2 3 > 1 un eo z FE < ae WwW eo 8 > INVERTER SCRs SELECTOR GUIDE C387/C388 C397/C398 C48, CI58/CI59 C447/C448 Ci38/CI39 | C184/C185 L C164/CI65 C384/C385 I CI55/CI57 C354/C355 C364/C365 C392/C393 C394/C395 C444/0445 C234/C235 C49, CI54/CI56 Cl40/Cl41 2N3649-58 l L L mowed = sewed burnt med ns) bed fmee)vee} 9 eed based 225 275 300 400 500 700 800 850 900 1000 1150 RMS CURRENT-AMPERES SCRs in this use category are characterized for turn-off time (commutation speed) capabitity and other speed char- acteristics. When designing for speed, the parameter trade offs must be carefully weighed. Thus the large matrix of speed, current and voltage capability for inverter SCRs. As the name implies, major applications for these devices are DC/AC inverters. Additionally, they are used in cycloconverters and other pulse applications requiring high speed capability. 144107 241 INVERTER SCRs 25 TO 35 AMPERES GE TYPE C234, C235 c138!7) C139 C140 C141 JEDEC - 2N3649-53 2N3654-58 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VOLTAGE RANGE FORWARD CONDUCTION it(RMS) Max. Rn on-state current @ T; = 1 KHz 5 KHz 10 KHz Max. one cycle, non-repetitive surge current (A) Max. | @ (A2 Sec.) Max. internal thermal resistance, dc, to-case (C/W) Typical turn-on time (usec) Max. turn-off time @ rated voltage and Ty (usec) @ 20V/usec reapplied @ 200V/usec reapplied -rise of on-state current 1.5 msec. Critical (A/usec) Ty Junction operating temperature range (C) BLOCKING di/dt 1.0 3.1 10 100 65 to 125 Min. critical rate of rise of off state voltage exponential to rated Vo ry dv/dt @ Max. rated T, (V/usec} FIRING I Max. required gate current to trigger (mA) GT @ 65C @ 40C @ 25C Max. required voltage to trigger @ -65C @ 40C @ 25C V Min. required voltage to trigger ( ST @ 100C @ 125C VOLTAGE TYPES Repetitive Peak Forward and Reverse Voltages 50 400 500 600 700 800 PACKAGE OUTLINE NO. Q) Vrreu= 50V 1 C138E20 c 1 C138M20 C138820 C138N20 107 145 1.7 1.0 3.1 3.1 15 15 400 100 ~65 to 125 65 to 125 C140F 2N3649 C140A 2N3650 C140B 2N3651 ci 2N3652 C140D 2N3653 C144E30 C144M30 C144S30 C144N30 107C140(2N3649-53) Ic141(2N3654-58} The General Electric C140 and C141 Series of Silicon Controlled Rectifiers are reverse blocking triode thyristor semiconductor devices designed primarily for high-frequency power switching applications which require blocking voltages up to 400 volts and load currents up to 85 amperes RMS, at frequencies up to 25 kHz. For line commutated applications (phase control, AC switching) at power line frequencies, up to 85 amperes RMS, the following preferred SCR types are recommended: C35 (Pub. #160.20), and C137 (Pub. #160.45). The C140 and C141 Series feature: Contoured junction surfaces for high-voltage stability Shorted emitters for high dv/dt (200V/,sec) Distributed gates for high di/dt (400A /usec) The improved dynamic character- istics and the interdynamic balance of these characteristics permit the S\S\. operation of these General Electric ALLOWABLE PEAK - ANODE - CURRENT IN AMPS SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM Voft = lus (C141) SCRs Up to 25 kHz with specified = Sus (C140} ere cA . turn-off times and dv/dt main- 400 V BLOCKING . tained. 50 100 200 $00 IK 2K SK 1OK 20K 25K FREQUENCY IN HERTZ Equipment designers can use the C140 and C141 This specification sheet uses a simpligied and easy- SCRs in demanding applications such as: to-use rating system which graphically presents: Choppers Case Temperature Inverters * Peak Anode Current e Regulated power supplies e dv/dt and Turn-off Times Cycloconverters Ultrasonic generators for rectangular and sinusoidal anode-current wave- * High frequency lighting forms Sonar transmitters Induction heaters Radio transmitters 783MAXIMUM C140, C141 ALLOWABLE RATINGS GLAIF (2N3654) 50 volts* 50 volts" GLIA (2N3655) 100 volts* 100 volts* C141B (2N3656) 200 volts* 200 volts* C1a1G (2N3657) 300 volts* 300 volts* CLAID (2NS658) 400 volts* 400 volts* 50 volts* 75 volts* 100 volts* 150 volts* 200 volts* 300 volts* 300 volts* 400 volts* 400 volts* 500 volts* Turn-On Current Limit (See Chart 10) 400 amperes per usec* RMS Forward Current, On-State DC Forward Current, On-State, T. = 40C Peak Rectangular Surge Forward Current (5.0msec width, t, = 50usec) Ip_ (surge) 165 ampere? seconds (for times = 1.0 millisecond) T*t (for fusing) 35 amperes 25 amperes* 180 amperes* 40 watts* Peak Gate Power Dissipation, Pey Average Gate Power Dissipation, Peay) Peak Reverse Gate Voltage, Venu Peak Forward Gate Current, Ieru 1.0 watt* 10 volts* 6.4 amperes* Reverse Recovery Energy 0.002 watt sec. Storage Temperature, Txt, Operating Temperature, T, Stud Torque CHARACTERISTICS 65C to +150C* 65C to +120C* 30 Lb-in (35 Kg-Cm) PULSE CIRCUIT COMMUTATED TURN-OFF TIME C140 (2N3649-53) C141 (2N3654-58) 784 See Charts 1 and 4. Te = +115C, Ivu = 100 amps, Approx. Sinusoidal current waveform (t: = 1.0 usec, tp 2.05 75 usec), No delay reactor, Pulse rep. rate = 400 Hz. Vrxm = Rated, Vaxm = 200 volts, Vax = 30 volts. Rate of rise of reap- plied forward blocking voltage (dv/dt) = 200 volts/ysec (linear ramp). Gate supply: 20 volts open circuit, 20 ohms, 1.5 wsec square wave pulse, Rise time 0.1 usec max.CHARACTERISTICS (Cont.) DC REVERSE OR To = + 25C FORWARD BLOCKING Tro CURRENT (1) C140F (2N3649) = 1.0 6.0 mAdc Vro = Vro = 50V DC C141F (2N3654) C140A (2N8650) 1.0 6.0 mAdc Vro = Vro = 100V DC C141A (2N3655) C140B (2N3651) _ 1.0 6.0 mAdec Vro = Vro = 200V DC C141B (2N3656) C140C (2N8652) _ 1.0 5.5 mAdec Vro = Vro = 3800V DC C141C (2N3657) C140D (2N3653) _ 1.0 4.0 mAdc Vro = Vro = 400V DC C141D (2N3658) GATE TRIGGER CURRENT PEAK ON-VOLTAGE To = +25C, Ivw = 25A 1Imsec. pulse. Duty cycle = 1%. EFFECTIVE THERMAL 93-6 0.85 1.7* = |C/watt RESISTANCE (DC) (1) Maximum case to ambient thermal resistance for which maximum Vyo, Vro ratings apply equals 5C/watt. *Indicates values included in Jedec Type Number Registration. 785SINE WAVE DATA C140,C141 NOTES: |. MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE =65C 2, FOR SINUSOIDAL ANODE CURRENT WAVEFORM ONLY 3. MINIMUM CIRCUIT TURN-OFF TIME Ci40 Sys Cl4| (Ouse 4. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT dv/dt = 200v/y8 5. RATED FORWARD BLOCKING VOLTAGE 6. REVERSE BLOCKING VOLTAGE | see Fig. 1 Vax * Z00V MAX Vex * 30V 7, REQUIRED GATE DRIVE 20 VOLTS OPEN CIRCUIT 20 OHMS SOURCE 1.6 we MIN PULSE WIOTH Olu MAX RISE TIME PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - AMPERES. 4 6 8 10 20 40 80 100 200 400 600 800 W00 2000 PULSE BASE WIDTH ~ MICROSECONDS 5. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK FORWARD CURRENT vs PULSE WIDTH (Tc = 65C) NOTES 1. MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE = 90C 2. FOR SINUSOIDAL ANODE CURRENT WAVEFORM ONLY 3. MINIMUM CIRCUIT TURN-OFF TIME C140 15y0 Cia Ope 4. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT 6v/dt = 200 v/us S.RATED FORWARD BLOCKING VOLTAGE 6. REVERSE BLOCKING VOLTAGE yee zoey wax SEE FIG. 7. REQUIRED GATE DRIVE 20 VOLTS OPEN CIRCUIT 20 OHMS SOURCE 1S us MIN PULSE WIDTH O.bye MAX RISE TIME PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - AMPERES 4 PULSE BASE WIDTH - MICROSECONDS 6. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK FORWARD CURRENT vs PULSE WIDTH (Tc = 90C) = 115C : 1. MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE = 2. FOR SINUSOIDAL ANODE CURRENT WAVEFORM ONLY 3. MINIMUM CIRCUIT TURN-OFF TIME CI40 Spe Cl4) Ops 4, MAXIMUM CIRCUIT dv/dt = 200v/pe 5. RATEO FORWARD BLOCKING VOLTAGE 6. REVERSE BLOCKING VOLTAGE 7, REQUIRED GATE DRIVE 20 VOLTS OPEN CIRCUIT 20 OHMS SOURCE 15 ws MIN PULSE WIDTH O.tyie MAX RISE TIME PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - AMPERES 40 60 80 10 200 400 600 800 KOO 2000 PULSE BASE WIDTH - MICROSECONDS 7. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK FORWARD CURRENT vs PULSE WIDTH (Tc = 115C) Charts 5, 6 and 7, for three case temperatures 65C, 90C, and 115C, give the maximum value of peak forward current at which the speci- fied turn-off time and dv/dt still apply. The specified gate drive requirements must be adhered to. 787C140, C141 LOW REPETITION RATE DATA NOTES: ' qT ! | (1) RECTANGULAR CURRENT PULSES, 50 MICROSECOND MINIMUM DURATION 20 12) MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE = 120C (3) RATE OF RISE AND FALL OF CURRENT LESS THAN IO AMPERES PER usec g (4) FREQUENCY 50 TO 400 Hz ss a 18 | , te & \6 C140 This chart gives the guaranteed maximum z turn-off time of the C140 and C141 cs a func- 4 \ } cIn at tion of the forward current. The use of this g TEST LIMITS a chart is necessary for rectangular anode cur- fen . . 2 | rent pulses of the specified pulse width and Zz a f s frequency. . (4 (8) MAXIMUM dv/dt =200 VOLTS PER psec 5 SEE CHARACTERISTIC TABLE FOR OTHER z TEST CONDITIONS Speci.ication Sheets oO 140.12 1N3879 Series (6 amp) Fast Recovery Diode 8 140.22 1N8889 Series (12 amp) Fast Recovery Diode a 140.23 A28 Series (12 amp) Very Fast Recovery Diode T 140.47 1N3899 Series (20 amp) Fast Recovery Diode 9 10 = 2 30 40 5 70 80 90100 140.48 1N3909 Series (30 amp) Fast Recovery Diode PEAK FORWARD CURRENT AMPERES 145,55 A96 Series (250 amp) Fast Recovery Diode 160.35 C140 Series (34 50-400V High Speed SCR 160.39 C144 Series (354A) 500-800V High Speed SCR 8. MAXIMUM CONVENTIONAL CIRCUIT-COMMUTATED TURN-OFF 170.35 154-7 Series (110 amp) High Speed SCR TIME vs PEAK FORWARD CURRENT, ON-STATE 170.36 158, 9 Series (110 amp) High Speed SCR 170.37 C385 Series (250 amp) High Speed SCR 170.38 C358 Series (225A) High Speed SCR Mores no NOT USE THIS CURVE wHEW 170.42 C395 Series (550A) up to 600V, High Speed SCR SMO AMPERES PER MICROSECOND 170.44 C388, C387 Series (550A) High Speed SCR SEE CHART 10 170.45 C398, C397 Series (700A) High Speed SCR (7) QPPLIED. WITH PULSE RISE TIME 170.53 185 Series (285 amp) High Speed SCR ; fava me OF Parse WIDTH. 170.57 C354, 5 Series (115 amp) High Speed SCR (3) ANODE SUPPLY gore 170.76 C506 Series (625 amp) High Speed SCR SVOLTS 4 OHMS at +25C 170.80 (510 Series (625 amp) High Speed SCR SHADED AREA REPRESENTS LOCUS FOR VARIOUS GATE PULSE WIDTHS Application Notes AND TEMPERATURES . . . 200.38 Application of Fast Recovery Rectifiers 8 200.41 Simple Circuits For Triggering SCRs Into 7 Fast-Rising Load Currents . 8 200.42 Commutation Behavior of Diffused High Cur- 3 200.49 = rent Rectifier Diodes w haat cate Guat womfcshar A Low Cost Ultrasonic Frequency Inverter 3 " Using A Single SCR g Technical Paper Reprints z eee 660.13 The Rating and Application of SCRs De- 2 signed for Switching at High Frequencies 660.14 Basic Magnetic Functions in Converters and Inverters Including New Soft Commutations 660.15 SCR Inverter Commutated By An Auxiliary Impulse / 660.16 An SCR Inverter With Good Regulation and Sine Wave Output 0.2 0.4 0.6 O88 1.0 1.2 a 16 & INSTANTANEOUS GATE CURRENT - AMPERES Seminar Nofes 9. PULSE GATE TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS 671.4 The Widening World of The Fast Recovery Rectifier Diode 1000 671.15 The Amplifying Gate SCR 800 eo *For copies of any published information, please order by decimal publica- 600 Ae tion number from: General Electric Company, Distribution Services, 1 o S River Road, Schenectady, N.Y. 12305. = 400 3S z oe i SA y z 700 87 > In no circumstances may the SCR anode cur- 5 ee & rent waveform, when plotted in this curve, : 100 & cross the turn-on current limit line. If it does, 20 INSTANTANSOUS VALUE OF LZ NOTES: 4] the SCR may be destroyed. Two lines are Z NEVER EXCEZO TURN-ON _// 2, CASE TEMPERATURE*425C 70120 C given; one for required gate drive in high g 60 CURRENT LIMIT SINE SHOWN 3. SWITCHING FROM RATED BLOCKING | . . . . g A / 4, REQUIRED GATE TRIGGER PULSE di/dt applications and the other for gate drive = 40 972 VOLT OPEN Gneu'T (CURVE 6} 7 that will just turn the SCR on. The user must 2 0 VOLT OPEN, cincurT (cuRvE 8 take care that, in a circuit capable of produc- 20 Oe en iotn eo usec || ing high di/dt anode current, no gate pulses (d) PULSE RISE TIME > 0.4 ut SEC of insufficient magnitude (due to noise for example) triggers, and thus possibly damages, 7 02 04 a6 06 10 2.0 a0 60 8.0 10 20 40 60 60 100 the SCR. TIME FROM START OF CURRENT FLOW- MICROSECONDS 10. TURN-ON CURRENT LIMIT 788INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD CURRENT - AMPERES LOW REPETITION RATE DATA NOTES: . . . a (1) USE FOR CALCULATING APPROXIMATE AVERAGE This chart gives the instantaneous power dissi- POWER DISSIPATION TO DETERMINE HEATSINK REQUIREMENTS. ene . . (2) MAX ALLOWABLE CASE TO AMBIENT THERMAL pated within the SCR as a function of time RESISTANCE = 5C PER WATT WITH RATED from start of current flow and the instantane- BLOCKING VOLTAGE APPLIED. ous value of forward anode current. Used as follows, this chart yields average dissipation information for any anode current wave- shapes: 1000 400 1. Plot the anode current waveform on this chart. 2. On linear paper, replot instantaneous forward power dissipation versus time. The area under the curve gives watt sec- onds of energy dissipated per anode 40 current pulse. s Multiply the energy by the repetition Ww . ee . rate to give average power dissipation. 20w 0.1 04 Lo 40 10 40 100 400 1000 4000 10,000 TIME FROM START OF CURRENT FLOW -ysec 11. INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD POWER DISSIPATION NOTES: " Tr qT q T t (I) FREQUENCY $0 TO 400 Hz (2) USE THIS CURVE ONLY WHEN ANODE CURRENT RATE 40 OF RISE 1S LESS THAN TEN AMPS PER psec (3) CURVES DERIVED FOR MAXIMUM GATE AND FORWARD BLOCKING POWER DISSIPATION (4) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TO AMBIENT THERMAL e y 120 RESISTANCE = 5.0 C PER WATT 5 | (5) MAXIMUM CIRCUIT dv/dt = 200 VOLTS PER psec & Re _| (6) SEE CURVE 8 FOR APPLICABLE TURN-OFF TIME LIMIT 5 100 = at This chart is used when the SCR is carrying ur) . . . o NAAN - wreee | rectangular current with no significant turn-on B <i teh: sae 3 80 - ee switching duty at a repetition rate between 2 w % 50 and 400 pulses per second. YN : r_| p p g 60 %$4 4 IM] [~~ z _ z= 40 <] x ag = 20 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 20 PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - AMPERES 12. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE FOR RECTANGULAR CURRENT WAVEFORM T T T T T T NOTES: (1) CASE TEMPERATURE +25C TO +120C (2) RATED AVERAGE GATE DISSIPATION AND BLOCKING POWER DISSIPATION INCLUDED (3) USE THIS CURVE ONLY WHEN ANODE CURRENT RATE OF RISE iS LESS THAN 10 AMPS PER psec (4) FREQUENCY ~ 50 TO 400 Hz 722 50% . . . 60 f This chart prevides a rapid means of deter- our crete : mining SCR dissipation with low values of = 3233.3 % . A 50 f valpe di/dt. It is applicable only between 50 Hz J A and 400 Hz. 40 WS = 16.7% LY |_-- 30 a | 1/12 = 8.34% / or |_| | encore NX 20 \ AVERAGE POWER OISSIPATION - WATTS 10. eZ af a 10 20 wo 40 50 60 70 80 30 100. Wo 120 PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - AMPERES 13. AVERAGE POWER DISSIPATION FOR RECTANGULAR CURRENT WAVEFORM 789C140, C141 EXAMPLE I. Problem: Find the maximum allowable average anode current that can be carried by a C141 if the pulse is 50 uwseconds wide and the repetition rate is 5000 Hz. The case is held at 80C. What is the dissipation in the SCR? Find the maximum permitted thermal resistance between case and cooling air at 45C. Assume the gate and blocking losses total 1 watt. Answer: From Chart 5 (65C) the maximum permitted peak cur- rent at 5000 Hz, 50 usec pulse width is 72 amperes; Chart 6 (90C), 45 amperes; Chart 7 (115C), 10 amperes. Interpolation gives the permitted peak current at 80C as 55 amperes peak. The aver ont = 1, 2. x Pulse Width average current = tp, x Pulse Period 2 50 = 55 X 7 x 300 = 8.8 amps average From Chart 3 at 50 useconds pulse width and 55 amperes peak current the energy dissipated per pulse is 0.004 watt- seconds per pulse. The average anode dissipation is 0.004 x 5000 = 20 watts. From this information the heatsink can be chosen using the equation: Maximum ease to cooling fluid thermal resistance _ _Case Temperature Cooling Fluid Temp. ~ Anode Dissipation + Gate & Blocking Losses _ 80-45 _ ,,., = 351 = 1.7C/ watt. Note that a turn-off of 10 wseconds and a dv/dt of 200 volts/usecond can be applied concurrently to the C141 at the above current and temperature conditions. EXAMPLE Il. Problem: A C140 is carrying a 20 amp rectangular pulse, 833 usec- onds wide at a repetition rate of 400 pulses per second. The initial di/dt is 5 amps per wsecond. What is the maximum allowable case temperature? What is the power dissipation? What turn-off time and dv/dt may be applied to the C140? Answer: An 833 uwsecond pulse in a 2.5 ms period gives a duty cycle of 2500 x 100 = 30%. Chart 12 shows that with this duty cycle a 20 amp rectangular pulse has a maximum allowable case temperature of 98C. Chart 13 gives the total dissipa- tion as 13.5 watts. From Chart 8, 20 amps forward current permits a turn-off time of 16 useconds and a dv/dt of 200 volts/usecond to be applied concurrently. EXAMPLE Iil. Problem: What is the maximum allowable case temperature for a C141 carrying the following anode current waveform: What turn-off time and dv/dt may be applied? (High Frequency Sinusoidal Pulse) (Low Frequency, Low di/dt Pulse) (High Frequency, Irregular Pulses) 50A SINUSOIDAL - 20A to ti te _ 1008 > _- 20058 9 ____________> Answer: No rigorous method has yet been developed for handling this case. The following method is approximate only but provides a conservative answer. The di/dt of the initial pulse imposes the most severe strain on the SCR during the cycle. Use the initial half cycle to establish a case temperature and then lower the case tem- perature by an amount = effective thermal resistance (DC) of the SCR x wattage dissipated during the rest of the cycle (t: to t2) to establish the maximum permitted case temperature. The average anode dissipation (time t, to te) can be found by means of Chart 11 (for method see Example IV). The energy dissipated per pulse is 0.0032 watt-seconds. The average anode dissipation = 0.0032 watt-seconds x 5000 pulses per second = 16 watts. Chart 6 shows thata 5000 Hertz, 50 ampere, 20 usecond pulse requires a case temperature of less than 90C. Sub- 790 HOW TO USE THIS SPECIFICATION SHEET tract from this case temperature a temperature of 1.7 C/watt x 16 watts = 27C to give the maximum permitted ease temperature, with the given waveform, of 90C 27C = 63C. As the end of the current pulse is rectangu- lar, Chart 8 will have to be used to find the required turn-off time which is 16useconds. The concurrent dv/dt is 200 volts/ssecond. EXAMPLE IV. (Low Frequency, Irregular Pulses With High Initial di/dt) Problem: What is the maximum allowable case temperature for a C141 carrying the following anode current waveform? = Check the initial di/dt by plotting the first 10 seconds of current flow on Chart 10. The waveform is found to be within safe limits provided that the high gate pulse shown on Chart 4 is used. Note that an inadequate gate pulse could destroy the SCR. To find the anode dissipation, plot the anode current waveform on Chart 11. B00A je SINUSOIDAL 20A <_ 8.3 ms > 16.7 ms Replot the intersections of anode current with the instan- taneous power lines. In this case it is convenient to replot the first 40 wseconds of current flow separately in order to use a convenient scale. | | ef Laem mtvrer ete. TW FROM START OF CURRENT FLOW M1 ys INSTANTANEOUS. POWER DELEWRTION KW By graphical integration, the energy per pulse for the first 40 useconds is seen to be 0.12 watt-second. To this must be added the energy dissipated during the rectangular portion of the pulse which is 40 watts x 8.3 ms = 0.33 watt-seconds. Thus the total energy dissipated per pulse is 0.12 + 0.383 = 0.45 watt-seconds. The average dissipation due to anode current flow is 0.45 watt-seconds x 60 pulses per second = 27 watts. As the repetition rate is within the limits of 50 to 400 Hz a@ convenient way of ascertaining the maximum permitted ease temperature is to convert the high di/dt irregular waveform to a low di/dt rectangular pulse with the same dissipation. From Chart 13, a 27 watt, 50% duty cycle pulse gives an average anode current of 25 amperes peak. From Chart 12, a 25 ampere, 50% duty cycle current gives a maximum allowable case temperature of 75C. Note: For repetition rates lower than 50 Hz, the tempera- ture excursion within the SCR each cycle becomes too high for the use of Charts 12 and 13. The procedure for dealing with these very-low-frequency pulses is discussed in the General Electric SCR Manual, 3rd Edition, Chapter 3.