CPC5603 N-Channel Depletion Mode FET INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Parameter Drain-to-Source Voltage - VDS Rating 415 Max On-Resistance - RDS(on) 14 Units V Max Power 2.5 W Features * 415V Drain-to-Source Voltage * Depletion Mode Device Offers Low RDS(on) at Cold Temperatures * Low On-Resistance: 8 (Typical) @ 25C * Low VGS(off) Voltage: -2.0V to -3.6V * High Input Impedance * Low Input and Output Leakage * Small Package Size SOT-223 * PC Card (PCMCIA) Compatible * PCB Space and Cost Savings Description The CPC5603 is an N-channel, depletion mode Field Effect Transistor (FET) that utilizes IXYS Integrated Circuits Division's proprietary third-generation vertical DMOS process. The third generation process realizes world class, high voltage MOSFET performance in an economical silicon gate process. The vertical DMOS process yields a highly reliable device particularly in difficult application environments such as telecommunications, security, and power supplies. One of the primary applications for the CPC5603 is as a linear regulator/hook switch for the LITELINKTM family of Data Access Arrangements (DAA) Devices CPC5620A, CPC5621A, and CPC5622A. The CPC5603 has a typical on-resistance of 8, a drain-to-source voltage of 415V and is available in the SOT-223 package. As with all MOS devices, the FET structure prevents thermal runaway and thermal-induced secondary breakdown. Applications * Support Component for LITELINKTM Data Access Arrangement (DAA) * Telecom * Normally-On Switches * Ignition Modules * Converters * Security * Power Supplies Ordering Information Part # CPC5603C Description N-Channel Depletion Mode FET, SOT-223 Pkg. Cut-Tape, Available in Quantities of 200, 400, 600, and 800 Only (see Note 1) CPC5603CTR N-Channel Depletion Mode FET, SOT-223 Pkg. Tape and Reel (1000/Reel) Note 1: Orders for 1000 or greater must be for the "CTR" part option and in increments of 1000. Package Pinout D 1 G 4 2 3 D S Pin Number Name 1 GATE 2 DRAIN 3 SOURCE 4 DRAIN Pb DS-CPC5603-R07 e3 www.ixysic.com 1 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION CPC5603 Absolute Maximum Ratings @ 25C Parameter Drain-to-Source Voltage (VDS) Gate-to-Source Voltage (VGS) Total Package Dissipation Operational Temperature Storage Temperature Ratings 415 20 2.5 -40 to +85 -40 to +125 Units V V W oC oC Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Stresses in excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device at conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied. Electrical Characteristics @25oC (Unless Otherwise Specified) Parameter Gate-to-Source Off Voltage Drain-to-Source Leakage Current Drain Current On Resistance Gate Leakage Current Gate Capacitance Symbol VGS(off) Min -3.6 130 - Typ RDS(on) IGSS CISS Conditions ID= 2A, VDS=10V, VDS=100V VGS= -5V, VDS=250V VGS= -5V, VDS=415V VGS= -2.7V, VDS=5V, VDS=50V VGS= -0.57V, VDS=5V VGS= -0.35V, IDS=50mA VGS=10V, VGS=-10V VDS= VGS=0V Symbol RJC Conditions - Min - IDS(off) ID 8 - Max -2.0 20 1 5 14 0.1 300 Units V nA A mA mA A pF Typ - Max 14 Units C/W Thermal Characteristics Parameter Thermal Resistance 2 www.ixysic.com R07 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION CPC5603 Performance Data* Output Characteristics (TA=25C) 0.20 0.15 0.10 300 15 10 150 100 5 0 0 VDS (V) 0.3 ID (A) Transfer Characteristics (VDS=10V) VGS(off) vs. Temperature (VDS=10V, ID=2PA) 0 250 1 2 3 4 0.0 5 0.1 -2.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0 0.6 100 -2.6 -2.7 -2.8 50 -2.9 0 -3.0 -1.5 -1.0 CISS COSS CRSS 200 150 100 50 0 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (C) 80 5 10 15 VDS (V) 20 25 30 6 -40 100 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (C) 80 100 Forward Safe Operating Bias (VGS=0V, DC Load, TC=25C) 1 4.0 Limited by Device Channel Saturation 3.5 3.0 0.1 2.5 2.0 1.5 Limited by Device RDS(on) 0.01 1.0 0.5 0 0 7 Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Power Dissipation (W) 250 8 4 -40 Capacitance vs. Drain-Source Voltage (VGS=-5V) 9 IDS(A) -2.0 VGS (V) 10 5 -3.0 -2.5 150 11 On-Resistance (:) VGS(off) (V) 150 100 On-Resistance vs. Temperature (VGS=0V, ID=100mA) 12 -2.5 TA=125C TA=25C TA=-40C 50 ID (mA) -2.4 200 ID (mA) 200 50 0.00 Capacitance (pF) TA=-40C TA=25C TA=125C 250 0.05 300 Transconductance vs Drain Current (VDS=10V) : On-Resistance (:) 0.25 ID (A) 20 VGS=-0.5 VGS=-1 VGS=-1.5 VGS=-2 0.30 GFS (m) 0.35 On-Resistance vs. Drain Current (VGS=0V) 0.001 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature (C) 140 160 1 10 100 1000 VDS (V) *The Performance data shown in the graphs above is typical of device performance. For guaranteed parameters not indicated in the written specifications, please contact our application department. R07 www.ixysic.com 3 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION CPC5603 Manufacturing Information Moisture Sensitivity All plastic encapsulated semiconductor packages are susceptible to moisture ingression. IXYS Integrated Circuits Division classified all of its plastic encapsulated devices for moisture sensitivity according to the latest version of the joint industry standard, IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020, in force at the time of product evaluation. We test all of our products to the maximum conditions set forth in the standard, and guarantee proper operation of our devices when handled according to the limitations and information in that standard as well as to any limitations set forth in the information or standards referenced below. Failure to adhere to the warnings or limitations as established by the listed specifications could result in reduced product performance, reduction of operable life, and/or reduction of overall reliability. This product carries a Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) rating as shown below, and should be handled according to the requirements of the latest version of the joint industry standard IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033. Device Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) Rating CPC5603C MSL 1 ESD Sensitivity This product is ESD Sensitive, and should be handled according to the industry standard JESD-625. Reflow Profile This product has a maximum body temperature and time rating as shown below. All other guidelines of J-STD-020 must be observed. Device Maximum Temperature x Time CPC5603C 260C for 30 seconds Board Wash IXYS Integrated Circuits Division recommends the use of no-clean flux formulations. However, board washing to remove flux residue is acceptable, and the use of a short drying bake may be necessary. Chlorine-based or Fluorine-based solvents or fluxes should not be used. Cleaning methods that employ ultrasonic energy should not be used. Pb 4 e3 www.ixysic.com R07 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION CPC5603 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS CPC5603C 2.90 / 3.10 (0.114 / 0.122) PCB Land Pattern 0.229 / 0.330 (0.009 / 0.013) 1.90 (0.075) 6.705 / 7.290 (0.264 / 0.287) 3.30 / 3.71 (0.130 / 0.146) 1.499 / 1.981 (0.059 / 0.078) 3.20 (0.126) 6.10 (0.24) Pin 1 0.610 / 0.787 (0.024 / 0.031) 1.90 (0.075) 0.914 MIN (0.036 MIN) 2.286 (0.090) 6.30 / 6.71 (0.248 / 0.264) 0.020 / 0.102 (0.0008 / 0.004) 0.864 / 1.067 (0.034 / 0.042) 0.90 (0.035) 1.549 / 1.803 (0.061 / 0.071) 2.286 (0.090) Dimensions mm MIN / mm MAX (inches MIN / inches MAX) 4.597 (0.181) CPC5603CTR Tape & Reel 177.8 Dia (7.00 Dia) 5.50 0.05 (0.217 0.002) Top Cover Tape Thickness 0.102 Max (0.004 Max) 2.00 0.05 (0.079 0.002) 4.00 0.1 (0.157 0.004) W=12.08 0.2 (0.476 0.008) B0=7.42 0.1 (0.292 0.004) K0=1.88 0.1 (0.074 0.004) Embossed Carrier 1.75 0.1 (0.069 0.004) A0=6.83 0.1 (0.269 0.004) P=8.03 0.1 (0.316 0.004) Embossment Dimensions mm (inches) For additional information please visit our website at: www.ixysic.com IXYS Integrated Circuits Division makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Neither circuit patent licenses nor indemnity are expressed or implied. Except as set forth in IXYS Integrated Circuits Division's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, IXYS Integrated Circuits Division assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement of any intellectual property right. The products described in this document are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in other applications intended to support or sustain life, or where malfunction of IXYS Integrated Circuits Division's product may result in direct physical harm, injury, or death to a person or severe property or environmental damage. IXYS Integrated Circuits Division reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its products at any time without notice. 5 Specification: DS-CPC5603-R07 (c)Copyright 2013, IXYS Integrated Circuits Division All rights reserved. Printed in USA. 5/10/2013