AN26011A LNA-IC for 800MHz / 450MHz Band Applications FEATURES DESCRIPTION * Low voltage operation +2.80 V typ. * High gain 15.0 dB typ. fRX = 881.5 MHz AN26011A is LNA-IC for 800MHz / 450MHz Band Applications. 16.0 dB typ. fRX = 450 MHz Realizing high performance by using 0.18 m SiGeC fRX = 881.5 MHz Bi-CMOS process(fT = 90 GHz, fmax = 140 GHz). fRX = 450 MHz Low Gain mode is available, controlled by integrated CMOS logic circuit. * Low noise figure 1.40 dB typ. 1.30 dB typ. * Low distortion Achieving miniaturization by using small size package. (IIP3 +10 MHz offset) +10.0 dBm typ. fRX = 881.5 MHz +10.0 dBm typ. fRX= 450 MHz * 5 pin Plastic Small Surface Mount Package (SMINI Type) APPLICATIONS zCellular Phone 800MHz / 450MHz Band Application SIMPLIFIED APPLICATION TOP VIEW VCC OUT Components Size Value Part Number Vendor L1 0603 12 nH LQPT03TN12NH04 Murata L2 0603 12 nH LQPT03TN12NH04 Murata L2 L3 0603 10 nH LQPT03TN10NH04 Murata 5 OUT C1 0603 1000 pF GRM033B11C102KD01 Murata C2 0603 4.0 pF GJM0332C1E4R0BB01D Murata 50 C3 C4 L3 IN 1 4 VCC GND 2 C1 L1 C2 50 CNT 3 (Gain Control) C3 0603 4.0 pF GJM0332C1E4R0BB01D Murata C4 0603 0.1 F GRM033B30J104KE18 Murata Notes) This application circuit is an example. The operation of mass production set is not guaranteed. You should perform enough evaluation and verification on the design of mass production set. You are fully responsible for the incorporation of the above application circuit and information in the design of your equipment. IN Publication date: March 2013 1 Ver. CEB AN26011A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Note Supply voltage VCC 3.6 V *1 Supply current ICC 18 mA -- Operating ambient temperature Topr -20 to +70 C *2 Operating junction temperature Tj -40 to +125 C *2 Tstg -55 to +125 C *2 IN (Pin No.1) -- V *3 CNT (Pin No.3) - 0.3 to (VCC +0.3) V *4 OUT (Pin No.5) - 0.3 to (VCC +0.3) V *4 HBM (Human Body Model) 1500 V -- Storage temperature Input Voltage Range ESD Notes). This product may sustain permanent damage if subjected to conditions higher than the above stated absolute maximum rating. This rating is the maximum rating and device operating at this range is not guaranteeable as it is higher than our stated recommended operating range. When subjected under the absolute maximum rating for a long time, the reliability of the product may be affected. *1:The values under the condition not exceeding the above absolute maximum ratings and the power dissipation. *2:Except for the operating ambient temperature, operating junction temperature and storage temperature, all ratings are for Ta = 25C. *3:RF signal input pin. Do not apply DC. Do not apply more than 0 dBm to RF input. *4:(Vcc + 0.3) V must not be exceeded 3.6 V. POWER DISSIPATION RATING JA PD (Ta=25) PD (Ta=70) 833/W 0.12W 0.066W PACKAGE SSMINI-5DC Note). For the actual usage, please refer to the PD-Ta characteristics diagram in the package specification, supply voltage, load and ambient temperature conditions to ensure that there is enough margin follow the power and the thermal design does not exceed the allowable value. CAUTION Although this has limited built-in ESD protection circuit, but permanent damage may occur on it. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid electrostatic damage to the MOS gates RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Supply voltage range Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note VCC 2.65 2.8 2.95 V *1 Note) *: The values under the condition not exceeding the above absolute maximum ratings and the power dissipation 2 Ver. CEB AN26011A ELECRTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Note) VCC = 2.80 V, Ta = 25C2C, unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 1 on page 11. Limits Typ Max -- 11.5 VCC current at Low Gain mode. No input signal -- IcntHS Current at CNT Pin. Voltage at CNT Pin = 2.80 V CNT current (Low Gain mode) IcntLS Current at CNT Pin. Voltage at CNT Pin = 0 V CNT voltage (High Gain mode) VIHS CNT voltage (Low Gain mode) VILS Parameter Symbol Condition Unit Note Supply current (High Gain mode) IccHS VCC current at High Gain mode. No input signal 14.5 mA -- Supply current (Low Gain mode) IccLS 0 10 A -- CNT current (High Gain mode) -- 5 35 A -- -- 0 10 A -- -- 2.52 -- 3.1 V -- -- -- 0 0.3 V -- Unit Note Min DC electrical characteristics ELECRTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Note) Vcc = 2.80 V, Ta = 25C2C, fRX = 881.5 MHz, PRX = -30 dBm, CW unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 1 on page 11. Parameter Symbol Condition Min Limits Typ Max 13.0 15.0 17.0 dB -- 6.0 10.0 -- dBm -- -5.0 -3.0 -1.5 dB -- LNA AC electrical characteristics ( High Gain Mode ) Power Gain HG GHS IIP3 +10 MHz offset IIP3S -- f1 = fRX + 10 MHz f2 = fRX + 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) LNA AC electrical characteristics ( Low Gain Mode ) Power Gain LG GLS PRX = - 20 dBm 3 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION REFERENCE VALUES FOR DESIGN Note) Vcc = 2.80 V Ta = 25C2C, fRXa = 869 MHz, 881.5 MHz, 894 MHz, PRXa = -30 dBm, CW unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 1 on page 11. Reference values Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Note LNA AC electrical characteristics ( High Gain Mode ) Power Gain HG GHa -- 13.0 15.0 17.0 dB *1 Noise Figure HG NFHa -- -- 1.5 2.1 dB *1,*2 IIP3 +10 MHz offset HG IIP3H1a f1 = fRXa + 10 MHz f2 = fRXa + 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 6.0 10.0 -- dBm *1 IIP3 -10 MHz offset HG IIP3H2a f1 = fRXa - 10 MHz f2 = fRXa - 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 6.0 10.0 -- dBm *1 Input P1dB IP1dBHa -- -10.0 -6.0 -- dBm *1 Reverse Isolation HG ISOHa -- -- dB *1 Input Return Loss S11Ha -- 5.5 7.5 -- dB *1 S22Ha -- 7.0 9.0 -- dB *1 -5.0 -3.0 -1.5 dB *1 -- 3.0 5.5 dB *1 17.0 20.0 -- dBm *1 HG Output Return Loss HG -22.0 -18.0 LNA AC electrical characteristics ( Low Gain Mode ) Power Gain LG GLa Noise Figure LG NFLa PRXa = -20 dBm -- f1 = fRXa + 10 MHz f2 = fRXa + 20 MHz PRXa = -15 dBm Input 2 signals (f1, f2) IIP3 +10 MHz offset LG IIP3L1a Reverse Isolation LG ISOLa -- -5.0 -3.0 -1.5 dB *1 Input Return Loss S11La -- 7.0 9.0 -- dB *1 S22La -- 5.5 7.5 -- dB *1 LG Output Return Loss LG Note) *1 : Checked by design, not production tested. *2 : RF input Connector & substrate loss (0.1 dB) included. 4 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) REFERENCE VALUES FOR DESIGN (continued) Note) Vcc = 2.80 V Ta = 25C2C, fRXa = 869 MHz, 881.5 MHz, 894 MHz, PRXa = -30 dBm, CW unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 2 on page 11. Reference values Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Note LNA AC electrical characteristics ( High Gain Mode ) Power Gain HG GHb -- 12.0 14.0 16.0 dB *1 Noise Figure HG NFHb -- -- 1.4 2.0 dB *1,*2 IIP3H1b f1 = fRXa + 10 MHz f2 = fRXa + 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 7.5 11.5 -- dBm *1 IIP3 -10 MHz offset HG IIP3H2b f1 = fRXa - 10 MHz f2 = fRXa - 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 7.5 11.5 -- dBm *1 Input P1dB IP1dBHb -- -9.0 -5.0 -- dBm *1 Reverse Isolation HG ISOHb -- -- dB *1 Input Return Loss S11Hb -- 2.5 4.0 -- dB *1 S22Hb -- 5.5 7.5 -- dB *1 -6.0 -4.0 -2.5 dB *1 -- 4.0 6.5 dB *1 17.0 20.0 -- dBm *1 IIP3 +10 MHz offset HG HG Output Return Loss HG -22.0 -18.0 LNA AC electrical characteristics ( Low Gain Mode ) Power Gain LG GLb Noise Figure LG NFLb PRXa = -20 dBm -- f1 = fRXa + 10 MHz f2 = fRXa + 20 MHz PRXa = -15 dBm Input 2 signals (f1, f2) IIP3 +10 MHz offset LG IIP3L1b Reverse Isolation LG ISOLb -- -6.0 -4.0 -2.5 dB *1 Input Return Loss S11Lb -- 2.5 5.0 -- dB *1 S22Lb -- 2.5 5.0 -- dB *1 LG Output Return Loss LG Note) *1 : Checked by design, not production tested. *2 : RF input Connector & substrate loss (0.1 dB) included. 5 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) REFERENCE VALUES FOR DESIGN (continued) Note) Vcc = 2.80 V Ta = 25C2C, fRXb = 440 MHz, 450 MHz, 460 MHz, PRXb = -30 dBm, CW unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 3 on page 12. Reference values Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Note LNA AC electrical characteristics ( High Gain Mode ) Power Gain HG GHc -- 14.0 16.0 18.0 dB *1 Noise Figure HG NFHc -- -- 1.4 2.1 dB *1,*2 IIP3 +10 MHz offset HG IIP3H1c f1 = fRXb + 10 MHz f2 = fRXb + 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 6.5 10.0 -- dBm *1 IIP3 -10 MHz offset HG IIP3H2c f1 = fRXb - 10 MHz f2 = fRXb - 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 6.5 10.0 -- dBm *1 Input P1dB IP1dBHc -- -11.0 -7.0 -- dBm *1 Reverse Isolation HG ISOHc -- -- -24.0 -20.0 dB *1 Input Return Loss S11Hc -- 5.5 7.5 -- dB *1 S22Hc -- 5.0 7.5 -- dB *1 -4.5 -3.0 -1.5 dB *1 -- 3.0 5.0 dB *1 22.0 25.0 -- dBm *1 HG Output Return Loss HG LNA AC electrical characteristics ( Low Gain Mode ) Power Gain LG GLc Noise Figure LG NFLc PRXb = -20 dBm -- f1 = fRXb + 10 MHz f2 = fRXb + 20 MHz PRXb = -10 dBm Input 2 signals (f1, f2) IIP3 +10 MHz offset LG IIP3L1c Reverse Isolation LG ISOLc -- -4.5 -3.0 -1.5 dB *1 Input Return Loss S11Lc -- 8.5 10.0 -- dB *1 S22Lc -- 12.0 15.0 -- dB *1 LG Output Return Loss LG Note) *1 : Checked by design, not production tested. *2 : RF input Connector & substrate loss (0.1 dB) included. 6 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) REFERENCE VALUES FOR DESIGN (continued) Note) Vcc = 2.65 V to 2.95 V Ta = -20C to 70C, CW unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 1 on page 11. Reference values Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Note DC electrical characteristics Supply current (High Gain mode) IccHT Vcc current at High Gain mode No input signal -- 11.5 15.5 mA *1 Supply current (Low Gain mode) IccLT Vcc current at Low Gain mode No input signal -- 0 20 A *1 CNT current (High Gain mode) IcntHT Current at CNT Pin Voltage at CNT Pin = 2.80 V -- 5 45 A *1 CNT current (Low Gain mode) IcntLT Current at CNT Pin Voltage at CNT Pin = 0 V -- 0 20 A *1 Note) *1 : Checked by design, not production tested. 7 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) REFERENCE VALUES FOR DESIGN (continued) Note) Vcc = 2.65 V to 2.95 V Ta = -20C to 70C, fRXa = 869 MHz, 881.5 MHz, 894 MHz, PRXa = -30 dBm, CW unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 1 on page 11. Reference values Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Note LNA AC electrical characteristics ( High Gain Mode ) Power Gain HG GHTa -- 12.0 15.0 18.0 dB *1 Noise Figure HG NFHTa -- -- 1.5 2.4 dB *1,*2 IIP3 +10 MHz offset HG IIP3H1Ta f1 = fRXa + 10 MHz f2 = fRXa + 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 5.0 10.0 -- dBm *1 IIP3 -10 MHz offset HG IIP3H2Ta f1 = fRXa - 10 MHz f2 = fRXa - 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 5.0 10.0 -- dBm *1 Input P1dB IP1dBHTa -15.0 -6.0 -- dBm *1 -5.5 -3.0 -1.0 dB *1 -- 3.0 7.0 dB *1 15.0 20.0 -- dBm *1 -- LNA AC electrical characteristics ( Low Gain Mode ) Power Gain LG GLTa Noise Figure LG NFLTa IIP3 +10 MHz offset LG IIP3LT1a PRXa = - 20 dBm -- f1 = fRXa + 10 MHz f2 = fRXa + 20 MHz PRXa = - 15 dBm Input 2 signals (f1, f2) Note) *1 : Checked by design, not production tested. *2 : RF input Connector & substrate loss (0.1 dB) included. 8 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) REFERENCE VALUES FOR DESIGN (continued) Note) Vcc = 2.65 V to 2.95 V Ta = -20C to 70C, fRXa = 869 MHz, 881.5 MHz, 894 MHz, PRXa = -30 dBm, CW unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 2 on page 11. Reference values Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Note LNA AC electrical characteristics ( High Gain Mode ) Power Gain HG GHTb -- 11.0 14.0 17.0 dB *1 Noise Figure HG NFHTb -- -- 1.4 2.3 dB *1,*2 IIP3H1Tb f1 = fRXa + 10 MHz f2 = fRXa + 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 6.5 11.5 -- dBm *1 IIP3 -10 MHz offset HG IIP3H2Tb f1 = fRXa - 10 MHz f2 = fRXa - 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 6.5 11.5 -- dBm *1 Input P1dB IP1dBHTb -14.0 -5.0 -- dBm *1 -6.5 -4.0 -2.0 dB *1 -- 4.0 8.0 dB *1 15.0 20.0 -- dBm *1 IIP3 +10 MHz offset HG -- LNA AC electrical characteristics ( Low Gain Mode ) Power Gain LG GLTb Noise Figure LG NFLTb IIP3 +10 MHz offset LG IIP3LT1b PRXa = -20 dBm -- f1 = fRXa + 10 MHz f2 = fRXa + 20 MHz PRXa = -15 dBm Input 2 signals (f1, f2) Note) *1 : Checked by design, not production tested. *2 : RF input Connector & substrate loss (0.1 dB) included. 9 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) REFERENCE VALUES FOR DESIGN (continued) Note) Vcc = 2.65 V to 2.95 V Ta = -20C to 70C, fRXb = 440 MHz, 450 MHz, 460 MHz, PRXb = -30 dBm, CW unless otherwise specified. Performance based on application circuit 3 on page 12. Reference values Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Note LNA AC electrical characteristics ( High Gain Mode ) Power Gain HG GHTc -- 13.0 16.0 19.0 dB *1 Noise Figure HG NFHTc -- -- 1.4 2.4 dB *1,*2 IIP3H1Tc f1 = fRXb + 10 MHz f2 = fRXb + 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 5.0 10.0 -- dBm *1 IIP3 -10 MHz offset HG IIP3H2Tc f1 = fRXb - 10 MHz f2 = fRXb - 20 MHz Input 2 signals (f1, f2) 5.0 10.0 -- dBm *1 Input P1dB IP1dBHTc -16.0 -7.0 -- dBm *1 -5.0 -3.0 -1.0 dB *1 -- 3.0 6.5 dB *1 20.0 25.0 -- dBm *1 IIP3 +10 MHz offset HG -- LNA AC electrical characteristics ( Low Gain Mode ) Power Gain LG GLTc Noise Figure LG NFLTc IIP3 +10 MHz offset LG IIP3LT1c PRXb = -20 dBm -- f1 = fRXb + 10 MHz f2 = fRXb + 20 MHz PRXb = -10 dBm Input 2 signals (f1, f2) Note) *1 : Checked by design, not production tested. *2 : RF input Connector & substrate loss (0.1 dB) included. 10 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION (Continued) APPLICATION CIRCUIT [ Application Circuit 1 for 800 MHz Band ] TOP VIEW VCC OUT Components Size Value Part Number Vendor L1 0603 12 nH LQPT03TN12NH04 Murata L2 0603 12 nH LQPT03TN12NH04 Murata L2 L3 0603 10 nH LQPT03TN10NH04 Murata 5 OUT C1 0603 1000 pF GRM033B11C102KD01 Murata C2 0603 4.0 pF GJM0332C1E4R0BB01D Murata C3 0603 4.0 pF GJM0332C1E4R0BB01D Murata C4 0603 0.1 F GRM033B30J104KE18 Murata 50 C3 C4 L3 IN 1 4 VCC CNT 3 GND 2 C1 L1 Notes) This application circuit is an example. The operation of mass production set is not guaranteed. You should perform enough evaluation and verification on the design of mass production set. You are fully responsible for the incorporation of the above application circuit and information in the design of your equipment. (Gain Control) C2 50 IN [ Application Circuit 2 for 800 MHz Band ] TOP VIEW VCC OUT 50 C2 C3 L3 L2 5 OUT IN 1 4 VCC GND 2 C1 L1 CNT 3 (Gain Control) Components Size Value Part Number L1 0603 56 nH LQP03T56NJ04 Vendor Murata L2 0603 12 nH LQPT03TN12NH04 Murata Murata L3 0603 10 nH LQPT03TN10NH04 C1 0603 1000 pF GRM033B11C102KD01 Murata C2 0603 4.0 pF GJM0332C1E4R0BB01D Murata C3 0603 0.1 F GRM033B30J104KE18 Murata Notes) This application circuit is an example. The operation of mass production set is not guaranteed. You should perform enough evaluation and verification on the design of mass production set. You are fully responsible for the incorporation of the above application circuit and information in the design of your equipment. 50 IN 11 Ver. CEB AN26011A APPLICATION INFORMATION (Continued) APPLICATION CIRCUIT (Continued) [ Application Circuit 3 for 450 MHz Band ] TOP VIEW VCC OUT 50 C3 C4 L2 R1 5 OUT 4 VCC C5 R2 IN 1 GND 2 CNT 3 (Gain Control) C1 L1 Components Size Value Part Number L1 0603 12 nH LQPT03TN12NH04 Vendor Murata L2 0603 22 nH LQP03T22NH04 Murata R1 1005 10 ERJ2GEJ100X Panasonic R2 1005 1.3 k ERJ2GEJ132X Panasonic C1 0603 2.0 pF GJM0334C1E2R0BB01 Murata C2 0603 1000 pF GRM033B11C102KD01 Murata C3 0603 4.5 pF GJM0332C1E4R5BB01D Murata C4 0603 0.1 F GRM033B30J104KE18 Murata C5 1005 0.5 pF ECJ0EC1H0R5C Panasonic Notes) This application circuit is an example. The operation of mass production set is not guaranteed. You should perform enough evaluation and verification on the design of mass production set. You are fully responsible for the incorporation of the above application circuit and information in the design of your equipment. C2 50 IN 12 Ver. CEB AN26011A PIN CONFIGURATION 4 3 2 GND CNT 1 IN 5 VCC OUT Top View PIN FUNCTIONS Pin No. Pin name Type 1 IN Input 2 GND Ground 3 CNT Input 4 VCC Power Supply 5 OUT Output Description RF Input GND High Gain / Low Gain switch L: Low Gain Mode H: High Gain Mode VCC RF Output FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Top View VCC OUT 5 4 Gain Select Logic 1 IN 2 3 GND CNT Notes) This circuit and these circuit constants show an example and do not guarantee the design as a mass-production set. This block diagram is for explaining functions. The part of the block diagram may be omitted, or it may be simplified. 13 Ver. CEB AN26011A PACKAGE INFORMATION ( Reference Data ) Package Code:SSMINI-5DC 0.05 0.20 0.05 1.60 +0.05 0.20 -0.02 (0.5) (7) 2 1.60 0.05 4 1.20 0.05 5 1 (0.27) Unit:mm 3 (0.5) +0.05 0.13 -0.02 1.00 0.05 0.10 0 to 0.05 0.550.05 (7) Br / Sb Free Body Material : Epoxy Resin Lead Material : Cu Alloy Lead Finish Method : SnBi Plating 14 Ver. CEB AN26011A IMPORTANT NOTICE 1.The products and product specifications described in this book are subject to change without notice for modification and/or improvement. At the final stage of your design, purchasing, or use of the products, therefore, ask for the most up-to-date Product Standards in advance to make sure that the latest specifications satisfy your requirements. 2.When using the LSI for new models, verify the safety including the long-term reliability for each product. 3.When the application system is designed by using this LSI, be sure to confirm notes in this book. Be sure to read the notes to descriptions and the usage notes in the book. 4.The technical information described in this book is intended only to show the main characteristics and application circuit examples of the products. No license is granted in and to any intellectual property right or other right owned by Panasonic Corporation or any other company. Therefore, no responsibility is assumed by our company as to the infringement upon any such right owned by any other company which may arise as a result of the use of technical information de-scribed in this book. 5.This book may be not reprinted or reproduced whether wholly or partially, without the prior written permission of our company. 6.This LSI is intended to be used for general electronic equipment [880 MHz / 450 MHz Band Applications]. Consult our sales staff in advance for information on the following applications: Special applications in which exceptional quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of this LSI may directly jeopardize life or harm the human body. Any applications other than the standard applications intended. (1) Space appliance (such as artificial satellite, and rocket) (2) Traffic control equipment (such as for automobile, airplane, train, and ship) (3) Medical equipment for life support (4) Submarine transponder (5) Control equipment for power plant (6) Disaster prevention and security device (7) Weapon (8) Others : Applications of which reliability equivalent to (1) to (7) is required It is to be understood that our company shall not be held responsible for any damage incurred as a result of or in connection with your using the LSI described in this book for any special application, unless our company agrees to your using the LSI in this book for any special application. 7.This LSI is neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific product is designated by our company as compliant with the ISO/TS 16949 requirements. Our company shall not be held responsible for any damage incurred by you or any third party as a result of or in connection with your using the LSI in automotive application, unless our company agrees to your using the LSI in this book for such application. 8.If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and regulations of the exporting country, especially, those with regard to security export control, must be observed. 9. Please use this product in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances, including without limitation, the EU RoHS Directive. Our company shall not be held responsible for any damage incurred as a result of your using the LSI not complying with the applicable laws and regulations. 15 Ver. CEB AN26011A USAGE NOTES 1. When designing your equipment, comply with the range of absolute maximum rating and the guaranteed operating conditions (operating power supply voltage and operating environment etc.). Especially, please be careful not to exceed the range of absolute maximum rating on the transient state, such as power-on, power-off and mode-switching. Otherwise, we will not be liable for any defect which may arise later in your equipment. Even when the products are used within the guaranteed values, take into the consideration of incidence of break down and failure mode, possible to occur to semiconductor products. Measures on the systems such as redundant design, arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch are recommended in order to prevent physical injury, fire, social damages, for example, by using the products. 2. Comply with the instructions for use in order to prevent breakdown and characteristics change due to external factors (ESD, EOS, thermal stress and mechanical stress) at the time of handling, mounting or at customer's process. When using products for which damp-proof packing is required, satisfy the conditions, such as shelf life and the elapsed time since first opening the packages. 3. Pay attention to the direction of LSI. When mounting it in the wrong direction onto the PCB (printed-circuitboard), it might smoke or ignite. 4. Pay attention in the PCB (printed-circuit-board) pattern layout in order to prevent damage due to short circuit between pins. In addition, refer to the Pin Description for the pin configuration. 5. Perform a visual inspection on the PCB before applying power, otherwise damage might happen due to problems such as a solder-bridge between the pins of the semiconductor device. Also, perform a full technical verification on the assembly quality, because the same damage possibly can happen due to conductive substances, such as solder ball, that adhere to the LSI during transportation. 6. Take notice in the use of this product that it might break or occasionally smoke when an abnormal state occurs such as output pin-VCC short (Power supply fault), output pin-GND short (Ground fault), or output-to-output-pin short (load short) . And, safety measures such as an installation of fuses are recommended because the extent of the abovementioned damage and smoke emission will depend on the current capability of the power supply. 16 Ver. CEB Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book (1) If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and regulations of the exporting country, especially, those with regard to security export control, must be observed. (2) The technical information described in this book is intended only to show the main characteristics and application circuit examples of the products. No license is granted in and to any intellectual property right or other right owned by Panasonic Corporation or any other company. Therefore, no responsibility is assumed by our company as to the infringement upon any such right owned by any other company which may arise as a result of the use of technical information described in this book. (3) The products described in this book are intended to be used for general applications (such as office equipment, communications equipment, measuring instruments and household appliances), or for specific applications as expressly stated in this book. Consult our sales staff in advance for information on the following applications: - Special applications (such as for airplanes, aerospace, automotive equipment, traffic signaling equipment, combustion equipment, life support systems and safety devices) in which exceptional quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of the products may directly jeopardize life or harm the human body. It is to be understood that our company shall not be held responsible for any damage incurred as a result of or in connection with your using the products described in this book for any special application, unless our company agrees to your using the products in this book for any special application. (4) The products and product specifications described in this book are subject to change without notice for modification and/or improvement. At the final stage of your design, purchasing, or use of the products, therefore, ask for the most up-to-date Product Standards in advance to make sure that the latest specifications satisfy your requirements. (5) When designing your equipment, comply with the range of absolute maximum rating and the guaranteed operating conditions (operating power supply voltage and operating environment etc.). Especially, please be careful not to exceed the range of absolute maximum rating on the transient state, such as power-on, power-off and mode-switching. Otherwise, we will not be liable for any defect which may arise later in your equipment. Even when the products are used within the guaranteed values, take into the consideration of incidence of break down and failure mode, possible to occur to semiconductor products. Measures on the systems such as redundant design, arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch are recommended in order to prevent physical injury, fire, social damages, for example, by using the products. (6) Comply with the instructions for use in order to prevent breakdown and characteristics change due to external factors (ESD, EOS, thermal stress and mechanical stress) at the time of handling, mounting or at customer's process. When using products for which damp-proof packing is required, satisfy the conditions, such as shelf life and the elapsed time since first opening the packages. (7) This book may be not reprinted or reproduced whether wholly or partially, without the prior written permission of our company. 20100202