: info@airborn.com REV A CTMAOOS(\-AirBorn THE CONNECTOR COMPANY AirBorn Standard Wire Codes (in accordance with MIL-W-16878) Wire Code Wire Size Wire Type Wire Color Wire Length (+1.0"/-0.0") WA 24 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 6" WB 24 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 12" WC 24 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 18" WD 24 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 36" WE 24 awg TFE 7-strand E White 6" WEF 24 awg TFE 7-strand E White 12" WG 24 awg TFE 7-strand E White 18" WH 24 awg TFE 7-strand E White 36" WJ 24 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 6" WK 24 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 12" WL 24 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 18" WM 24 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 36" WN 26 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 6" WP 26 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 12" WQ 26 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 18" WR 26 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 36" WS 26 awg TFE 7-strand E White 6" WT 26 awg TFE 7-strand E White 12" WU 26 awg TFE 7-strand E White 18 WV 26 awg TFE 7-strand E White 36" Www 26 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 6" WX 26 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 12" WY 26 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 18" WZ 26 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 36" XA 28 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 6" XB 28 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 12" XC 28 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 18" XD 28 awg TFE 7-strand E Per MIL-STD-681 36" XE 28 awg TFE 7-strand E White 6" XF 28 awg TFE 7-strand E White 12" XG 28 awg TFE 7-strand E White 18" XH 28 awg TFE 7-strand E White 36" XJ 28 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 6" XK 28 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 12" XL 28 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 18" XM 28 awg TFE 7-strand E Yellow 36" REV A AirBorn 4321 AirBorn Drive Addison, TX 75001-0519 "Ml" Series Connectors CTMA004 Ph: (972)931-3200 Fax: (972)931-9305 E-mail: info@airborn.com MA-4