4855452 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 73 DE Bpuassuse OOO?S4b i INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER _ 13 07346... d 1-9 2% Data Sheet No. PD-2.091A If<aR 1N4044 SERIES 275 Amp Avg Power Silicon Rectifier Diodes Major Ratings and Characteristics Description and Features 1N4044 Units @ Peak reverse voltage up to 1000V TE(AV} 275* A @T> 120 C Popular series for rough service @ 50Hz 4800 oo . FSM A For many AC-to-DC circuit applications @ 60Hz 5000* 12t @ 5OHz 115 000 As @ 60Hz 105 000 yt 1,600,000 AAs Vrrm Range 50-1000 v *JEDEC registered values 11.51 (0.453) 49.48 4.32 (0.170) 10.74 (0.423) (0.755) MAX. | Max. [~ Th t 7] So 8.89 (0.350) 2:23 D 358 (0338)" 4149.9 (5.90) 134.6 (5,30) CASE STYLE AND DIMENSIONS por: 13.46 {0.530} Vr 94 (0.470) 27,94 (4,10) 31.75 (1.250) MAX. ACROSS FLATS a = SS noes 3/4-16 UNF-2A MAX. 28.45 (1.12) MAX. 3.18 (0.125) } ; MAX. UNE 2A UNTHREADED 7 PORTION 31.75 (1.250) 30.94 (1.218) ACROSS FLATS 53.34 | (2.10) DIA. MAX. 9.14 (0,360) 7.87 (0.310) a 21.03 (0.828) {| 20.14 (0.793) _ 19.02 (0.749) DIA. MAX. Conforms to JEDEC Outline DO-205AB (DO-9) (B13) All Dimensions in (Millimeters) and (Inches) INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 1N4044 Series VOLTAGE RATINGS 74 DB 4ass4se 0007347 3 D0 Teol-23 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER IaR VerRM Max. Vasm Max. Ve Max. TRAV) Max. Repetitive Peak Non-repetitive Peak Direct Reverse Average Reverse . Reverse Voltage Reverse Voltage Voltage Current @ Max, Rated Part Number (1) \v) (Vv) (V) Ie(AV) and Vara. DO-205AB . Tg = 120C {DO-9) (B-13) Tg = 65 to 190C 1 Tc = 25 to 190C Te = 65 to 190C (1 Phase Cheration| i m 1N4044_ 50* 100* 50* 15* 1N4045 100* - 200* 100* 15* 1N4046 150* 250* 150* 15* 1N4047 200* 300* 200* 15* 1N4048 250* 350* 250* 15* 1N4049 300* 400* 300* 15* 1N4050 400* 525* 400* 15* 1N4051 500* 650* 500* 15* 1N4052 600* 800* 600* 15* 1N4053 700* 925* 700* 15* 1N4054 800* 1050* 8007 15* 1N4055 900* 1175* gcc* 15* 1N4056 1000* 1300* 4 10007 15* Basic part number indicates cathode-to-case. For anode-to-case, add R to part number, e.g. IN4053R. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1N4044 Units Conditions le(AV) Max, average forward current 275* A 180 sinusoidal conduction Max. To = 120C { Max. peak one-cycle non-repetitive 4800 Half cycle 50 Hz sine wave . FSM surge current or 6 ms rectangular pulse Following any rated load condition and with rated 5000* Half cycle 60 Hz sine wave V applied A or 5 ms rectangular pulse RRM 5700 Half cycle 50 Hz sine wave . or 6 ms rectangular pulse Following any rated load JL condition and with Vary 5950 Half cycle 60 Hz sine wave applied following surge = 0 or 5 ms rectangular pulse it Max. }7t for fusing 115,000 t=10ms with rated VaRM applied following : 105,000 a2 t=8.3ms surge, initial Ty : 8 Max. It for individual device- 160,000 =10MS With Vapi = 0 following surge, fusing wae 145,000 t=8.3ms_ initial Ty It Max. 14, t for individual device 1,600,000 AAs t=0.1 to 10 ms, Va pry = 0 following surge fusing @ Vem Max. peak forward voltage 1.35* Vv IE(Ay) = 275A (864A peak), To = 180C THERMAL-MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS __ . - Teo Max, operating case temperature range 65 to 190* C Tstg Max, storage temperature range ~65 to 190 C Rinse Max, internal thermal resistance, 0.18 deg C/W DC operation junction-to-case Rines Thermal resistance, case-to-sink ; 0.08 deg C/W Mounting surface flat, smooth, and greased. T Mounting torque 31.1-36.7 (275-325) Nm (Ibf-in) wt Approximate weight 213 (7.5) g (oz) Case style DO-205AB (DO-9) JEDEC * JEDEC registered values. G) It for time ty = 17, Ty ty. 4855452 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 730 07348 D T-Olt"-23 | Tea | INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 1N4044 Series 73 De Ppyassuse ooo7aua s . 500 450 S QoQ QO +180 {\ WAVE Ww a o +1809 j l WAVE @ Oo +1200 f\ & [wave nN o o SNE L WAVE =~ oa o AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT OVER FULL CYCLE (AMPERES) ~ N 8 5 50 tCONDUCTION PERIOD 0 50 70 90 110 =130 150 170 190 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE (C) Fig. 1 Average Forward Current Vs. Case Temperature 10? 2 5 104 2 . 5 108 PET uiavs +1200 {N & [Wav T1809 WAVE 5 T, = 140C 5 104 = 0 Ty 140C 104 10 180 WAV 10 (WATTS) 10 103 10! AVERAGE FORWARD POWER LOSS OVER FULL CYCLE INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD CURRENT (AMPERES) 4 +CONDUCTION PERIO 2 1 103 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10! 2 5 10? 2 5 103 INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE FORWARD CURRENT OVER FULL CYCLE . . (VOLTS) (AMPERES) Fig. 2 Maximum Forward Voltage Vs. Fig. 3 Maximum Forward Power Loss Vs. Forward Current Forward Current Pg. 219 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 1N4044 Series 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 PEAK HALF SINE WAVE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPERES) 102 1 1 rT Titi rT Fit NX AT ANY RATED LOAD CONDITION AND WITH \ RATED Varn APPLIED FOLLOWING SURGE. 7 \ N NY NY N NAG Ne SX 6 Hz 50 Hz NN MA 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 NUMBER OF EQUAL AMPLITUDE HALF CYCLE CURRENT PULSES (N) Transient Thermal Impedance, junction to case K/W INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER we 4 105 4 104 4 107 4 10? oOo? o4 Steady State Value = 0.18 K/W jo? 4 102 4 10' 4 #1 4 10 Square Wave Pulse Duration s 73> Buassuse ooo7349 7 oT et-2 3 I<aR 10! 102 4 10 Fig. 4 Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current vs. Fig. 5 Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance, Number of Current Pulses Pg. 220 Junction-to-Case vs. Pulse Duration "oe