Application description 10/2016 Determining the reactive power through the Active Line Module Warranty and liability Warranty and liability Note The Application Examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding the circuits shown, equipping and any eventuality. The Application Examples do not represent customer-specific solutions. They are only intended to provide support for typical applications. You are responsible for ensuring that the described products are used correctly. These application examples do not relieve you of the responsibility to use safe practices in application, installation, operation and maintenance. When using these Application Examples, you recognize that we cannot be made liable for any damage/claims beyond the liability clause described. We reserve the right to make changes to these Application Examples at any time without prior notice. 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The damages for a breach of a substantial contractual obligation are, however, limited to the foreseeable damage, typical for the type of contract, except in the event of intent or gross negligence or injury to life, body or health. The above provisions do not imply a change of the burden of proof to your detriment. Any form of duplication or distribution of these Application Examples or excerpts hereof is prohibited without the expressed consent of the Siemens AG. Security information Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are important components in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates. 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For more information, visit Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 2 Table of contents Table of contents Warranty and liability ................................................................................................... 2 1 Application description ..................................................................................... 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 Basics ................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 3.2.2 Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved Voltage load: ........................................................................................ 6 Load duty cycles: .................................................................................. 7 Conductor cross-sections: .................................................................... 7 Transformer .......................................................................................... 7 Characteristic line ................................................................................. 9 Solution............................................................................................................. 12 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 4 Overview............................................................................................... 4 Advantages .......................................................................................... 5 Requirement's / Scenario ..................................................................... 5 Functionality ....................................................................................... 12 Determining reactive power................................................................ 12 Reactive power compensation on the secondary side of the transformer ......................................................................................... 12 Reactive power compensation on the primary side of the transformer ......................................................................................... 13 Hard- and software components ........................................................ 20 SINAMICS HW components .............................................................. 20 SW- components ................................................................................ 21 Contact.............................................................................................................. 22 Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 3 1 Application description 1 Application description 1.1 Overview Introduction In applications involving drive converters, generally motors are not operated at a constant speed. As a consequence, in most cases the infeed unit operates in partial load range. If the infeed involves an Active Line Module (ALM), which is installed in a SINAMICS S150 or for SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules or for SINAMICS S120, then there is now the option of utilizing the reserve of ALM to compensate line supply. This document describes how to determine how much reactive power the Active Line Module can make available for the line supply. Overview about the Application Following picture shows the structure of Application. Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved Image 1-1 drive line-up consisting of an Active Interface Module, Active Line Module, Motor Module and motor DRIVE-CLiQ CU320-2 Voltage Sensing Module VSM10 common line connection reactive power loads Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 4 1 Application description 1.2 Advantages Following are the advantages of Active Line Module for reactive power compensation: If the reactive power is adequate, then an additional reactive power compensation system is not required The transformer only transfers the required active power Lower transformer losses (increasing cos has the following effect on the 1 losses ) (cos) Lower voltage drop across the transformer For this particular application, you require a DCC Plan and additional components to measure the current and voltage. You can find this information in the application description "SINAMICS S120 reactive power compensation with Active Line Module and DCC" under the following link: Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved 1.3 Requirement's / Scenario Additional reactive power will be generated through the grid if the industry plants operate in different loads at the transformer. In the most cases the customers are anxious to compensate the reactive power and use the customer girds with a continuous power factor (cos). The infeed concept allows a reactive power feed through the Active Line Module. In the industrial applications these component can also support an additional contribution in the reactive power if the ALM takes over the drive tasks. The ALM is qualified to compensate the fundamental reactive power, but this is only limited for symmetrical loads. The compensation of the harmonics and the unsymmetrical reactive power is not possible. Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 5 2 Basics 2 Basics 2.1 Voltage load: If the reactive-power compensation is carried out at the same voltage level, then the voltage will increase up to the maximal no-load voltage. In the case the reactive-power compensation is carried out at the overlapped voltage level (primary side), then the reactive power is transferred over the transformer. If the ALM will use with lower excited operation, then it takes to an inductive reactive power and behaves like an inductor at the grid. In this case the voltage will be reduced on the secondary side of the transformer. If the ALM is used in the over excited operation, then it takes a capacitive reactive power and behaves like a condenser at the grid. In this case the voltage increased on the secondary side of the transformer. Furthermore the following points have to be taken into account, if reactive power over the transformer is transferred: Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved The SINAMICS converter can be operated both with 10% over voltage and with 10% under voltage. This also includes the components like fans which are in the converter. As well all options which can be ordered to the standard device. These components are provided about auxiliary transformer. This transformer provides 230 V on the output side. If the voltage gets higher than the 110% or smaller than the 90%, then a USV should be used. Moreover even further equipment is operated at the transformer besides the converter; it must be sure, that also other equipment has to be set for higher or lower voltage. By ordering the transformer, it should be noted that this can be operated up to 100% with inductive or capacitive load. Especially at capacitive load, the flux rises in the leg of the transformer. This load hast to be considered by configuring the transformer otherwise it can lead to overheating. Primarily the capacitive load can affect in certain cases the grid perturbation, because the ALM keeps control factor less than 97% (into factory default). The control factor is the rate between the grid and intermediate circuit voltage. If the grid voltage rises further by supply of a capacitive reactive power, then the control factor 97% is exceeded. On the other hand, the ALM regulates and increases the intermediate circuit voltage so that the control factor gets down to the 97% again. This happens as long as till the value in the parameter p0280 is reached (maximum intermediate circuit voltage). The grid perturbation increases due to the exceeding of the control factor. In addition the ALM will be extended by using a Motor Module with mtor and is not only used by regulating the reactive power, then some specification must be taken into account. The voltage stress at the motor isolation increases due to the higher intermediate circuit voltage. This should be considered by choosing the right isolation system for the motor. Likewise must be considered the maximum intermediate circuit voltage, when on output side of the motor a du/dt filter is placed. 400 V device Udcmax 720V (continuous operation) 690 V device Udcmax 1080V (continuous operation) During the dimensioning of the ALM has to be respected that the device supplies enough power for the case without capacitive reactive power or maximum inductive reactive power. Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 6 2 Basics 2.2 Load duty cycles: If the loads connected to the line supply require high levels of reactive powers periodically, then the power cycling capability derating (derating factor k IGBT`) must be taken into account the same as for the corresponding Motor Modules. However, this is only required if the load duty cycle deviates from the standard duty cycle, i.e. if the value I is greater than 1.5 and/or the load duty cycle is shorter than 300s. You can find more detailed information in the SINAMICS Low-Voltage in the "Load duty cycles" section. Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved 2.3 Conductor cross-sections: For the cabinet units SINAMICS S150, fuses and cable cross sections are recommended in the documentation. These recommendations are selected based on the type and ratings of the motors to be connected, and the line currents that are obtained, under the assumption that the ALM only draws pure active power and therefore pure active current, as is the case for the factory setting. As a consequence, these values are not identical with the currents of the chassis format ALMs used in the S150. If the reactive current is determined from the rated currents of the Active Line Modules and the required active current of the Motor Modules, then the required cable cross-sections must be carefully observed. This is especially important for lower power ratings. Another important issue here is that the ALM is not the limiting component, but the fuse, which is recommended. As a consequence, after determining the reactive power that is available, the absolute current should also be determined to ensure that the recommended fuse is not overloaded. The ALMs used in the converter cabinet units together with their lineside rated currents are listed in the following table. 2.4 Transformer The equivalent circuit of the transformer consists of a lengthways and shunt arm. The resistances and the leakage inductances are placed in the shunt arm. The main inductance is in the shunt arm and is caused by the main flow in the transformer. Also a resistance is in the shunt arm, this simulates the eddy current losses and the magnetic reversal losses. Depending on the way of the load the voltage is raised or let down on the secondary side. It can be recognized that the voltage drop is the lowest by purely ohmic load. On the other hand the transformer is loaded with inductance the voltage drop is the strongest. On the secondary side increased the voltage if the transformer is loaded with capacity load. Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 7 Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved 2 Basics For configuration of the ALM it is important to determine the voltage, therewith the current can be determined for the required apparent power. The triangle gives the opportunity to calculate the voltage, which is depending of the apparent power and its angel on the secondary side of the transformer. For the calculation of the inductive power which remains in the transformer it is possible to further simplify the equivalent circuit of the transformer. On the next page, the two stray inductances and the resistances can be summarized. The resistances and stray inductances refer to the either primary or secondary side. Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 8 2 Basics 2.5 Characteristic line Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved The Active Line Module is operated with a basic fundamental power factor of cos <1, then the losses in the Active Line Module increases as a result of the modulation system employed. This is the reason that the permissible input current of the Active Line Module, referred to the rated current IN, must be reduced. The values can be taken from the following derating characteristic. The first two characteristics are valid for Chassis format devices - as well as for cabinet units; the last two characteristics are valid for booksize format devices. Permissible line current of the SINAMICS Active Infeed as a function of the line-side power factor cos Zulassiger Permitted gridNetzstrom voltage 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 0,75 0,00 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 cos Derating characteristic for ALM chassis format for ALM booksize format with 120kW Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 9 2 Basics From the derating characteristics for chassis and booksize ALMs, a characteristic was derived. This can be used to determine the minimum possible basic fundamental power factor cos based on the ratio of active current and rated input current of the ALM. Using the cos, it is now possible to determine the reactive power that can be provided for the line supply. At the end of the document, the procedure is shown based on an example. Chassis 1,00 0,93 0,86 0,79 0,73 0,67 0,61 0,56 0,50 0,45 0,41 0,36 0,32 0,27 0,23 0,19 0,15 0,11 0,08 0,04 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 0,75 0,70 0,65 0,60 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,00 0,00 Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved cos Chassis Iw/ IN Characteristic for ALM chassis format for ALM booksize format with 120kW Permitted grid voltage Derating characteristic for Booksize ALMs up to 80kW Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 10 2 Basics Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved Booksize 1,00 0,95 0,89 0,84 0,78 0,73 0,68 0,63 0,58 0,53 0,48 0,43 0,38 0,33 0,28 0,23 0,18 0,14 0,09 0,05 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 0,75 0,70 0,65 0,60 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,00 0,00 cos Booksize Iw/ IN This characteristic is only valid for Booksize ALMs with a power rating of up to 80kW Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 11 3 Solution 3 Solution 3.1 Functionality With Active Line Module can be rated the current in his active current component l g and reactive current component ld. According to the factory setting only the active current is regulated and no external setpoint is specified for the reactive current. As a consequence, the Active Line Module only provides as much reactive power as the Clean Power filter in the associated Active Interface Module required. In this way, the Active Infeed or the converter only draws active power from the line supply. Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved With the SINAMICS DCC the possibility exists to determine a reactive current rated value as a function of the power factor from the grid data and to provide this as a reactive current rated value of the ALM regulation. Using the DCC chart, a supplementary setpoint channel is interconnected, so that the converter now supplies additional reactive power back into the line supply. On the line side this results in a basic fundamental power factor of cos<1. 3.2 Determining reactive power 3.2.1 Reactive power compensation on the secondary side of the transformer Example to determine the reactive power A SIMOTICS N-compact 1LA8407-4PM70 induction motor is to be controlled from a SINAMICS S150 / 710kW / 690V. In this example, it is assumed that the line supply has no significant voltage dips. Otherwise, this would have to be taken into account when determining active current IW . For this particular application, the operating point with the highest power is at 1300 rpm and a power of 600kW. The motor has an efficiency of 96.4%, the SINAMICS S150 has a power loss of 30.25kW (see catalog). The Motor Module only transfers active power to the Active Line Module via the DC link. As a consequence, the first step is to determine just how much power the motor draws. You determine the power loss of the SINAMICS S150 from the catalog. = 600 = = 620 0.964 = + 150 = 620 + 30.25 = 650.25 Determining the active current IW : = 3 = Application description ALM Entry-ID:, 650.25 3 690 V1.0, 10/2016 = 544 12 3 Solution SINAMICS S150 with 710kW has a rated current of IN= 735A. 544 = = 0.74 735 From the characteristic, for IW/IN=0.74, we obtain a cos of 0.82. The cos is the lowest value that we can reach for the active power drawn. Determining the available reactive current IQ: = tan() = 544 tan(0.82) = 380 Determining the reactive power Q available: = 3 = 3 690 380 = 454 Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved Determining the absolute current: = ( 2 + 2 ) = 5442 + 3802 = 663.6 It is recommended that the device is protected using 3NE1448-2 (850A) fuses. The rated fuse current of 850A is higher than the maximum line current of 663.6A that occurs, which means that the SINAMICS S150 can supply the reactive power. 3.2.2 Reactive power compensation on the primary side of the transformer U, I Load (ohmic- inductive, ohmic-capacity) ProfiNet VSM 10 3 CU 320-2 VSM ~ = SINAMICS DCC Logic Reactive power compensation Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 13 3 Solution Example 1 A reactive power shall be compensated for by 700 kvar inductively in the mediumhigh voltage. This shall be carried out via a transformer from the low voltage. No further Mo/Mo's are connected to the ALM in this example. The following transformer data sheet shows: Transformer data Primary voltage U1 22 kV Secondary voltage U2 420 V uk 6% Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved Apparent power Sn 0,96 MVA No-load losses Po 2,1 kW Load losses Pk 11 kW No-load current Io 3,3 A By the inductive shunt arm of the transformer a part of the capacitive reactive power falls. In the first step must be determined, how much additional reactive power has to be provided. First of all the required reactive power has to be calculated. = 3 1 = 700 3 22 = 18,37 In the next step the impedance Z1K is determined. This represents the inductive resistance in the shunt arm and is related to the primary side of the transformer. 1 = 12 = 0,0622 2 960 = 30,25 With the help of the impedance and the current can be determined the reactive power over the single rope and then it is possible to found out the complete reactive power of the transformer. QStr.Trafo = 2 1 =18,37A 2 *30,25=10,21kvar Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 14 3 Solution Qges.Trafo = 3 = 3*10,21kvar= 30,63kvar The result has to be added to the required reactive power. QALM=Qkomp+Qges.Trafo=700kvar+30,63kvar=730,63kvar The next step is to determine, how highly the voltage can be raised on the secondary side of the transformer. First of all the value uR must be determined with triangle formal. = = 11 960 = 0,0114 After the value uR has been determined, the value ux also can be calculated. Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved u = 2 - 2 = 0,062 - 0,01142 = 0,059 In the next step both determined values will be inserted into the formal. In addition it has to be considered that the capacity reactive power has an angel of -90. The following steps show the results: () = u*sin + () = 0,059*(-1) + 0,0114 0 = -0,059 () = u*cos - () = 0,059*0-0,0114 (-1) = 0,0114 = = 730,63 960 =0,76 (, ) () + 0,5 0,01*(a ())2 (, ) 0,76 (-0,059) + 0,5 0,01*(0,76 0,0114)2 = -0,045 U2= 2 (1 - (, )) U2= 420 (1 - (-0,045) =438,9V Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 15 3 Solution Zulassiger Permitted Netzstrom grid voltage 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved 0,75 0,00 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 cos In the case the ALM will be operated with pure reactive power, the derating factor of 25 % has to be considered. This means that the ALM has covered a rated current of at least AC 1283 A by current of 961.76 A. The ALM with MLFB-Number 6SL3330-7TE41-4AA3 has a nominal current of 1405 A and therefore this would be the suitable device. Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 16 3 Solution Example 2: An inductive reactive power shall be compensated for by 500 kvar in the superimposed voltage level and an active power shall be taken of 650 kW simultaneously. Therefor the ALM will be overexcited operated. The result of overexcited operation is that the ALM behaves like a condenser. Der Transformator hat die folgenden Daten: Transformer data Primary voltage U1 6,3 kV Secondary voltage U2 720 V uk 6% Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved Apparent power Sn 0,96 MVA No-load losses Po 1,9 kW Load losses Pk 9,4 kW No-load current Io 3,3 A In these calculation steps the current is determined from the apparent power. With the current and the impedance of the transformer can be determined the reactive power, which remains in the transformer. This reactive power must be added up to the 500 kvar. The angle is also still determined between active and reactive power. Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 17 Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved 3 Solution The voltage is determined on the secondary side from transformer with the apparent power and the angle. Out of the voltage on the secondary side of the transformer and the apparent power the current can be determined. Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 18 Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved 3 Solution In the first step the cos of 0.77 was calculated. Afterwards it is possible to select correct ALM. The below diagram shows the derating curve and provides a derating factor of 0.87 with cos 0.77. Therefore the ALM has to designed for an input current of 760 A. The ALM with the MLFB 6 SL 3330-7 TG41 0 AA3 is suitable for this application with 1.1 MW. Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 19 3 Solution Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved Permitted grid voltage It has to be checked by the increased grid voltage, how far the intermediate circuit voltage rises. Especially it is important for the isolation system of the motor to avoid overtaxed. It is also important for the du/dt filter that the maximum voltage won't be exceeded in continuous operation of 1080V (690 V devices). If it comes to a durable rising of the voltage, such a filter cannot be used. In addition it should be possible to provide 230 V with UPS. 3.3 Hard- and software components 3.3.1 SINAMICS HW components In the case that the application reactive current compensation is used in connection with a SINAMICS S 150, then it is not obvious from the catalogue D21.3 which Active Line Module (ALM) is obstructed. The type performance specification refers only to the Motor Module of the SIMANCS S 150. The table below gives an overview about the obstructed ALM with SINAMICS S150. SINAMCIS S150 Voltage level 380V up to 480V Rated input current IN ALM [A] Power Motormodul [kW] Power ALM [kW] 110 132 210 132 132 210 160 235 380 200 235 380 250 300 490 315 380 605 400 500 840 450 500 840 560 630 985 710 900 1405 800 900 1405 Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 20 3 Solution Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved Voltage level 500V up to 690V Rated input current IN ALM [A] Power Motormodul [kW] Power ALM [kW] 75 150 140 90 150 140 110 150 140 132 150 140 160 330 310 200 330 310 250 330 310 315 330 310 400 560 575 450 560 575 560 560 575 710 800 735 800 1100 1025 900 1100 1025 1000 1100 1025 1200 1400 1270 The overview is only applicable if Option L04 was not selected. Notice: further devices as S 120 ALM: agePacks/katalog-d21-3/sinamics-s120-s150-katalog-d21-3-de-2014.pdf Additional HW: 3.3.2 VSM 10 Stepdown Transformer for the voltage coverage at the middle voltage level Current transformer suitable to the device current SW- components This Application can be realized with the Standard S 120 SW. In addition, a SW solution is required with SINAMICS DCC if applicable to determine the gird value and to generate the reactive current rated value. For example project with SINAMICS DCC: Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 21 4 Contact 4 Contact Siemens AG Industry Sector PD LD S SAPP 2 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15 Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved 90441 Nurnberg Application description ALM Entry-ID:, V1.0, 10/2016 22