IQD Frequency Products Ltd, Station Road, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 8AR, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (1460) 270200; Fax: +44 (1460) 72578;
Email: info@iqdfrequencyproducts.com Web: www.iqdfrequencyproducts.com
ISSUE 8; 1 NOVEMBER 2008 - RoHS 2002/95/EC
0.3ppm TCXO manufactured for us by Rakon utilising their
▪Pluto™ ASIC technology. Its wide frequency range, operating
temperature range and drive capability coupled with high
stability and linear frequency pulling make it the ideal
reference oscillator. Its ability to function down to a supply
voltage of 2.4V and low power consumption makes it suitable
for mobile applications
Package Outline
14.7 x 9.2mm
Standard Frequencies
9.6, 10, 12.8, 19.44, 20, 38.88, 49.152, 51.84MHz
Output Compatibility & Load
HCMOS 15pF max
ACMOS 50pF max
Sinewave 10k
▪W // 10pF, AC-coupled
Clipped sinewave 10k
▪W // 10pF, AC-coupled
Frequency Stability
Temperature: see table
Typical Supply Voltage Variation ± 10% < ± 0.2 ppm*
Typical Load Coefcient 15pF ± 5pF < ± 0.2 ppm*
▪*Depending on frequency and output type
Frequency Adjustment
Three options with external Voltage Control applied to Pad 1:
A - Ageing adjustment: > ± 5ppm (Standard Option)
B - No frequency adjustment. Initial calibration @ 25°C
▪< ± 0.5 ppm
C - High Pulling ±10ppm to ±50ppm may be available
▪depending on specication options. Contact our sales ofce
Linearity <1% (positive slope)
Input resistance >100k
Modulation bandwidth >2kHz
Standard control voltage ranges:
▪Without reference voltage - Vs = 5.0V 2.5V ± 2V
Without reference voltage - Vs = 3.3V 1.65V ± 1V
With reference voltage - Vc = 0V to Vref
Storage Temperature Range
–55 to 125°C
Tri-State Operation
Logic ‘1’ (>60%Vs) to Pad 2 enables output
Logic ‘0’ (<20%Vs) to Pad 2 disables output
When at logic ‘0’ the output stage is disabled for all output
▪options, but the oscillator and compensation circuit are still
active (Current consumption < 1mA)
Supply Voltage
Standard 3.3V, 5.0V (see table)
Supply voltages in the range 2.4 to 6.0V available to order,
▪please contact our sales ofce
Supply Current
HCMOS Typically:
▪1+ Frequency(MHz)*Supply(V)*{Load(pF)+ 15}*10–3 mA
eg. 20MHz, 5V, 15pF ≈ 4mA
ACMOS Typically:
▪1+ Frequency(MHz)*Supply(V)*{Load(pF)+ 23}*10–3 mA
Sinewave, 6 to 12 mA depending on frequency
Clipped Sinewave, Typically:
▪1+ Frequency(MHz)*1.2*{Load(pF)+ 30}*10–3 mA
± 1ppm maximum in rst year
± 3ppm maximum for 10 years
± 1ppm maximum after reow
Reference Voltage, Vref (HCMOS/ACMOS only)
Optional reference voltage output on Pad 5, suitable for
▪potentiometer supply or DAC reference.
1. No output (Standard option)
2. 2.2V, for Min. Vs > 2.4V
3. 2.7V, for Min. Vs > 3.0V
4. 4.2V, for Min. Vs > 4.5V
Maximum load current (mA) = Vref/10
For manual frequency adjustment (HCMOS/ACMOS output
only) connect an external 50kW potentiometer between Pad 5
(Reference Voltage) and Pad 3 (GND) with wiper connected to
Pad 1 (Voltage Control). Please specify reference voltage as a
part of the ordering code.
Note: Please contact our sales ofce if a reference voltage is
required in combination with sine or clipped sinewave output
Vibration: IEC 60068-2-6 Test Fc Procedure B4, 10-60Hz
▪1.5mm displacement, 60 –2000Hz at 98.1 ms–2, 30 minutes
in each of three mutually perpendicular planes at 1 octave
per minute
Shock: IEC 60068-2-27 Test Ea, 980ms
▪–2 acceleration for
6ms duration, 3 shocks in each direction along three mutually
perpendicular planes
Solderabiltiy: MIL-STD-202, Method 208, Category 3
Marking Includes
Factory Code + Part Number (E and four digits) + Frequency
▪(MHz) + Pad 1 / Static sensitivity identier (Triangle) + Date
Bulk or Tape & Reel
Minimum Order Information Required
Frequency + Model Number + Frequency Stability vs
▪Operating Temperature Range Code + Reference Voltage
Code + Frequency Adjustment Code