Broadband Standard Product AMPF-128MDA 12.5 Gb/s High Gain Modulator Driver Amplifier February 24, 2005 DESCRIPTION FEATURES Aeroflex Plainview driver amplifiers are designed for use in fiber optic, telecommunication and automated test equipment applications. These high gain/low power amplifiers are perfect for driving lithium niobate (LiNbO3) modulators at levels up to 8Vp-p and provide low jitter and minimized propagation delay, making them an excellent choice for OC-192/STM-64 (SONET) systems. Less than 3 Watt power consumption for 6.5Vp-p out 50KHz to 15GHz Low internal jitter and minimized propagation delay Output voltage adjustable from 4 to 8Vp-p 35dB typical gain Limiting function to ensure high quality output signal, even with less than optimal input signal Telcordia TR-NWT-930 Tested (Report available on request) SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings PARAMETER Input Voltage Supply Voltage Positive Supply Voltage Negative Operating Temperature Storage Temperature MIN MAX UNITS 9.5 -4.5 -10 -20 1.5 15 -6 +70 +85 Vp-p Vdc Vdc C C Electrical Characteristics V+ = +10 .5V, V- = -5.0V .25V, TA = -10C to +70C - Min/Max limits only, V+ = +10V, V- = -5V, TA = +25C - Typ readings only, Zin/Zout = 50 PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Bandwidth Low Frequency High Frequency 3dB point 3dB point - 30 15 50 - KHz GHz 28 4 400 10 45 25 28 35 7 11 5 50 32 40 8 1000 10 55 ps ps dB Vp-p mVp-p dB % % -10 - Invert 85 +10 - % % - 300 20 450 40 mA mA Group Delay Flatness Rise/Fall Time Gain Output Voltage Swing Input Voltage Input Return Loss Output Overshoot Output Eye Crossover Symmetry Invert/Non-Invert Eye Crossing Adjust Output Eye 10 - 90% Input = 0.4Vp-p NRZ Opening Vp-p in eye center 10ps Supply Current +10V -5V Aeroflex Plainview SCD12000 Rev A PACKAGE OUTLINE PIN FUNCTION PIN # FUNCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GROUND +10 to +15V OUTPUT ADJUST BIAS (OPTIONAL) CROSSING ADJUST VOLTAGE MONITOR -5V GROUND EYE PATTERN ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL NUMBER SPEED PACKAGE AMPF-128MDA 12.5Gb/s Multiple Package Outlines Available PLAINVIEW, NEW YORK Toll Free: 800-THE-1553 Fax: 516-694-6715 INTERNATIONAL Tel: 805-778-9229 Fax: 805-778-1980 NORTHEAST Tel: 603-888-3975 Fax: 603-888-4585 SE AND MID-ATLANTIC Tel: 321-951-4164 Fax: 321-951-4254 WEST COAST Tel: 949-362-2260 Fax: 949-362-2266 CENTRAL Tel: 719-594-8017 Fax: 719-594-8468 www. a e rofle x. com info- a ms@ a e rofle x. com Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions reserves the right to change at any time without notice the specifications, design, function, or form of its products described herein. All parameters must be validated for each customer's application by engineering. No liability is assumed as a result of use of this product. No patent licenses are implied. Our passion for performance is defined by three attributes represented by these three icons: solution-minded, performance-driven and customer-focused SCD12000 Rev A 2