Altera Corporation 1
Simula ting the a6402 Mod el
with the Visual IP Software
J une 2000, ver. 1 User Guide
Introduction Altera® int ellectual property (IP) MegaCore™ functions are developed
and pre-t e sted by Alte ra, and are opt i mi zed for speci fic Altera device
architectures . You can test-dr ive these functions f or free via the
OpenCore™ feature by downloading the functions from the Altera web
site and inst alling them on your PC or UNIX workst ation. To help in your
ev alua tion , Al ter a also prov id e s Vis ual IP sim ula ti on mod e ls for thes e
Th e V isu al IP soft war e fr om In n ov eda lets y ou crea te sim u la ti on mo d el s
that can be used in third-party VHDL and Verilog HDL s imulation tools.
Altera distributes the Visual IP software for the end user along with
Visual IP models of Altera IP functions.
Alter a’s Visual IP models are pa rame teriz abl e , RTL level, funct i onal
simulation models. The models let you instantiate Altera IP in your design
and simulate it in y our choice of simula tion tool. This user guide describes
how to install and use the Visual IP simulation model for the Altera
a6402 univer sal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART).
1Before using the a6402 model, you must download and install
the Visual IP sof tware, which is available for free from the Altera
IP MegaStore s i te at http://www.altera.com/IPmegastore.
Follow the instructions in the Installing the Visual IP Software User
Altera recommends that you also obtain the a6402 Universal
Asynchr onous Receiver /Transmitt er Data She et from the Altera web
site. This data shee t desc ribes t he t echnical specifications of the
a6402 fu n ction.
2Altera Corporation
Simulating the a6402 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide
The a6402 Visual IP model contains the following elements:
Download the
If you have not already done so, download Visual IP models from Alteras
web site at http://www.altera.com by following the instructions below.
1. Point your w e b browse r to http://www.altera.com/IPmegastore.
2. Sear ch in the IP MegaStore for the function/model you wish to
3. On the search r esults pa ge, click the name of th e functi on/model
you wish t o ob ta i n.
4. Click the Free Test Drive icon and follow the on-line instructions to
downlo ad the f unction and/or model.
P C Installation Execute the a6402_vip_pc.exe file and follow the on-lin e inst ruc ti ons to
install th e model. The following files are installed :
<installation path>\vip_simulation\A6402\
Table 1. a6402 Visual I P Mo del Elements
Element Description
a6402.* The VHDL or Verilog HDL a6402 UART MegaCore function
model file.
A6402_vectors.* A set of VHDL o r Ver ilog HDL test vectors.
A6402_top.* Top-level VHDL or Verilog HDL file that references the
a6402 function and test ve ctors.
Altera Corporation 3
Simulating the a6402 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide
<installation path>\vip_models\a6402\*
Befor e using the Visua l IP mo del, set t he VIP_MODELS_DIR en viron ment
variable to <installa tion pa th>/vip_models. The instal lation process se ts all
other required environment var iables in the system registry.
1All Altera Visual IP models use the VIP_MODELS_DIR
enviro nment variable. If you only wish to use one Visual IP
model, you can install the model into any directory and set up
the variable to point to that directory. However, if you wish to
use several models (e.g., both the a6402 and a8259 models) you
should install all Visual IP models into the same directory.
The a6402 model is a tape archive file (.tar) that has been compressed
using the gzip utility. To extract the files, move the
a6402_vip_solaris.tar.gz file to the locati on in which you would like to
install the models and type the following commands at a UNIX prompt:
gunzip a6402_vip_solaris.tar.gz r
tar xvf a6 402 _vip _s olar is .tar r
The following directories and files are created:
<instal la tion pa th >/vip_simulation/A6402/
vss/ A6402.vhd
4Altera Corporation
Simulating the a6402 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide
<i n st alla ti on path>/vip_models/a6402/*
Befor e using the Visual IP models, performperform the following steps:
1. Se t the VIP_MODELS_DIR environment variable to <installation
1All Altera Visual IP models use the VIP_MODELS_DIR
enviro nment variable. If you only wish to use one Visual IP
model, you can install the model into any directory and set
up the variable to point to that directory. However, if you
wish to use several models (e.g., both the a6402 and a8259
models) you should install a ll Visual IP models into the
same direc tory.
2. Se t the VIP_EU_ROOT e n vironmen t varia ble to th e root directory in
which you installed the Visual IP software.
3. Source the setup.csh file to complete the configuration of the
Visual IP environment.
Running Test
This section describes how to use the test vecto rs provided with the
a6402 simulation model.
Verilog HDL
If you are using Verilog HDL, perform the following steps:
1. Set up the Visual IP PLI i nterface as describe d in Installing the Visual
IP software User Guide.
2. Make sur e the VIP_MODELS_DIR environment variable is set
3. Change to the <installation path>/vip_simulation/A6402/verilog
4. Compile the A6402.v and A6402_vectors.v files. These modules
attach to the appro priate Visual IP models using the Verilog-XL PLI
5. Compile the A6402_top.v file .
6. Simulate A6402_top.
Altera Corporation 5
Simulating the a6402 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide
If you are using VHDL, perform the following steps:
1. Set up th e Visual I P C lan guage int erface as d e scribed in Installing the
Visual IP software User Guide.
2. Make sur e the VIP_MODELS_DIR environment variable is set
3. Change to the directory <installation
path>/vip_simulation/A6402/vhdl/<simulator>, where <simulator> is
to the VHDL simulation tool you are using.
4. Compile the A6402.vhd and A6402_vectors.vhd files into your work
library. These c omponen ts at t ach to th e ap propri at e Visual IP models
using th e C language i nt e rface of your VHDL simulator.
5. Compile the A6402_top.vhd file into your work libra ry.
6. Simulate work.A6402_top(struct).
Using the
a6402 Model
This section describes how to use the a6402 simulatio n model in your
Verilog HDL
If you are using Verilog HDL, perform the following steps:
1. Set up the Visual IP PLI interface as described in Inst alling the Visual
IP software User Guide.
2. Make sur e the VIP_MODELS_DIR environment variable is set
3. Go to th e <in st alla ti on pa th>/vip_simulation/A6402/verilog dir ectory
4. Compile A6402. This module attachs to the appropriate Visual IP
model using the Verilog-XL PLI interface.
5. Instantiate A6402 in your Verilog HDL design.
6Altera Corporation
Simulating the a6402 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide
Printed on Recycled Paper.
Altera, MegaCore, and OpenCore are trademarks and/or service marks of Altera Corporation in the United
States and other countries. Altera acknowledges the trademarks of other organizations for their respective
products or services mentioned in this document. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and
foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of
its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Alteras standard warranty, but
reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no
responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product,
or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation.
Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before
relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Copyright 2000 Alter a Co rporation. All rights reserved.
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(408) 544-7000
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Literature Services:
If you are using VHDL, perform the following steps:
1. Set up th e Visual I P C lan guage int erface as d e scribed in Installing the
Vi su a l IP softw a re U s er Gu id e .
2. Make sur e the VIP_MODELS_DIR envir onment variable is set
3. Go to the< instal lation path>/vip_simulation/A6402/vhdl/<simulator>
directory, where <simulator> is the VHDL simulation tool you are
4. Compile A6402.vhd into your work library. This co mponent att ach es
to the appropriate Visual IP model using the C language interface of
your VHDL simulato r.
5. Instantiate work.A6402(behave) in your VHDL design.
Known Issues Visual IP models do not support chec kpoint/restart . Therefore, you must
reload the simulation model to restart the simulation.