3875081 G E SOLID staTedl DE Bse?scaa Oo17172 o I D 3777-73 High-Voltage Power Transistors 2N5838, 2N5839, 2N5840 File Number 410 High-Voltage, High-Power Silicon N-P-N Power Transistors For Switching and Linear Applications in Military, Industrial, and Commercial Equipment Features: @ Maximum safe-area-of-operation curves @ Low saturation voltages = High voltage ratings Vcealsus] = 375 V [2N5840) 300 V [2N5839} 275 V {2N5838] @ High dissipation rating Pr=100W TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS RCA-2N5838, 2N5839 and 2N5840** are epitaxial silicon n-p-n power transistors. These devices employ the popular JEDEC TO-204AA package; they differ mainly in voltage, E current-gain, and Vce(sat) ratings. Featuring high breakdown voltage ratings and low-satura- tion voltage values, the 2N5838, 2N5839 and 2N5840 are especially suitable for use in inverters, deflection circuits, switching regulators, high-voltage bridged amplifiers, igni- tion circuits, and other high-voltage switching applications. S2G8-27516 * Formerly RCA Dev. types TA7513, TA7530, and TA7420 respectively. Cc (FLANGE, ; JEDEC TO-204AA MAXIMUM RATINGS, Absolute-Maximum Values: 2N5838 2N5839 2N5840 *COLLECTOR-TO-BASE VOLTAGE, Veno....-- 1.005 275 300 375 Vv COLLECTOR-TO-EMIT TER SUSTAINING VOLTAGE: With base open Veco(SUS) ...-.. +. ee eee eee ee rere 250 275 350 v * With reverse bias (Vee) of -1.5 V, (Vcev) (SUS) * ..... 275 300 375 Vv With external base-to-emitter resistance (Rae) <= 50 9, Vcer(sus) 275 300 375 Vv *EMITTER-TO-BASE VOLTAGE, Veso......+-+eseeeee . 6 6 6 Vv *COLLECTOR CURRENT, lc CONINUOUS 0... cece eee eee tet e een e een ener eenes 3 3 3 A Peak 5 5 5 A CONTINUOUS BASE CURRENT, Ie .......-.- eee eee 1.5 1.5 1.5 A *TRANSISTOR DISSIPATION, Pr: At case temperature up to 25C and Voce Up to 40 V. 0... cece cece ee enn e ences 100 100 100 Ww At case temperatures up to 25C ANd Vee ADOVE 40 V2... cece tect ence eee eneee See Fig. 1. At case temperatures up to 25C and Vee above 40 Vo... ccc cccecsscceeseceeeesee = See Figs. 1 & 2. *TEMPERATURE RANGE: Storage and operating (JuNCtiON) .......-. eer ereenee ~65 to +200 C *PIN TEMPERATURE (During soldering): At distances > 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) from case for 108 MAX ....cceseer eer eee renee cates eens 230 G * in accordance with JEDEC registration data format (JS-6, RDF-1). * Shown as Veex(sus) in JEDEC Registration Data. 174oe eaiad Ol DE pse7soas 0017173 2 i 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 2 4 T3215 _ High-Voltage Power Transistors 2N5838, 2N5839, 2N5840 Test Conditsons Limis oc enter oc Type Type Type Collector Current Characteristic Symbol | vonage avs | ot Base Al 245838 2N5839 245840 unis Voltage (1 Voge Vep| Yee | bc i} Ie | Min 7 Max | Typ } Min | Max | Typ } Min | Max | Typ. Colieclor-Cutoff Current: 200 - 2 : : - : : - - mA With base open IceO 250 . . - 2 . : 2 - "| With base-emitles junction 265 AS 5 . . . . . mA Icey 290 15 . 2] -]- : : teverse biased 360 15 2 *) With base-eritt i 265 1S 8 ~ ith base-emitter junction loev 3 290 15 5 . mA leverse biased Te 100C 360 15 - 5 *lEmitter-Cutolt Curent lego -6 1 i 1 : oA a *(Collector-to Emitler Sustarning Voltage Verotsus D2 250 ae | - 350 ier Figs 4.4, & Ge With base open y *| With base-emitter junction v 5 b . . 300 . . b reversed biased CEX!su P 15401 25 35 With external base-to-emitter Vogptsust 02 a75 . . 3008 . . 35h resistance (Ree) - 50.2 * [Emitter-to-Base Voltage Vego 0.02] 6 - - 6 : : 6 : . Vv 5 o.sP 20 2] - | - | 2 : |DC Forward-Current be 3 - to | 50 - 110 50 | Transfet Ratio e 2 3b 8 40 - - : - - * |Base-to-Emitler Veetsaty 2 | 92 - | 2 2 v Saturation Voltage BE 3 | 0375 : 2 : : * Collector-to-Enitfer 2 | 02 15 - 15 y Saturation Voltage Vegtsats 2 | 0375 1 | - : Output Capacitance cAl 1 MHZ) Cone 10d 0 150 150 - : 150 pF * Magnitude of Common- Emittes, Smail-Signal. Short Curcutl, Forward Curent [ re] 10 Q2 5 5 5 Transfer Raliot 1 MHZ1 Second Breakdown Collector Current (With base forward : A biased) Pulse duration Is/oc 6 as as as Knon-repetitive) 1s Switching Times: Delay le Voc = 2 | 02 : : - |= J+ [oo] - | 0.07 200 3 0.375 : : 0.06 : : : : : : *! Rise 1 Vee - 2 102 . . . . 1s 06 . 1.75 | 0.6 200 3 | oss 15 [08 | - ; *} Storage t Yec - 2 oz - : - - 3.78 41.75 . 30 [42 | 7 s 200 3] 0375 30 [10 : : : *| Fall Yee - 2 02 * . . . Lb 035 ] - 1S) 0.35 tT 200 3 | 0375 : is joa | - - [- ]- : : Thermal Resistance . 1? . 1.75 % (Junction-to-Case) J-6 10 5 15 5 a Pulsed; pulse duration S 350 us, Duty factor = 2%. d Vos b CAUTION: Ths sustaining voltages Vceg(sus), V : Voex(sus) and _ _ VcER(Sus), MUST NOT be measured on a curve tracer. I) = Iga = value shown. Is/p is defined as the current at which second breakdown occurs at . : : a Seite collector voltage with the emitter-base junction forward * In accordance with JEDEC registration data format (J$-6 RDF-1). biased for transistor operation in the active region. 1753875081 GE SOLID state 41 DE 2e7soa1 OOL?1L74 y q> T-33-13 High-Voltage Power Transistors 2N5838, 2N5839, 2N5840 10 CASE TEMPERATURE (Tc) =25C PULSE OPERATION * 2 % +. DISSIPATION-LIMITED, SLOPE#! COLLECTOR CURRENT (I)A nN 2 * FOR SINGLE NONREPETITIVE PULSE <s : Vogo MAX.# 250 V (2N5838) E | VeEQ MAX.#275 V (2N5839) = Tae ee _Vegg MAX.: 350 V (2N5840)~ | 2 4 6 8 jo 2 4 6 8100 COLLECTOR-TO EMITTER VOLTAGE Woe Iv Fig. 1 Maximum operating areas for all types. 100 ps 4 6 81000 g2cs-15905 TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE Veg} 5 MAXIMUM 243) 00 VALUE FOR (Tg)= 25 PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM DISSIPATION AT a w REO ed z wa 6S wo oa gu - wv oa eo oa ae Se a fa at io 2 ' CASE TEMPERATURE (T,-)} C 1 TEMPERATURE 925$-4072R1 COLLECTOR CURRENT (Ip 1A ' g25s- 407eRr Fig. 2 Derating curves for ail types. Fig. 3 Typical normalized dc beta characteristics for all types. 176O1 DE pze7soas OO17175 & 3875081 G E SOLID STATE I. T-33/3 High-Voltage Power Transistors 2N5838, 2N5839, 2N5840 CASE TEMPERATURE (Tc) = 100C DC OPERATION (DISSIPATION- LIMITED, SLOPE=-1!) DP pia et pete piegdriipes < Qo a Ke = us x a > oO a o 5 Ww a _! fo] vo Veg MAX. 250 V (2N5838 Vcgo MAX.=275 V (2N5839) = VeEG MAX.= 350 V (2N5840) i 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 i00 2 q 6 819000 COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (Veg) V 92CS-15906 Fig. 4 Maximum operating areas for all types. 1773875081 G E so.ip state 2! DE 34750) OOLeL?L 4 I Ts High-Voltage Power Transistors 2N5838, 2N5839, 2N5840 CASE TEMPERATURE (T,) = 25C {Tg)=50mA < 4 2 e z a = & 3 a < r 8 w 4 3 COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE [Veg} 92ss-4077A1 Fig. Typical output characteristics for all types. CASE TEMPERATURE (T,) * 25C 2n5a40 COLLECTOR -TO-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE [Moe sotl]- COLLECTOR tLela g2s-ag79m Fig. 7 Typical saturation voltage characteristics for for all types, 20ns * OOHE VOLTS (Wee) # TEMPERATURE {Tg} = 25C BETA (hee) #8 (2N5a3al #10 [2N5839 8 2N58401 3, te, . a i wu = z a = COLLECTOR CURRENT (Ic l--A 9255-40mIRI Fig. 9 Typical rise-time characteristics for all types. 178 33 ~!3 COLLECTOR-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE tVc_?5 Pak * ron ana ees A v 1 s = 5 & 5 a & 5 wt 4 4 4 8 ke o rae BASE-10-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VgglV 928$-407HAr Fig. 6 Typical transfer characteristics far all types. = 20ps * 100H VOLTS Wop) * YENPERATURE {Tc} 25C BETA (hee) 8 (2NSa38! =10 (2N5839 & 2NSB40} e, *~ TB, COLLECTOR CURRENT (IIA 9253-4080RI Fig. 8 - Typical delay-time characteristics for all types. == 20us = (00Hz VOLTS Wee) * TEMPERATURE (Te) = 25C BETA thee} * 8 {2NSB3E) +10 (2N5839 8 2N56401 * -te, r wu 2 FE ut < 3 Fe a COLLECTOR CURRENT (IlA 9255- 40aZRI Fig. 10 Typical storage-time characteristics for all types. a9875081 GE SOLID staTeos DE pse7s0al Oo17177 O ober TR? 20ps 2 100 Hz VOLTS (Veg) * TEMPERATURE (Tl * 25C BETA thee} @ (245838) +10 (265839 @ 2N58401 8, "te, COLLECTOR CURRENT (Ic IA 9288- 4063AI Fig. 11 Typical fall-time characteristics for all types. Ig, t TIME BASE CURRENT. INPUT WAVE FORM 1 Lal ~ @ n 90% 10% TIME 2 t | TURN-OFF TIME OUTPUT WAVE FORM COLLECTOR CURRENT. ' aita fe tebe TURNON TIME g2ss-a0as Fig. 138 Phase relationship between input and output currents showing reference points for specitication of switching times. Yerotrunt I : AAULYyi- UiLay! 2N5838, 2N5839, 2N5840 SYHC UT +ee Roc wONITOR ANPLIFIER PULSE [ceneraror CALIBRATED ~ FEST CURRENT sear SCURCE PTI eedee 4g, AND {gp MEASUREO WITH TEXTROKIX CURRENT PROGE P6019 OR EQUIVALENT Fig. 12 Circuit used to measure switching times for all types. HORIZONTAL & - Ht INPUT I5mH (eEx-lOm Vee POWER SUPPLY TEKTRONIX OSCILLOSCOPE HIGH-VOLTASE MODEL RN- 503,08 EQUIV 5 TUBER Tear | SELECTION OF 2N3585 (Vogg>40ovl Oo VERTICAL INPUT CLARE MODEL No HGP-2034, OR EQUIVALENT GROUND Bk A HOA OFF } iw O Vero 4 Ly 8 SV VOLTAGE SOURCE Yeex 92$-15903 a \Sv Fig, 14 Circuit used to measure sustaining voltages Veeofsus), Voer(sus), and Veex (sus) for all types. Veeatn , Ycextsuer 1 1 ' ' 5 1 COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE (Vcel The sustaining voltages V.o_(8us), Vopp(eus). and Vip y(sus) are acceptable when the troeeS fall to WEE right and abSee* point eA for type 2NS838, point "B" for type 2N5839, end point C'* for type 2N5840. Fig. 15 Oscilloscope display for measurement of sustaining voltages. 179