s 8 t g = g fy s 8 8 = FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERS SELECTOR GUIDE n ke 8 ? wn oO Zz e <a a ir] 9 <a Ee a oO > 6 2 20 25 30 100 140 250400 750 Ik AVERAGE CURRENT-AMPERES STANDARD RECTIFIERS SELECTOR GUIDE 1N3987-90 IN4S10-1 IN3289-96/4870 ai70 4180 Aa INHBIA- (2 12 20 20 20 25 35 35 40 = 100 100 I50 160 250 275 400 7401000 1500 AVERAGE CURRENT AMPERES 130 RECTIFIERS 5 TO 12 AMPERES 120 1N1199A-1206A JEDEC 1N1612-16 1N1341A-48A 1N3987-90 1N3879-83 1N3670A-73A 1N3889-93 1N5331 GE TYPES SPECIFICATIONS temiav) (A) @ Tc = (C) Max. repetitive peak reverse voltage (V) VRM(rep) 50 1N1341A 1N3879 1N3889 100 1N1342A4 1N3880 +N3890* 150 1N1343A = ~ 200 1N1344A 1N3881 1N3891* 300 1N13454 1N3882 1N3892 400 1N1346A 1N3883 1N3893* 500 1N1347A _ _ 600 1N1348A - ~_ 700 _ _ 800 900 _ 1000 - 1N4510 1200 _ 1N4511 Max. peak one-cycle, non-recurrent surge current (60 Hz sine wave, 1/ 240 phase operation) @ max. rated load , conditions (A) lem (surge) 12 Max. non-repetitive for 1.0 msec t (A2 sec) T Operating junction temperature J range (C) Storage temperature range (C) Max. thermal resistance, junction- to-case (C/W) Max. peak forward voltage drop Vem @ rated Ie, ay) (1 phase opera- tion) (V) @Tc=(C) Ter Max. reverse recovery time {nsec} PACKAGE OUTLINE NO. *JAN & JANTX types available. ** A28 reverse polarity is an A29. The best way to assure reliability in a low-current rectifier pellet is to put it in a package that really protects it. Protects it from shock, humidity, vibration and temperature. And thats just what we do with General Electric's glassivated 1-amp (A14) and 3-amp (A15) rectifiers. Solid glass provides passivation and protection of the silicon pellets P-N junction no organic material is present within the hermetically sealed package. In addition, rigid mechanical support and ex- cellent thermal characteristics are provided by the dual heat sink construction. For high-frequency applications, GE offers a fast-recovery rectifier, the 1-amp A114, with a 200 nsec. max. reverse recovery. 132 Silicon IN3889-93.R_| Rectifiers FAST RECOVERY Features: Fast Recovery Time... 200 Nanoseconds Maximum Diffused Construction For Usein: Inverters Sonar Power Supplies Choppers Ultrasonic Systems Low RF Interference Applications DC-DC Power Supplies Free-Wheeling Rectifier Applications maximum allowable ratings (Resistive or Inductive Load) 1N3889,R 1N3890,R 1N3891,R 1N3892,R 1N3893,R *Maximum Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage, T; = 65C to +150C, Vana (rep) (Note l). 0... .. cc eee 50 100 200 300 400 Volts Maximum RMS Voltage, T; = 65C to +150C, V, (Note 1).. 35 70 140 210 280 Volts *Maximum DC Blocking Voltage, T; = 65C to +100C, Vr (Note 1) o.oo e teen teens 50 100 200 300 400 Volts *Maximum Average Forward Current, Single Phase, Te = 4100C, Ty oc eee eee ete eet nes 12 Amperes -+ *Maximum Peak One Cycle Surge Current, 60 Cycle, Non- Recurrent, T; = 65C to +150C, Iny (surge)............ 150 Amperes __> *Maximum Peak Ten Cycle Surge Current, 60 cycle, Non- Recurrent, T; = 65C to +150C, In, (surge)............ 70 Amperes -> *Maximum Forward Voltage Drop, Ir = 12 ADC, T. = +25C, Vr 1.4 Volts *Maximum Reverse Current at Full Load, Single Phase Full-Cyle Average, In = 12 Amp. at To. = +100C, Iniayy. oo. ee eee 5.0 mA *Maximum DC Reverse Current at Rated DC Blocking Voltage, Vr, and Te = +100C, Ip eee eee ee ee ee me ee ee ewes 3.0 mA *Maximum DC Reverse Current at Rated DC Blocking Voltage, Vr, and Ty = +25C, Ip. eee eens 25 pA *Junction Operating Temperature Range, Ty;................. 65C to +150C *Storage Temperature Range, Trg... ees 65C to +175C+ *Stud Torque ... 0... 0. ccc ee eee nee enes _15 in-lbs. Maximum__ *Maximum Reverse Recovery Characteristics: (See figure below) Recovery Time, t.,.......... 000 c cece ees ~ 200 Nanoseconds Maximum Peak Recovery Current, Ip (recovery) (Note 2)............4.. 2.0 Amperes Maximum- *The asterisk denotes JEDEC (EIA) registered information. test conditions These rectifiers are factory tested to reverse recovery limits which correlate with EIA registered values. This test- ing is in accordance with NEMA-EIA recommendations for silicon rectifier diodes and stacks. Recovery characteristic test. conditions: Ip, = 5.0 amps; di/dt = 50 amps/ysec switching rate, and a reverse bias of 50% Ve for 200, 300 and 400 volt grades or 100% Vx for 50 and 100 volt grades; T; = 25C; t., = 150 nano- seconds; and I, (recovery) = 5.0 amperes max. Ip- Ie t \ 4 eter "] ey ig 7 TIME ~" TIME-> Ipg (RECOVERY) I, (RECOVERY) TYPICAL RECOVERY WAVE FORMS TYPICAL RECOVERY WAVE FORMS NOTES: 1. Rating assumes rectifier heatsink =6C/W at max. T;. 2. Some manufacturers call this Overshoot Current and use the symbol Ios. 249 NOTE: INSULATING HARDWARE KIT * ii 078 080 R DIA. COPPER TERMINAL,OI6 THICK, TIN PLATED @ BRASS WASHER,.035 THICK NICKEL PLATED @ MICA WASHERS, TWO, .625 0.D., .204 1.D., O05 THICK @ TEFLON WASHER,.270 O.D. 204 |.D.,. 050 THICK # AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST O T rtavey "AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT~( 1 F(avg)- AMPS -65 ~45 50 90 ito 130 Te-CASE TEMPERATURE~{T.) C Iso 170 1. Forward Current Rating vs. Case Temperature Case temperature is measured at the center of any flat on the hex base. OUTLINE DRAWING @ 10-32 STEEL NUT CADMIUM PLATED @ LOCKWASHER, CADMIUM PLATED STEEL DIRECTION OF EASY CONVENTIONAL CURRENT FLOW 10-32 St UNF-2A \ @D ln DIAS DIA @ + 4 N oe A > E@ m COMPLIES WITH EIA REGISTERED OUTLINE DO-4 A @D 424 10.77 E A24 A387 10.77 11.10 F .075 175 1.91 4,45 J -800 20.32 m .250 6.35 1 N 422 453 10.72 11.51 gt .060 1.52 Ww 2 NOTES: 1. Angular orientation of this terminal is undefined. 2, 10-82 UNF-2A. Maximum pitch diameter of plated threads shall be basic pitch diameter (.1697, 4.29 MM) Ref. (Screw thread standards for Federal Services 1957) Handbook H28 1957 P1. 250