6Altera Corporation
Simulating the a6402 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide
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If you are using VHDL, perform the following steps:
1. Set up th e Visual I P C lan guage int erface as d e scribed in Installing the
Vi su a l IP softw a re U s er Gu id e .
2. Make sur e the VIP_MODELS_DIR envir onment variable is set
3. Go to the< instal lation path>/vip_simulation/A6402/vhdl/<simulator>
directory, where <simulator> is the VHDL simulation tool you are
4. Compile A6402.vhd into your work library. This co mponent att ach es
to the appropriate Visual IP model using the C language interface of
your VHDL simulato r.
5. Instantiate work.A6402(behave) in your VHDL design.
Known Issues Visual IP models do not support chec kpoint/restart . Therefore, you must
reload the simulation model to restart the simulation.