Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VSHigh side offset voltage -0.3 600
VBS High side floating supply voltage -0.3 25
VCC Low side and logic fixed supply voltage -0.3 25
VIN Maximum input voltage between VIN+ and VIN- -5 5
VPO Digital PWM output voltage COM -0.3 VCC +0.3
VOC Overcurrent output voltage (IR2172) COM -0.3 VCC +0.3
VIN- VIN- input voltage (note 1) VS -5 VB+ 0.3
dV/dt Allowable offset voltage slew rate — 50 V/ns
PDPackage power dissipation @ TA ≤ +25°C 8 lead SOIC — .625
8 lead PDIP — 1.0
RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient 8 lead SOIC — 200
8 lead PDIP — 125
TJJunction temperature — 150
TSStorage temperature -55 150
TLLead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) — 300
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage
parameters are absolute voltages referenced to COM, all currents are defined positive into any lead. The thermal
resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
Note 1: Capacitors are required between VB and Vin-, and between VB and Vs pins when bootstrap power is used. The
external power supply, when used, is required between Vs and Vin-, and between VB and Vs pins.
Recommended Operating Conditions
The output logic timing diagram is shown in figure 1. For proper operation the device should be used within the recom-
mended conditions.
Symbol Definition Min. Max. Units
VBHigh side floating supply voltage VS +13.0 VS +20
VSHigh side floating supply offset voltage 0.3 600
VPO Digital PWM output voltage COM VCC
VOC Overcurrent output voltage COM VCC
VCC Low side and logic fixed supply voltage 9.5 20
VIN Input voltage between VIN+ and VIN- -260 +260 mV
TAAmbient temperature -40 125 °C