Semiconductor Group 31 03.96
Type Ordering Code
BSM 121 AR C67076-S1014-A2
Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Values Unit
Drain-source voltage VDS 200 V
Drain-gate voltage, RGS = 20 kVDGR 200
Gate-source voltage VGS ± 20
Continuous drain current, TC= 25 ˚C ID130 A
Pulsed drain current, TC= 25 ˚C ID puls 390
Operating and storage temperature range Tj,Tstg – 55 … + 150 ˚C
Power dissipation, TC = 25 ˚C Ptot 700 W
Thermal resistance
Case-heat sink Rth JC
Rth CH
Insulation test voltage2), t = 1 min. Vis 2500 Vac
Creepage distance, drain-source 16 mm
Clearance, drain-source 11
DIN humidity category, DIN 40 040 F
IEC climatic category, DIN IEC 68-1 55/150/56
1) See chapter Package Outline and Circuit Diagrams.
2) Insulation test voltage between drain and base plate referred to standard climate 23/50 in acc. with
DIN 50 014, IEC 146, para. 492.1.
SIMOPAC® Module BSM 121 AR
VDS = 200 V
ID= 130 A
RDS(on) = 20 m
Power module
Single switch
N channel
Enhancement mode
Package with insulated metal base plate
Package outline/Circuit diagram: 11)
Semiconductor Group 32
BSM 121 AR
Electrical Characteristics
at Tj = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Symbol Values Unit
min. typ. max.
Static Characteristics
Drain-source breakdown voltage
VGS = 0, ID = 0.25 mA V(BR)DSS 200 V
Gate threshold voltage
VGS = VDS,ID = 1 mA VGS(th) 2.1 3.0 4.0
Zero gate voltage drain current
VDS = 200 V, VGS = 0
Tj = 25 ˚C
Tj = 125 ˚C
300 250
Gate-source leakage current
VGS = 20 V, VDS = 0 IGSS 10 100 nA
Drain-source on-state resistance
VGS = 10 V, ID = 80 A RDS(on) –1820
Dynamic Characteristics
Forward transconductance
VDS 2×ID×RDS(on)max.,ID = 80 A gfs 60 75 S
Input capacitance
VGS = 0, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz Ciiss –1013nF
Output capacitance
VGS = 0, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz Coss 3 4.5
Reverse transfer capacitance
VGS = 0, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz Crss 0.7 1.0
Turn-on time ton (ton = td (on) + tr)
VCC = 100 V, VGS = 10 V
ID = 80 A, RGS = 3.3
td (on) 120 ns
Turn-off time toff (toff = td (off) + tf)
VCC = 100 V, VGS = 10 V
ID = 80 A, RGS = 3.3
td (off) 240
Semiconductor Group 33
Electrical Characteristics (cont’d)
at Tj = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Symbol Values Unit
min. typ. max.
Reverse diode
Continuous reverse drain current
TC = 25 ˚C IS 130 A
Pulsed reverse drain current
TC = 25 ˚C ISM 390
Diode forward on-voltage
IF = 260 A , VGS = 0 VSD 1.05 1.4 V
Reverse recovery time
IF = IS, diF/dt = 100 A/ µs, VR = 100 V trr 400 ns
Reverse recovery charge
IF = IS, diF/dt = 100 A/ µs, VR = 100 V Qrr 4.3 µC
BSM 121 AR
Semiconductor Group 34
Characteristics at Tj = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specified.
Power dissipation Ptot = f (TC)
parameter: Tj = 150 ˚C
Safe operating area ID = f (VDS)
parameter: single pulse, TC = 25 ˚C
Tj 150 ˚C
Typ. output characteristics ID = f (VDS)
parameter: = 80 µs pulse test
Typ. transfer characteristic ID = f (VGS)
parameter: = 80 µs pulse test, VDS = 25 V
BSM 121 AR
Semiconductor Group 35
Continuous drain-source current
ID = f(TC)
parameter: VGS 10 V, T j = 150 ˚C
Drain source on-state resistance
RDS(on) = f(Tj)
parameter: ID= 80 A; VGS = 10 V (spread)
Drain-source breakdown voltage
V(BR)DSS (Tj)=b×V
(BR)DSS (25 ˚ C)
Typical capacitances C=f(VDS)
parameter: VGS = 0, f=1 MHz
BSM 121 AR
Semiconductor Group 36
Forward characteristics of reverse diode
IF = f (VSD)
parameter: Tj,tp = 80 µs (spread)
Transient thermal impedance ZthJC = f (tp)
parameter: D = tp/T
BSM 121 AR
Semiconductor Group 37
Typ. gate charge VGS = f(Qgate)
parameter: IDpuls = 200 A
BSM 121 AR